
In full view of everyone, Xu Yuan knelt down directly towards the phone after placing it.

And he shouted "Mom" which shocked everyone present!


This scene was not only seen by the people at the scene, but was also broadcast to the deep web through the live broadcast of the drone, reaching all over the world.

The son-in-law who made a wish is still his mother’s son?

It doesn't matter. Although it may cause other people's opinions and criticisms about making a wish, it is harmless.

The key is.

It’s no use looking for my mother to make a wish now!

Could his mother help him carry this tactical missile?

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even the mother who made the wish has the means and ability to withstand the missile.

Now water from afar can’t quench the thirst that’s near!

Maybe making a wish is leaving your last words...

Just when I saw this scene, I had different thoughts in my mind.

I have no intention of paying attention to these things.

His attention was focused on the photo of Nuwa's statue on the screen of his mobile phone.

I feel more pious than ever before!

Mom, only you can save me now!

I made a wish and said silently in my heart.

Then the lottery light curtain opened in his mind.

Quick click to draw.

The lottery light screen flashed rapidly, and my wish was raised to my throat.

After all, it wasn't just him who was involved this time.

But the lives of so many people on the monitoring team!

While making a wish and drawing.

Because of the viewing angle, the drone’s lens cannot see the image of Nuwa on the screen of the wishing mobile phone.

But the people in the supervision team saw it clearly.

Their expressions were very strange.

As a Chinese, who doesn’t know the great goddess Nuwa?

Making humans from clay, quarrying stones to mend the sky...

The influence of myths and legends is still at the top of the belief system today.

Make a wish to call Empress Nuwa mother?

This is difficult to comment on.

For a moment, the people in the supervision team didn't know what to say.

Even Barron, a foreigner who is among the supervisory team, has been in China for a long time and naturally knows the legend of Nuwa.

Barron's face was also filled with questions.

Is it because I don’t understand Chinese civilization well enough?

In fact, the one who was most touched was the Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei.

Because of the blessing of the wishing auxiliary ability, while delaying the landing time of the missile, he naturally also had the energy to observe the movements of the wishing side. He also wanted to know what means the wishing would use?

When he saw that the person he wished to call mom turned out to be the statue of Nuwa.

The man, who had lived for more than a hundred years, almost hit his jaw on the ground.

But fortunately, the master's mental cultivation is very good, so he can maintain the appearance without too much fluctuation.

It just refreshed his concept of making wishes again in his mind.

He has lived for more than a hundred years. From the war era to the current peaceful era, what scenes does the Heavenly Master think he has not seen?

But after getting to know Xu Wish, his knowledge was refreshed many times.

He has never seen this scene before!

You know, maybe ordinary people have no problem with calling people random names.

But Chinese strangers, especially practicing strangers, don’t call them random names!

Although there is no real god in the world, Nuwa is just a link in the Chinese belief system. Even if there is a real god, I am afraid that Nuwa will not care.

But that doesn't mean everyone doesn't care.

If you wish to call Empress Nuwa "Mom", doesn't this mean that she is the ancestor of everyone?

If the big sects in China are called casually, they will not turn a blind eye.

Even the Heavenly Master feels a little dizzy when he thinks about the consequences.

However, in view of the "super seniority" before making a wish, Master Tian finally decided to take a look at it first, and not to mention it for the time being...

The flickering frequency of the lottery light screen that Xu Zhen was thinking about did not change much, and gradually slowed down.

Until it finally stops completely.

Locked in on a new hero avatar!

When Xu wish saw this hero's portrait, he almost jumped up with excitement.


Only mother is good in the world!

The new hero he just drew is [Endless Shield - Shield Mountain]!

Although Empress Nuwa responded to her wishes, she did not act recklessly and continue the lottery.

There is an old saying about beautiful countries.

Even if the body armor is bulletproof, you can't always shoot with a gun!

Body armor is not one of those black farm tools.

Moreover, with the gradual decline of tactical missiles, there is not so much time to waste in making a wish.

After Xuanyuan received the new hero Shield Mountain, she bowed respectfully to the statue of Nuwa on her phone, then put away her phone and looked at the tactical missiles that were gradually falling in the sky.

At this time, the people at the scene and watching the live broadcast through the deep network all had their eyes fixed on Xu Yuan.

From their perspective, Xu Wan just shouted "Mom" to the phone.

There was no response from the phone, so Xu Wish bowed respectfully and put away the phone.

This weird behavior was completely incomprehensible to them.

But even though they couldn't understand it, they could guess that these weird behaviors of making wishes could never be unintentional.

They really want to see what means the wish will be used to make!

At this time, the tactical missile in the sky had fallen to less than a hundred meters from the ground.

After all, tactical missiles are one of the highest achievements in human technological weapons.

Even the most lethal weapon, nuclear weapons, is only equipped with a nuclear warhead on a tactical missile.

Although the Laotian Master is strong, he also has the bonus of auxiliary means for making wishes.

But it is still a bit difficult for one person to completely compete with the crystallization of human technology.

Xu Wan roughly explored the ability of [Endless Shield - Shield Mountain] in his mind.

I feel more confident.

Under the crowd's comments and the drone lens, he walked below the Heavenly Master.

Then he raised his head and spoke to the old Heavenly Master.

"Master Heaven, please excuse me. You can step aside now and leave the rest to me..."

The strong confidence revealed in his wishing words made all the members of the supervision team present subconsciously believe in him!

Even if you want to single-handedly carry a tactical missile, just hearing it is outrageous...

The old master looked down and made a wish.

"you sure?"

"Well, I'm sure!" Xu Yuan nodded again.

The old Heavenly Master gradually slowed down the power of the thunder method output in his hand, and then withdrew to the side in a flash!

Now that the wish is confirmed, then just leave it to the wish.

He really wanted to see what kind of surprises this kid could give him!

In fact, normally speaking, this tactical missile is related to the lives of everyone on Nathan Island, and it is impossible to let Xu Wish do whatever he wants.

After all, after this tactical missile landed on Nathan Island, even if someone really could survive the explosion of the missile.

But the geological activities caused by the missile explosion and the inflow of surrounding seawater were enough to completely destroy the lucky ones who survived.

That is to say, unless it can be guaranteed that this tactical missile will not land on Nason Island, or will not explode if it lands on Nason Island.

Otherwise, everyone on Nason Island would have no chance of survival.

But now they have no other recourse but to make a wish.

Even the old Heavenly Master is no exception.

All the Heavenly Master can do is to slow down the missile's falling speed, but no matter how slow the missile's falling speed is, it will eventually land on Nathan Island and explode.

It’s just a matter of dying early and dying late.

It would be better to let Xuanyuan give it a try.

As the old master removed all the power of Lei Fa, the speed of the missile's descent suddenly increased a lot.

The distance to the ground, which was less than a hundred meters, quickly shortened.

At this time, whether it was the people on Nathan Island watching the live broadcast through the deep network, or the senior executives of Behemoth.

Everyone held their breath. Because whether this tactical missile will explode next will become the key to affecting the situation in the alien world around the world!

If the missile explodes, there will be no survivors on the entire Nathan Island, and Behemoth will also send people back to the island to search for the sacred tree after the explosion.

As long as he can get the sacred tree, Behemoth's ability to create aliens will be greatly enhanced.

Among these big forces, the last word is the big fist.

As long as the fist is big enough, most cases of aliens will choose to forget about Behemoth's illegal use of tactical missiles on Nathan Island.

Even if in the end, China's Miadutong Company still insists on this matter, as a top alien force at the same level, Behemoth is fully capable of withstanding the attack of Miadutong Company alone.

But what if there really is some outrageous way to make a wish, which can hold this tactical missile, or prevent this tactical missile from exploding.

Then it will be Behemoth who suffers!

The wall fell down and everyone pushed it.

This is what Behemoth is about to face.

Not only do they have to bear the losses of this operation on Nathan Island, but they also have to face the attacks of other alien forces...

By then, Behemoth may have to go from heaven to hell...

In the conference room of the company's headquarters.

A group of board members are still here, their expressions are very nervous.

Especially Zhao Fangxu, who subconsciously clenched his fists with his hands under the table.

He was more nervous than the others.

Not only because Wishing is his "partner", but also because this time Wishing took away all the temporary workers from the company's regional branches.

It even took away most of the cutting-edge power of the Chinese alien world!

If these people all die on Nathan Island, the power of Nedotong and even China in the alien world will be greatly weakened.

A single move affects the whole body.

By then, China's voice in the international arena may also be affected. Even if it wants to use this opportunity to attack Behemoth afterwards, it may not be able to achieve much success.

Under the attention of almost all alien circles around the world, Xu Wan stood directly under the tactical missile with a calm expression, watching the tactical missile get closer and closer to him.

The distance of one hundred meters flies by in an instant.

Seeing that the tactical missile was about to hit Xu Yuan's face, everyone was sweating!

And it was at this time that the wish finally took action.

He activated the Godhead Mask and instantly transformed into the new hero he had just acquired [Endless Shield - Shield Mountain]!

Wishing's body expanded rapidly, and stone slabs gradually formed on the outside of his body.

These stone slabs combine the wishing figures into a shape like a stone mountain.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked strange.

That's a tactical missile!

It's not a two-kicking monkey!

Even real mountains can be blown down. Xu wish actually intends to use this method to carry down tactical missiles?

But the act of making wishes did not stop.

After transforming into the Aegis Mountain, Xu Wan opened his arms wrapped in stone slabs and aimed at the direction of the missile landing in the sky.

A light curtain was generated out of thin air and connected between the two wishing arms.

Before others could see clearly what the wish was, the tactical missile landed in front of the wish.

The two sides finally came into contact!

In an instant, the entire Nasen Island seemed to fall into silence.

The audience sitting in front of the computer screen watching the live broadcast seemed to have pressed the freeze button, staring blankly at the picture presented on the screen.

Because at that moment the tactical missile came into contact with the light curtain between the wishing arms.

The explosion they expected did not happen.

Not even the slightest sound of collision was made.

This tactical missile disappeared into the air as if it had never appeared before!


What happened?

These people even began to wonder if their computers had crashed, or if they were hallucinating!

This is too outrageous!

Let’s not talk about whether there is any alien method in this world that can resist tactical missiles. Even if there is, it shouldn’t be so silent!

That's a tactical missile! These are not rotten eggs thrown on the road!

There has to be at least a ring, right?

However, the next moment, the wish on the screen moved, and the words he said brought everyone back to their senses.

Make sure that the picture you see is not an hallucination or a computer crash.

"Behemoth, you are finished!"

Xu wish said in a very stiff voice.

Xu wish patted his arms wrapped in stone slabs, and then removed the godhead mask as if nothing had happened.

In fact, there is no need to make a wish, others also know it.

Now it's Behemoth who's going to suffer!

Let’s not talk about how other alien forces will use this matter to attack Behemoth.

Behemoth has deeply offended the wish, and there is absolutely no possibility of relaxation between the two parties.

The outrageous scene where they had just promised to "hard-carry" the tactical missile, but they saw it with their own eyes.

No matter how the wish is made, it at least proves that the wish has the ability to resist thermal weapons!

With such a powerful person targeting Behemoth, the top brass of Behemoth might not even be able to sleep well, right?

In fact, only Xu wish himself knows.

It was not as easy for him to carry this tactical missile as others imagined.

He was just using Dunshan's ability to make some tricks.

Wishes looked at his golden finger panel.

One lottery opportunity was consumed.

His draws have dropped from 14 to 13.


[Shield of Heaven and Earth: Expand the stone shield and enter a defensive state to resist a large number of flying objects and gain 30% immunity from damage. The durability of the stone shield is increased by life cultivation...]

Tactical missiles are, after all, the pinnacle of conventional thermal weapons in human technology today.

The 30% damage reduction plus the equipment that Wish has accumulated now will bring him a life improvement bonus.

Only then could Xu Wisheng carry this tactical missile with seemingly ease!

If a second tactical missile comes one after another, the stone shield I unfolded will definitely not be able to withstand it!

In the conference room of Behemoth headquarters, all the board members present were silent.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was like falling into an ice cave.

After a long time, the director of the Ron family took the initiative to break the silence.

"Okay, everyone, the matter is now over. I'm afraid we can't get involved in Sen Island. The most important thing to do now is to stop the losses in time and let the three ships withdraw. By the way, since Ron is still alive, By the way, bring Ron back as well."

Now all the directors have no objections.

They should really focus more on how to stop losses in time and... the next attacks from other forces!

The presence of these three ships, especially the main ship that can launch tactical missiles, can also provide Behemoth with a lot of support in the upcoming difficulties.

And at the same time.

After all, the Heavenly Master couldn't hold back and came to make a wish.

"My wishing friend, if I read it correctly, did you just call Empress Nuwa "Mom"?"

The old Heavenly Master spoke.

"I'm not here to challenge you, but it's just best not to yell randomly. Some old antiques in those long-established sects may be a little concerned about seniority, unless you can really prove it..."

After Xu Yuan thought for a moment, he nodded to the Heavenly Master.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for your kindness, Heavenly Master."

Then he made a wish and turned to look at Ron, who was still standing aside.

"Ron, the one that just launched the tactical missile was your main ship, right? Where is it parked? Please point me in the direction..."

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