Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 176 Don’t be strong, your strength is coming (Comparison of Hearts)

Wishing has just activated the godhead mask and transformed into the god [Sun Ce of the Sea of ​​Light], intending to test the joy of sailing.

But just as the Qi in his body was quickly extracted, the sailboat transformed into Qi had just entered the water.

He saw a scene that caught him off guard!

I saw Zhang Lingyu once again outline a talisman in the void, and then the five-thunder talisman turned into a thunder method and struck at Wang Zhenqiu, who was supposed to be his ally!

Wang Zhenqiu naturally did not guard against his ally's backstab.

Just like the Shu Kingdom did not prepare for Soochow's allies to cross the river in white...

Wang Zhenqiu was hit by lightning at the first moment, and then his whole body trembled with electricity.

Fortunately, while Wang Zhenqiu was practicing the Divine Mask, he also practiced other methods - such as hard external skills such as the Diamond Arm Fist, so his body's defense was still pretty good.

Otherwise, even if Zhang Lingyu restrains his strength, Wang Zhenqiu will be stunned directly.

It's not an empty lie that thunder can't be defended!

This is not the end.

After the thunder method materializes, it has the properties of normal thunder and lightning.

And the current lake water naturally has conductive properties...


In a flash of electric light.

The thunder and lightning on Wang Zhenqiu spread around, wrapping Zhang Lingyu in it.


After a burst of electric current, Zhang Lingyu floated on the water trembling all over.

Fortunately, Zhang Lingyu himself practiced the Yin Five Thunder Talisman. Although it did not completely offset it, it also offset most of the power of the Five Thunder Talisman. Therefore, he did not suffer much damage, but only temporarily lost his ability to move.

After the overflowing lightning swept Zhang Lingyu, it continued to spread into the lake until it was completely consumed.

After the current passed, a large number of dead fish with their bellies in the sky floated on the lake...

When Xu Wan saw this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.


What kind of trick is this?

I can’t understand it, but I’m shocked!

Shocking teammates when they disagree?

He didn’t even let himself go!

At this moment of making a wish, I even felt a little guilty in my heart.

Did he hit them both too hard?

Although Xu Wish was shocked, the sailboat he stepped on did not stop and continued to move forward unswervingly.

There is no need to say much about Wang Zhenqiu on the other side.

As the party who was stabbed in the back, he was naturally confused.

I don't understand Zhang Lingyu's thoughts at all.

Isn't he in the same group as Zhang Lingyu? Why did Zhang Lingyu hit him?

As for Zhang Lingyu...

Fortunately, he was now paralyzed by his own Five Thunder Talisman, otherwise he would have definitely gone straight to the bottom of the lake!

He just suddenly took action against Wang Zhenqiu.

On the one hand, it was because of his previous disagreement with Wang Zhenqiu, and on the other hand, it was because he suddenly saw the truth clearly.

Anyway, the two of them couldn't beat the wish.

If you can't beat it, join!

He reacted outrageously!

It's just that he also subconsciously ignored the fact that lake water conducts electricity...

The bounce is a bit embarrassing.

Zhang Lingyu may not have noticed it himself. Unknowingly, he had already withdrawn from the ranks of honest people, and now he has even learned to jump back...

The bow of the ship that made a wish, now transformed into Qi, was heading straight towards Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu.

But don't get me wrong, he's not here to harvest heads.

Just discussing.

Only superiority and inferiority, no distinction between life and death.

Now that Zhang Lingyu and the two have lost their ability to resist, he naturally has no reason to continue to attack them.

But fortunately, the abilities of the three newly acquired heroes have almost been tested.

Especially the last one [Sun Ce of the Sea of ​​Light], the boat's ability fully meets his expectations!

This sailing ship that was transformed into Qi really has the ability to move people!

And the "passenger capacity" is not low!

Different from the one in the game, this Qi-shaped sailing ship can completely increase its size and passenger capacity based on how much Qi it consumes.

Even if you have enough energy to make a wish, this sailing ship can be expanded to the size of an aircraft carrier!

Of course, the current energy is definitely not enough to make a wish.

Moreover, the duration of this sailboat is also different from that in the game.

As long as you make a wish and don't take the initiative to cancel the skills or change the divine transformation target of the divine mask, this sailing ship will always exist!

Of course, the greater the energy consumed by the sailing ship in its energy form, the greater the power of the second stage impact of the skill...

Wishing Ruzhi commanded the sailboat under his feet to circle the lake several times. Both the speed and maneuverability were far superior to normal boats!

Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu were just paralyzed. Just losing the ability to move, not losing consciousness.

The two of them naturally saw the scene where they made a wish and made a sailboat out of thin air.

Just now I said that making wishes can't help the battle in the water!

Come on! Now make a wish on this guy to actually have a hexagonal photo!

Wang Zhenqiu complained, but he was also secretly frightened.

This time, I personally followed Xu Yuan and witnessed the whole process with my own eyes.

But I still haven't figured out where the other party's strange abilities come from.

Why don't you wait and ask...

Now it seems that if he makes a wish and doesn't say it, he may not be able to figure it out for the rest of his life.

Then he made a wish and sailed the boat to Zhang Lingyu and Wang Zhenqiu.

"You two, we don't allow fishing with new energy sources."

Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu were paralyzed as soon as they made a wish.

New energy fishing?

It’s a new energy electric fish!

Do you think I do?

Who knows why Zhang Lingyu suddenly attacked me!

Wang Zhenqiu had the idea of ​​scolding his mother, but his whole body was paralyzed, including his mouth.

He could only watch Xu Yuan teasing him with a face filled with laughter!

Xu Yuan was teasing the two of them, but his hands were not idle. Instead, he directly carried the two of them to the boat when they passed by.

Then the three returned to the shore again.

While canceling the godhead mask, Wish also threw the two of them onto the grassland on the shore.

The discussion between the three ended in this inexplicable way.

After landing, I didn’t have to wait too long to make a wish.

Wang Zhenqiu and Zhang Lingyu, who were paralyzed, quickly recovered from their paralysis.

The two of them used their own methods to dry the wet clothes.

After regaining his most basic dignity, the first thing Wang Zhenqiu did was to rush towards Zhang Lingyu impatiently.

He asked Zhang Lingyu with an angry look on his face.

"Zhang Lingyu! Why did you hit me with thunder just now!"

Sure enough, even Wang Zhenqiu, known as the cancer of the southwest, couldn't accept backstabbing from his allies!

It is conceivable why Jiangdong ended up with the reputation of a thousand-year-old rat...

Faced with Wang Zhenqiu's questioning, Zhang Lingyu blushed, but he still spoke harshly.

"I just wanted to hit it to make a wish, otherwise why would I hit myself?"

It is impossible to admit it, you can only keep talking to maintain your life!

Wang Zhenqiu:......

Make a wish:…

Looking at the expression on Zhang Lingyu's face, the two of them knew that Zhang Lingyu was telling lies.

However, Zhang Lingyu's rhetoric was completely impossible to find fault with.

After all, Zhang Lingyu really beat herself up...

Wang Zhenqiu was so angry that he laughed and said three times in a row.

"Good! Good! Good! Master Lingyu has really made progress!"

Xu Yuan didn't have any opinion on Zhang Lingyu stabbing Wang Zhenqiu in the back.

Who gave Wang Zhenqiu a bad reputation? He also liked to repeatedly jump on the opponent's sensitive nerves.

Besides, Zhang Lingyu is not a fool. He can tell when he can make such a joke and when he cannot make such a joke.

He just felt a little emotional in his heart.

Sure enough, environment and experience are the best teachers.

Honest Zhang Lingyu finally learned to tell lies with open eyes!

Sure enough, there is only one immortal immortal, and that is Li Muxuan on Nathan Island...

Since Zhang Lingyu was bitten to death, he missed the target, and the consequences were harmless. Wang Zhenqiu could not continue to embarrass Zhang Lingyu.

He didn't even dare to do anything serious to Zhang Lingyu.

The previous completeness can serve as a warning.

He was just being mean and not looking for death.

If the Heavenly Master really provokes him, he will not be able to live with it!

In the end, Wang Zhenqiu could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and angrily found the wish.

Asked the doubts in his heart.

"Make a wish, what kind of god are you?"

This is the real purpose of Wang Zhenqiu coming with Xu Wish this time!

He has never forgotten this. He wants to get inspiration from Wishes and develop his own unique method of making a godhead mask!

Those magical means of making a wish have made him greedy for too long!

"I just obtained the gods from Sun Ce's tomb. They are actually Zhou Yu, the governor of Soochow, Guan Yu, one of the Five Tiger Generals, and Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong."

Xuanyuan didn't hide anything and told the truth.

In fact, even if he didn't say the wish, Wang Zhenqiu could almost make a guess. He just asked about the wish just to confirm his guess.

After all, the characteristics are too obvious.

Especially the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, as long as the Chinese people with upright roots will probably think of Guan Yu and Guan Er Ye at the first time.

As for the other Zhou Yu and Sun Ce.

Thinking about the corresponding abilities, they are all very reasonable.

Among Zhou Yu's life deeds, apart from being angered to death by Zhuge Liang, the most widely circulated one is the Huoshao Company.

And Sun Ce...

It makes sense for a generation of Jiangdong overlords to be able to sail ships!

The focus is on the next question.

"We understand that you can use the godhead mask to transform into the god Guan Yu, but how do you do it to transform into the gods Zhou Yu and Sun Ce? Please teach me, senior brother wishing!"

Regarding Wang Zhenqiu's question, Xu Wish was a little worried.

It's not that he doesn't want to teach Wang Zhenqiu, his "junior brother".

But it really can't be taught, and it can't be explained at all.

In the end, I could only use my own words from a certain novel in my previous life to give Wang Zhenqiu a plausible answer.

"God has no form at all. He uses illusion to cultivate reality."

"The Tao has no name at all, but it is known as the Tao when it is made clear."

The wish made Wang Zhenqiu stunned for a moment, and then he frowned.

He... seems to be really comprehending something?

Make a wish: Huh? ? ?

No, bro, what are you thinking about?

And when he looked at Zhang Lingyu who was standing aside.

Zhang Lingyu obviously heard the wish, and he also frowned and fell into deep thought.

Xu Yuan looked at the two people who were deep in thought at the same time, her eyes filled with disbelief.

Is this a local genius?

Because you can have an epiphany just by saying nonsense?

Xia Liuqing always said that he was a genius, but since his family knew about his family affairs, he could at most be regarded as a genius through cheating.

These talents in cultivation may not be as good as these real geniuses!

After all, Wang Zhenqiu learned a variety of methods from multiple sects with his bare hands!

Of course, making a wish is not greedy.

Owning a plug-in is your greatest talent!

Seeing that both of them seemed to have understood something, Xu Yuan did not feel any jealousy. Instead, he greeted the two of them, led everyone back into the car, and continued to drive towards Jiangdong City.

Now that the trip to Jiangdong has been successfully completed, the first priority now is to return to the company headquarters as soon as possible.

On the way back, he still drove as promised. Liao Duoduo was sitting in the passenger seat playing games on her mobile phone, looking like an Internet-addicted girl.

Zhang Lingyu and Wang Zhenqiu were sitting in the back seats, silent as before.

But the difference is that the two of them didn't talk before, because Zhang Lingyu didn't want to talk to Wang Zhenqiu. Wang Zhenqiu really liked being a bitch, and Zhang Lingyu was afraid that she couldn't help but use thunder in the car.

But now, both of them were frowning, thinking about their own problems, and had lost interest in talking.

The entire journey was silent.

Until I made a wish and drove the car into Jiangdong city.

The frowned brows between the two people relaxed a little. It was obvious that they had figured out part of the problem, but they had not fully figured it out.

Make a wish and drive straight to the airport.

He, Liao Duoduo, and Zhang Lingyu naturally had to take a plane when they returned to the company headquarters.

If Wang Zhenqiu wanted to return to the Southwest Branch, he would naturally have to fly back.

Just as Xu Yuan had parked his car in the parking lot and was about to lead everyone into the terminal.

His phone rang.

Xuyuan picked up the phone and glanced at the caller ID on the screen.


Is it Fatty Zhao?

Xu Yuan looked at the two people who were still sitting in the back seat and thought deeply. He opened the door and got out of the car, and then answered the phone.

"Hey, Director Zhao, I'm making a wish."

As soon as Xu Yuan answered the phone, Zhao Fangxu's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Only this time, Zhao Fangxu's voice was no longer as calm as before, but sounded a little urgent.

"Make a wish, where are you now?"

"I'm at the airport in Jiangdong City. I happened to come here to investigate some matters. I just finished handling them and am now planning to fly back to the company headquarters."

Xuanyuan naturally wouldn't say that he was here to handle personal matters.

Don’t forget that he also has the title of leader of the inspection team!

"Okay! I understand, but you don't need to go back to the company headquarters for the time being. You can put other things aside for a while. You can go directly to Qilu Province and we will meet up there!"

"Huh? Are you in such a hurry?"

"That's it. Make a wish. Do you still remember the foreign expedition team you met in the 24th Section Tongtian Valley in the Qinling Mountains? There was a man named Elijah in the team..."

Following Fatty Zhao's words, Xu Wan also knew what was going on.

It was just as he expected.

It's Nason Island!

Someone is coming from Nathan Island!

It’s King Nason and Wei Nason who are coming!

For ordinary strangers, the existence of Nathan Island may be a secret, not to mention the specific location of Nathan Island.

But for companies with official background, they must know the specific coordinates and orientation of Nason Island.

Naturally, we also know that if people from Nason Island want to enter the country, they can only choose to land from Qilu Province, which is the closest port to Nason Island.

As for Fatty Zhao, he asked him to go directly to Qilu Province.

In other words, this time the company transferred temporary workers from various regions.

It's not that they were asked to fight those people from Nathan Island.

Instead, he was responsible for order on site.

This time, Nathan King and Nathan Guard applied to the company through normal diplomatic channels, and then came to enter the country.

Although the company currently does not know the specific purpose of King Nathan coming to enter the country this time, this is a foreign-related matter after all, and Nathan Island is not a small force in the alien world.

The company naturally has to make corresponding preparations for the reception, and mobilizes all temporary workers just in case.

"However, according to my guess, this time King Nathan came to our country, it shouldn't be a big deal. It might be to cry for supplies. The last time Nathan Islanders officially came ashore was for this..."

Fatty Zhao said on the other end of the phone.

Speaking of this, we have to mention the specialness of Nathan Island, an island of aliens.

Nathan Island cannot be found on the map of any country in the world, and it has reached a consensus with all the governments in the world. When foreigners choose to join Nathan Island, they automatically give up their legal status in each country.

And if you don't join Nathan Island and can't stay on the island, you will be expelled.

In this way, Nasen Island can be almost invisible in the world of ordinary people.

Of course, this would naturally mean that there would be no commerce and trade, and all materials would be self-sufficient. Once any setbacks were encountered, the supply of materials would most likely not be self-sufficient.

Unless there are special circumstances, King Nathan and those three will never land in any country.

Asking for help from the outside world due to lack of supplies is obviously included in special circumstances. The last time King Nathan came ashore was for this purpose, soliciting donations of supplies from countries all over the world.

After listening to Zhao Fangxu's words, Xu Yuan knew very well.

This time King Nathan came ashore because of special circumstances.

But it's not because of lack of supplies.

But because...

The battle for the throne is about to begin!

According to the agreement between Nathan Island and the governments of various countries around the world, all countries must be notified of the replacement of King Nathan!

"Okay, I understand, Director Zhao."

Xu Yuan didn't say anything more to Fatty Zhao on the phone, but nodded and accepted the task.

The arrival of King Nathan was originally included in his itinerary plan!

"By the way, make a wish." Before hanging up the phone, Fatty Zhao told him to make a wish. "When you arrive in Qilu Province, just contact Li Qiang, director of external affairs, I will be very busy then."

"Are you looking for Li Qiang? Okay, I understand, Director Zhao."

Wishing is no stranger to Li Qiang, the external director. Although they are not very familiar with each other at the company headquarters for such a long time, they all know each other.

Xu Yuan hung up the phone, then reopened the car door and sat back in the car.

have to!

This time Zhao Fangxu mobilized all the temporary workers, and it seemed that he would be traveling with Wang Zhenqiu again.

As for Wang Zhenqiu, who had just returned to the driver's seat after Xu Yuan had been sitting in the back seat, his frown had completely relaxed at this time.

When he saw Xu Yuan come back, he immediately said to Xu Yuan with excitement on his face.

"Make a wish! I figured it out! I know how to practice my divine mask next! I feel like I'm terrifyingly strong now!"

When Xu Yuan heard Wang Zhenqiu's words, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.


broken! It really made you realize something!

powerful? Li Qiang, director of external affairs?

He replied subconsciously.

"Qiu'er, don't be strong first, because your strength is coming..."

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