Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Funny monkeys sent

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"Strange, didn't you fight normally when you were with Shui Mo before?" Yu Luosheng asked. [This article comes from wW.]

In fact, Yu Luosheng was surrounded by many silks and otakus who didn't touch women at all during their growth.When they were 15 or 6 years old, they should have been ignorant and entangled with girls, but because of family suppression and playfulness, Ignore it completely.

This kind of silk is often in her twenties with an emotional intelligence and childishness.

Yu Luosheng thinks that Da Luo belongs to him. Even if he has experienced the water, his emotional intelligence is still not high.

Will not hide his emotions, Ana can't help himself until the girl he likes has a good impression on him. The girl has a joke-like ambiguous ridicule, but he can make him spartan, thinking that others also like it. He, however, rashly touched his nose after confessing.

洛 Yu Luosheng originally thought that Da Luo's love for Dai Lan was the same, but he heard that Da Luo said "she has affected me too much", Yu Luo Sheng suddenly realized ...

Da Luo seems to be true love to Dai Lan, otherwise no matter how low the emotional quotient of the first opening of the sinus, there is no reason to have an emotional impact on such an important game.

"Yu Luosheng ... I'm so weird. You are walking around a few women, Yang Qianqian is a standard girlfriend, Yiqin is a pornographic person, and a female college classmate Bai Feifei has a crush on her. Now she has a dark Athena. Female partner, how can you not be affected, have you never considered these issues? "Da Luo asked with a big tongue.

In Da Luo's opinion, Yu Luosheng is simply a god-man.

It feels like someone else's six skills are not well put into operation. Yu Luosheng can control 4 heroes by himself without any effort. Does this thing also pay attention to talent? ?

"Brother, don't you mess around? ???" Yu Luosheng was speechless by Da Luo's words.

I have a girlfriend from beginning to end. How can there be a few boats that Da Luo said? Many things are obviously the hats they forcibly put on themselves.

"Don't pretend. I won't say much about the last two. Do you dare to say that you are not interesting to Yiqin?" Da Luo held Yu Luosheng's hand.

Today we are two brothers, not talking about national affairs and love, let's exchange some questions about these women, and usually say some insignificant things in the four big and five rough, but have not really talked about the love of the children of men.

"Beauty who doesn't like it, but it's not as exaggerated as you said, don't buckle my hat." Yu Luosheng said rightly.

话 "In other words, is Yiqin interesting to you? I think she still likes you very much. If you go after her, she might agree, don't miss a good opportunity." Da Luo said.

"Stop, how about we talk about Dai Lan?" Yu Luosheng couldn't listen anymore.

What kind of plane do you have, and you came here to help Da Luo solve your emotional problems, how did you get involved with yourself? ?

"Let's talk to you first, I just want to learn from experience ..." Da Luo didn't plan to let Yu Luosheng go.

"Don't you say you don't like her anymore?"

"Oh, yes. So I don't want to talk about her."

"Your sister."

喂 "Hey, don't say swear words, our brothers can talk in peace and calmness ..."

Yu Luosheng is full of black lines, and the one who usually speaks the most swear words is his Da Luo, OK, although he said less this time, it is also because he doesn't want to be too rude in front of Dai Lan, and the essence must not change.

"Then talk well, can you remove your **** hand from my shoulder, don't be misunderstood by the popular GA in the United States." Yu Luosheng said.

Late at night, there are not many people in the hall. Only the guys with both Yan Luo and Zhou Yan who stay up late to fight are dark.

These two guys are hardworking. The average L playing time will be two or three hours longer than others, and they will be earlier than others.

The two were in a double row and had just played a round. Suddenly there was a biting cold wind outside the door.

When the two turned back, they saw Yu Luosheng and Da Luo coming in shoulder-to-shoulder, their faces turned red, and they walked unsteadily, apparently drinking a lot of wine. The degree of alcohol in the United States is not low. These two guys should be mixed with beer and liquor, and the taste will almost fill the entire hall.

Yan Zhouyan was indeed the grandpa of everyone. Soon he got up and helped two drunkards, Yu Luosheng and Daluo, to the sofa and poured them a cup of hot water.

Zhang Aijing, who slept late on the sofa, looked at the two drunken guys with a disgusted look, quickly packed his computer and went back to the room.

"Lao Zhou, help him back to the room, I'm fine." Yu Luosheng said to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan nodded, and brought Da Luo into the room like a dead pig.

Yu Luosheng belongs to the type who is drunk and awake. He drinks a lot of hot water and feels much more comfortable.

图 Li Tuchuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "How's it going?"

"I don't know, anyway, I was listening to Da Luo's lecture all night." Yu Luosheng replied.

Da Luo was drunk and talked so much that Yu Luosheng basically listened to it all night.

However, Yu Luosheng is not without any gains. At least he understands that Da Luo should still like Dai Lan, and at the same time, he also needs to speak out the feeling of being in his heart.

In short, it is impossible to talk about the loss.It is not clear whether Da Luo has comprehended Yu Luosheng.On the contrary, he was talked about by Luo like that, which caused Yu Luosheng to be tangled in his heart. The feeling of getting into the water is not good.

"We will go to Britain the day after tomorrow, and rest early." Li Tuchuan said.

恩 "Well, I'll take a trip here, you go up first." Yu Luosheng nodded.

图 Li Tuchuan and King Yan Luo were almost about to rest. They turned off the computer and went upstairs.

The hall suddenly became empty and empty, only Yu Luosheng was lying on the sofa alone, watching the flames in the fireplace, his thoughts were easy to fly.

Lu Daluo's problem is not really a problem. As long as he recognizes the game and his personal feelings, maybe this time he let go of drinking and talk, his heart will be completely open.

"噔, 噔, 噔 ..."

The footsteps of the stairs slowly spread out.Yu Luosheng raised his drunken eyes and saw a slim figure slowly walking down the stairs.At first he thought it was Zhang Aijing, and he looked at his face carefully. It turned out to be Xia Yuli.

She Xia Yuli apparently forgot to take things. She glanced at Yu Luosheng, who was sitting alone on the sofa in the lobby, without a word, went to her computer and took the key H of the main box.

After taking things, Xia Yuli returned the same way.

"You can't see me?" Yu Luosheng couldn't help asking.

"Hmm." Xia Yuli nodded and started to go up the stairs.

"..." Yu Luosheng convinced her, how could there be such a woman in this world, can she still be a good friend?

"Hey, ask you a question." Yu Luosheng called Xia Yuli.

Yu Xia Yuli stopped and thought about it, but she didn't seem willing to stay here.

"You ask." Xia Yuli stood on the stairs and didn't plan to sit down on the sofa and talk more. After clearing the answer, he left.

"Why did you mix with us in the end?" Yu Luosheng asked.

To be honest, Qian Meng's attitude of not wanting to make a public appearance was resolute at first, which made Yu Luosheng feel that she would not have any hope of entering the national competition, but in the end she appeared, which made Yu Luosheng very puzzled.

Whether she is for herself or for others, there will always be a reason. For example, it was boring to play on a single machine in the past, and now there are more people, which is at least a reason.

At first Yu Luosheng always thought that everyone had what he wanted to pursue, and what he pursued was no more obvious. However, his partner always seemed to have no competition or desire.

She Xia Yuli did not answer, in fact she could not answer the question herself.

She is different from everyone. There is no esports dream that must be realized, and no recognition that must be obtained.

Maybe, it's just because of very small things, like when her sister Xia Yingxing needs herself very much, she doesn't call to fly to Japan, but considers that she doesn't dare to fly back to China overnight.

Maybe someone helped himself to solve the biggest problem of drinking medicine. When he saw the trouble of betrayal, he helped him ...

A group of people who know themselves are struggling for a dream. Just what they are striving for is what they like. Maybe give yourself a reason to do something.

No other special reason.

Just like playing L, you may not win more, and you may not lose less, but everyone wants to win it, and it is not necessarily to prove anything, because whether you are a teammate or an opponent, you will not necessarily meet again in your life. It is just a very simple reason to want to win.

In Xia Yuli's view, these guys who play professional e-sports are actually very enviable.They are different from themselves.They can work hard to prove themselves, to gain wealth, and to gain fame. With struggle, I can still pursue it.

I have everything.

What is missing, no matter how hard you try to find it, it is impossible to find it again ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ It is like when you were very young, you wanted to find the owner of the lost little **** cat, and passed out on the street , I never went out again, the kitten didn't know if it was a stray, still found the owner ... I hated myself very much, even without the power to want to know such little things.

Some things are not done when they can, maybe they will be missed one day.

Childhood is blank, Xia Yuli does not want her youth to be blank, so when she gets older, she will become a walking dead who needs to be supported by drugs.

Yu Xia Yuli told Yu Luosheng the story of finding a cat owner when she was a child, as an answer to the question.

何 Yu Luosheng, what a clever man, naturally understand what she wants to express, grinning grinning: "Haha, follow me, your life will be colorful, my brother will take you superbly at the World National Olympic Games"

Qi Qianmeng responded to Yu Luosheng with those talking big eyes with glittering ice and snow: Are you a monkey sent by Amuse?

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