Xu Yuan was quite surprised to hear Zhuge Gong say this.

It's okay if the Zhuge family doesn't know the inside story.

But now the other party's decision is undoubtedly that he knows that there is a tiger in his side, and he is biased towards the tiger's mountain.

In terms of courage, Zhuge Gong is more courageous!

He has a way to save his life, but the Zhuge family does not!

This guy actually dares to bring the entire Zhuge family to mess with the Heavenly Master!

Fortunately, he and the Heavenly Master are friends rather than enemies, otherwise the Luotian Dajiao would really have become the last memory of the Zhuge family!

Xu wishing never thought that the Zhuge family could be so honest with him!

Compared with other aristocratic sects that value more profit, perhaps the Zhuge family is worthy of the word family!

However, making a wish did not reject Zhuge Gong's kindness.

Although he already has a plan in his mind, if he can mobilize more power in his hands, his plan will be more complete!

The chess game has already begun, and every chess player is not just a chess piece!

It’s just that this debt of gratitude is really difficult to repay!

If Zhuge Qing wants to master the True Fire of Samadhi, he must defeat his inner demons. He doesn't know if Jin Chanzi's ability can restrain his inner demons...

Early on the second day of the seder.

After making a wish, he said goodbye to Zhuge Gong, and he still needed to go to the next place as planned.

Originally, Zhuge Gong wanted the Qing and Bai brothers to travel with Xu Yuan, but Xu Yuan refused in the end.

He will next visit the foreigners in East China, but not every foreigner can be as big as the Zhuge family!

If you don't do it right, you'll be mistaken for someone who's just knocking you out!

As an elder brother, and with a company background, I don’t have to worry about the other party’s retaliation, but that’s not the case with the Zhuge family!

Whether you're afraid or not is another matter, there's no need to bring trouble to the Zhuge family, right?

In front of the scenic spot of Zhuge Bagua Village.

Zhuge Gong took Zhuge Qing and Zhuge Bai to send Xu Yuan away in person.

"Make a wish, let's meet at the Luo Tian Dajiao!" Zhuge Qing stood outside the car door and said seriously to the wish.

He originally just wanted to take his younger brother Zhuge Bai to see the world. The emphasis was on participation and he didn't care about the ranking in the competition at all.

However, after he listened to Xu Wan's remarks about chess players entering the game with their own bodies last night, his mind changed now!

He wants to get a higher ranking as much as possible!

He wants to prove to Xu Yuan that although he was defeated by Xu Yuan's hand, the Wuhou Qimen of the Zhuge family is definitely not weak!

Among his peers, he is weaker than making a wish, but only weaker than making a wish!

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

It's a pity... Wang Ye's Fenghou Qimen can defeat you with the same level of cultivation!

But the wish did not discourage Zhuge Qing. He just smiled at him and said a few words before stepping on the accelerator and leaving Zhuge Bagua Village.

On the way to the next alien location.

Xu Yuan sorted out what he gained this time in Zhuge Bagua Village.

It can be said to be his most rewarding experience since he came to this world!

In the same place, the degree of world compatibility was improved by three points in a row!

Zhuge Liang, Yixing, Witch Cloak!

In addition to the lottery, I also got the Zhuge family as an ally and the Baidu Encyclopedia of the alien circle...

I was in a good mood to make a wish. I drove all the way, humming a song, and headed straight to the next strange place on the map of East China!

The future is promising!

But in the following time, Xu Yuan finally understood what it means to be prosperous and then to decline!

The information on the distribution of aliens in East China was given to him by Xiao Zizai, so there was no problem with its accuracy.

He "visited" each of them according to the addresses in these materials, and the other party did show him their respective methods.

But after he defeated these aliens, apart from allowing him to experience the strange abilities of many innate aliens, it did not improve his compatibility with the world at all!

After more than half a month in a row, I wish I had bad luck secretly in my heart!

Speaking of which, we have to mention the distribution of alien forces in East China.

The distribution of alien forces in East China is different from other regions. Most of the aliens here are stragglers.

The only famous family is the Zhuge family!

After running around in vain for more than half a month, seeing that it was almost time for the Luotian Dajiao, Xu Yuan decided to return to HZ City first.

On the one hand, he wanted to return the car to Xiao Zizai, and then set off for Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi.

On the other hand, he suddenly remembered another key figure in the East China Region!

This person can definitely improve his world compatibility!

It’s Xiao Zizai’s master!

The current abbot of Lingyin Temple!

Master Jiekong, one of the ten men!

Just when I was making a wish to go to Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou.

Little did he know that the other two people were also paying attention to his movements at the same time!

One is the master who made a wish in this world—Xia Liuqing, who taught him the Divine Mask Technique!

The post posted by Xia He, one of Quan Xing's Four Mad Men, was not only seen by Zhengdao in the alien circle, but also by Quan Xing's disciples.

And Xia Liuqing, as the strongest practitioner of the Godhead Mask in the previous generation, recognized the identity of the "Wang Ye" mentioned by Xia He in that post with just a glance!

Then who is the King of Wudang? He is clearly his last direct disciple, Make a Wish!

Although I haven't seen the other party's photo, with his ability and means to make trouble, he is definitely making a wish!

If there is anyone in this world who knows the method of making a wish best except those unlucky ones who died at the hands of the wish, the only one who is likely to be Xia Liuqing!

Xia Liuqing decided to treat him as his direct disciple after witnessing that making a wish could transcend the first and second stages of the Divine Mask and directly use the third stage of Divine Transformation without any burden!

Before encountering the wish, Xia Liuqing had always thought that he could not find a direct disciple. Wang Zhenqiu, that little bastard, had good talent, but what he had learned was Baijia Yi. He could only teach him the method of divine mask. Go down, but you can never be called a direct disciple!

The reason why Xia Liuqing is so concerned about the wish-making movement is because he knows what kind of virtue the Quanxing disciples have!

If the Quanxing disciples want to do evil things to their direct disciples, Xia Liuqing doesn't mind letting them know what a murderer is again!

No matter what those Quanxing disciples are planning, the murderer is just old, not dead!

Even though times have changed, for Xia Liuqing, his direct disciples are still more important than his life!

Hmm...not as important as the Golden Phoenix.

But it’s just not as important as Jinfeng!

Another person who pays attention to the wish-making trend is a young Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain.

Gong Qing!

His true identity is the head of Quanxingdai!

The entire alien community did not pay attention to Bone Scraper Xia He's post, and only viewed it as a joke from the Wu-Tang Clan.

Only he knew that Si Zhangang's visit to the Hu family in Dongxiang Village was actually related to his plan for the Luotian Dajiao.

And the "Wang Ye" who can defeat Si Kuang is obviously not Yi Yu's generation, and it is very likely that the opponent will affect his plan for Longhu Mountain!

More importantly, out of the intuition of a "chess player", he smelled the same kind of scent in that "king"!

But it is a pity that all the aliens who have been "visited" by Wishing recently have been defeated by Wishing. This is not a glorious thing, so they will naturally not go out and publicize it.

So neither Xia Liuqing nor Gong Qing had any news about making a wish.

Even Gong Qing's focus was misdirected to Wang Ye of the Wudang Sect!

Wishing on the other side also arrived at Lingyin Temple in HZ City after several hours of driving...

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