Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 63: Left Ling is angry and right is angry, Lei Gong helps me

"Come on, let's take the first step."

Xu Yuan stuffed two thin wires into Zhang Lingyu's hand, "Take these two thin wires and insert them in."

Wang almost laughed out loud as he watched.

This wish is really a blessing to this Lingyu Master!

Although Longhushan Tianshi Mansion has been passed down for thousands of years, it has also kept pace with the times, and there are still circuits and sockets.

In fact, this was not the original intention of making a wish. In fact, he told Zhang Lingyu the truth. The other party did not believe it, so he was forced to make this move.

Since you, Zhang Lingyu, can't accept the difference of one thought, then I will let you become the one of one thought.

Although Zhang Lingyu is awkward, he is not stupid!

Hmm... not particularly stupid.

"This... life restarter?" He looked at the socket in front of him and the two wires in his hand, showing an expression of doubt about life. "Although I have been practicing in Tianshi Mansion since I was a child, it does not mean that I do not understand physics. I will be electrocuted to death, right?"

Wishing: ...No, buddy, have you never doubted that I really can't teach you?

Don’t worry, a 220v voltage will definitely not kill you if you are a 250v person!

"No, no, no," Xu Yuan hurriedly shook his head and said, "The kind you are talking about are ordinary people, and the practice of my technique requires formulas and spells."

"What spell?" Zhang Lingyu's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Remember me, hold the positive and negative poles in your hands, step on the yin and yang realms. Zero on the left and fire on the right, Thunder God helps me! Three phases and four wires, the mother of lightning appears! The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law!"

"Poof! Hahahahahahahaha!"

Wang Ye, who was watching the fun on the sidelines, couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard the "magic spell" Xu Yuan said!

What kind of introductory spell is this? This is clearly the introductory secret book for electricians!

Listening to Taoist Priest Wang Ye's explosive laughter, Zhang Lingyu realized that something was wrong, no matter how slow and awkward he was.

He turned to look at Xu Wish.

"Are you lying to me?" The honest man Zhang Lingyu's expression froze.

Xuanyuan nodded calmly and then spread his hands.

"Yeah, I can't teach you the truth, but you don't believe it! People always can't accept the truth, but no matter what the reason, this is the fact. Accepting yourself calmly is the best choice."

As for Xu Yuan, although Zhang Lingyu didn't like him because of the misunderstanding, he didn't really care about Zhang Lingyu's offense. On the contrary, in his opinion, Zhang Lingyu was more suitable as a friend than someone like Zhang Chulan.

After all, Zhang Lingyu is one of the few honest people among the younger generation. He can even believe Xia He's posts. Who can say that he is not an honest person?

The words of the wish made Zhang Lingyu speechless, and at the same time, Wang Ye nodded with deep understanding.

"Master Lingyu, the past cannot be undone, but the future can be changed."

It was only now that Taoist Wang Ye had a deeper understanding of Xu Yuan.

Maybe his irreconcilable deception is just superficial, but actually he has a deep understanding of the world?

If Zhuge Qing were here, he would definitely grab Taoist Wang Ye's neck and tell him that he didn't know whether Xu wish had a deep understanding of the world, but it was true that he was cheating!

Under the mental torture of the "life mentor" duo, Zhang Lingyu, who was in a state of despair, could not remember how he walked out of the courtyard at all.

All he could think about now was what Xu Yuan and Wang Ye said.

Do you accept yourself calmly as you are now...

When Zhang Lingyu walked all the way back to his room, he gradually woke up.

Xu Yuan and Wang Ye's words really made him gradually wake up.

Obsession disappears and all thoughts are cleared.

Zhang Lingyu now thought of Xia He's post, and he finally came to his senses!

It was clearly Xia He who was pouring dirty water on Taoist Wang Ye (who made a wish)...

Just at this time, the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei also came over.

"Lingyu, my master came to you to tell you something. No matter who wins the battle between Xuyuan and Chu Lan tomorrow, if Mr. Lu wants to hand over the Tongtian Rui to you, you must accept it unconditionally..."

After sending Zhang Lingyu away, Xu Yuan and Wang Ye did not continue to pay attention to the increasingly outrageous rumors in the foreign forum.

Rumors stop at wise men. Master Zhang Zhiwei must be a wise man.

Moreover, if Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei really wants to fuck someone, he doesn’t need any reason why he is stronger, so he can come directly to fuck you. What can you do?

Compared with these false names, making a wish still feels that daily practice is more important.

Fortunately, Taoist Master Wang Ye himself has a calm temperament and is not so troubled.

After Xu Yuan said hello to Taoist Master Wang Ye who was sitting on the recliner, he went back to his room and started his daily practice.

Wishes will never feel superior to others just because they have a golden finger.

Having a golden finger only gives him a clear direction and the possibility to go further in the future. The specific step he can take ultimately depends on him.

Haven’t you seen that the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei is still practicing till now?

Just as he was making a wish and practicing daily practice, his eyelids suddenly twitched!

In an instant, he was freed from the state of cultivation!

He had a strange expression on his face, looking at his golden finger panel in surprise.

Because just now, his world compatibility increased by two points again!

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World compatibility: 30%]

[Number of draws: 21 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan, Zhong Kui]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak]

It's almost the final stage of the Luotian Dajiao. Those who are supposed to come have already come, and those who shouldn't come won't come now. What the hell is this? It's increased by two points.

After Xu Yuan pondered for a moment, he suddenly realized.

If he remembered correctly, there should be two foreigners who looked like Dumbledore and Snape coming to the Luotian Dajiao. They were the deans and tutors of European magic academies. They wanted to invite the Heavenly Master. Go out to clear the civil strife in Europe...

It must be the increase brought about by these two foreigners!

From this point of view, not only domestic, but also certain places and people abroad should be able to collect a certain degree of world compatibility!

However, foreign alien circles are still too far away from making wishes now.

Make a Wish and now care more about yourself. The number of draws has accumulated to 21 times!

He originally planned to go to the Wa Palace after the Luotian Dajiao and use the power of faith accumulated above to make a big move, and try to see if he could directly extract Nuwa!

But now that the number of draws has accumulated to 21 times, the desire to make a wish has come alive again.

It’s enough to support two ten consecutive draws!

It should be enough to leave it to Wa Palace ten times!

Speaking of which, the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain can be regarded as a place of faith that has been passed down for thousands of years. Presumably, a lot of faith power must have been accumulated in the main hall of the Tianshi Mansion!

Xuanyuan has already made up his mind to go to the main hall of the Tianshi Mansion for ten rounds after the Luotian Dajiao finals!

It's not that I have procrastination in making a wish, but it's too late now, and the main hall of Longhu Mountain has long been closed.

Anyway, the opponent in the final has been determined, and his only opponent is Zhang Chulan. With neither Lao Tianshi nor Feng Baobao able to intervene, Xu Wishan really can't figure out how to lose!

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