Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 101 You give the company a good prospect, and the company gives you a good figure in return

Chapter 101 You give the company a good prospect, and the company gives you a good figure...

At the same time that Xu wish was heading to Biyou Village with a group of temporary workers.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing also returned to their room.

Neither of them expected that the crisis of "undercover exposure" would end in this way.

But it's only over temporarily.

Because both of them know that Biyou Village will face a thunderous attack from the company next!

Wang Ye originally wanted to call Xu Wish and inquire about Xu Wish's arrangements for the next undercover plan.

Should the two of them take this opportunity to evacuate Biyou Village?

But at this time, Xuyuan and a group of temporary workers were deep in the mountains, on their way to Biyou Village.

So Wang Ye's phone call couldn't be reached at all.

"Sorry, the number you dialed cannot be connected at the moment. Please call again later, sorry..."

Wang Ye:......


He suddenly felt so tired, he had made a careless friend!

A Zhuge Qing, your brother will put it in your pocket, but you will kick it in the ditch for your brother!

A wish, to be brothers in my heart, but if something happens, I can’t get through on the phone!

Although Wang Ye complained in his heart, he knew that Xu Yuan was different from Zhuge Qing, who was a swindler. Xu Yuan had never neglected important matters.

There are probably other reasons why the phone can't get through now.

In this case, the only one they can rely on is themselves!

"Old Qing! Come with me! We can't stay in Biyou Village any longer!"

Wang Ye greeted Lao Qing and was about to pack up and run away.

The Slimming Furnace is simply the source of plague, whoever touches it will die!

If they don't leave, they will participate in the improvement plan of the Self-cultivation Furnace and become the furnace holders of the Self-cultivation Furnace.

As for the undercover plan, we can only give up temporarily!

But when Wang Ye finished speaking, he found that Zhuge Qing had not moved.

"Old Qing, you..." Wang Ye frowned.

Zhuge Qing looked hesitant.

"Old Wang, I want to bring Fu Rong with me..."

Zhuge Qing naturally also knows the next outcome of Biyou Village and the Self-cultivation Furnace, Ma Xianhong and those root tools...

It can’t be saved!

Wang Ye:......

He has a headache now. Zhuge Qing is risking his life to pick up girls!

"Old Qing, what do you like about Fu Rong?" Wang Ye also tried to save Zhuge Qing.

"She has short hair?" Zhuge Qing hesitated for a moment, then said firmly, "I like girls with medium to long hair."

Wang also touched his hair subconsciously.

I...seem to have medium to long hair too?

"anything else?"

"Her hair is very black." Zhuge Qing's eyes gradually brightened, "And she is also very thin!"

Wang Ye:......

"She's still very tall!" Zhuge Qing continued.

"Why don't you tell me something I don't have?" Wang Ye's expression was very subtle.

Zhuge Qing thought seriously for a moment, and then clapped his hands fiercely.

"By the way! I also like her eyes. Her eyes have a sense of clarity!"

"Is it the kind of clarity that allows you to see your brain through your eyes?"

Zhuge Qing:......

At this moment, he seemed to see the shadow of the wish in Wang Ye.

"One more thing!" Zhuge Qing defended, "The most important thing is that she has something that other women don't have. She looks like a man!"

Wang Ye:......

For a moment, the whole room fell into a dead silence.

Wang Ye waved his hand feebly. He really didn't know what to say to Zhuge Qing, so he could only stand up and pat Zhuge Qing's shoulder.

"Old Qing...see you later, take care."

He was really worried that if he continued to persuade, Zhuge Qing would turn his target towards him...

Man's fate is destined by God!

Now that Zhuge Qing has decided to stay here, there is no need for him to continue to persuade him.

It seems that Lao Qing is destined to be unable to escape this calamity.

As for how to pull Zhuge Qing out of Biyou Village?

Let’s leave this kind of problem to Wishing.

Anyway, there is always a way to make a wish!

Wang Ye packed his luggage and left Biyou Village directly.

Just as Ma Xianhong said to the two of them before, Ma Xianhong did not send anyone to stop Wang Ye from leaving.

Instead, he came to the village entrance to say goodbye to Wang Ye in person.

"Daozhang Wang, I told you before that we are all descendants of the Eight Wonders, so I treat you as my family. You can come and go freely. If you want to come back, Biyou Village welcomes you at any time."

Ma Xianhong said to Wang Ye with a smile.

Wang Ye's expression was a little complicated.

The longer he stayed with Xu Yuan, the more he felt that a real person like Village Chief Ma was rare.

If the other party hadn't insisted on creating a new religion, he would definitely be a good candidate as a friend...

Sincerity is always a must-win.

"Village Chief Ma, no matter what you want to do, I advise you to give up as soon as possible." Wang Ye couldn't help but persuade Ma Xianhong kindly. "Some things should not exist in this world."

However, the results are clear.

"Master Tao, you don't need to persuade me. All the disputes in the world come from differences. What I do is to solve all the disputes in the world so that everyone in the world can become different people and have great harmony..."

Just like the orthodox dispute between Jiejiao and Chanjiao in the history of foreigners, Ma Xianhong obviously will not give up his ideas because of his few words.

Wang didn't bother to persuade him anymore, he just picked up his luggage and turned around to leave silently.

Ma Xianhong also turned around silently and walked towards Biyou Village.

At this point, the two heirs of the Eight Wonders have completely parted ways!

At least that's the case when it comes to slimming furnaces.

Although Wang Ye left Biyou Village, he did not go far.

Instead, he randomly found a tree root to lie down in the jungle not far or near from Biyou Village.

Wang Ye looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky through the dense canopy of trees, and sighed silently.

He advised many people, but none of them seemed to listen to him.

Zhang Chulan is like this, Zhuge Qing is like this, Ma Xianhong is also like this...

"Sure enough, destiny is the hardest thing to change. Maybe only people who make wishes can reluctantly do it..."

And in Biyou Village on the other side.

Ma Xianhong once again found Zhuge Qing who took the initiative to stay.

"Brother Zhuge, thank you very much for your willingness to stay and help me." Ma Xianhong took out the book of Divine Machinery and Hundred Refinements directly from his arms, and then placed it on the table in front of Zhuge Qing. "According to the previous promise, this divine machine is yours."

Zhuge Qing:......

After Ma Xianhong left, Zhuge Qing looked at the Shenji Bailian Kung Fu on the table and fell into a tangle.

The reason why he didn't go with Wang Ye was to stay in Biyou Village.

It was indeed because he wanted to take Fu Rong with him.

But that wasn't the whole reason for him to stay, or even the main reason why he wanted to stay.

One of the Eight Magic Skills, Divine Machine Hundred Refining, is the main reason for him to stay!

Wang can also predict the end of Biyou Village, and he naturally knows that Biyou Village will definitely not end well!

However, he was really attracted to Shen Ji Bai Lian!

Zhuge Qing was ashamed to admit this, but he had to admit it!

Not only has he claimed to be the genius of the Zhuge family since he was a child, but he has also been regarded as such in the eyes of the elders and his father - the pride of the Zhuge family!

But Xu Yuan and Wang Ye used other sects' methods to defeat him one after another!

It's not that Zhuge Qing can't afford to lose, he can lose to others in the Zhuge clan!

But he couldn't accept that the Zhuge clan's ancestral skill, Wuhou Qimen, was weaker than other sects!

But now, Shen Ji Bai Lian is an opportunity for him!

The Zhuge family inherited more than just Qimen skills from Wuhou Zhuge Liang.

There are also divine mechanics!

That is, the weapon training method.

It is passed down from Huang Yueying, the wife of Wuhou Zhuge Liang!

It's just not as widely circulated as Wuhou Qimen.

The combination of Qimen Bagua Technique and Shenji Technique can also produce considerable power...

However, Zhuge Qing finally put away Shenji Bailian silently and did not choose to read it immediately.

Now that he has obtained the divine machine, he can practice it after he really thinks about it.

Now he is going to find Fu Rong!

In fact, in addition to being the eldest son of the contemporary patriarch of the Zhuge clan, Zhuge Qing is also a well-known actor in the world of ordinary people.

Although it doesn't prove much, it at least proves that Zhuge Qing is very handsome, and he is proficient in flirting techniques as he comes from the entertainment industry.

When Zhuge Qing came to the kitchen and found Fu Rong.

He unabashedly used his flirting skills to attack Fu Rong.

At this time, in the kitchen, apart from Fu Rong, there was another Shanggenjie here.

Liu Wukui!

Just now Liu Wukui also participated in the siege against him and Wang Ye.

Zhuge Qing's impression of him is that of a violent lolita with infinite strength...

No one tastes the slightest bit of red lips, but kills the young man with one punch!

Facing Zhuge Qing's offensive, Liu Wukui called him a scumbag, and Fu Rong was not polite either.

He kicked Zhuge Qing out of the kitchen with just one kick!

However, when the kitchen door was slammed shut by the two people from the inside, a smile appeared on Zhuge Qing's face.

Because he clearly heard the conversation between Liu Wukui and Fu Rong in the kitchen by listening to Feng Yin.

"Sister Rong, be careful. This guy is an invincible scumbag at first glance! Look at Brother Ziheng in the village. Everyone in the village knows that he likes you, but he is too honest and can't save face to express his love..."

"Eh... honest people are so boring..."

Zhuge Qing, who was eavesdropping on the wind outside the kitchen door, was in a good mood.

This may be the only thing that makes him happy today!

Next, why don't you find an honest person to have some fun with?

He suddenly discovered that there were many honest people in Biyou Village!

Just half a day.

Zhuge Qing got the nickname Zhuge Zha in Biyou Village.

This is due to Sister Kui'er's big mouth...

In just half a day, under Zhuge Qing's constant harassment, Fu Rong's attitude towards him had obviously changed 180 degrees.

Ding Ziheng, who is also one of the superiors, has always been secretly in love with Fu Rong.

But how can an honest person be the opponent of a scumbag?

He didn't know how to save the situation, so he could only watch Zhuge Qing and Fu Rong's progress anxiously...

The other half made a wish and waited for a group of temporary workers.

After half a day of trekking through mountains and rivers, we finally arrived at Biyou Village!

Before they even got close to the village, or even far away from the village, they were discovered by the villagers on sentry duty in Biyou Village.

Xiao Zizai's original idea was to capture this villager and then take the opportunity to sneak attack on Biyou Village.

But at this time Zhang Chulan stood up.

"Everyone, Grandma Jinfeng is still in the hands of the other party. I think we should not act rashly and try to see if we can resolve it peacefully."

Zhang Chulan's words really hit the weakness of Xu Wan and Wang Zhenqiu.

Even if you make a wish, you can't be sure. If the life and death of Biyou Village really comes, even if the honest village chief won't touch Granny Jinfeng, it doesn't mean that other people in the village won't touch Granny Jinfeng.

Village Chief Ma is not the only one in Biyou Village!

Although Wang Zhenqiu has always been impatient with Old Man Xia.

But he also agreed to Old Man Xia's help in rescuing Granny Jinfeng.

"Okay, let's try negotiating first!" Wang Zhenqiu took the lead in expressing his stance.

Now that we are here, other people naturally have no objections.

Moreover, Lao Meng is also concerned about Chen Duo's safety, and he doesn't want to take action unless he has no choice.

If you wish, simply obey the majority.

Everyone then allowed the villager from Biyou Village who was on sentry duty to go to Biyou Village to report the news.

They continued to walk forward unhurriedly.

After they continued to move forward for a while.

I happened to see Wang Ye blocking the middle of the road.

Although Wang did not know all the temporary workers at that site, he also had a few acquaintances among this group of people.

Xuyuan, Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Xiao Zizai...

These people all showed up at the Luotian Dajiao.

But all the temporary workers recognized Wang Ye.

The opponent Luo Tian made a wish on the altar is the inheritor of Fenghou Qimen, one of the eight magical skills.

"Wish, you are finally here!" Wang Ye quickly stepped forward and told Xu Yuan what happened after they arrived at Biyou Village.

Of course, everyone's footsteps did not stop.

Still continue to move forward.

After learning that Zhuge Qing still chose to stay, Xu Yuan pondered for a moment.

He also didn't expect that Zhuge Qing would still follow the same path.

In other words, Zhuge Qing is still obsessed with the so-called Eight Wonders.

It seems that he needs to use his trump card - Wang Ye has an outing!


"Old Wang, there is no need for you to intervene in other matters regarding Biyou Village and Chen Duo. Just wait until the time comes to take action and you can take care of Zhuge Qing."

"Okay! But how to deal with him?" Wang Ye scratched his head.

"Of course, beat him! Since he won't listen to your reasoning, you can also be a little proficient in fists and kicks, right? This isn't the first time..."

After hearing the wish, Wang Ye finally showed a smile on his sad face.

He is actually starting to look forward to it now...

Along the way, the two of them not only talked about the current situation of Biyou Village.

Wang Ye and other temporary workers were also introduced to each other.

Even the sophomore high school student from the Northeast Region who only existed in the group chat was not left behind.

Of course, they only got to know each other roughly, and the more detailed content of the wish was not revealed to Wang Ye.

It’s not whether he trusts Wang Ye or not. Taoist priest Wang Ye is still very trustworthy.

It's just that these temporary workers are easy to get along with each other, but it doesn't mean that they are willing to trust people other than temporary workers.

When a group of temporary workers came to Biyou Village.

Ma Xianhong had already received the villager's report.

He brought all the superior tools except Zhuge Qing to the entrance of the village and was ready!

Including Chen Duo!

And at this moment, the compatibility of the wishing world increased by three points again!

World fit jumped from 38% to 41%!

Ma Xianhong, Chen Duo and the key check-in point of Biyou Village Slimming Furnace each provided a little bit for wishing!

The number of draws has also been increased from the remaining 8 to 11!

Breaking through the 10-draw mark again!

The temporary workers and Biyou Village, although not enemies, were extremely jealous when they met.

However, both parties are understanding people.

The temporary workers knew that the masked men in black who attacked them before were people from Biyou Village.

Hari Chagai's face is still injured...

And the people in Biyou Village also knew that temporary workers like Wishes were here to capture their companion Master Chen Duo, and when they attacked Wishes before, there were people from Biyou Village who fell into their hands...

The two sides are at war with each other!

But at this moment, Zhang Chulan stood up and volunteered to find Ma Xianhong.

"Village Chief Ma, can we talk somewhere else?"

Ma Xianhong raised his head and glanced at the wish in the crowd.

He had long seen through the surveillance of [Flying Insects] that among these temporary workers, the focus was on making wishes.

Seeing that there was no expression of the wish, this upright man from science and engineering just regarded the wish as acquiescence.

If possible, he would not want to take action with people from the company.

"Okay, let's talk!"

Ma Xianhong nodded and took Zhang Chulan into the village.

But the temporary workers and masters who were still staying at the entrance of the village were still silently confronting each other.


Xiao Zizai reached out and said hello to Zhao Guizhen, who was standing opposite him and dressed as a Taoist priest.

But the result was only a cold snort.

"Huh?" Xiao Zizai raised his eyebrows.

Interesting, why did he smell a familiar scent on this Taoist priest?

Is that...the taste of delicious food?

And right now.

She took off the headphones that Feng Baobao had been wearing.

"Don't be too deliberate, we are brothers..."

A rhythmic slow-rock dance song "Irregular Disco" came from the speaker of Feng Baobao's mobile phone.

In an instant, the tense atmosphere just now fell short!

Xuanyuan couldn't help but smile!

I'm coming!

The famous scene is coming!

He just ignored the honest village chief just because of this scene!

It’s fun to see how you can personally participate in the comics!


Having worked as a professional shaker for a period of time in his previous life when he was young, he could tell at a glance that the movements of these temporary workers were not standard enough. There were only two back and forth movements of the head, and there were not enough factions!

This is not possible!

If you give the company a good idea, the company will give you a good idea in return!

If you want to save Chen Duo, you must let Chen Duo feel the connotation and atmosphere of the company culture!

The working atmosphere for temporary workers at Nadutong Company is very relaxing! And it’s all-encompassing!

we are team!

The all-encompassing corporate culture begins with the shaking-head faction!

"...you do it, I can do whatever you want..."

"Strange Disco" was still playing, and a group of temporary workers gradually began to twist under the leadership of Sister Baoer, and an inexplicable atmosphere gradually spread.

"Come! Friends from the company and Biyou Village who are here, keep up with my rhythm and shake together!"

Wishing waved his hands to greet everyone.

"The first eight beats, Qinghai shake, the key points of the movements are wide open and close, wearing white gloves..."

"Dragon-slaying knife, gold ingot, whatever you want..."

"The second eight-beat, Xi'an slow rocking, puppy scratching the wall, belongs to the northwest faction's rocking method, but the movements are more subtle. What about you, Lao Meng, this is the rocking method of your northwest region, study it seriously... "

Wang was also shocked and his jaw hit his feet.

This style of painting is wrong!

Shouldn't we start fighting as soon as we meet? Dou Shangwu?

And just when Wang was doubting his life.

He didn't let him go even if he made a wish.

"Turn it over for me! If you don't turn it around, drag it away and bury it..."

"Old Wang! Come with us! The next eight beats, Guangxi subject three..."

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