Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 686: Angels saving the world

"Oh, you should be belligerent nations. You definitely won't take this kind of competitive honor and disgrace as a child's play, even if this victory does not affect your entry into the World Olympics." Cui Yu said in a serious manner.

Coach George's bald head is also comprehended. If he wants to come to this place, Cui Yu does not want his country to release water.

George certainly won't release water to the country, but he must defeat Coach Li Tuchuan's team upright, so that he will replace Li Tuchuan's position in North America and become a true gold coach in North America.

"Vice-Chairman, rest assured, we must do our utmost." Coach George looked like a bag.

"Of course, I don't doubt that you will violate the ethics of e-sports. I just think that the country is a country that likes to lobby and also likes to go through the back door. They may use all kinds of methods to make you delicious and delicious in their country. It was fun, and finally made a very excessive request secretly ... After all, their country still cares about the qualifications of this Olympic final. "Cui Yu continued.

Coach George responded with a smile, but in his heart he secretly said: You South Korea ca n’t be more moral, the disconnection in the league, the behavior of breaking up the high ground, and the behavior that is now deliberately lost to Little Japan. It is estimated that Cui Yuyi I didn't charge less for Japanese reading.

Even if you know that there is such a collusion, there is not enough evidence to be unconvincing. After all, they are in Korea to train new people, and it is their freedom to lose to anyone, not to mention the U.S. Angels have not done similar things. They sent some second-place players and substitutes and lost to Russia.

It is logical to say that Russia and the United States have historical contradictions.This intentional loss is basically not possible to collect money, that is, to look down on your Russia and not play the main force.

The same can be said of South Korea, that is, they look down on their little Japan and are lazy to get the chief lineup.

"Relax, we are a determined nation in Canada."

"That's good ... In addition, I really appreciate your coaching ability, so if I can win the team that Li Tuchuan is in, I will do more praise work here for you to make you the real world Coach. "Cui Yu laughed.

教练 Coach George's bald eyes flashed when he heard it.

This Cui Yu is nothing more than to make himself lie down on the country, and then to help his position on the coach's journey.

To be honest, the major coaches must eventually be mixed with the World E-sports Association. Since Cui Yu is the vice-chairman of the World E-sports Association, if he follows him, he will definitely be fragrant and hot. Besides, this year ’s Olympic Games, no accident is They won the gold medal in South Korea. At that time, Cui Yu's reputation will be even louder. It may not be long before he will be the chairman of the association, the next year's league, and the Olympic games in the future. Esports is basically Cui Yu. Let it be

教练 Coach George was killing because of his resentment with Li Tuchuan.Now there is such a good thing coming to the door.Where can he not answer?

"Since then, I have to rely on Mr. Cui for more care." Coach George Bald did not think about it, and expressed his meaning directly.

哪里 "Where and where." Cui Yu said with a smile.

Slowly put down the phone, the smile on Cui Yu's face was even more pleasant, and he called the secretary in a maid costume to bring the cake to himself, taking a sip of comfort

Humming, the damned national team even took away the league championship from itself.

Since you like the championship, I will let you not even enter the Olympics. At that time, as the world champion of the previous league, when you were questioned why you did not enter the Olympics, you have to look up and offend your face. My Cui Yu's people never ended well

"Mr. Cui, the cheese you want." The female secretary stooped and placed the food in front of Cui Yu.

Cui Yu glanced into the deep gully at one glance, and the evil smile on his fatty face was: "Let me eat you first."

The female secretary gave a kind of charming white eyes. On the surface, how could the charming fox like to refuse and greet her, but she was thinking: come to toss her mother again? Forget it, just two or three minutes.

With some Frost's rooms, Da Luo cursed indignantly: "I want to know with my butt, it must be the old **** of Cui Yu. When they were in the league, they did not succeed with despicable schemes, and they already hated us. Attentive. "

"That is also no way you can take away their exclusive trophy from the world champion they contracted, in exchange for a dog who is uncomfortable, and they were also scolded afterwards." Emperor Song said.

When everyone is talking, Xia Yingxing has returned from the E-sports Association in the UK.

She took off her coat and revealed a pale red sweater that looks very elegant. Li Tuchuan was very warm and poured a glass of water for her.

"What's the situation?" Yu Luosheng asked.

"Very bad answer."

"How to say?"

"The result is this: As the country that is also the first time to participate in the L-level world competition, they have certain support in policy ..." Xia Yingxing took a sip of water before she began to narrate.

Luo Daluo was impatient. When he heard this sentence, he couldn't bear it. He hurriedly said, "Fuck, it won't be that even if we score like them, we are selected by them, shall we be eliminated?"

Da Luo's sentence made everyone nervous. If this is the case, it is too unfair to them, because it is not possible to lose after the game in Japan, but there is still a game on the national team's side. Canadian for two.

From the original match with Canada, the national team is obviously restrained by Canada.

That is to say, no matter how hard the national team is, they will barely tie with Japan, and then they will be eliminated if they lose to Canada.

"Oh, that's not true, our position in the World E-sports Association is not so weak." Xia Yingxing shook her head.

"Don't interrupt, go cool" Dai Lan stepped on Luo.

Da Luo shook his head and smiled awkwardly, saying that he would not speak anymore.

Xia Yingxing continued: "If we reach the final match and our points are the same as Little Japan, then we will advance to the World Olympics in 5th place, and then Little Japan will enter in the Uth place. Little Japan itself belongs to the former and did not have L The country of this project, this place they take up is understandable. "

"That ..." The big Roman understood what was about to speak, and suddenly realized that there was a cold-eyed Dai Lan next to him, and he stumbled back.

"Do you want to ask if we lose to Canada, we can't make it to the Olympic finals without Japan, right?"

Da Luo read the head in a hurry, and everyone followed.

"No." Xia Yingxing answered very brittlely.

Everyone was nervous, and immediately began to scold Cui Yu's insidious asshole.

"Little Japan can reach the first place, because they are new forces themselves. But we cannot fall to the first place. We are the champions of the league and the world champions. The first place is for those third-tier countries. If we fall to the first place, , It is tantamount to being eliminated directly, and the first place will not be given to us. "Xia Yingxing said.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Not bad news," Li Tuchuan concluded.

"Why isn't it good? Obviously, we have all reached the Olympic finals, but were killed by the dead Koreans, and we still have to compete with Little Japan. The most popular thing is that Little Japan actually entered the Olympic finals. One can't bear it.

"Little Japan is not a problem. Since they have a wild card quota, there is nothing they can do. They are really strong in the wild card team. However, as long as we win the two innings in France, we will owe them. In Canada, we were all in the Olympic finals, "said Li Tuchuan.

"I'm not too worried about beating France, we have the certainty to win, but beating Canada ... the strength of Canadian twins ..." Zhang Aijing said.

The strength of the Canadian twins is indeed amazing. At first, Li Tuchuan meant to give up the second game directly, and work harder in the subsequent games ...

However, now that I want to come to Li Tuchuan is also a cold sweat, because if the second game is let go, then their national team will completely lose one point for the Japanese national team, which is equivalent to being eliminated by Little Japan.

This is much more angry and unwilling.

图 Li Tuchuan secretly fortunately chose to suspend the game at first, otherwise they have now fallen into a dead state.

"It's not a big chance to win Canada, so we may still be eliminated." Wu Sen said with a frown.

"Yeah, yeah, twins are too powerful to deal with."

Bian Baifeng was also silent, he knew he was not the twins' opponent at all.

"Don't be discouraged," Yu Luosheng said.

怎么 "Why, do you have a way to deal with twins?" Everyone immediately turned to look at Yu Luosheng.

Yu Luosheng smiled calmly, and then pointed with his finger at the beautiful back of the bed where he rarely feeds cats in group meetings.

"I trust, how can I forget her"

"Well, the ban is just over. When playing Canada, Qianmeng can play."

When Da Luo slaps his head, he really misses reading about the dream. She is the ace killer of the national team. She can play when playing Canada. Why should everyone be afraid of twins if she comes out? ?

Li Tuchuan also has a smile on his face ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yes, he is very fortunate, fortunate to have made such an important decision, so whether he can enter the World Olympics, depending on the gorgeous appearance of Qian Meng Up

喵 "Meow" The yellow and white kitten grinned at the back of Xia Yuli's fair and smooth hands. Xia Yuli also seemed to enjoy the serenity of taking care of small animals.

刚 She just got up to pour a glass of milk for the kitten, but suddenly found that everyone in the meeting looked at her with all her eyes.

Yu Xia Yuli touched her cheek subconsciously, but she didn't know what happened. In short, let the little stray cat fill up her belly first.

Yu Xia Yuli didn't know, now she is the most beautiful and holy and lovely angel in everyone's mind, and the fate of e-sports silk is in her hands.

Uh ... I640

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