Xu Wan just watched silently as Feng Baobao was deceived by a string of "magic weapons" from Yiwu and lost nine hundred and ninety-eight fates.

Even the three people next to him, Xu San, Xu Si and Zhang Chulan, were stunned and didn't stop him!

Make a wish:…

Sister Baoer is really strong if she is strong, and she is really stupid if she is stupid!

Fortunately, as a temporary worker in the company, the salary is good. Otherwise, if she had found another job, Sister Baoer would have been cheated and she would not even be able to afford a meal!

But this fake monk, Xu Wan, has already begun to worry about his future fate.

Even if Sister Bao'er doesn't bury him, Master Jie Kong and Great Monk Baowen are still at Longhu Mountain!

If you dare to pretend to be a Buddhist under the eyes of these two people, you really think that monks are compassionate!

But Xuanyuan didn’t go up to talk to her, because...

Just after Feng Baobao took out his mobile phone to pay the payment and put the bunch of faded beads around his neck.

Another young Taoist walked up the mountain road behind Zhang Chulan and the others.

He was wearing a dark blue Taoist robe, his hair was tied back into a Taoist hairstyle, and he had a coarse cloth backpack on his shoulders.

It's the real Wu-Tang King!

After the appearance of this young Taoist, the degree of compatibility in the world of wishing increased a little again!

Taoist priest Wang Yewang is indeed worthy of being the most handsome person in Wudang Mountain. Just walking on the road will make other people of the opposite sex passing by look back frequently.

However, his dress is very simple, and there is no way for people to associate him with the second son of the Wang family of China Shipping Group...

When Xu wish saw Wang, she felt an inexplicable guilty conscience.

When he first reported the Four Madnesses of Quan Xing, he reported the name of this Taoist Priest Wang!

And then Xia He, the bone scraper, also posted a post publicly "showing love" to Wudang Wang Yedao Chang.

You know, the Wudang Sect has all kinds of rules and regulations!

It can be seen from the faint bruises at the corners of Wang Ye's eyes that he seems to be having a rough time recently...

According to the judgment of the wish, if his guess is correct, after arriving at the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Zhang Lingyu, the disciple of the old Tianshi who practices Yin Wulei, should also cause trouble for Wang Ye...

After all, it was Zhang Lingyu who had just thought...

Hmm...it shouldn't be too much trouble.

After all, relying on Fenghou Qimen, Taoist Wang Ye is not without power.

Perhaps guided by fate, Wang Ye took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Zhang Chulan.

Just like the development in the original plot, at least Zhang Chulan's purpose of coming to Longhu Mountain has not changed.

He came here to find out the truth from the Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei!

But Xu Wan knew clearly that he was not only doing it for himself, but also for Feng Baobao...

As for Wang Ye’s purpose of attending the Luotian Festival, it’s interesting.

He has been involved in the torrent of destiny brought about by making a wish!

"I came to the Luotian Dajiao to find a bastard! A bastard who pretended to be me!"

Especially when Xu Yuan saw Wang Ye say this through gritted teeth, he was very glad that he didn't jump out to talk to Zhang Chulan and the others just now.

"Oh ~ Bone Scraper Xia He!" Zhang Chulan and Xu Laosi both showed teasing expressions at the same time and made strange sounds in their mouths.

Being from the same alien circle, the two of them had naturally seen Xia He's post.

Wang Ye's head was covered with black lines, and veins were pulsing on his forehead. He had completely lost his usual indifference, and was jumping around wildly on the spot!

"I told you, the king in Xia He's post is not me! He's the bastard who pretended to be me!"

Let's talk about it, let's make trouble again.

Except for Sister Baoer, Zhang Chulan and others are all human beings!

They still knew the style of the Wudang Sect, and seeing Zhen Wangye's reaction, they didn't know that he was taking the blame.

Several people did not tease Wang Ye too much about this matter.

"Speaking of which, Zhang Chulan, if you want to find the Heavenly Master, you don't have to go to such trouble," Wang Ye pointed forward in a dumbfounded voice. "The Heavenly Master is not that hard to see."

Look in the direction of Wang Ye's finger.

I saw Master Zhang Zhiwei taking a photo with a leader of the publicity department of Nadutong Company on the mountain road with a smile on his face.

Zhang Chulan:......

"Let's go! I'll take you to see the Heavenly Master." Wang Ye happily led Zhang Chulan towards the Heavenly Master.

This is convenient for Wang Ye as the successor of Wudang.

As one of the major sects of Taoism, the Wudang Sect has a close relationship with the Taoist leader Tianshi Mansion. Wang Ye has long been familiar with each other!

Otherwise, even if the Heavenly Master has no airs, there are so many people in the alien circle, how would the Heavenly Master know who you are!

But compared to the excited Wang Ye and the anxious Zhang Chulan, Xu Yuan, who was hiding in the crowd, couldn't help but shrink his neck and felt a little numb.

He seemed to have anticipated what might happen next...

Because behind the old Celestial Master Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Lingyu, as a direct disciple of the contemporary Celestial Master, was standing there expressionless at this time!

Zhang Lingyu, Wang Ye...

Finally met!

As for the others, they were completely oblivious and did not smell the danger approaching step by step.

After all, Zhang Zhiwei, as the old Tianshi Mansion, was the only one who knew about Zhang Lingyu's sudden thought, let alone outsiders. Even within the Tianshi Mansion, only Zhang Zhiwei, as the old Tianshi Mansion, knew about it, and the other disciples of the Tianshi Mansion knew nothing about it!

"King Wudang, please pay your respects to the Heavenly Master!"

After the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei saw off the leader, Wang Ye took Zhang Chulan and bowed to Zhang Zhiwei.

Even with the qi-nurturing skills of the old master Zhang Zhiwei, his whole body was frozen.

He knew about his apprentice Lingyu and the girl Xia He. Logically speaking, the girl Xia He should be Lingyu's first love...

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the apprentice behind him calmly, and then said to Wang Ye in a friendly manner.

"Xiao Wang, is Master Qi in good health? You and Lingyu are no longer strangers. You young people should have your own topics to talk about. I won't get involved with you, old man..."

Uncharacteristically, the Heavenly Master said a series of words in succession.

Then he looked at Zhang Chulan who was standing next to Wang Ye, his eyes full of love.

"Is it Chu Lan?"

Zhang Chulan had a hesitant expression on his face at this time. He always felt familiar and unfamiliar with his grandfather's senior brother.


"Call me Master! Your grandfather passed on the Golden Light Curse and the Thunder Technique to you. Although you are not my disciple, it is not unfair for you to call me Master!"

"Master!" The only strangeness and estrangement in Zhang Chulan's heart completely disappeared at this moment.

He seemed to feel the shadow of his grandfather in Zhang Zhiwei!

"Hey! Let's go, Chu Lan, it's our first time meeting each other. Let's go back to Tianshi Mansion and talk to me!"

The old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei didn't give Zhang Chulan a chance to refuse. He hugged him with one arm and walked aside.

It is worth mentioning that although the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei is Zhang Chulan’s master, Feng Baobao, as Zhang Chulan’s “celestial soldier”, still followed Zhang Chulan as soon as he was taken away...

Before the old Heavenly Master pulled Zhang Chulan into the Heavenly Master's Mansion, he turned and shouted to Zhang Lingyu.

"Lingyu, master, go talk to my disciple and help me entertain Taoist Master Wang Ye of Wudang..."

But secretly, the Heavenly Master secretly sent a message to Zhang Lingyu.

"Lingyu! Do what you want! Don't worry about Wudang, your master is here!"

Wishes in the crowd:...

Although he couldn't hear the Old Heavenly Master's message to Zhang Lingyu, but when he saw the Old Heavenly Master pulling Zhang Chulan away in a hurry, he knew that the Old Heavenly Master must be holding back some evil!

Following the old Heavenly Master's shout, the attention of everyone in front of the Heavenly Master's Mansion was attracted, and finally it fell on Wang Ye.

Wudang King is also a Taoist priest?

That Wang Ye in Xia He’s post?

The strangers present all showed expressions of watching a good show.

And Xia He, the bone scraper, who had been disguised as a poison in the whole sex domain and had been hiding among the crowd, after seeing Wang Ye, he immediately understood in his heart that she had been tricked!

That "Wang Ye" back then was obviously the one who made a wish from the Nadutong Company!

This bastard!

But because she has to disguise her identity now, not only can she not be able to expose the wish, she even has to pretend to be completely ignorant!

Otherwise, people will definitely guess that she has infiltrated Longhu Mountain at this time!

This affects Quan Xing's entire plan for the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain!

Wang Ye doesn't pay much attention to these strange looks. He doesn't do anything bad and isn't afraid of ghosts knocking on the door!

He just felt that the old master today was a little strange. In the past, the old master was never so anxious, and he always had a leisurely attitude.

But Wang didn't think too much about it. He only regarded Zhang Chulan as the Heavenly Master. It was also reasonable. After all, they were related to each other in another generation!

But Wang Ye ignored Zhang Lingyu's gaze that looked as calm as water but was actually turbulent...

"Taoist Priest Lingyu..." Wang Ye bowed to Zhang Lingyu very politely.

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