Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 672: ADC is the cheapest!

The training match will continue as usual, but it is clear that this training is for the British national team.

A week passed quickly. Everyone except training and eating is training to eat and sleep. This behavior is very incomprehensible to foreigners. They don't understand why Chinese people can work so hard and can train to rest without rest.

This may seem stupid. It is exhausting to work for something without the right to even have the human right to rest, but in the eyes of the Chinese, this is not a shame.The reason why the British can be open-minded For failure, you don't need to worry about gaining any glorious reputation. That is because their country has very high welfare. Honor is just honour. It is the icing on the cake. For the Chinese people, honor is the thing. Everything will change only when you get your life. Everything that the Chinese do is like breaking the boat.

Anyone who is comfortable, looking at the rushing person, will certainly bring incomprehension and ridicule.

But for those who run, sacrificing a short period of ease to gain the honor of that great sense of accomplishment is something that this group of foreigners can't understand, but they are ecstatic.

It's like a game server.Full-level and fully-equipped people have actually lived a boring and inexperienced life, and they can't understand the fun of those who start playing mobs and rise to small-level gamers.

The game is coming very soon. On the bus heading for the game site, Da Luo is carrying a pack of meat. The meat in his mouth has not been swallowed, and he points to his nasal passage incredibly: "Really Let me play ???? "

Da Luo knew that he had made a fatal mistake in playing Russia.He thought that he would not have the opportunity to play for a long time. Who knew that it didn't take long before the coach gave himself a chance to be a new man. It is simply a gift from heaven.

He wants to play too much, every cell in his body is thinking about fighting on the World Tour, even dreaming about how he can directly hit the orders from Britain, Russia, South Korea and the United States.

The emergence of Britain's top single basalt has stirred up Ronaldo's vigorous battle.

In the world's top list, there is the name of the madman, the name of Kurt, and the name of basalt, how can it be without him? ?

Da Luo naturally is not reconciled.As a world champion team, there is no reason to let other people ride on their own heads, not to mention that Da Luo has not met these guys in the qualifying, nor is it But they ...

"Haha, look at how Da Luo has stirred this group of little Brits upside down. What is the best meat in the world? In front of my Da Luo, there is a **** with less than five fighting power." The whole car echoed Da Luo's nervous laughter. .

Dai Lan looked at his virtue and gave her infinite eyes. This guy really doesn't know what convergence is, how he looks like Chen Jinjin, regardless of his opponent and his strength. Break everything.

"You just collect it, don't make mistakes like the last time, be careful to be permanently blackened." Dai Lan could not help but remind him finally.

"Surely not" Da Luo said seriously.

"Let's not talk about this first. The British order is really powerful. When you look at him, he is like a tank. It's too fierce." Dai Lan said.

I'm not happy in Rome. I can't pick up girls. It's not natural to face my favorite girl paper, but as far as the single field is concerned, those who can stand on their heads are not born yet.

"Look, this Xuanwu was beaten by me in the ranking, and today I hit him likewise" Da Luo said with a clap on his chest.

"Let's talk until you break." Dai Lan said angrily.

Wu Xuanwu's strength is generally acknowledged to be strong, and these few games are enough to prove that he is capable of the top singles. Dai Lan does not want Da Luo to recklessly in this game, and mess things up again.

The match between the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom required both innings, so that they would stabilize in the World Olympics.

"Let's make a bet" Da Luo doesn't spare.

"What bet?"

"I admit that it is a bit of an exaggeration to blow up. Last time I was able to abuse him because of heroic restraint, but I think this guy is not as powerful as rumors. In this second game, my KDA must be higher than him." Big Luo said.

"What is KDA?" Dai Lan asked stupidly and naively.

"A ratio of kills, death rates, and assists can be very intuitive to see the contribution rate of a professional player on the field, of course, now generally refer to reinforcements." Zhang Aijing also professionally explained.

"Oh ... what's the bet?" Dai Lan is not a weak woman. If others want to bet on her, how can she not take it.

"Just gamble for a meal and a wine, whoever loses please invite." Da Luo said very crisply.

Dai Dailan stunned for a moment, thinking that Da Luo would bet on some more excessive requirements, such as doing his girlfriend or something, such a thing really Da Luo can come out.

However, since it is a bet for a meal and a wine, this is not a big deal. I just want to go to the pub in the English alley, and finally come to London.

"No problem." Dai Lan picked up.

The bus quickly entered the arena, and the same arena was filled with the same seats.

British people are rich, and such fares are fast enough to compete in hundreds of pounds of competition. There are so many people to look at. It is estimated that if you count the tickets, you will earn nearly ten million.

It is impossible to spend ten million dollars on the cost of a game. It is no wonder that the British side has to split the two games and earn one more ticket.

It is true that this kind of thing can't always make foreigners make money. The last game of the World Tour is to play against Canada. The venue is located in Shanghai, and it must be that Shanghai is about to explode.

London Arena has a magnificent style and is full of technological atmosphere. The curved three-dimensional large screen is the most original and meets the needs of 360-degree audiences.

In the past, many people were always worried about how to show a game on the screen, such as e-sports, on the big stage. Can't a computer per seat?

It turns out that technical issues are not the problem, the most important thing is that the movement has sufficient influence

When he arrived at the match, the British national team was also watching.

At first, they were still relying on the Xuanwu Big P. They felt that winning the national team was not a big problem. As a result, the first game was directly oversized and they could not find the north. So they had no pride and superiority. How to overcome the problem of not being assassinated.

Finally, they thought of a good way, which is to weaken the single band, weak the auxiliary band, and have a protective ability in the jungle.

Two weak loops, no matter what assassin jumps in, they will eventually die. Coupled with the protection of the jungle, as long as it is safe to spend a period of minutes to 30 minutes, everything is good to say.

The British, French, and Russian play styles are relatively late, and they like to drag the game down to the minute, and finally come overtime or something, everyone is pretending to start the team again.

The Guoguo team doesn't like playing late.Although King Yan Luo and Bai Feng are also developmental players, from the league's blistering mobile castle tactics and city official demolition office system in the league can be You know, going to your highland in 10 minutes is by no means a casual thing.

"Okay, today you will remember it for me, don't ask, just kill one without losing, kill two and make a profit" Li Tuchuan continued to inculcate the simulation concept of the game before the game.

Look at the players on the field, Da Luo, Emperor Song, Xie Lianda, Yu Luosheng, which of these four is not violent? ? ?

I have the game they are in, what is peaceful development, a soldier is only a few dollars, a person has hundreds of heads, who loves to spend time to supplement

I heard four people answering vigorously, and Lin Dong, who was crowded aside by four violence, touched his hat.

Auntie, how do you feel a little out of step with this group of people?

Lin Dongdong intends to be more admired for insignificance, and the heroes he chooses are also Izelar who can float, and rats who can hide.

既然 Since this game is not to be advised, why not let Bai Feng go, let him choose a Luzian or something, and hit the opposite AD

Lin Dong was not stupid, and soon he realized why the coach wanted to put himself on the field ...


The coaches just want to make Da Luo, Emperor Song, Xie Lianda, Yu Luosheng, the four violent kings of the team, and let themselves deal with the basalt that is as big as a giant turtle.

Trust, as the most important core output of the team, AD is just sacrificed for the team, is it appropriate?

"Lin Dong, as long as the regiment fights, you can run as far as you can. Don't get caught by Xuanwu ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yu Luosheng has understood the tactics and patted Lin Dong's shoulders.

Zhe Lindong is full of black lines, the entire e-sports league, all clubs, all national teams, which one is not to be offered as a treasure, his country is good, his life seems to be the cheapest in the team, it doesn't matter if he die

"Well, don't you all pit your expressions and let you face basalt alone, isn't it just to prove that you have strong personal strength and high level of kite walking dogs?" Da Luo said very cheaply.

Walking the dog? ? ?

Dealing with other clumsy Lin Dandong may show his superb walking dog skills, but this time facing Xuanwu ...

I have the ability, you try to slip a tiger wearing a body armor, run slowly, be torn to pieces in minutes and eat all the bones together

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