As Xu Xu pushed open the ajar security door, he finally saw the source of the strange Qi in the room.

An unfamiliar bald head was facing the direction of the door. From the exposed skin on his neck, it could be seen that his skin color seemed to be slightly red.

Could it be that he is a full-natured person again?

I'm off work now, don't let yourself work overtime!

Xu Yuan quickly searched in his mind and confirmed that there was absolutely no such red neck among the people he knew before he asked.

"Who are you?"

Hearing the voice coming from behind, the bald head subconsciously turned his head, and when he saw that the person speaking was making a wish, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

If Xu Wish had just attacked him, he would probably be seriously injured even if he wasn't dead!

Xu Yuan's guess was correct, he was indeed a full-blooded person, and he came to Xu Yuan on the orders of the acting head.

The Luotian Festival in Longhu Mountain is about to take place. In order to plan for Quanxing in Longhu Mountain, all available forces must be mobilized. Moreover, although Wishong is only a temporary worker, it can be regarded as a company that can be used anywhere. Internal employees may be able to play some role in the plan.

Although the identity of the company's temporary workers is kept secret from the outside world, because Xia Liuqing, who teaches the Wishing Godhead Mask, is a member of Quan Xing, it is normal for Quan Xing to know about the existence of Wishing.

Apart from that, he has never looked down upon this boy named Wishing!

I am a congenital stranger! I have awakened my supernatural powers since I was a child!

As for Xu Wan, he only became a stranger after practicing Xia Liuqing's Divine Mask three years ago. He couldn't possibly be stronger than himself at the same age!

Why did Xia Liuqing pass the Divine Mask to him instead of to herself!

But now, his mind has changed!

I wish I could approach myself from behind quietly like this, and my strength will never be weaker than my own!

The bald man instantly became alert and put on a defensive posture. At the same time, he activated his ability, and a ball of fiery red air appeared in his hand.

Out of caution, he didn't want to take action, but he still wanted to be just in case.

"Qu Hongkai of Quan Xing, by order of the acting head, please ask Mr. Xu to join Quan Xing!" the bald head said in a deep voice.

"Playing with fire, why are you all the same again? I have rejected you before." Xu Yuan glanced at the red air ball in his hand with a headache, and it seemed that he was going to work overtime again, "If I reject you, will you? Do you want to fight with me?"

Although the powers practiced by the aliens in this world are all Qi, their expressions are all strange and different.

From the color of this ball of Qi, you can roughly judge this guy's power, which should be of fire attribute.

"Mr. Xu, our leader has said that since you are practicing Mr. Take action, but if you insist on not obeying, I will have no choice but to take action..."

"Tian Lei Yin!"

Before the bald man could finish his words, Make a Wish and take action directly!

A dazzling bolt of lightning suddenly exploded at the fingertips of the wishing, and then came out of his hand, shooting towards the bald head at lightning speed!

In an instant, the electrical appliances in the entire room started flashing!

Xu Wish's sudden action was completely beyond Bald's expectation.

In the blink of an eye, the lightning had already arrived in front of the bald head.

"You don't have martial ethics and you actually attacked me secretly!"

"Since you're going to take action, why are you still barking like a dog?"

As for this bald man who was sent to make a wish, he was certainly no mediocre person. Although his reaction was a beat slow, he still reacted in the blink of an eye before the lightning struck his body.

The bald man raised his hand and blocked the lightning with the fiery red air ball in his hand.


Immediately afterwards, centered on the contact point between the thunder light and the red air mass, there was a violent explosion!

The air wave generated by the explosion not only sent the bald head flying backwards, but also gave him some breathing time. This wave of air blew up the furniture and appliances in Wishing House into a mess!

Xu Yuan looked at the mess in her home, and her face suddenly darkened!

broken! Just thinking about taking the first advantage, forgetting that this is your own home!

Then he gritted his teeth and rushed in the direction of the bald head. Looking at his expression at this time, it seemed as if he had some deep hatred for the bald head.

"Tian Lei Yin!"

"You pay for the rice 85-inch TV I just bought! The best one!"

"Ben Lei Ji!"

"You pay for my 4090 graphics card!"

"Crazy lightning strike!"

"You compensate me for the collectible Gundam figure!"

My eyes are red when I make a wish!

He was slashing and beating the bald head while roaring angrily!

The resentment in the tone makes the listener sad and the listener shed tears! Comparable to Sadako!

It's all ruined, it's all ruined!

This is his salary for several months!

Now he finally understood why the older generation of masters had to fight outside the room!

Xuanyuan also understood the ability of this bald man. What kind of flame is this guy's ability? It's clearly a variant of the fire attribute - explosion!

At this time, the bald head was also blinded by the fierce offensive of making a wish.

This guy is so ungrateful in martial arts. Are you Quanxing or am I Quanxing?

No, that's not important. What's important is why is this guy so strong at close range! The information given by the headmaster only said that he had made a wish to practice the godhead mask and could control thunder and lightning spells.

Spells, spells! Brother! You hit me with your fists that flashed with lightning. Is this considered magic?

Why don't the intelligence officers go eat Xiang!

However, the question about the bald head was destined to be impossible to ask, because every time Xu Wish hit him with a fist that flashed with lightning, those strange lightnings could break through his protective energy group, and then paralyze him as if he was electrocuted. .

Completely unable to control my body!

The only part of the bald head that can move is the trembling lips that were electrocuted...

The bald head was like a sandbag. He was beaten from the living room on the first floor to the bedroom on the third floor. Then with a powerful punch from the wishing, the bald head smashed the bedroom window with his bald head and flew out of the room!

Fortunately for the bald man, the wishing home was a three-story villa. According to his physical condition, he would not be killed directly if he fell from the third floor.

However, if nothing happens, something will happen soon.

It was too early for the bald man to be happy.

After making a wish and knocking him away from the room, he also jumped out of the window.

"You're a bald man who plays with fire! The most intolerable thing is that you actually asked me to work overtime! I'm going to die!" Xu Yuan's face was ferocious, and he was full of resentment.


Immediately afterwards, in the bald man's eyes as if he had seen a ghost, Xu Yuan's whole body erupted with dazzling and intense lightning!

Even the night sky was illuminated!

His whole body was like a real thunder god descending into the world. Surrounded by thunder, he slowly rose into the air.

As the wishing finger was gently tapped in the direction of the bald head, thunder and lightning like the wrath of the sky came out from the wishing hand, hitting the bald head like a heavy rain!

"Crush the darkness with thunder!"

When the words of the wish fell, the bald head was hit by the thunderstorm and fell to the ground.

At this time, the bald head no longer had the same look as before. It was charred and black, like a roast chicken that had just been baked, with black smoke still rising all over the body.

It looks like there is more air coming in and less air coming out.

Seeing the bald head on the ground, Xu Wish also restrained the thunder and lightning surrounding him, and slowly landed in front of the bald head, looking down at him condescendingly. He was completely different from the greedy and stingy guy just now!

"Gong Qing, the acting head of Quanxing, right? I will go find him!"

Hearing that the secret of the whole sex was revealed in one breath of making a wish, the bald man who was left with only his last breath suddenly widened his eyes in horror.

" did you know?"

The identity of Quan Xing's new acting head is not only one of Quan Xing's top secrets, but it is also related to Quan Xing's plan in the Luotian Dajiao this time!

If Xu wish knows about it now, doesn't it mean that Nedoutong and Longhushan may also know about this...

It's absolutely terrible!

Xu Yuan shook his head, not having the slightest idea of ​​answering for him, and only left the last words for the bald head.

"I hate working overtime!"

He covered his palms with lightning, then bent down and strangled the bald head to death, causing the bald head to completely disappear with his last breath.

Very crisp and clean.

Xu wish thought again, and thunder and lightning burst out from his hand again, but this time he did not strike directly on the bald head's body, but slowly pressed the thunder and lightning into the bald head's brain, completely annihilating his soul.

"It's safe now!" Xu Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

He knows that there are ways in this world to get information from the souls of dead people!

After doing all this, Xu Yuan took out his phone, his face once again regained his greedy and stingy look, and made a call.

"Hey, Director Zhao, it's me, Quan Xing came to see me again."


"Yes, yes, the person has been killed. Let the body collection team come over."


"enmm, there's one more thing. The bastard from Quanxing bought me a new 100-inch rice TV, a 5090 graphics card, and two of the largest Gundam figurines that he broke. Can you see if you can reimburse me..."

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