Although there were a total of eight arena matches taking place at the same time, among these eight, the battle between Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye was undoubtedly the more eye-catching.

Even Feng Baobao's battle was not as exciting as this one.

After all, Sister Baoer faced three unknown contestants in the same ring. It was as simple as chopping melons and vegetables. It ended too quickly and there was very little movement. There was really nothing to watch.

Not only the other players present looked towards Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing's arena, but also the senior executives in the stands.

"The younger generation is really full of talents!" Lu Jin couldn't help but sigh. "To be able to use magic to kill Zhuge Qingke, who is famous for his unique magic skills, doesn't it mean that this king has surpassed the Wuhou Sect..."

The old Heavenly Master standing next to Lu Jin lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, and said calmly.

"The divine dragon came out of Luoshui with negative pictures, and Caifeng Street came out of Biyunli. Because of the fate of Fenghou, he played the role of Qimen, and the Dunjia Qimen began from that time."

"Although no one has seen it with their own eyes, this is the Fenghou Qimen, one of the eight magical skills of the year..."

Although Wang Ye did not personally say the name Fenghou Qimen, he was still exposed by the old master Zhang Zhiwei!

As for the other ten guys, Fenghou Qimen, as one of the Eight Wonders, is also no secret.

To this day, four of the Eight Wonderful Techniques have appeared in this Luotian Grand Ceremony, including the Spiritual Dispatch General, Qi Tiyuanliu, Tongtian Ru, Fenghou Qimen...

Is it going to trigger a new Jiashen Rebellion?

The senior executives in the stands had different thoughts.

Only the old masters Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin were not affected at all by the appearance of Fenghou Qimen.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the wish that stood firmly in the stands.

"Lao Lu, you are right. There are many talents from the younger generation. I am looking forward to what surprises the next batch of auditions will bring?"

"Master Tian, ​​you are talking about that weirdo who made a wish..."

After the competition between Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing ended, the competition in other arenas also quickly determined the winner.

There was no dark horse, and all the people who qualified were "acquaintances" in the wishing memory.

The third batch of auditions is about to begin, and it’s finally Wishing’s turn!

As one of the popular contestants of the Luotian Dajiao, Xu Wan, especially his grandson Wang Bing, who was suspected of using unknown means to dethrone Wang Ai, one of the ten men, naturally attracted much attention for his competition.

Of course, his opponent is also not weak.

Measuring ruler - clouds.

Phantom Blade——Xi.

The Qi Eater - Bai Shixue.

All three of them are from East China!

Although the popularity of the three is not as high as the wish, they are still somewhat famous among the contestants of this Luotian Dajiao.

To a certain extent, the abilities of the three are not weak, and they are all different. Facing these three at the same time is definitely a tough nut to crack!

The players and executives in the stands all stared at the arena where the wish was made with great interest.

They are all very curious about how Xu Wish will survive this difficult time!

From the very beginning when Master Jie Kong suddenly came to Longhu Mountain and expressed his support for making a wish, this temporary worker from the Kyoto headquarters of Nadutong Company appeared in their sight!

But the more they pay attention to wishing, the more they feel that they cannot understand wishing.

I would say that Xu Wish is a low-key person, but he is often there when something happens.

It can be said that Xu Wish is a high-profile person, but it cannot be said. After all, there is no evidence to indicate that Xu Wish is directly connected to anything...

All in all, making a wish gave them an extremely uncomfortable feeling. The more they paid attention to him, the more they felt like they were seeing flowers in a fog, unable to see clearly at all!

Even Feng Zhenghao, one of the ten men, mobilized most of the resources of the Tianxia Group to investigate the wish, but got very little information.

He couldn't even determine what ability he used to make a wish!

Most of the reason for his investment and goodwill in making a wish was because of the Zhuge clan's reconciliation with Master Kong.

It doesn't matter if Feng Zhenghao doesn't understand, he just needs to believe in the vision of Master Jie Kong and the Zhuge clan...

Perhaps among the many senior executives, only three people had different views on making a wish.

Master Jie Kong, Zhuge Gong and Laotian Master.

It goes without saying that Master Jiekong and Zhuge Gong need to say more. After all, both of them have used the godhead mask in front of them and invited each other's "ancestors" to wear them.

The two seniors, who were accustomed to the world, were a little overwhelmed.

As for the Heavenly Master...

It is completely the intuition from the supreme powerhouse!

He could feel that making a wish was not easy!

Not because of the godhead mask that Wishes Mastered.

Even the third stage of the Godhead Mask is no secret to the old master, let alone a threat.

What the Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei cannot see through is the deeper hidden things in Xu Wan...

It is more complicated than that girl named Feng Baobao, and will have a greater impact on the world!

Naturally, Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei also knows about the theory of the weight of fate.

He had a hunch that once the things hidden deep in Xuanyuan's body were fully activated, it might cause earth-shaking changes in the entire world!

Under the gaze of many eyes, four contestants, including Wishes, stepped onto the stage.

Yun still wore a mask, hiding his emotions and expressions behind the mask.

Xi Ze is a short tall Shandong man, holding a long knife as thin as a cicada's wings, with a cold blade.

As for the last Bai Shixue, she also had a straight face, full of seriousness and caution.

As soon as the three people took the stage, the other players in the stands felt a sense of oppression!

Especially looking at the attitudes and positions of the three, it was obvious that an offensive and defensive alliance had been agreed upon under the ring.

I'm afraid these three people will besiege and make a wish next!

"Yun, Xi." Bai Shixue's expression was a little hesitant, as if he couldn't make up his mind about something, "Do we really want to do this? Isn't this a bit unethical?"

"Wude?" Yun sneered coldly. "How much is martial virtue worth?"

"You two, since you have made your decision a long time ago, there is nothing to regret!" Xi Ze's face was full of determination.

Xu Yuan heard the conversation between the three people. Although she didn't know what agreement the three people reached, she subconsciously became serious.

Don't overturn your car in the gutter!

The atmosphere in the arena gradually became tense, and even some players in the stands subconsciously held their breath.

Waiting for one of them to take the lead in launching a shocking blow...

"We admit defeat!"

As three voices sounded at the same time, the entire stadium and stands fell into a dead silence.


Admit... admit defeat?

You three just agreed to surrender together?

Everyone present wondered if their ears had heard it wrong...

Well, from a certain perspective, this is indeed a ground-breaking blow, but the target of the attack is changed to these viewers...

I thought the three of you were going to hold back a big one, but you ended up having a big one?

"Shady story!"

"There's something shady!"

Finally, some spectators recovered from the shock and shouted angrily at the four people on the ring.

More and more spectators gradually joined in the shouting, and the voices became louder and louder.

Until the end, the sound almost overturned the arena.

Although I didn't expect this kind of development when I made a wish, so many people are protesting loudly now?

It’s not like he wanted to arouse public anger, so Bilian and Zhang Chulan were obviously not right!

Xu Wan frowned and looked at the audience in the stands...

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