"The third stage of the divine mask is an extremely dangerous method. It is dangerous to others and equally dangerous to yourself!"

"The principle of the godhead mask is to use facial makeup as a medium to carry the power of faith with one's body. In the first stage, it is safest to ask for the power of god, but of course it is also the least powerful."

"The second stage, with the power of God, is stronger than the first stage, but it is already a bit dangerous and cannot be used for a long time, otherwise it will be easy to enter the third stage..."

"As for the most dangerous third stage - the Lord of Divine Transformation..."

When Master Jie Kong said this, his eyes fluctuated a little, as if he recalled certain scenes.

"It is the most powerful, but it is also the most dangerous for the caster. It completely changes one's own perception, believing that oneself is the invited god himself, and can exert the full power of the god."

"But the corresponding price is that if you don't have great perseverance and great wisdom, you will eventually be like a warlock who went crazy in the interior scene, and you will never be able to wake up from this state!"

Xuyuan listened to Master Jie Kong's words and silently nodded in agreement.

Old Man Xia had already told him this knowledge when he taught him the Divine Mask.

"Wish-making friend, this is the reason why the old monk can't give you advice." Speaking of this, Master Jiekong's eyes were still a little unbelievable, "I see that not only do you not need to use facial makeup as a medium to cast the Godhead Mask, but even the third stage There is no cost at all, this is really beyond the scope of my knowledge, old monk, and far beyond the scope of your master, Xia Liuqing, donor."

Master Jiekong spread his hands and sighed

"People must admit that there are geniuses in this world. Three years of practice for a genius can be worth a lifetime of hard training for others."

In fact, Xu Wan, as a client, was no stranger to Master Jie Kong's words, because he had experienced the same scene once with Lao Xia Tou.

Old Xia Tou almost had his heart broken at first!

If you give an example in a better understandable way.

That is the method of disintegrating demons in martial arts novels. Others use the method of disintegrating demons as a desperate measure, but suddenly a person appears who can use it as a level A without cooling down and at no cost...

Fortunately, Old Xia Tou is a "god of pure love", and the name Jinfeng alone is enough to wake him up...

"I didn't expect that Donor Xia was not as good as me when he was young, but when he got old, he took on a talented disciple that I envied."

Master Jiekong smiled casually, took off a string of Buddhist beads from his wrist, and stuffed it into his wishing hand.

"My little friend who makes a wish, although I can't give you any advice, as an elder, I won't let you go in vain. I was born in the Shaolin Temple. You can take this string of beads and go to the Bodhidharma Temple of the Shaolin Temple. Maybe it will help you Gained.”

Xuanyuan lowered his head and looked down at the beads in his hand, then looked up again, and Master Jie Kong regained his look of kindness and kindness. He blinked twice.

Are you so nice to your enemy's apprentice?

Master Jiekong never looked like he had any grudge against his master, Old Man Xia. Instead, he gave him the illusion that the two had been in love with each other for a lifetime...

good pal?

Sin, sin, sin!

Thinking of that eye-catching scene, Xu Yuan quickly recited the Buddha's name twice in his heart, and then shook the scene out of his mind.

As for this string of beads, the wish was not rejected.

Shaolin Bodhidharma Academy.

The world's martial arts originated from Shaolin, and Shaolin monks came from Bodhidharma!

Apart from this point, unlike the commercialized Shaolin Temple attractions, Bodhidharma Temple is the place where the power of Shaolin Temple’s thousands of years of faith truly gathers together!

It’s also an excellent place to check in for the lottery!

However, in recent years, Bodhidharma Academy has never been open to the public.

Now this string of Buddhist beads can just become your "ticket"!

It seems that after the Longhu Mountain Luotian Dajiao, I have added a new check-in point!

After getting the Buddhist beads, Xu Yuan expressed his intention to leave to Master Jiekong.

The time for the official start of the Longhu Mountain Luotian Dajiao is now very close, and he needs to set off as soon as possible.

Master Jiekong did not continue to persuade Xu Yuan to stay. He just told Xu Yuan that when the Longhu Mountain Luotian Dajiao was held, he would also be there to watch his competition.

But Xu Yuan knew that Master Jiekong was not just here to watch his competition, but also to see his disciple Xiao Zizai!

After leaving Lingyin Temple, he made a wish and put the Buddhist beads on his left wrist. Without any delay, he drove straight to the East China Branch.

"Brother Xiao, long time no see." Xu Yuan looked at Xiao Zizai who was waiting for him in front of the company branch, smiled and waved to him.

After Xu Yuan parked the car, Xiao Zizai raised his eyebrows when he saw Xu Yuan getting out of the car.

"Make a wish, your cultivation has improved again! Even your energy and blood have become much stronger!"

In the circle of strangers, the standard of strength and weakness is not only based on the amount of Qi, but also can be reflected from the side by the strong degree of Qi and blood.

"It's just a slight gain, not worth mentioning."

"Haha, you are so humble!" Xiao Zizai laughed. "Every time I see you, your vitality and blood have nothing to do with the divine mask!"

Xu wish spread out his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

Only wishing to know what is going on.

The Godhead Mask is not a Taoist method that cultivates both life and life. It cultivates nature but not life. Old Man Xia has practiced the Godhead Mask all his life. Compared with his contemporaries, Lao Tianshi and Lu Jin, his energy and blood are no different than the glimmer of fireflies. .

His Qi and blood are more vigorous, just because of the equipment. The equipment increases the upper limit of blood volume, which is reflected in the increase in Qi and blood on his body.

As for the growth of energy...

During this month, he never stopped practicing!

After making a wish, Xiao Zizai noticed the Buddhist beads on his left wrist.

As a direct disciple of Master Jiekong, he can naturally recognize the master's belongings.

Xiao Zizai frowned, but still asked patiently.

"Make a wish, have you gone to Lingyin Temple?"

"Well, this string of beads was given to me by Master Jiekong. He asked me to go to the Bodhidharma Academy of Shaolin Temple when I have time..."

Xu Yuan naturally noticed Xiao Zizi's gaze.

He didn't hide anything and told Xiao Zizai exactly what happened in Lingyin Temple, including his contest with the great monk Baowen.

Of course, Xu Wish has "simplified" the things about himself, Golden Finger, and the new hero Jin Chan.

Xiao Zizai is a person who doesn't love money or lust. After joining Nadutong Company as a temporary worker, there are fewer people or things that he cares about.

Apart from the daily "elimination of demons and food", the only thing he cared about was the master of Jie Kong.

After all, Master Jiekong's cultivation was abolished precisely because Xiao Zizai lost control, and this incident became one of the few feelings of guilt in his heart.

After Xu Xu told the story of his interaction with Master Jiekong without any secret, especially after he heard that his master, Master Jiekong, asked Xu Xu to help him suppress his murderous intention when his murderous intention was out of control...

Master Jiekong will also go to Longhu Mountain to observe the Luotian Dajiao ceremony.

Xiao Zizai once again reached out and pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

The cold light flashed under his glasses.

"Since Master Jiekong is also going to Longhu Mountain, I hope that no matter what those aristocratic sects want to do, it is best not to affect the master..." Xiao Zizai murmured to himself.

Immediately, he turned to look at Xuanyuan.

"Make a wish, I want to ask you for a favor. When we get to Longhu Mountain, please help me take care of my master. My senior brother Baowen is still a little careless after all..."

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