Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 31 Heaven can lead to people, and humanity can reach heaven! (Seeking for further reading)

Before making a wish and going up the mountain, he had made preparations early.

Zhang Zhiwei, the contemporary Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, leads Zhengyi Yiyi, and is known as the most outstanding Celestial Daoist in the contemporary circle of strangers!

What is a Tiandao person?

Inverting these four words is the most straightforward summary.

Humanity reaches heaven!

Strength suppresses the alien circle!

Even making a wish, I doubt that if it weren’t for the fact that the Celestial Master is here and there are no channels for ascension in modern times, the old Celestial Master would have been able to ascend to the immortal world long ago!

Who would have thought that such a profound and highly respected heavenly master would be extremely skilled in the art of administering medicine?

In the original plot, in order for Zhang Chulan to win the Luotian Dajiao championship, Master Tian even did not hesitate to personally give laxatives to his direct disciple Zhang Lingyu!

And if Wang Ye hadn't appeared, he would have done something to Zhuge Qing...

With one person's supreme cultivation, who can detect the little tricks of the Heavenly Master?

As an outsider to the Tianshi Mansion, Xu Wan was trying to win the Luotian Dajiao championship, so he had to guard against it!

Zhang Zhiwei, the heavenly master who has always been guarded by the wishing heart.

At this time, he was walking on the mountain path with Lu Jin, the head of the Lu family.

"The ten guys are talking. They are trying to get Zhang Chulan's Qi Body Source. Now that we have come to this point, Heavenly Master, are you so sure that Zhang Chulan can win the Luotian Dajiao Championship?" Lu Jin frowned. Said, "I saw that among the strangers who came to participate in the Luotian Festival this time, there are many experts from the younger generation!"

Zhang Zhiwei drooped his eyelids and walked forward without raising his head.

"Brother Lu Jin, we have reached the limit of what we can do. Now the opportunity is given to Zhang Chulan. As for how far he can go, just let it go. The way is natural..."

Lu Jin's eyelids twitched when he heard Zhang Zhiwei's words.

Tao follows nature? It's because of your Taoism that Zhang Chulan naturally got the first place!

This old heavenly master has no baggage that he can’t do evil things to!

If he hadn't...understood the character of this old heavenly master when he was young, he might have taken these words seriously!

According to his understanding of this old heavenly master, although the old heavenly master said that Tao follows nature and everything happens as it happens.

But in fact, I am afraid that I have already thought about how to let Zhang Chulan get the first place!

Even if a dark horse really emerges among the younger generation of strangers and snatches away Zhang Chulan's first place, I'm afraid the Heavenly Master will let him know what it means to be extremely powerful...

The two walked while talking, and their figures soon disappeared on the tree-lined path.

The reason why the two of them are so harmonious is because Lu Jin is also one of the Ten Guys, but he is different from the other Ten Guys who have coveted the source of Qi Ti for a long time.

Not only did he not have the slightest interest in Qi Ti Origin, one of the Eight Wonders, but he couldn't stand the faces of those people.

In order to destroy those guys' plans, he even used one of the other eight magical skills - the Babel Array as a championship reward to muddy the water even more!

On the other side, Xu Wan also sent away the Tianshi Mansion disciple who tried to persuade him to eat in the cafeteria.

He then sat on the cloud bed and assumed a posture with five hearts in the sky. His consciousness sank into his brain and he began to practice.

But in the process of practicing, Xu Wish took out a ray of his mind and called out the golden finger.

[King of Glory Mall System]

[World fit: 18%]

[Number of draws: 10 times]

[Heroes: Sikong Zhen, Zhao Huaizhen, Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Jin Chan]

[Equipment: Overlord Heavy Equipment, Sage's Asylum, Witch's Cloak]

Just stepping into Longhu Mountain and walking from the mountain gate to this point has increased the compatibility with the world by ten points for making a wish!

Even higher than the total world compatibility he collected before!

It is enough to show the gold content of this Luotian Dajiao!

Make a Wish has never drawn such a rich prize!

Just when I was about to make a wish to test whether the ten consecutive draws were guaranteed, the world compatibility column jumped again!

It rose to 19%!

It’s still rising!

After Xu Yuan was stunned for a moment, he figured out what was going on.

There should be other key figures arriving at Longhu Mountain one after another!

In this case, Xu Yuan looked at the bright eleven lottery numbers and swallowed hard.

In the end, with great perseverance, I temporarily gave up the plan of drawing a lottery.

For Xu Yuan, the heroic power he currently has is enough to deal with the opponents that may appear on Luotian Dajiao.

Instead of drawing the lottery now, it would be better to wait until the Luotian Dajiao is completely over and then use up all the lottery times in one go to see if you can win Bo Da!

It just so happened that he would also go to Shaolin Temple Bodhidharma Temple and Nuwa Temple...

Now he only knows that the power of faith will bias the lottery results of hero characters. As for how to draw the equipment he wants, the wish is still unclear.

In fact, what he wants more now is still equipment that can improve his battery life...

He has now drawn three pieces of defensive equipment in a row, and he no longer intends to leave the future to luck!

Betting on dogs will lead to a good death!

After wishing to comfort himself in his heart, he forced himself to divert his attention away from the lottery screen and continue practicing.

The Luo Tian Dajiao Festival is about to begin. The stronger he is, the greater his chance of winning!

There is no time to practice.

I spent the first night in Longhu Mountain practicing my wish.

Nothing happened all night.

Even those Quanxing disciples who successfully sneaked into Longhu Mountain did not choose to cause trouble at this time.

However, for the Taoist priests at the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, there are many gossip topics outside of practice.

For example……

That wish I made as a grassroots employee of Nadutong Company.

The only stranger to ride the cable car up the mountain.

Standing in front of the Tianshi Mansion, he giggled.

Bring your own food and water when you come to Tianshi Mansion...

Almost all of Wish's actions after going up the mountain were summarized by these disciples of Tianshi Mansion.

The final assessment they gave was that he was a weirdo!

Even senior masters like Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin learned about Xu Yuan from the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion!

Early the next morning, in the reception room of Tianshi Mansion.

Wang Ai, Feng Zhenghao, Lu Ci, Lu Jin and the old heavenly master Zhang Zhiwei gathered together early in the morning.

These people are among the ten who have arrived at Longhu Mountain.

"I heard that this wish-maker is a temporary worker at the headquarters of Nadutong Kyoto. Do you know anything about him? Why did he come to attend the Luotian Dajiao?"

Wang Ai, a short and fat old man, sat on the Grand Master's chair on the left, narrowed his eyes and said something meaningful.

The old men present didn't have fuel-efficient lamps, so naturally they all heard what Wang Ai meant.

In their eyes, the label of weirdo is the least important. What kind of weirdo have they never seen?

What matters is the identity of this weirdo making a wish!

Although they didn't know about this wish before, since the other party, like Zhang Chulan, is from Nadutong Company, the purpose of making this wish to participate in the Luotian Dajiao is to protect Zhang Chulan!

Obviously, the sudden appearance of this weird wish-maker was an expected resistance to the Wang family and the Lu family who were trying to plan the origin of Qi Ti.

These aristocratic families indeed do not have the ability to confront the Nadutong Company head-on, but that does not mean that they will give up their plans because of temporary workers from a company!

Neither Zhang Zhiwei nor Lu Jin spoke to each other, they just drank tea quietly, as if the matter had nothing to do with them.

Now in this room, the situation has become very clear.

The old heavenly masters Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin were among the ten elders who insisted on protecting Zhang Chulan.

As for Wang Ai of the Wang family and Lu Ci of the Lu family, these two ten men have ideas about the origin of Qi Ti.

Two to two, the votes were tied.

But what is unexpected is that as one of the new ten men, he is the chairman of Tianxia Group.

The head of the Feng family—Feng Zhenghao!

He didn't even speak!

Instead, he sat at the bottom and thought deeply.

Just as the atmosphere in the reception room became increasingly anxious, an old but compassionate voice suddenly came from outside the reception room door.

"Are the donors talking about the wish-making friend? I have had contact with him. He is a nice person and has great Buddha nature. What's wrong?"

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