Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 47 The full version of Ju Ling dispatches generals!

The fourth batch of auditions has also ended.

Zhang Chulan was ranked in the fourth batch of the group competition, and he also successfully qualified!

However, just like the original plot, Zhang Chulan did not show much strength in the fourth batch of group competitions. Instead, he relied on small tricks and taking advantage of others' danger to defeat his opponents!

Because of this, Zhang Chulan won the title of "Don't Want Bilian"...

At this point, all four batches of the Luotian Dajiao auditions have ended!

A total of eight contestants were selected in the first batch of auditions.

They are the two siblings Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan, Xu Yuan, Zhang Chulan, Zhang Lingyu, Feng Baobao, Wang Ye, and Tang Wenlong!

These days, almost no one is a favorite in the competition.

Only Tang Wenlong is a dark horse!

A player from Tang Sect!

Before the Luo Tian Dajiao, Tang Wenlong was not well-known, and even few of the strangers present knew him.

But in this audition, he suddenly emerged!

Not only was he powerful, he was also fierce in his attacks. With only half an incense stick, Tang Wenlong knocked down the other three opponents on the stage with him!

If it weren't for the fact that Luo Tian Dajiao didn't allow killing, it's doubtful whether the other three opponents could have saved their lives!

The audience also inferred Tang Wenlong's origin from his shooting style and his last name.

Tangmen in Sichuan!

A sect that is world-famous for its assassination methods!

No wonder it's so easy to kill people!

Including Tang Wenlong, the top eight contestants of Luo Tian Dajiao have become famous in the entire alien circle from this moment on!

However, the most famous among them are Zhang Chulan, Xu Wan, and Wang Ye.

Zhang Chulan is a weirdo, completely famous for his shameless level that makes even the audience hate him.

Wishing is famous for its mystery. These viewers still can't figure out why the three opponents of Wishing surrendered directly.

And the ability to make wishes has not been exposed so far!

As for the last king.

That's the highlight!

After the audition, a rumor came out from nowhere, claiming that Wang Ye used one of the Eight Wonders of the Year - Fenghou Qimen!

And the news spreads wider and wider!

Eight Wonders, as soon as the name came out, it attracted the attention of the entire alien circle!

The Eight Strange Skills represent power in the entire alien circle, even though no one else has seen the Fenghou Qimen with their own eyes before!

The news about Fenghou Qimen became popular, naturally it came from the instructions of some big bosses and high-level officials!

Wang Ye was suffering from coveting eyes from all directions, but he couldn't express his pain at the same time.

After all, everything said in the grapevine is true!

The name Fenghou Qimen is correct!

It was indeed one of the Eight Wonders of the Year!

And just when most of the eyes of the entire alien circle were focused on Wang Ye.

In the room where the Feng family was in Tianshi Mansion, Feng Zhenghao had just listened to Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan telling him everything that happened on the rope near the cliff today!

The two brothers and sisters did not add any exaggeration, but told the story completely according to the facts!

From the time Wang Bing opened his mouth to provoke and make a wish, in the end Wang Bing was sent back to the Wang family's residence by the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

The focus naturally falls on the power used by Wang Bing and his inexplicable loss of control in front of the wish.

After Feng Zhenghao listened to the two brothers and sisters' stories, his expression gradually became serious.

Unlike the outside world, which focuses on Wang Ye and Fenghou Qimen, one of the Eight Wonders, for Feng Zhenghao, Wang Bing's affairs deserve more attention!

When it comes to the Eight Wonders of Skills, the Feng Family’s current master of Julingshuangjiang also belongs to one of the Eight Wonders of Skills. Naturally, the Eight Wonders of Skills are not that important to the Feng Family!

Although according to Feng Xingtong, what he felt in Wang Bing was the resentment and rage from the elves, which was obviously not the same as the Feng family's spirit-controlling generals.

But Feng Zhenghao can become one of the new ten, and his own strength and knowledge are not weak!

He really couldn't think of any other ability that could achieve the same effect as their Feng Family's Ju Lingqian General!

Even if the method used by Wang Bing is really not the Ju Ling Dispatch General, it is definitely inseparable from the Ju Ling Dispatch General!

As for making a wish...

As a tycoon, Feng Zhenghao is not a child and needs evidence for everything.

Wang Bin lost control and fell from the rope, and a series of events such as his cultivation being abolished must be inseparable from making a wish!

That’s right! It’s this feeling of seeing flowers in the mist!

There is obviously no evidence, but wishes are everywhere!

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in the world? Just after Wang Bing made a provocation and made a wish, something happened to happen to him?

Wang Binghe made a wish...

Between the two, Feng Zhenghao finally chose to go to the Wang family to inquire about it first!

After all, compared with Xu Yuan who has already reached an alliance, the Wang family, which is one of the ten families and has always been at odds with the Feng family, is obviously more harmful!

Feng Zhenghao did not hesitate, took the siblings Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan and went straight to the Wang family's residence.

As one of the ten men, Feng Zhenghao had no intention of hiding his purpose.

I plan to ask Wang Ai directly.

When he brought Feng Xingtong and his two brothers to the Wang family's residence, he naturally met Wang Ai, one of the ten men, very easily!

But it was beyond Feng Zhenghao's expectation.

It was clear that Wang Ai's favorite great-grandson, Wang Bing, had been deposed during the day, but at this time, there was no trace of sadness or depression on Wang Ai's face.

He still had a smile on his face.

This made Feng Zhenghao a little surprised.

Although the old guy Wang Ai is very sinister and good at acting, Feng Zhenghao, who is also one of the ten men, knows that Wang Ai really loves Wang Bing, his great-grandson!

Definitely shouldn't be reacting like this!

Although Feng Zhenghao was a little confused, he did not forget the purpose of coming to the Wang family this time.

He called Feng Xingtong over and asked straight to the point.

"Old man of the Wang family, why do you, the Wang family, also keep their spirits and dispatch their generals?"

Originally, Feng Zhenghao just wanted to deceive Wang Ai, but what Wang Ai said next made Feng Zhenghao feel like he was struck by lightning!

"President Feng, look at Zhang Huaiyi, Zhang Chulan, and even Wang Ye who used Fenghou Qimen today, who is not hiding?"

"Why can your Feng family live an honest life?"

When Wang Ai said this, he looked at Feng Zhenghao with a condescending look.

"That's because my father protected our Feng family back then..."

Now that Feng Zhenghao has come to the door, Wang Ai no longer needs to hide, and directly tells Feng Zhenghao how the Wang family "protected" his grandfather Liangshan Dajin Fengtian to raise him!

"The current prosperity of your Feng family is the result of your grandfather knocking his head off one by one!"

"It's because our Wang family secured it for you!"

Even in the end, Wang Ai didn't hide anything.

"... President Feng, your grandfather kept his promise back then. After handing over the complete version of General Ju Ling to the Wang family, he really didn't pass it on to the descendants of the Feng family..."

Wang Ai looked at Feng Zhenghao's shocked expression, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

"On this basis alone, your Feng family will be controlled by our Wang family forever! This is the promise your grandfather made in order to survive!"

"Okay, Bing'er, come out and let our President Feng see what the full version of Ju Lingqian Jiang is! If you want to participate in the Luotian Dajiao again, you still need the help of President Feng!"

As Wang Ai finished speaking, Wang Bing, who had clearly been deposed, walked out from behind the door next to him with a face full of coquettishness.

Feng Zhenghao's face was filled with astonishment.

Although the Qi in Wang Bing's body was still a little weak, he had regained his ability to move and suppressed the backlash of the elves' resentment again!

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