
It just so happens that I really know how to do it!

But to say that you look down on the Zhuge family’s formation? I really don’t have that.

Again, the power of martial arts methods ultimately depends on the person who uses them.

The Eight Formation Diagram is in the hands of Wu Hou Zhuge Kongming, but only a few broken stones can stop the tens of thousands of Soochow troops!

Who dares to say that the Eight Formation Map is weak?

Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Zhuge Gong.

"Uncle Zhuge, what do you mean?"

"What I mean..." Zhuge Gong responded quickly. After pondering for a moment, he nodded, "I agree with the proposal of Guan, Sheng, and Meng. Elder Xu, you may not know my Zhuge family's formation." It’s not too late to refuse until you experience its power firsthand.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Yuan's mouth.

He didn't know the strength of Zhuge Sansha's formation, but he could be sure of another thing now!

Zhuge San is not stupid!

Anyone who really thinks the three of them are stupid is really stupid!

There is no fool who can learn from Wuhou Qimen!

Although the behavior of the three people just now seemed to be an act of disobedience to the wish, in fact it helped Zhuge Gong get out of trouble!

If Wishing loses to them in the formation competition, Wishing will not be able to refuse Wuhou Qimen!

And the impression left on them before making a wish was that they knew nothing about formations...

Taking a step back, even if Xu Yuan really beat them in the formation competition, it means that Xu Yuan's own formation level is not weak, it is reasonable for him to reject Wuhou Qimen, and the Zhuge family will not lose face.

And what the three of them are even smarter about is that the story of Xu Yuan's defeat of Zhuge Qing has spread in the Zhuge family. Although they don't know the specific details, at least Xu Yuan has the possibility of being stronger than Zhuge Qing in cultivation.

The three of them often competed with Zhuge Qing on weekdays, but they never defeated him. Naturally, it was difficult for them to defeat Xu Yuan with their cultivation.

That's why the three of them chose to abandon their cultivation and simply make a wish to test their formation skills!

Directly increase the winning rate!

"Uncle Zhuge, if you agree, then of course I have no objection, but I suggest that we try the formations on the Go board, so as not to hurt the harmony."


As for Xu Wish, he naturally wants to draw the other party into the field he is best at.

What Yi Xing is best at is the art of Go.

If there was a god, he would be able to defeat him - I'm talking about Yi Xing!

As for the Zhuge family, although they are not famous for Go, the way of Go is the initial prototype of formations, so they naturally have to learn and become proficient in it.

It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who knows everything, as long as the Zhuge tribe has a little success in the Qimen formation, is no less accomplished in Go than those top professional Go players!

So naturally he would not refuse the proposal of making a wish.

As Zhuge Gong asked his tribe to bring a chessboard, the family banquet had just begun and officially turned into a battle of formations!

The first one to appear was Zhuge Guan.

He made a wish and chose Bai Zi's side. Zhuge Guan was not polite when he saw this and sat down on Heizi's side with confidence.

Blackie strikes first.

This way his advantage will be even greater!

He had heard about the wish and even when entering Zhuge Bagua Village, he had to follow the road signs to enter.

It's obvious that he doesn't know anything about the battle method, so he will definitely win this time!

Although he is not as good as Zhuge Qing in terms of cultivation, if he wins Wish at Go, wouldn't it prove that he is stronger than Zhuge Qing?

But just after Zhuge Guan opened the game with Tian Yuan and landed a piece in the center of the chessboard, his face instantly became serious.

Because he made a wish and activated the Godhead Mask, this time he chose the hero character he had just obtained, Yixing!

A robe as white as snow covered Xu Yuan's body, and there were cloud patterns carved on the robe!

If the wish just now seems to have nothing to do with the formation, then the wish now is full of oppression in Zhuge Guan's eyes!

The sense of oppression from the Go game!

Xu Wan does not know anything about Go or formations, but it doesn't matter.

Just Yixinghui!

As the wish continues to be placed on the chessboard, it also confirms the sense of oppression Zhuge Guan feels!

Although Zhuge Guan occupies the advantage of white's first move, the wish-making path is like an antelope hanging its horns, leaving no trace!

The advantage was quickly regained!

And then, big beads of sweat continued to ooze from Zhuge Guan's forehead. Although this was just a simple game of Go, he seemed to see an immortal in white clothes on the chessboard, and he put his A large number of chess pieces were wiped out!

No fireworks at all!

The two sides fought on the chessboard for less than twenty moves.

Zhuge Guan, defeated!

"The next one." Xu Yuan said calmly, playing with two chess pieces in his hand.

First mover advantage?

Do you have an advantage over Yixing?

Yixing is a person who can say such bold words as "Let the world be the first!"

Zhuge Guan left the chess table in a cold sweat and turned to watch Zhuge Sheng's appearance.

"Be careful, focus on defense." Zhuge Guan reminded his younger brother Zhuge Sheng.

"Yeah!" Zhuge Sheng naturally felt the pressure from his brother's chess game just now.


Fifteen moves, Zhuge Sheng, defeated!

"Next person!"

Fifteen moves, Zhuge Meng is defeated!

Except for Zhuge Guan, who was the first to play, no one could survive fifteen moves!

The other Zhuge tribesmen on the side naturally noticed the abnormality of wishing. His chess power probably came from the godhead mask!

But they couldn't say anything.

After all, the Zhuge family is famous for its formations. What happened to people using their own abilities during the competition?

This is not cheating!

Seeing Zhuge Gong's winning streak, he was not upset at all. Instead, he looked at the elders around him with a proud expression.

"Elders, let me just say that Xuanyuan is definitely not a mediocre person!"

At this time, the other Zhuge tribe members were all eager to try. They didn't have any illusions about defeating Wish on the chessboard, they just wanted to see where the limit of Wish was!

Don't refuse even if you make a wish, sit firmly on Diaoyutai on Heizi's side.

Even Zhuge Bai and Zhuge Qing came on stage one after another.

No surprises at all.

Fifteen moves, Zhuge Bai is defeated!

Twenty-five moves, Zhuge Qing, defeated!

In the end, even Zhuge Gong and a group of elders came on stage.

As a result, they lost faster!

Twenty moves, Zhuge Gong is defeated!

Fifteen moves, Elder Zhuge, defeated!

They didn’t understand the pressure of being a wish-making opponent until they experienced it first-hand!

Although they were mentally prepared, their strategy on the chessboard was mainly defensive.

But with the wish-making, their defense methods are as weak as a mantis' arms blocking a truck, and they are still blocking a dump truck!

Irresistible! You can’t even delay it!

In the entire Zhuge family, Zhuge Qing was the only one who could delay the chess game to twenty-five moves before losing!

After defeating all the Zhuge tribesmen in Go, Xuyuan played with two jade chess pieces in his hand and asked Zhuge San with a silly smile.

"Am I qualified to reject Wuhou Qimen now?"

At this time, Zhuge Sansha was already convinced of the wish, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, and his eyes were filled with admiration!

As heirs of a family of formations, they know very well that the core of formations in the world is nothing more than change.

There are nineteen vertical and horizontal paths on the Go board. The number of changes in these nineteen paths far exceeds the changes in formations and is comparable to the way of the universe!

Xu Yuan defeated everyone in the Zhuge family in Go, which proved that Xu Yuan's attainments in formations were not weaker than those of the Zhuge family!

"Elder Xu, do you really want to give up Wuhou Qimen? Don't you regret it?" Zhuge Gong asked seriously.

"Of course, no regrets!"

At this time, Zhuge Sansha looked at Xu Wish with stars in his eyes!

This is a role model for our generation!

Zhuge Qing looked at Zhuge Sansi, who had turned from a negative fan into a fanatical fan, and helplessly covered his face with his hands.

These three items...

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