Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 111 Shocked like a wild boar eating fine chaff

Amidst the sounds of game special effects and the sounds of mines exploding.

The level of defense carrot in Chen Duo's hand has finally been cleared!

And the 10,000 yuan that she had just promised to recharge was now less than 30 yuan...

Chen Duo looked at the game interface with some reluctance. It was obvious that she had experienced the pleasure of clearing levels with krypton gold.

However, in the end, Chen Duo did not click to continue to the next level, but put the phone lock screen back into his pocket.

"Thank you for making a wish." Chen Duo had an inconspicuous smile on his lips. "I'm very happy. I've been at this level for a long time and finally passed it!"

Hearing Chen Duo's words.

Everyone present felt inexplicably sour in their hearts.

How could a little girl who was so easily satisfied end up where she is today...

Wishing to see this scene, I felt a little sigh in my heart.

It seems that Internet addiction is not developed in a day...

If this is the case, then we can only change our thinking!

"So, what should we do next? I heard from Village Chief Ma that you are here to catch me, right?"

Ma Xianhong stood aside with a dark face and had nothing to say.

He finally understands now.

These people did come to arrest Chen Duo, but that was just by the way. Their main purpose was to come to his village and furnace!

Because everyone's attention was now focused on Chen Duo, the black tube took out the rope from nowhere and tied him tightly to the tree.

Now the only parts of his body that can move are his mouth and eyes.

Ma Xianhong watched this scene silently. He wanted to see what these temporary workers were up to!

"Next," Xu Yuan spread his hands, "Next, the right to choose is given to you."

When he heard Xu Wishong say these words, Lao Meng was the first to be unable to bear it any longer!

"Make a wish!"

Lao Meng was a little jumpy. Seeing that Xu Yuan ignored him, he could only turn his eyes to Chen Duo.

"Chen Duo, you can choose to go back with us. I can guarantee that they will never harm you. I will apply to be transferred to the bunker to accompany you..."

"you still can……"

As he talked, Lao Meng gradually became speechless.

In fact, it started from the moment he danced with Xuanyuan.

Lao Meng himself knew it.

There are really not many choices left for Chen Duo. Apart from surrendering and following them back to the company to continue being imprisoned for the rest of his life, the remaining outcome is...

But Lao Meng couldn't explain the result!

Zhang Chulan, who had been observing silently from the side, saw this scene and knew in his heart that it was time for him to appear!

In fact, he understood these temporary workers very clearly from beginning to end!

If they were not in the position of temporary workers in the company, these big brothers would definitely be lawless masters!

And since they choose to become temporary workers for various reasons, it does not mean that they will follow the rules.

What's more, temporary workers have the right to do whatever they want!

As the saying goes, you will not be able to accept your orders.

Rather than saying that they are responsible for the company, it is better to say that they are responsible for their respective persons in charge!

This leaves room for maneuvering.

Moreover, after getting in touch with them in the past few days, although Zhang Chulan has not yet figured out the temperament of these temporary workers, they are not much different.

At least these lawless lords, although cruel to evildoers, are not cold-blooded.

Or even in other words.

If some of the company's instructions are really excessive, including making a wish, a temporary employee who only belongs to the headquarters, the freedom of personal will will be the first criterion of action.

You can even fall out with the company if necessary!

Just like now they are trying to save Chen Duo.

This is what Zhang Chulan wants most!

But that's not enough yet!

Although he couldn't guess what the wish was, he knew exactly what he wanted!

He wants the temporary workers in these companies to clearly realize that only they, the temporary workers, are on the same front!

Things harm their own kind, and the autumn song is also sad!

When in the future Sister Baoer will face the situation like Chen Duo one day, these lawless temporary workers will be Sister Baoer's staunchest allies!

The formation of a strong alliance often requires the emergence of evildoers.

Then let yourself, the only official employee who has signed a formal contract with the company, stand up and be a villain!

"Chen Duo, you can still choose to die!"

As the words fell, Zhang Chulan slowly walked out from behind everyone.

Chen Duo was directly sentenced to death.

But his words angered Lao Meng in an instant.

Lao Meng is an honest man, and he never really blushed even when he faced the enemy camp's superiors during the operation against Biyou Village.

But this time he was really anxious!

Lao Meng turned around and picked up Zhang Chulan's collar, roaring angrily.

"Zhang Chulan, you!"

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"Lao Meng, if you can't say anything, I'll say it for you!"

It was also at this moment that the angry Lao Meng deflated at an extremely fast speed like a punctured balloon.

He could only look at the other temporary workers helplessly and begged.

"Brother Xiao!"

"Brother Qiu'er!"


But no matter who he called, no one responded to him.

Because judging from the current situation, if nothing unexpected happens.

Even if Chen Duo returns to the company with them, the company will not kill Chen Duo out of humanitarianism, but in order to avoid accidents, the company will never use Chen Duo again!

And it is obviously impossible for Chen Duo to be willing to work for the company anymore.

Then what awaits her is life imprisonment.

Will this be the ending Chen Duo wants? Obviously not.

There is no way for anyone to change.

However, if nothing else happens, there will be an accident soon.

"Make a wish..."

Lao Meng finally looked at Xu Yuan, and he could only place his last hope on Xu Yuan.

At this time, Lao Meng was so desperate that he couldn't help crying.

"Chen Duo..."

Make a wish just now.

"Make a wish! Don't forget that Chen Duo still carries Liao Zhong's life! Liao Zhong is the person in charge of the South China Region!"

Zhang Chulan interrupted the wish with a strong voice.

"Zhang Chulan, shut up!"

Now even the clarinet who had been silent couldn't help it anymore. He shouted angrily, then stared at Zhang Chulan, warning him with his eyes.

Even the second-year high school student in the Northeast Region sent a series of telegrams to curse Zhang Chulan in the group chat.

[High school sophomore Zhuang from the Northeast Region: Zhang Chulan, I ****, you **** shut up! (`Pan)]

[High school sophomore in the Northeast Region: Zhang Chulan! Don't let me find evidence, or I'll kill you first! (〝▼plate▼)】

[High school student Zhuang from the Northeast Region: No, tell me your address, and I’ll tell my dad to kill you right now! (`⌒メ)】

Obviously, Zhang Chulan's plan was half successful. He successfully attracted the hostility of the temporary workers to himself.

But now the temporary workers are in no mood to trouble Zhang Chulan.

Because their attention was still focused on the wish-maker.

Wishes just stepped forward and gave them their last hope.

Unlike other temporary workers, Xu Yuan was not angry at all. He just glanced at Zhang Chulan with a slightly meaningful look, and then looked at Chen Duo.

"Chen Duo, what do you think the meaning of life is?"


Chen Duo was stunned when he was asked a question that had nothing to do with his wish.

"Is it meaningful? Perform tasks, eat and sleep..." Chen Duo bit his fingers and thought for a long time, and finally gave a heart-wrenching answer.

Xu Yuan shook his head and continued to tempt Chen Duo.

"The meaning of life is simply to be a human being, not a tool. People are not born in this world to be useful."

"You have to see yourself as a person, live, experience, and do a lot of meaningless things!"

"Just like the game you just played, does it mean anything? But aren't you happy?"

"Life is all about experience. There are still many things you haven't experienced yet. Recharging money to play games is just one of them. Appreciating a flower, chasing a cloud..."

"Usefulness is just a casual part of life, and those useless moments are the meaning of life."

"Now the choice is still up to you."

These words of making a wish, or chicken soup.

The temporary workers present fell into deep thought.

Even Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, who had always thought Xu Wan had some evil plan, looked at him with shocked eyes.

The two of them had learned enough about wishing in the process of being tricked along the way, and they did not believe that there was no solution to wishing from the beginning.

Make a wish always has a way to solve any problem!

But neither of them expected that Wish would say such things.

Hey, don't say it, really don't say it!

How should I put it, it was as shocking as a wild boar eating fine chaff...

Even Village Chief Ma, who was watching from the sidelines, looked at Xu Yuan with some surprise.

With Village Chief Ma's kindness and uprightness, he naturally did not want Chen Duo to die.

But now this group of enemies who he regarded as the enemies who destroyed the village actually thought so too, which surprised him!

It also made Village Chief Ma have a slight change in his view of this group of temporary workers.

Chen Duo also fell into deep thought.

It was obvious from the expression on her face that she was somewhat moved.

All the temporary workers subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. They all thought that the persuasion to make a wish would be successful.

But beyond their expectations, for some reason, Chen Duo still shook his head in the end.

"Make a wish, I know what you are expecting. Since you said that life is about experience, and I have never died, why can't I choose to experience death?"

Even Xiao Zizai was anxious now!

"Make a wish!" Lao Meng and Xiao Zizai both looked at the wish.

But Xu Yuan shook his head at them and said only three words.

"Believe me."

Then Xu Yuan looked at Zhang Chulan again.

"Don't worry, I will let Chen Duo give an explanation for the death of Liao Zhong, the person in charge of the South China Region."

Now the hearts of the temporary workers are like a boat in a storm, constantly rising and falling with the waves!

But now they have no better way, all they can do is believe and make a wish.

The only ones whose mood didn't fluctuate much were Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing.

As "good brothers" who made wishes, if the occasion was not right, the two of them would even be in the mood to whistle, eat melon seeds and watch the show, and feed Village Chief Ma two melon seeds by the way.

Because based on their understanding of wishing, when the words "believe me" come out of the wishing mouth, it means that Chen Duo will definitely not die!

The two of them looked at the wonderful expressions on the temporary workers' faces, and an inexplicable sense of superiority arose spontaneously.

Tsk, even though I can’t beat you, you are still young!

"Okay, I'll keep my word." Xu Yuan smiled, not surprised at all by Chen Duo's decision. "Since you choose to experience death, the next step is the second choice."

"You can choose any way to die, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and it's under our control."

Village Chief Ma: ...

Did I really misjudge this bastard Xuanyuan?

This guy is definitely not a good person!

Listen! Listen to it yourself! Is that what you said is human language?

Experience how to die? how? Could it be that you can be resurrected after experiencing death?

"Really!" Chen Duo's face unexpectedly revealed a look of surprise, "Can I really choose my own way of dying?"


"I..." After thinking for a moment, Chen Duo finally gave the answer amid hesitation. "I want to go shopping, but I have no money..."

The company's temporary workers' treatment is indeed good, but Chen Duo is in a special situation and cannot even fully control his freedom, so it cannot be generalized.

No money?

Make a wish and smile.

Zhuge Qing also laughed.

"Old Wang, come!"

Wang Ye:......

Xu Yuan pulled Wang Ye to his side and winked at Chen Duo.

"Chen Duo, you may not know who this is. He is the richest man in Kyoto and the third son of the Zhonghai Wang Group. Today we can go to a big restaurant! Buy whatever you want!"

Then Xuanyuan looked at the other temporary workers and greeted them.

"Let's all go together!"

"Well, I don't have that much money, only about 10 million..." Wang Ye defended with some lack of confidence.

But now, except for Xu Yuan and Zhuge Qing, no one else is in the mood to really spend money and take advantage of others.

The operation of making a wish confuses everyone.

However, seeing that Chen Duo was finally interested, these temporary workers also made up their minds to see Chen Duo off for the last time.

"Well, I want to take Chen Junyan with me..." Chen Duo suddenly remembered something and said weakly.

"Of course! No problem! Now you have the final say!"

Following Chen Duo's call, a big yellow dog with shiny fur rushed over from the woods in the distance.

This is Chen Junyan in Chen Duo's mouth.


As Chen Duo tore the green tights on her body into pieces, the temporary workers present looked at her in shock.

Although everyone present except Feng Baobao were all men.

But when everyone looked at Chen Duo's body, they didn't have any evil thoughts, and there was just uncontrollable pity.

Because Chen Duo's body had already been riddled with holes by the primitive poison entrenched in her body, and there were frightening corrosive injuries everywhere.

Just like how Chen Duo defined herself at the beginning, it is better to say that she is a Gu than a human being...

"No!" Zhang Chulan jumped out again to sing the opposite.

But this time, Brother Xiao didn't give him a chance to speak. He put his arms around Zhang Chulan and spoke in the most direct and affable way.

"You devil, I know what you want to do, but I'm in a bad mood right now. You'd better not choose now to seek death. If the dog barks again, I'll beat you to death..."

Zhang Chulan laughed a few times. He thought of the human scorpion he saw at the entrance of the village...

As expected, these temporary workers are all human beings.

Just see through it, don’t tell it...

Anyway, your goal has been achieved, so it’s better not to commit suicide.

In fact, if it weren't for the purpose of finding some reliable allies for Sister Bao'er, his sympathy for Chen Duo would not be weaker than that of others...

And with Chen Duo's explanation, everyone once again witnessed Chen Duo's kindness.

In fact, Chen Duo never thought of hurting anyone from the beginning, including when they made a big fuss in Biyou Village.

Because Chen Duo has been suppressing the original Gu in his body, it has not spread at all.

The price of doing this is that Chen Duo himself will be eroded by the poison until he finally dies!

At this time, these people present understood why Chen Duo had always chosen to die!

On the one hand, Chen Duo is unable to integrate into society because of his special life experience.

On the other hand, it's because from the moment Chen Duo became the Gu-body Holy Child, her ending was already doomed!

Because tights cannot be worn all the time, and if we give up suppressing the poison, countless people will die...


"Why should a little girl suffer this..."

"I can't figure it out. She is obviously the same age as my daughter..."

Lao Meng collapsed and knelt on the ground muttering to himself.

The clarinet also patted Lao Meng's shoulder, but couldn't say any comforting words...

On the contrary, Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing were more curious about what the wishing party would do!

They still firmly believe that there must be a way to make a wish!

Although all the temporary workers agreed to Chen Duo's "dying wish", they also found the financial backer, the third young master of the Wang family.

However, those of them who want to go down the mountain to go shopping still need to make some preparations.

For example, notify Yamashita's staff from the South China Branch to come up and clean up the battlefield.

And, hand over Chief Ma to those people.

Soon, after receiving the notification, the staff of the South China Branch came to receive the prisoners.

Xu Yuan specifically asked them not to notify anyone, but to secretly send Village Chief Ma directly to the Kyoto headquarters, wait until the door of the Kyoto headquarters, and then call the company chairman Zhao Fangxu directly to inform.

For this reason, Xu Wan also specially left the phone number of Fatty Zhao’s office to this staff member.

He didn't forget that there seemed to be an undercover agent named Qu Tong on the company's board of directors!

If the news is leaked, Qu Tong will definitely come and kidnap Ma Xianhong.

Ma Xianhong can be robbed, but not now!

Ma Xianhong, he will be of great use if you keep him!

At least until he returns to headquarters!

By the way, Xu Wan also said hello to the staff of the South China Region and asked them to let Old Man Xia Barron and Granny Jinfeng leave.

Although Old Man Xia is an old man and his reputation is not very good, he is still a wish-making master.

In addition, this time Old Man Xia helped them win Ma Xianhong in a sense.

Therefore, both other temporary workers and staff in the South China Region turned a blind eye to this and pretended not to see it.

After everything was ready, a group of temporary workers finally went down the mountain!

The place for shopping is naturally Liupanshui at the foot of the mountain...

It seems that nothing has changed from the original plot so far, but it seems that everything has changed.

I have already made a wish in my heart.

Chen Duo!

Can't die!

I said!

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