Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 61 All the thunder in the world is for my use!

"Thunder in the Palm!"

Zhang Lingyu used the standard move of Yang Lei to launch Yin Thunder, which collided with the thunder and lightning launched by Xu Wish.

Zhang Lingyu's Yin Thunder was wiped out in an instant, while the thunder and lightning sent by Xu Wish was only offset by a small part!

Then the remaining thunder and lightning continued to rush towards Zhang Lingyu unabated!

Although the old master in the stands had sat back in his seat, his eyes looking at Xu Wish were still full of shock and disbelief.

As a supreme being, he is responsible for the thousand-year inheritance of Tianshi Du and Tianshi Mansion. He has a very broad knowledge, and he is an expert in the use of thunder.

Just from the thunder and lightning emitted by the wish, he could identify the type of thunder and lightning used to make the wish!

It is neither Yin Lei nor Yang Lei!



Pure thunder!

The thunder represents the wrath of nature and the power of divine punishment!

The Five Thunder Zhengfa of Tianshi Mansion is an orthodox Taoist practice. It is called Five Thunder, which is actually the Five Qi. The Five Thunder comes from the five internal organs - heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney. It is a method that uses the Qi of the Five Elements to simulate the power of thunder and punishment. Kung Fu.

The reason why the sky thunder is simulated is entirely because the sky thunder, which represents the power of heaven's punishment, cannot be controlled by humans!

When it comes to the origin of power, Tianlei is the origin and ancestor of all thunder methods!

But now, making a wish can actually use the power of sky thunder, completely ignoring the iron law that human beings cannot control sky thunder!

How can the Heavenly Master not be shocked by this!

The more you understand the thunder method, the more you understand the value of being able to control the pure power of thunder!

Combined with the strange divine mask displayed before making a wish, the old master could only think of a god.

The Nine Heavens respond to the sound of thunder and transform the Heavenly Lord—Wen Zhong!

Unlike Zhong Kui, who had previously made a wish to "invite gods" to his body, Wen Zhong was an ancestor of the Taoist lineage! He is also the highest god in the Lei Department!

Well-deserved ancestor!

Master Tian suddenly felt that his previous evaluation of Wishing's strange godhead mask technique was somewhat inaccurate!

Strange! Off the charts!

Even if he made a wish now and said that he could invite Pangu, the great god who created the world, he probably wouldn't think it was too outrageous!

On the other hand, others do not know the Five Thunder Zhengfa as well as the Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei. Even Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan only understand the Yin Thunder and Yang Thunder they have mastered respectively, and naturally not as much as Zhang Zhiwei thinks!

At this time, everyone in the audience was just surprised at why Xu Wishan, an outsider in the Tianshi Mansion, could also use the thunder method with his physical body. At the same time, they were also shocked by Xu Wishan's true strength!

Is this the true power of making a wish?

Through the two competitions before Luo Tian Dajiao, Xu Wan has long been famous in the alien circle, but the way to become famous is through good luck!

This is not just talking nonsense, but the way they won the two games before Wish was really unbelievable.

In the first game, the three opponents immediately gave up. In the second game, although they fought Wang Ye twice, Wang Ye also gave up directly after the two moves...

This will give people the illusion of being lucky!

Now Xu Wish's battle with Zhang Lingyu has refreshed the public's understanding of him in the entire alien world!

However, Zhang Lingyu, who was in the middle of the competition at this time, didn't have so many ideas.

To be precise, he probably didn't have time to think so much!

After seeing that the thunder method issued by the wish destroyed his own Yin Thunder, it still shot towards him with unabated force.

At this moment, Zhang Lingyu understood that Xu Yuan was definitely a strong opponent!

He can no longer use Yang Wu Lei's moves to cast Yin Lei. He must go all out. Continuing to support him will only make him lose completely!

Fortunately, this time Wishing was also a tentative attack, Zhang Lingyu jumped to the side and dodged the attack!

The sky thunder hit the ground, and a hole appeared on the ground instantly, with lightning flashing on the edge of the hole.

"Water Dirty Thunder!"

Zhang Lingyu stood still on the spot, and a large number of black thunder and lightning began to appear on his hands. These black thunder and lightning were piled together like a pool of mud, exuding a moist and cold atmosphere that was completely opposite to thunder and lightning...

"You Loi Lei!"

As Zhang Lingyu finished speaking, this black sludge-like thunder and lightning actually shot towards the direction of the wish like a strip of swimming earthworms!

As we all know, the power of thunder and lightning cannot be defended by Qi, and can only be offset by the power of thunder and lightning.

"Running Thunder!" Xu Yuan immediately dodged to the side, and then the black thunder developed and continued to track towards him like a tarsal maggot.

It's actually a tracking type thunder method?

"Crazy lightning strike!"

"Tian Lei Yin!"

Two consecutive attacks not only instantly wiped out the black lightning, but also hit Zhang Lingyu at extremely fast speeds!

The speed of the sky thunder far exceeded that of Yang Lei and Yin Thunder. Zhang Lingyu had no time to dodge and could only use Yin Thunder to lay down a layer of defense in front of him.

The defense was indeed effective, but because it was too hasty, it only offset part of the thunder and was knocked away by the thunder!

When Zhang Lingyu got up from the ground again, it could be seen from the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth that he was seriously injured.

"Make a wish, I underestimated you. Your thunder method is very powerful, but..." Zhang Lingyu seemed to have figured out something under the electric shock of the thunder method, "Don't think I am weak!"

As he spoke, Zhang Lingyu's whole body was filled with a large amount of black thunder and lightning. These greasy and wet thunder and lightning, like silt, spread to the entire arena at an extremely fast speed!

"Northern Cangtan!"

This is Shui Zang Lei’s most powerful killing move!

Once someone steps into the area of ​​Cangtan in the North, they will be corroded by these sticky Yin thunders, and they will quickly absorb the vitality and Qi of the person who is struck. The power is very poisonous!

Zhang Lingyu was very confident in this attack. Even if he wished to master the thunder method, he could not imagine how to lose!

After all, even the thunder method itself has a range limit!

If Xu Wish wants to attack him, he must step into the range of Beijing Cangtan, but now the ground is almost covered by Beijing Cangtan!

Other spectators in the stands were also watching the competition between the two.

Although they didn't know the efficacy of Cangtan in the north, the oil-like viscous liquid all over the place was obviously not a good thing.

Although Xu wish's attack just now was very exciting, they couldn't figure out how Xu wish could continue to get closer to Zhang Lingyu!

Unless, wishing can fly!

fly? No matter how powerful the wish is, he is still a human being, not a bird, so why fly with it?

Just when the audience felt amused by their outrageous conjecture, Wishing's next move made their jaws drop to the ground!

Xu Yuan looked at Cang Tan, the northern border, who was quickly approaching him, and laughed softly.

"On the ground, I really can't get close to you, but...who said I can't fly?"


"All the thunder in the world is for my use!"

When Xu Yuan said these words in a deep voice, the audience present felt as if they felt bursts of thunder ringing in their ears!

Then they saw a scene that they couldn't believe.

Wishes' whole body erupted with intense and dazzling lightning, and at the same time, the sound of war drums gradually grew from small to loud, resounding throughout the entire sky!

The wish that was surrounded by thunder actually rose from the ground into the air!

In the sky behind him, there were five war drums made of flashing thunder, rising into the sky along with the wish!

Five thunders and drums!

Thanks to book friend 20220223213954672 for the 100-point starting coin, Ibuki Jijizi for the 500-point starting coin, and Mo Seyin Shen for the 100-point starting coin~

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