Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 87 The Wang family is in trouble! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Chapter 87 The Wang family is in trouble! (Please give me a monthly ticket~)

"The Wang family among the four major families seems a bit suspicious..."

After hearing the "prompt" to make a wish, the middle-aged man hesitated.

But when he saw Xu wish and took another big puff of cigarette, he saw that the cigarette was about to burn to the butt.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth fiercely, and still followed the hint of the wish and spoke out his confession.

"The Wang family! It was ordered by the Wang family among the four major families!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man sat down on the ground with a look of decadence on his face.

It’s over!

Completely finished!

Although he did not go back to the bunker with Xu Xu to cooperate with the investigation, he was also unwilling to offend the Wang family!

For him, the Wang family is also a behemoth that he cannot afford to offend, although it is far less intimidating than the company's security...

Xu Wan looked at the middle-aged man slumped on the ground, smiled, stamped out the cigarette butt, took out the recording phone from his arms, and shook it at the man.

"Don't worry, sir. As a good citizen who is willing to cooperate with the investigation, I will keep your identity confidential. I will also process the sound of the recording file. You don't have to worry about the retaliation of the mastermind behind it. You can leave now."

The middle-aged man got up from the ground with a sad face, and then disappeared from the sight of Xu Yuan and Wang Ye in three steps.

What else could he say now?

He could only hope that the wish would be kept.

Another group of strangers who monitored Wang Ye's family made a wish and did the same thing.

They soon got a "confession" from them that the person behind the scenes was Chen Jinkui, the head of the "Shu Zi Sect".

And what I paid for making a wish was just smoking two cigarettes in succession...

The whole king also followed Xu Yuan without saying a word.

But after driving away all the two waves of aliens, Wang Ye looked at Xu Wan as if he had seen a ghost.

The thing that troubles me so much can be solved so easily?

"Make a wish, you... isn't this torture to extract a confession? Does the company agree to do this?"

Wishing shrugged.

"Old Wang, it's familiar, but if you talk nonsense, I will still sue you for defamation! Did you see me touching a hair on their head?"

Wang Ye:......

"Then what you just said about asking them to go back to the bunker with you to cooperate in the investigation..."

In fact, Wang Ye was also very curious about the existence of the bunker. Naturally, he had heard the legend about the bunker.

Although the Bunker is well-known in the alien community, so far, except for the name Bunker, everything is unknown to people outside the company.

"I'm talking nonsense. Even if I wanted to take them there, I'm just an ordinary temporary worker. How could I possibly know where the bunker is?" Xu Yuan spread his hands with an innocent look on his face, "Who knew they were so naive that they would actually believe it."

Fatty Zhao gave him full authority to handle it. He only told him that there was conclusive evidence to arrest people, but he did not tell him that he was not allowed to scare people!

However, regarding the bunker, the wish did not lie to the king.

He really didn't know where the bunker was, let alone been there.

The existence of the bunker is not only very mysterious to people outside the company, but even within the company, only a very few people with authority know its specific location, and not even all the board members know.

Wang Ye:! ! ! !

learned! learned!

Wang Ye, a young man who has always had everything going smoothly since childhood, never thought that he could operate like this!

But if making a wish violates the company's regulations, it seems hard to say.

Xuanyuan just had a brief chat with them, let alone beating them. Even because of his status as a temporary worker, it didn't even count as a threat. At most, he could be convicted of bragging...

The crime of bragging...is it such an outrageous crime?

Wang Ye looked at Xu Yuan with even more admiration.

"Make a wish, I have one last question." Wang Ye looked confused. "You asked them to reveal that the Wang family and Chen Jinkui were the masterminds behind the scenes. Is it true or do you want to mess with the Wang family? Have you found any evidence?"

This was the question that Wang Ye couldn't figure out the most.

If Xu Yuan wanted to take advantage of this to gain influence over the Wang family, there was absolutely no need to involve Chen Jinkui, the master of the Shu Zi Sect.

But if it was the truth, why didn’t Make a Wish directly find the person behind the scenes to resolve the matter?

"It's easier to deduce the process through the answers." Xu Yuan did not answer Wang Ye's question. He just smiled mysteriously at Wang Ye, "I don't want to mess with the Wang family. The company will not target any foreign family that abides by the company's regulations. ."

Wang Ye:......

Don't you feel guilty for saying this?

You just have to write "Kill the Wang family" on your face!

But now that the wish is not made, there is no way he can force the wish to be made.

At least now Xu Wish has helped him get rid of those strangers who were stalking and harassing his family!

After driving away the two waves of following strangers.

Xu Wan did not return to the company immediately, but returned to Wang's house with Wang Ye, waiting to "pick up" Zhuge Qing at night!

During this period of time, Xu Yuan was not idle. He asked Wang Ye for a room and asked Wang Ye to call him at night.

Then he locked himself in the room and fiddled with something unknown.

Although Wang Ye was very curious, after seeing the magical operation of making wishes one after another, Wang Ye was already convinced.

No matter how outrageous it is, there must be a reason for making such a wish!

The fact is exactly as Wang Ye guessed.

After Xu Yuan locked herself in the room, she sent the "confessions" of the two groups to Feng Zhenghao.

Then he called Feng Zhenghao.

"President Feng, I am making a wish. Have you received those two recordings?"

Feng Zhenghao on the other side of the phone happened to have listened to these two confessions.

"Of course, Make a Wish, what is your intention in sending these two recordings to me?"

"President Feng, please use a voice changer to process these two recordings, then edit them appropriately and post them on the forum."

Feng Zhenghao:......

"You mean to point the finger at the Wang family as the mastermind behind this incident? But the Wang family can't be beaten to death just by relying on the voice changer and edited recordings!"

"I know, but who said I want to kill the Wang family directly? The Wang family has to eat one bite at a time, and the Wang family has to eat away at it bit by bit. Public opinion is a good thing."

Xu wish said with a smile on the phone.

When dealing with xiasanlan, you should use xiasanlan's tactics!

After Xu Wishong said this, Feng Zhenghao's IQ quickly guessed Xu Wishong's dirty tricks.

It's very simple, it's public opinion.

As the ancients said, human words can be feared.

Most of the time creating rumors is more troublesome than clarifying them!

Proof or not!

There is no rule of thumb when it comes to rumors!

No matter whether these people were sent by the Wang family or not, as soon as this recording is released, public opinion will point to the Wang family!

Although it is vile, it is very effective. If the Wang family wants to clarify public opinion, they must prove that they have not appointed anyone...

Just like if you purchased something online, how do you provide proof that you did not receive the goods?

There's no way to prove it!

However, although Xu Yuan knew that the mastermind behind the scenes was really the Wang family, how could the Wang family leave any evidence?

These two confessions cannot hurt the Wang family at all.

From the beginning, he never wanted to bring down the Wang family through this matter. Take your time, he has now taken action. Even if there is too much straw, there will be a day when the camel's back is broken!

After the two parties agreed on a plan to guide public opinion, Feng Zhenghao hesitated and asked Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish. In the morning, someone called me and said he was Tian Jinzhong. You asked him to contact me..."

When Feng Zhenghao said this, he felt ridiculous.

Now, who in the entire alien world doesn’t know that Tian Jinzhong, Lao Tianshi’s younger brother, has been killed by Gong Qing, the new acting head of Quanxing.

There was even a funeral held at the Tianshi Mansion, and the corpse was placed in the Tianshi Mansion...

How could another Tian Jinzhong appear!

If anyone else made this call to Feng Zhenghao, Feng Zhenghao would treat it as telecommunications fraud.

But when the other party mentioned making a wish, Feng Zhenghao didn't dare to be so sure!

He even directly transferred 30,000 yuan to the other party as travel expenses...

There are really quite a few outrageous incidents related to wishing!

Although Feng Zhenghao had some guesses in his mind, the answer given by Xu Wish on the other side of the phone made him widen his eyes in shock.

"Ah, the person who called you is the real Mr. Tian. Mr. Tian on Longhu Mountain just faked his death and retired. President Feng, I still want to trouble you to help Mr. Tian hide it."

Feng Zhenghao:! ! !

What happened to Mr. Tian's body in the Master's Mansion that day?

He had witnessed with his own eyes the photo of Mr. Tian’s body placed in the Tianshi Mansion!

"Make a wish, do you know what you are talking about? And how did you convince the Heavenly Master to cooperate with you in acting?"

Although Feng Zhenghao knew that Xu Yuan would not lie about such a big matter, he still couldn't believe it.

"The Heavenly Master doesn't know either. Now the only people who know that Mr. Tian is still alive are you and me, and Mr. Tian himself..."

The wish made Feng Zhenghao fall into deep thought.

After a while...

"Okay, make a wish, and I will help Mr. Tian hide it!" Feng Zhenghao's expression was extremely serious and he solemnly promised.

"Okay! Then I'll trouble Mr. Feng."

"Shayan, find someone to edit and change the voice of this recording, and then spend money to find a terminally ill alien to post it on the alien forum..."

After implementing the plan proposed by the wish, Feng Zhenghao stood at the window with a serious expression and looked at the huge Kyoto.

Although Xu Wish's dirty plan gave him a headache, what made him even more solemn was Tian Jinzhong, who had faked his death and retired!

Although he didn't know how Xu Yuan managed to help Mr. Tian fake his death and retire, nor did he know why Xu Yuan did this.

But he understood that the ability to make a wish was very terrifying, no less than the Eight Wonders!

It must not be spread!

Moreover, Feng Zhenghao also vaguely felt that Xu Wan seemed to be playing a big game of chess...

Feng Zhenghao originally thought that he had paid enough attention to the wish before extending an olive branch, but after today's phone call.

Only then did he realize that this was not him extending an olive branch to Xu Wish, it was clearly his Feng Family and the World Society who had boarded the ship of Xu Wish that was gradually setting sail!

He was very glad that he had nothing to do with Xu Yuan. Otherwise, if he just followed Xu Yuan's unrestrained and unruly dirty tricks, his whole world would be extremely troubled.

Feng Zhenghao has made up his mind to hug the wishing thigh tightly no matter what...

But he never imagined that when Tian Jinzhong arrived in Kyoto and saw Tian Jinzhong who had completely returned to normal, his mind might change again...

Feng Zhenghao's Tianxiahui Group is indeed a large group and very efficient.

Just when Wang Ye and Xu Yuan were about to leave to pick up Zhuge Qing at the airport, a post appeared on the Yiren forum.

The poster was just a little-known person, but the content of the post once again detonated the entire alien community!

In the content of the post, the other party not only posted the voice-changed and edited recording, but also pointed out in no uncertain terms that Chen Jinkui of the Wang family and Shuzi sect, one of the four major families, was the mastermind behind the instigation of these people to follow Wang Ye's family. .

Not only does it involve one of the four major families in the alien circle and two of the Ten Guys, but it also involves the Eight Wonders - the king who is the descendant of "Fenghou Qimen"!

It simply brings together most of the recent news hot spots. It’s hard not to go viral with this kind of post!

Not to mention that it seems to have uncovered some shady secrets!

Suddenly, melon-eating crowds came in droves.

Naturally, the Wang family also saw this post that quickly became popular. As a senior member of the alien circle and one of the ten members, Wang Ai naturally knew what this post meant.

It is a big taboo for the company for strangers to use tricks against ordinary people!

No matter how powerful the Wang family is, they don't dare to compete with the company.

Therefore, even though Wang Ai knew that he would fall into the trap of self-evidence, he had no choice but to prove himself in vain.

Just as expected from the previous wish.

The Wang family themselves are not clean in this matter, let alone prove that they didn't do it!

Everything is developing according to the plan before making the wish.

Xu Yuan and Wang Ye also asked Wang Ye's housekeeper Du Ge to drive them to the airport.

It takes a long time to get from the city to the airport. In the car, Xu Yuan watched the Wang family’s powerless self-certification in the forum with a smile on their mobile phone.

Of course he knew that such unofficial rumors alone would not be able to trip up the Wang family.

But the Wang family can't escape from such rumors for a moment!

However, when he was halfway through the journey, Xu Wish's expression suddenly froze.

It's not that there are others following Wang Ye.

But he saw another message in the forum!

The person who posted the news about the Wang family committed suicide in the hospital!

The Wang family's revenge? impossible!

Not to mention that Wang Ai is not stupid, even if Wang Ai is stupid, he will not take revenge on this poster at this time!

When I made a wish, I immediately thought of Feng Zhenghao.

This kind of heroic handwriting is simply in line with Feng Zhenghao's methods!

Although Wishing is not a Holy Mother, he never wants to cause an innocent person to lose his life just because he is just a means to weaken the Wang family!

Xu Wishan's expression turned cold, and then he directly called Feng Zhenghao.

"President Feng," Xu Yuan said in a cold tone, "do you know that the person who posted the message has committed suicide?"

"I know, I was the one who sent the message." Feng Zhenghao naturally heard Xu Yuan's dissatisfaction, but he still patiently explained to Xu Yuan, "It was not my instigation, it was his own choice. I originally just asked him to Sha Yan found a post from a stranger who had terminal cancer, but the poster himself had a grudge against the Wang family. The Wang family had ruined his family, so he was willing to push the Wang family one step further at the cost of his own life."

"Moreover, after he told me, I also had someone send his only child five million in cash and a house in Kyoto, which is enough for that child to live a happy life."

"Make a wish, this is the difference between me and the Wang family."

After Xu Yuan listened to Feng Zhenghao's explanation, he realized that he had misunderstood the other party.

"Sorry, President Feng, I misunderstood you."

Feng Zhenghao on the other side of the phone didn't care and just smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yuan turned to look at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye quickly waved his hand to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, don't look at me, I didn't hear anything."

Wishing shrugged.

"This kind of thing can only be blamed on the Wang family for their evil deeds and offending too many people. I did nothing but show the truth to the alien circle."

Although the poster died because of this post, it had nothing to do with him. The poster only launched his own revenge against the Wang family.

Du Ge, who was driving, heard the conversation between the two and glanced at the rearview mirror to make a wish.

But he still remembered that he initially thought that the other party was the housekeeper that Ye Zong was recruiting from outside, and also misunderstood that the other party was offering loan sharks to Ye Zong...

After Wang Ye's popular science yesterday, he already had a full understanding of the martial arts value of this "great god".

Today has even more confirmed Ye Zong’s evaluation of the other party’s tricking people to death without repaying their lives…

He was very glad that he did not offend the other party at that time. This kind of method, tsk tsk...

The Wang family is miserable!

Once the person who posted the message dies, no matter whether the Wang family did anything or not, the shit basin has been placed on their heads, and it will be even more impossible to track down the mastermind!

But Brother Du has been the housekeeper of Wang Zhonghai's family for so many years, so he naturally knows how to listen less and do more, what should be said and shouldn't be said?

However, the facts are just as Du Ge reasoned out.

With the death of this poster, public opinion in the alien circle has once again been pushed to a climax!

In fact, many smart people smelled a conspiracy in it.

But... there is no evidence!

The public only sees what they want to see!

suicide? This is the revenge of the Wang family!

The Wang family's defense was inconspicuous amid tens of thousands of condemnations.

But at this time, Wang Ye, who was sitting in the back seat with Xu Yuan, had no intention of paying attention to the miserable Wang family.

He had already guessed the outcome from the time he first knew that Xu Wan was going to trick the Wang family.

As for the poster who appeared at just the right time, Wang could only attribute it to the "weight of fate."

Time is also destiny.

Some people work hard, but they can't make any waves; some people can turn the world upside down with just one thought...

Obviously Xuanyuan is this second type of person.

What is unknown is only the final method of death of the Wang family...

He now looked closer and closer to the airport, and the time for Zhuge Qing to land was getting closer and closer.

Wang Ye only had one thought in his mind.

That is……

How can I let Zhuge Qing completely bear this thunder?

He didn't forget that when he came to make a wish today, he put all the blame for that post on Zhuge Qing.

When Lao Qing opened his mouth, everything was revealed...

Today is still 15,000~ Well, dear bosses and foster fathers.

By the way, please give me a monthly ticket~

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