Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 105 Ma Xianhong: Our ancestors are in danger!

Ma Xianhong looked at the wailing pigs everywhere in the pig pen, and he seemed to be able to see the tears shining in the eyes of these pigs...

Ma Xianhong found out from other villagers in Biyou Village nearby the culprit who caused this tragedy at the Pig Pen East Factory.

Feng Baobao!

That woman who came with Zhang Chulan!

Except for Ma Xianhong, the other villagers in Biyou Village are basically outsiders and have little experience in raising pigs. Naturally, they do not know that these breeding pigs are actually used by Village Chief Ma to breed piglets to generate income for the village.

After all, to maintain such a large village and to buy materials to refine weapons, the financial pressure is not ordinary.

Although the followers of the New Jie Sect are all from the villagers of Biyou Village, not all villagers in Biyou Village are members of the New Jie Sect.

Naturally, those villagers who have not yet joined the New Jie Sect are not aware of the disputes between them and the temporary workers.

In their mouths, Feng Baobao became a good girl who was willing to help others!

Ma Xianhong:......

Ma Xianhong originally wanted to settle the score with Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao, but he heard that other Biyou Village villagers were full of praise for Feng Baobao.

He still stopped.

Maybe... this is just a misunderstanding?

Forget it, let's not have any disputes with those temporary workers for the time being.

The most important thing now is to prepare to destroy the cultivation furnace.

However, Ma Xianhong now wants to destroy the self-cultivation furnace, but he does not intend to give up on the self-cultivation furnace!

But to recreate the perfect slimming stove!

The inspiration came after he had a chat with Xu Yuan about weapon refining and was persuaded by Zhuge Qing based on his character and inner scene.

Zhuge Qing's advice was obviously ineffective, but instead helped Ma Xianhong generate new inspiration!

The cultivation furnace has been unsuccessful precisely because he ignored the training conditions of the technique!

If the cultivation conditions of the spell are now added to the self-cultivation furnace, after the self-cultivation furnace is rebuilt, according to his estimation, it will be able to perfectly transform ordinary people into aliens!

It should also help you retrieve lost memories.

Village Chief Ma swallowed his anger and returned to the room to redesign the self-cultivation stove.

On the other side, Wishes also waited for other temporary workers to collect information and gathered in his room again.

"According to the information I collected, most of the villagers in Biyou Village have not joined the New Jie Sect. They only came to Biyou Village because they got into some trouble in the outside world." Black Guan took the lead and said, "They If the crime is not punishable by death, the company will not kill them all."

"Well... I found a delicious dish." Xiao Zizai stretched out his hand to push the frame on the bridge of his nose, a scarlet light flashing in his eyes. "Except for those ordinary villagers, the other Shanggenqi and Ma Xianhong are all above the mission goal. Please don't affect my enjoyment of the food."

He was targeting the Ye Maoshan Taoist priest Zhao Guizhen who defected from the Maoshan sect!

It is worth mentioning that although Biyou Village is located deep in the mountains and there is no signal on the way to Biyou Village, there is signal in Biyou Village itself!

In order to improve the quality of life, Ma Xianhong went so far as to connect the entire village to the satellite network...

Therefore, Gao Erzhuang naturally helped investigate the specific information about Zhao Guizhen.

Lao Meng:......

"I still maintain my opinion. Regarding Chen Duo, please let her live."

In fact, among the temporary workers, Lao Meng, a middle-aged man, is the most aggrieved.

Because he finally met Chen Duo today, and Chen Duo also remembered through his voice that the person who took him out of the Yaoxian Society in the first place was Lao Meng!

Lao Meng was scolded inexplicably.

But as a middle-aged man, Lao Meng is like this. Even if his teeth are knocked out, he can only swallow them in his stomach.

He didn't dare tell anyone else.

Otherwise, the other temporary workers finally agreed to keep Chen Duo, so Chen Duo would not die because of such a trivial matter...

A group of temporary workers exchanged information.

When it was Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan's turn, the task of collecting intelligence naturally fell on the "ghost" Zhang Chulan.

Do you expect Sister Baoer to collect intelligence?

Stop it! She is currently reading "Postpartum Care of Sows" with a copy of her book and is planning to teach the villagers in Biyou Village during the day tomorrow...

After a group of temporary workers exchanged information.

Then they began to discuss how to deal with Ma Xianhong.

"The best option is to resolve the matter peacefully," Xu Yuan said, "But Zhang Chulan and I have tried it, and Ma Xianhong can't listen to anyone's advice at all."

"The middle strategy is to encourage the villagers of Biyou Village to confront Ma Xianhong. This obviously doesn't work either."

After making a wish, spread your hands.

"Anyway, Grandma Jinfeng, who is now the hostage, has been safely obtained, so let's prepare to take action." Xu Yuan spread his hands, "But the specific command of the action still needs to be overseen by Brother Er."

All the temporary workers looked at the clarinet.

It didn't take just one day for the clarinet to become the leader of this temporary team.

It's that there are specialties in the profession. Judging from the number of clarinetists, and considering the special background of the person in charge of Central China, most of the clarinetists are from the military.

This kind of multi-person combat cannot be fought alone, otherwise it will be easy to achieve half the result with twice the result!

The clarinet did not refuse.

After discussions among a group of temporary workers, the plan of "car splitting the horse into a fairy flood" was finally decided.

The plan is divided into three steps.

The first step is to drive away the villagers to prevent innocent people from being affected.

The second step is to deal with the remaining followers of Shanggenqi and Xinjie Sect respectively.

The third step is to split the car and the horse into a flood!

As for Chen Duo, the original target of this operation, today they learned from the villagers that Chen Duo's presence in the village was not high.

If Village Chief Ma hadn't assigned her what to do, Chen Duo wouldn't even have been seen going out for several days, let alone do anything for the village.

Based on this inference, it is very likely that Chen Duo will not take action.

But just in case, the black tube still uses wishing as a mobile force, ready to deal with Chen Duo at any time.

Because the ability to kill the rat tide that he showed before making a wish - Karmic Flame - is the best way to completely restrain Chen Duo's poison.

The destructive power of poisons lies in their toxicity and concealment, but the defense and vitality of the poison itself are not outstanding.

It can even be said to be vulnerable.

The flames that surround the whole body without any blind spots are completely inaccessible with the ability of the Gu insect, let alone the poisonous attack!

And according to the ability that Xu wish told them, if there is an unexpected situation on any battlefield, as long as it is within the range of Biyou Village, Xu wish can rush to help within a few seconds.

After all, the size of Biyou Village is only one village. To make a wish, as long as you activate Nezha's ultimate move, it is equivalent to opening it up close to your face...

You go as a group first, I'll lead alone!

So it is precisely because of Wish's powerful strength and high mobility.

Make a Wish also takes on more work.

For example, in the first step of the plan, he needs to create chaos with Sister Baoer to drive away the innocent villagers.

Then in the second step of the plan, he and Zhang Chulan needed to find an opportunity to destroy the self-cultivation furnace.

Finally, in the third part of the plan, he and other temporary workers will besiege and capture Ma Xianhong!

I wish I had no opinion on this.

Although it sounds troublesome, these arrangements are indeed the most suitable.

Others don't have the mobility to provide support at any time like him!

"Eh? Are you talking about Village Chief Ma?" Sister Bao'er, who was carefully studying the postpartum care knowledge of sows, suddenly raised her head and said. "Does it need to be so troublesome? Just wait for me to touch him in the middle of the night and give him a hammer!"


"Zhang Chulan! Take care of your heavenly soldiers!" The black man's forehead was covered with black lines.

Zhang Chulan quickly pulled Feng Baobao.

But it's obvious that Sister Baoer hasn't figured out the reason yet.

Xu Yuan also whispered to Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, if we don't start a fight, you won't be able to get Qiu Rang's gilded Ruyi."

Feng Baobao understood this sentence!

She nodded immediately, like a chicken pecking at rice, and then quietly sat back in her seat.

Today, she paid special attention to the root device named Qiu Rang.

Wish-making was right, that guy really stuffed a handful of beautiful Ruyi in his butt pocket!

Since I don’t want to give up any grudges, I can just take it myself!

Having said that, that Ruyi is quite beautiful...

After pressing Feng Baobao back to his seat, the clarinet continued.

"Now there is only one last question left, which is where is the self-cultivation furnace hidden by Ma Xianhong?"

"I touched the location as Taoist Wang said today, but there was nothing there. Obviously, the Slimming Furnace was moved by Ma Xianhong. This furnace is also the key to the mission!"

In fact, it is reasonable for Ma Xianhong to do this.

After all, he is just honest and upright, not stupid.

Today Wang Ye returned to Biyou Village again, but he came back with these temporary workers.

Ma Xianhong naturally knew that Wang Ye was on the side of the company and temporary workers.

Although he didn't know that these temporary workers were coming for his stove, the Slimming stove was really important to him!

In order to prevent some unscrupulous temporary workers from using the stove to blackmail him into handing over Chen Duo, he immediately moved the stove to another location.

This time, it was really a strange combination of circumstances that prevented the detection of these temporary workers.

Wishing doesn’t have a good answer to this question.

After all, because of his intervention, the plot of Biyou Village has already gone out of shape.

But they can't check the location of the self-cultivation stove in the village with great fanfare now, otherwise no matter how upright Village Chief Ma is, he will be able to detect that something is wrong!

If you wait until it's time to start searching for the Slimming Stove from room to room, not only will you waste time, but you'll also be prone to unexpected situations!

Just as a group of temporary workers were thinking about countermeasures.

Wang Ye, who had not shown up yet, also rushed back.

"Make a wish, Ma Xianhong changed the location of the self-cultivation stove and put it in the big house at the east end of the village!" Wang Ye said to Wishes as soon as he entered the room.

After hearing Wang Ye's words, everyone present looked at Xu Wish with strange eyes.

Is this your undercover? Have you anticipated this step?

You... seem to have something!

Even with Xu Yuan's thick skin, he was a little embarrassed.

He really didn't expect this development, it was purely a coincidence!

"Daozhang Wang, how did you know?"

In order to ensure the authenticity of the information, the black tube still took the initiative to ask.

"Lao Qing told me! Zhuge Qing, he is also one of the twelve supreme powers in Biyou Village. Of course, he is an undercover..."

With Wang Ye's explanation, Xu Yuan realized what happened during this period.

As soon as Wang Ye entered the village, he went to find Zhuge Qing.

But at that time, Zhuge Qing was in the self-cultivation furnace to see why Zhao Nian was trapped in the inner scene and couldn't extricate himself, so he was naturally not in the room.

Wang Ye has been waiting at Zhuge Qing's residence.

It wasn't until Zhuge Qing returned to the room.

Wang Ye immediately followed what Xu Yuan said - since you don't listen to reason, then I am also slightly proficient in fists and kicks.

A picture of Wang Ye outing came to Zhuge Qing.

I also learned the latest location of the Slimming Furnace from Zhuge Qing.

"...Make a wish," Wang Ye paused at the end. "Old Qing would like to ask you to think of a way to see if you can ask the superior named Fu Rong to capture her alive instead of killing her."

To be honest, if he hadn't had a good relationship with Xu Yuan and Zhuge Qing, he would never have been able to say this.

Even though Zhuge Qing asked him to help convey it to Xu Yuan.

After all, according to both camps, Fu Rong is an enemy, and showing mercy to the enemy is undoubtedly irresponsible for one's own life.

But before Xuanyuan could say anything, Lao Meng, who was silent at the side, stood up.

Then he placed the phone on the table in the middle.

"Leave this matter to me! I have a way to make Fu Rong easy to catch."

At this moment, all the temporary workers looked at Lao Meng in surprise.

His body seemed to glow with a glow of extreme confidence.

Why did Lao Meng, who had always been submissive and even fearful of society, suddenly be so...

When everyone saw the content on the screen of Lao Meng's mobile phone, their faces darkened.

It turned out that what was displayed on the phone screen was Fu Rong's debt record...

From credit cards to small loans to online loans...

But now that Lao Meng has taken over this matter, they naturally don't need to worry about it.


All is ready except for the opportunity.

Even Wang Ye, an outsider, was assigned the task of relocating and driving away the villagers.

After all, he is not a temporary worker, and he does not have a suitable identity to do many dirty jobs. This kind of life-saving task is more suitable for him.

The final time to take action is tomorrow night.

After all, this time it’s not just about killing people, they also have to make some preparations!

In order not to arouse Ma Xianhong's suspicion, everyone returned to their respective residences after discussing the plan.

But Wang Ye stayed in the room where he made his wish.

"Make a wish, there were so many people just now, there is one more thing I didn't tell you." Wang Ye's expression became serious, "Ma Xianhong handed over the Divine Machine Bailian to Zhuge Qing."

"Then did he read it?"

"Lao Qing said it himself, not yet." Wang Ye rubbed his forehead with a headache. "Even if he didn't watch it, after Biyou Village is breached, the company won't be able to hide this matter. After all, the magic machine Bailian that can create a self-cultivation furnace has stayed in Lao Qing's hands. I'm worried …”

But Xu Yuan waved her hand to him.

"Old Wang, you don't have to worry too much about this matter. I will try my best to help Zhuge Qing mediate over the company. The only thing I'm worried about now is that Lao Qing couldn't resist the temptation and secretly practiced the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements."

Make a Wish but you know what the real core of the Slimming Furnace is.

The Shenji Bailian is only a part of the self-cultivation furnace. The real core is actually the piece of meat "born" by Qu Tong!

Without that thing, the so-called self-cultivation stove is just an ordinary stove and cannot run at all!

On the contrary, if Zhuge Qing really did not resist the temptation and practiced the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, it might affect his own practice of Wuhou Qimen!

Wuhou Qimen has practiced to the extreme, but he can summon the true fire of Samadhi!

The true fire of samadhi is designed to burn the soul.

Let’s not mention the Eight Magic Skills and the True Fire of Samadhi, which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

The ability of the Samadhi True Fire alone not only made Wang Bing happy to have a eldest father again, but the Samadhi True Fire could even be used to refine weapons.

Wuhou Qimen also has magical skills!

When the time comes, the Wuhou sect's Qimen skills combined with divine machine skills will definitely not be weaker than the Eight Magical Skills!

More importantly, with his magical skills, Zhuge Qing can join his own logistics and ammunition supply team...

I am still an elder of the Zhuge clan. The elder should be able to give Zhuge Qing tasks, right?

"What should I do? How about I watch him all night?" Wang Ye was a little troubled.

The temporary worker's action plan was not hidden from him. He knew that he would take action against Biyou Village and Ma Xianhong tomorrow night.

"That's okay..." Xu Yuan pondered for a moment. "Old Wang, I'll trouble you to go and watch Lao Qing tonight. If he dares to touch that magical book of Bailian, you'll beat him again. If it's okay, just tell him that it's the entrustment of Elder Wishing. "

"As for other matters, I will tell him in person tomorrow."

Wang Ye:......

Good guy!

Xu Wish even used the position of elder, which was never mentioned before, to suppress Lao Qing. It seems that Lao Qing is miserable!


Wang Ye did not hesitate and turned directly to Zhuge Qing's room.

Biyou Village is very peaceful at night.

Even if they made a wish and waited for the arrival of outsiders such as temporary workers, they did not break the usual routine of the villagers in Biyou Village.

The villagers did not know the true identities of Xu Yuan and others. What Ma Xianhong and a group of superiors told them were only new villagers who joined the village.

As for Ma Xianhong and a group of superiors who had cleared the true identity of Xu Yuan and others, they also believed in Xu Yuan very honestly. They were just here to arrest Chen Duo.

Therefore, Biyou Village did not send anyone to patrol the village at all.

It just so happened that a certain refreshing girl was given a chance.

A figure appeared quietly at the corner of the village.

If Wang Ye saw the outfit of this figure at this time, he would definitely look very familiar.

He was wearing a dark outdoor jacket and a turban on his head. The turban was tied under his nostrils, leaving only a pair of eyes and a mouth exposed.

It is exactly the same as the figure who made a wish at night on Longhu Mountain!

Feng Baobao!

The only difference is that Feng Baobao is not carrying a production tool like a shovel on his shoulders this time, but is carrying a big bag.

Feng Baobao sneaked out from the corner of the street. After confirming the safety of the surrounding area, she went straight to the worship hall in the center of Biyou Village!

Today she saw a wishing person who was as witty as herself enter there!

There must be a treasure there!

It will all be destroyed tomorrow night anyway, so why not go there and help Chief Ma put it away first?

Well, if Village Chief Ma doesn’t want it later, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give it to Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan as gifts!

Sister Bao'er's idea is indeed correct, but the memorial hall in Biyou Village only has the memorial tablets for the ancestors of the weapon refiner group...

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