Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 16 Zhuge Qing doesn’t listen to gossip!

Soon, Zhuge Qing and Zhuge Bai came to the middle hall.

This is also the first time Xu Yuan sees these two talented children of the Zhuge family.

Zhuge Qing is indeed a stranger who once worked part-time as an actor. He is about twenty years old, handsome, with blue hair and blue eyes. The ends of his hair are tied together at the back of his head.

Zhuge Bai is about twelve or thirteen years old. He also has blue hair and blue eyes. He wears an off-white hat on his head and looks very cute.

Xu Wan looked at the identical overalls on the two brothers and touched his chin.

This outfit reminded him of an old friend who also wore overalls to play basketball...

"Zhuge Qing."

"Make a wish."

In the martial arts arena of the Zhuge family, Xu Yuan and Zhuge Qing stood opposite each other, and they clasped their fists and saluted each other.

The exchange between the two parties is about to begin!

"Qing, let him see the power of our Wuhou Sect!"

Next to the martial arts arena, a little boy with a pink and jade look waved his fist and shouted to Zhuge Qing.

This little boy is Zhuge Bai, Zhuge Qing's younger brother.

Zhuge Qing looked at his younger brother in the martial arts arena, squinted his eyes and showed a gentle smile.

To be honest, if this time was not arranged by his father Zhuge Gong, he would not be interested in the so-called exchange at all!

The more he understands Wuhou Qimen, the more he understands the power of Wuhou Qimen!

Although the Zhuge family relies on Wuhou Qimen to pass on to this day, it is not just Wuhou Qimen.

Thousands of years of inheritance have also allowed the Zhuge family to acquire many methods from other alien sects.

It’s not an exaggeration to call it the Mantuo Villa in the alien world!

There is no comparison between the methods of those sects in the arena and Wuhou Qimen!

Ever since he became a complete Wuhou Qimen, he has never lost in a family competition!

Although Zhuge Qing is not arrogant by nature, having the most evil talent in the Zhuge family in the past hundred years inevitably makes him a little arrogant!

But unfortunately, what he encountered this time was a wish!

After the two sides saluted each other, the contest officially began!

"I'm sorry, brother wishing!"

As Zhuge Qing finished speaking, he stamped his feet on the ground and shot towards the wish!

Zhuge Qing just wants to end this childish contest as soon as possible, and then go back to prepare his luggage for the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain.

He promised to take his younger brother Bai with him to see the world!

That guy Bai has been trapped in Zhuge Bagua Village since he was a child. I'm really worried that he will suffer a loss if he goes out in the future...

Zhuge Qing thought this in his heart, but his hands were not idle.

“Bajiquan—Heart-to-heart elbow!”

Zhuge Qing decided to decide the outcome with one move. As for making a wish to learn from Wuhou Qimen?

Not everyone is qualified to see Wuhou Qimen with his own eyes!

Before today, he had never even heard of the name Wishing!

This move of the heart-to-heart elbow comes from Baji Quan!

Before Zhuge Qing mastered all Wuhou Qimen, he learned Bajiquan.

As a genius, he is even more outstanding among them. He has already practiced Baji Quan to the point where he can control it like an arm!

Bajiquan is a short-fighting boxing method with an extremely fierce fighting style, and the top elbow is one of its killer moves.

Once hit by the overhead elbow, the patient's breath may become disordered and the ability to move may be disrupted, or the patient may die on the spot!

Xu Yuan looked at the menacing Zhuge Qing, and naturally chose the corresponding method of restraint——

Godhead Mask - Zhao Huaizhen!

He came to Zhuge's house not really to compete with Zhuge Qing, but to see Wuhou Qimen and try to improve his compatibility with the world!

The ferocious fighting style of Bajiquan is exactly the same as the fighting style of Brother Xiao’s 72 Shaolin stunts.

Tai Chi, which uses softness to overcome hardness, is the nemesis of such head-on encounters with tough opponents!

A flowing black and white Taoist robe instantly enveloped Xu Yuan's body!

Zhuge Qing is indeed the most outstanding genius of the Zhuge family in the past hundred years. In just this moment, Zhuge Qing saw the origin of the wish-making ability!

Godhead mask?

But it’s strange, I haven’t heard of any connection between the Godhead Mask and Taoism…

You must know that not even the four crazy disciples of Quanxing could see the origin of the wish-making ability!

"Hold the bird's tail!"

After Xu Yuan transformed into Zhao Huaizhen, he easily defused Zhuge Qing's killing move as soon as he recruited Sparrow Tail!

His original intention was to use Tai Chi to force Zhuge Qing to use Wuhou Qimen, so he focused on defense.

But his killing move was easily resolved, which aroused Zhuge Qing's interest!

Weird, but fun!

Zhuge Qing did not retreat but advanced, and continued to use Bajiquan to launch a fierce attack on Xu Wan!

"Tie Shan Kao!"

"The ground-to-sky cannon!"

"King of Hell, three points!"

The various killing moves of Bajiquan were readily available in Zhuge Qing's hands, and they continued to pour towards Xu Yuan.

Zhuge Gong and the elders who were standing on the edge of the martial arts arena all looked at Zhuge Qing on the ring with approval.

"Qing is indeed the most outstanding genius of this generation of the Zhuge family. Except for Wuhou Qimen, he can master the eighth-level boxing so skillfully..." One of the elders sighed. "It seems that we are really old. The future of the Zhuge family depends on these young people."

Zhuge Gong smiled and said nothing, but his eyes were full of pride!

On the martial arts field, Xu Yuan also used Tai Chi to resolve Zhuge Qing's killing moves.

Until Zhuge Qing used it again. A mechanic called the tiger to climb the mountain hard, and Xu Wish finally couldn't bear it any longer.

He has never been one to fight back when beaten!

Since his passive defense cannot force Zhuge Qing to use Wuhou Qimen, then let's fight!

"Calm down and calm down!"

"Clear the clouds and see the light!"

"Qi follows your heart!"

After once again resisting Zhuge Qing's offensive, Xu Wan also changed his previous passive defense style and actively launched an attack on Zhuge Qing!

Now it's Zhuge Qing's turn to feel uncomfortable!

He originally thought that making a wish was just ordinary Tai Chi.

The essence of Tai Chi is to use force to fight, which is relatively better at defense.

But he didn't expect that Xu Wish would use four kinds of strength - punch, palm, elbow, and relying on each other. Each time, the force was stronger than the last, and the power was amazing!

He even beat him until he kept retreating.

However, while Xu Wishan's attack was astonishingly powerful, he would also indirectly unleash a stream of black and white air, constantly pulling him back to his side.

Zhuge Qing was completely unable to escape, and the pace of the battle made him very uncomfortable!

"Are you talking about Tai Chi?" Zhuge Qing complained while struggling to cope with the power of Xu Wish's attack. "Isn't it true that Tai Chi relies on strength? How come it is more powerful than Baji Quan?"

"I'm afraid you won't borrow it!" Xu Wan struck out with another elbow!

At this time, Zhuge Gong and the elders of the Zhuge family were on the edge of the stage. The expressions on their faces had changed from appreciation to worry.

As veterans, they may not be as talented as Zhuge Qing, but they have rich combat experience.

They could tell at a glance that Zhuge Qing was at a disadvantage after making a wish to switch his fighting style to active attack.

There is no chance to escape and regain control of the battle rhythm!

If nothing unexpected happens next, Zhuge Qing may be defeated!

And the facts also prove the vision of these old Jianghu people.

Xu Wan struck out with another palm. This time, Zhuge Qing had no time to defend himself and was directly hit by Xu Wan.

At the same time, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that Zhuge Qing was injured, Xu Wan did not pursue the victory.

It's just a discussion.

He originally thought that Zhuge Qing would use Wuhou Qimen after being injured, but what Xu Yuan didn't expect was...

After Zhuge Qing was knocked to the ground, he actually said while covering his chest.

"I surrender."

Make a wish:…

do not! It’s useless for you to still have Wuhou Qimen!

At this time, Zhuge Bai, who was on the edge of the martial arts arena, was also a little anxious.

"Brother Qing! We can't admit defeat! We are from the Zhuge family! You and Wuhou Qimen are useless!"

Zhuge Qing shook his head slightly.

"Bai, Brother Xuyuan is obviously not a member of the sect. It would be too unfair for him to use Wuhou Qi sect."

For Zhuge Qing, the failure he admitted was also a failure in fists and feet. The most famous thing of his Zhuge family is not Bajiquan!

Make a wish:…

I didn't use Sikong Zhen's thunder power to misunderstand you?

Xu wish was naturally unwilling to give up the opportunity to improve the world's compatibility. He shook his head, "Zhuge Qing, you misunderstood me. In fact, this is not Tai Chi. Strictly speaking, it should be called Tai Chi! It is also a kind of magic!"

"Don't worry, I actually have other magic methods that I haven't used yet."

Zhuge Qing's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Like lightning, a conjecture flashed through his mind.

Just when Xu Yuan thought Zhuge Qing was going to use Wuhou Qimen.

Zhuge Qing asked a question that caught him off guard.

"Is the person named Wang Ye mentioned in the post posted by Bone Scraper Xia He in the foreign forum recently about you?"

Make a wish:…

If you don’t listen to gossip, the nickname Zhuge Qing is really correct!

"Want to know? Then let's fight it with Wuhou Qimen first!"

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