Just when Xu Yuan rushed to the back mountain of Longhu Mountain at full speed.

Wang Ye, who had already arrived at the back mountain one step ahead, had already encountered the first wave of Quan Xing disciples!

In fact, when the two sides encountered each other, Wang Ye did not notice anything unusual. He only thought that these people were spectators attending the Luotian Festival.

After all, Quan Xing is still covered in the disguise of Domain Painting Poison at this time. This disguise technique will not destroy the disguise as long as they don't use Qi themselves.

However, the reason why Quanxing is called a madman and a monster is because it cannot be measured by ordinary people's thinking!

Not all disciples of Quanxing are old people like Xia Liuqing. On the contrary, most of them are of the younger generation.

Although these younger generations cannot participate in the Luotian Dajiao competition due to their status, they never feel that they are weaker than others of their generation!

When they saw Wang Ye, the inheritor of one of the eight magical skills - Fenghou Qimen, in the back mountain area, they didn't even think about why the other party appeared here.

Instead, he immediately attacked Wang Ye!

Now the acting head asked them to make some big noise in the back mountain, but he didn't say that they could only attack the disciples of Tianshi Mansion!

In the eyes of these younger generation Quanxing disciples, if Wang Ye can be killed here, on the one hand, they can quickly become famous in the entire alien circle, and on the other hand, they can also see if they can get something from Wang Ye. Feng Hou Qi Men, one of the eight magical skills!

It’s a combination of fame and fortune!

No matter how strong Wang Ye is, there is only one person!

Their idea was correct. If they could kill Wang Ye, they would indeed gain both fame and fortune.

However, the premise is that they can really kill Wang Ye...

Attacks of different colors attacked Wang Ye one after another!

Although Wang Ye was willing to believe that Xu Yuan had come to the back mountain in advance, he didn't know what would happen in the back mountain, so he had no defense at all against this group of seemingly normal "audiences".

The hasty attack really made Wang Ye a little confused for a while.

But that’s all in a hurry!

Before these attacks came, Wang Ye stepped on the ground with his left foot, instantly centered the middle palace around himself, and opened the Fenghou Qimen!

"Eight-door transportation! Luanjin Tuo! Turtle and fly body!"

Three consecutive magical techniques diverted many attacks that were about to fall on him behind him in the blink of an eye!

Then, under the influence of Luanjin Tuo and Turtle Fly Body, the speed of these Quanxing disciples instantly slowed down!

As these people move forward, the disguise loaded on them by the Domain Painting Poison also fades away at the same time!

Beads of sweat oozed out from Wang Ye's forehead instantly!

The group of Quanxing disciples in front of him are far from reaching the same unshakable level as the old Heavenly Master. Even if any one of them is taken out alone, the king is enough to beat them!

However, the other party now has a large number of people.

Although the effects of the Eight Wonders are miraculous, they are by no means created out of nothing and do not require any price. This is especially true for techniques such as Turtle Fly Body and Luanjin Tuo that can affect time and space!

Luanjin Tuo affects the flow of time and controls the intensity of the battle.

Turtle fly body burns body functions and generates a lot of heat at the same time.

The two techniques were activated at the same time, which put a huge burden on Wang Ye's body.

Although Wang Ye's current chaos of gold and turtle body can shake the group of Quanxing disciples in front of him, it also restrains all Wang Ye's energy and cannot allow him to capture this group of people in a short time under siege!

According to the current evenly matched situation between the two sides, Wang has only one way to break the situation, and that is to kill Krypton!

Who can live longer with this group of all-sex disciples?

Bet on whether he will win over these all-sexual monsters first or whether he will be unable to bear the price of the strange magic!

This is also the reason why every time Wang Ye wants to end the battle as soon as possible after using Luanjin Tuo and Turtle Fly Body!

If nothing happens, there will be an accident soon!

Just when the battle between the two sides was getting more and more intense, both sides, whether it was Quan Xing disciple or Wang Ye, heard a dull sound of footsteps gradually coming from a distance, getting closer and closer!

As the sound gets closer, the volume gets louder and louder, as if something huge is approaching here quickly!

The king also looked in the direction of the sound with some surprise. Is there any giant beast on Longhu Mountain?

But when he saw the source of the dull footsteps, the expression on his face suddenly froze!

It's like seeing a ghost in broad daylight!

No, for Wang Ye, a magician from the Qi Sect, seeing ghosts might be more common...

Another wish!

What surprised Wang Ye the most was not the appearance of the wish. After all, his appearance in the back mountain was also because of the reminder of the wish.

What really shocked Wang Ye was the way Xu wish appeared this time...

I saw that Xu Wan was wearing a pointed robe like a Western wizard at this time, holding a glass bottle in his hand. The green liquid in the bottle looked unknown and mysterious.

Under his feet was a huge alchemy furnace with a big grin!

At the same time, it was also the source of the dull footsteps like thunder!

At the same time, it is also something that Wang Ye truly finds incredible!

This "alchemy furnace" only looks like a furnace in appearance, but if you change the adjective, it may be more appropriate.

A "big dog" ran towards him with a big mouth!

Through the grinning mouth of the alchemy furnace, you can still see the green fire in the furnace.

The two chains that were originally the handles of the alchemy furnace were now swinging back and forth like two arms!

What the hell is this?

Wang also knows that there are some schools of weapon refining in the alien circle, and the weapons refined by those schools are called magic weapons!

But he can be sure that no matter what sect, no one can make such a ridiculous alchemy furnace!

While Xu Wishan was running towards the alchemy furnace, the green fire in the alchemy furnace began to boil, getting stronger and stronger, and finally even spread out from the funny alchemy furnace, on the ground around the alchemy furnace. A weird hexagonal array was formed!

At the same time, Xu Yuan also shouted to Wang Ye.

"Old Wang, stay away!"

In fact, there was no need to shout for Xu Yuan. When Wang Ye saw Xu Yuan stepping on that funny alchemy furnace and rushing toward him, Wang Ye had already run away!

Even the Luanjin Tuo and Turtle Fly bodies were not closed, and they ran out for hundreds of meters before stopping!

Although the king didn't know what was going on with the wish and the funny stove at his feet, he knew how deceptive the wish was!

Obviously, the purpose of making a wish is to trick these Quanxing disciples!

Moreover, while making a wish to activate Taiyi Zhenren's [accident] ability, Wang Ye felt an overwhelming sense of crisis inexplicably arise in his heart!

He believes in the ability to deceive people by making wishes, and even more believes in his sixth sense as a Qimen warlock!

He is not Zhuge Gong who does reverse fortune telling!

When Wang Ye ran out for several hundred meters in one breath, he finally stopped and turned his head to look at where he was just now.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ye saw a scene that made him tremble with fear!

Xuanyuan just happened to rush into the group of Quanxing disciples!


Before those Quanxing sect members could react, a violent explosion spread out around Wishing!

The green flames followed the explosion and swept away all the Quanxing disciples who had just besieged him!

The explosion went away as quickly as it came.

In less than two breaths, the explosion completely subsided!

All that was left behind were corpses strewn all over the place!

All dead!

All the Quanxing disciples who had just besieged him were killed by that funny alchemy furnace!

Even the corpses were so burnt that it was impossible to identify them!

The only thing that was intact was the wish standing above the alchemy furnace at the center of the explosion!

If I hadn't opened the turtle fly body and escaped just now, I'm afraid I would have been killed by the wish explosion now!

"Make a wish, I am very suspicious now. You want to blow me up too..." Wang Ye walked over with a dark face.

"It's just a matter of convenience..." An intoxicated look appeared on Xu Yuan's face, "Ah, no, I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I just told you to stay away!"

Wang Ye: ...You must have let it slip just now!

But Wang Ye had no time to complain and make a wish at this time, because at the next moment, he saw a scene that made him dumbfounded!

The aura on Xu Wish's body was rising steadily like a ignited flying monkey!

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