Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 958: Extremely cheap!

"Hum, eat me a shot, see if you still have that hard gas." Yan Luo Wang Lengheng.

While the acceleration wall was still there, King Yan Luo immediately turned around and gave the enemy a plasma impact gun.

King Yan Luo of the team had the highest damage. When the enemy was in this charge, this plasma bombarded others without any room to hide. The most important thing was that King Luo Luo directly hit the enemy's back row. Arrive at the plane and hammerstone.

The Russian team counted the auxiliary hammer stones as the most unlucky child. During the start of the teamfight, he had not even put up a skill. As a result, he was hit by a variety of flying skills across the board to hit 40 blood.

Even if this, the guardian of the future, Jess, returned a shot, and bombarded one third of him, so when he just formally contacted the enemy's battlefield, his health was only about 30%. What is it for? ?

Yan Zhouyan was standing on the side of the battlefield, and the hammer stone facing the blood had begun to lick his paws.

If you dare to rush the hammer stone, and daring to move forward, it will directly become a ghost under the claw of a mantis.

Fischer's plane is a little better, and his health is still around two-thirds ...

The skills of the aircraft are far away, and you can use the big moves to get a very considerable output.

It was estimated that Fischer was also out of anger this time.Seeing that Jess was not dead under such heavy care, he turned on the bomber mode and directly bombed King Yan Luo.The laser gun swept randomly, apparently he was forced to kill King Yan Luo.

King Yan Luo knew that he was going to die. He switched forms before dying, and gave Fischer's plane a hammer, hitting Fischer's plane to about half a blood.

"Kill them"

Apollo saw that the main output of the Chinese national team was finally dead.He took a long breath and immediately directed all the targets to turn to Lin Dong's ad.

"I come"

Utterlof, the world-famous assistant who was raised by Yu Luosheng as a pig, was finally angry, and one flashed.

Lin Dong was fighting with Fischers, but did not expect that hr hammered himself to engage himself in this way. Naturally, he could not escape without displacement.

After Lin Dong was hooked on the opposite side, Russia's firepower turned to Lin Dong in an instant ...

Zhe Lindong was trapped by the hammer stone's prison. With various slowdowns and controls, he couldn't escape. Fortunately he left, forcing a set of injuries and giving the remaining blood hammer stone to the second.

Immediately after killing Hammerstone, Lin Dong was hit by the enemy's masses and was quickly spiked.

Yan Zhouyan wanted to save Lin Dong but there was no other way, he could only consume it far, looking for the opportunity to kill Fischer's plane.

"Kill the Mantis"

Sui Yiwan suddenly screamed, and then picked up the bundle, suddenly killing Zhou Yan's praying mantis.

Zhou Zhouyan was a little bit overwhelmed, and was unable to break free by being hit by a tree bear.

波 Apollo and Ivan cooperate very closely. After the big tree bear hugs, he immediately picks up the charm.

This set of control combos in Russia is really annoying. Before they tried to kill King Yan Luo, they almost directly let the Chinese national team's main force be output. Now they have played this cooperation again, and the goal turned to the strict mantis.

This time their cooperation was successful. After all, Fox's small outbreak was very high. Zhou Yan saw that he couldn't run away. He barely hit some outputs and finally died.

"Good job"

"Three died, and the main force died."

还有 "And that **** squid monster," Treff said.

"A short-legged assistant, kill as much as you want." Apollo glanced at the slow-moving insignificant octopus monster.

"He's from the killing book, it's all eight floors, and he must be killed." Treff hurriedly reminded.

The wave of eruptions in the Eye of the Void just now has taught the power of Russia. If this guy stacks the killing book to more than 10 layers, the output of this guy will be comparable to the mid-ap.

辅助 The auxiliary hammer on their side provides at most a bit of control, and it is also easy to be seconds. However, the enemy's assistance is a mid-single ap output, which may not be good in the later stage.

"Don't let him run away, keep chasing." Apollo was so relieved that Yu Luosheng must die.

Fischers, Ivan, and Apollo all had red eyes, staring at squid monsters who fled.

The squid monster's movement speed is really slow. Apollo's fox has shoes, and he flashes cd, so he decides to chase the dead squid of Yu Luosheng to the ends of the earth.

In the game where he had Apollo, a killing book other than himself appeared. Where can it be tolerated? ?

洛 Yu Luosheng is just a small crispy skin. A slowdown caused by the enemy has danger to life.

At this time, he dragged himself slowly and fled towards his own red hhpp wild area.

It is not possible for the puppet to escape directly under the defensive tower. Fischer's plane was there, and his burst was enough to easily kill himself.

He can only escape to the wild area above, throwing big 蝌蚪 at the enemy behind while escaping.

"Damn, you top." Fischer's plane ate two big crickets, only about% of his blood was left, so he didn't dare to chase.

The old tree spirits and foxes are in good condition, and both of them also have control skills. Apollo takes the lead, saying that 10,000 will also give Yu Luosheng who has a killing book to him.

"Boss, you are going to be wrapped up." Lin Dong watched Yu Luosheng go to the road above the Dalong Canyon, and said helplessly.

The squid monster's moving speed is really slow, and other heroes should run away. As a result, Yu Luosheng is now being pulled closer by little by little, and may be directly enveloped.

Yu Luosheng didn't have time to speak, staring at Apollo's fox.

If you remember correctly, the sly fox of Apollo still has a flash. As long as he falls within about 10uu yards of the opponent, he will be in danger.

However, Apollo is getting closer and closer. This guy is in a good position and has avoided his big 蝌蚪 skills ...

Yu Luosheng fled all the way and escaped into the grass behind the red hhppf wall. Here is a trail between the Dalong Canyon and Yu Luosheng. When he turned around and threw a big urn, Apollo flashed through the scene, gorgeous. Dodging Yu Luosheng's uncle ...


A fatal red kiss flew and flew straight towards Yu Luosheng's squid silk.

Yu Luosheng failed to escape and was seduced into the past.

Fortunately, Yu Luosheng's blood volume was not bad. No one was killed by the fox directly.

As soon as the charm time was over, Yu Luosheng hurried into the grass. The alienated tentacles aliens also looked like little girls running around with their skirts.

Russian three big four and five thick guys are not stubborn, have chased in front of the grass, Fischer kept firing in the grass, and faintly hit the target ...

A coldness overflowed from the grass inexplicably, and then saw a lonely and proud figure stepping out of the grass strangely on the Frost Claw.

As cold as a tomb and as proud as frost, the eyes of all the Chinese audience were brightened. Isn't this Nima the Queen of Frost? ? ?

"Hey, I'm here too" Da Luo burst into laughter, and stepped on the cruel crampons in front of the three men gathered by the enemy.

"Taste my Dajue"

When Da Luo cried, the frozen ring frozen Apollo's fox and old tree spirit first.

The two ice cubes were left alone, and with one finger, the sky was distorted, and a huge frozen mausoleum fell from the sky, and fell heavily in front of Fischer's plane.

Fischers might have expected this story, but his hands were slower.I just started the bomber mode and escaped, but he was enveloped by the whole mausoleum. It was frozen into the body, and all the mechanical parts were necrotic. Art, lifeless

"Haha, Shuang" Da Luo laughed a lot. After killing Fischer in seconds, he turned back to pack the frozen fox.

Apollo's blood volume has always been a lot, but an ice ring of Da Luo could not take his life.

Apollo, who was awake in the freezing, felt that something was not good, and he was about to withdraw immediately. As a result, a circle of void appeared at his feet.

The tentacles are so refreshing to fly

The fox flew into the air, and the two pieces of damage following the Void Rift were ripped apart simultaneously.

Da Luo also politely threw the frost cone on Apollo's body.

The jackal fox was tossed continuously, and his blood quickly became disabled.

Luo Daluo was excited for a while, and it was better to come by chance. Thanks to Yu Luosheng's successful seduce, she could take a triple kill. Dai Lan saw this handsome triple killer that reversed the situation and she would adore her.

Wow ha ha, I'm blowing

"My grass, you let her beasts free." While being intoxicated, Da Luo suddenly found that Yu Luosheng opened his teeth to the mortal fox.

"Layer ll" Yu Luosheng kept silent and snatched the fox's head from Da Luo's hand.

Lu Daluo's entire face was dark, comparable to Zhou Yan.

I said good blow? ?

Yu Luosheng, you are a slut, you have a hairy head, Lao Tzu ’s three kills.

"I have a killing book." Yu Luosheng said rightly.

"You have a great killing book. My third kill." Da Luo really wanted to hammer this girl.

If you ca n’t support any auxiliary equipment, you just have to write a killing book, even if you have a killing book, you are still grabbing the head. This is the World Tour. Is n’t it usually ranked in the entertainment bureau? Your auxiliary miscellaneous assists are just for you. The greatest gift, you take the head

Yu Luosheng smiled.

It's good to have a killing book, you can be righteous, and happy

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay for the team to win. It doesn't matter who the head is to anyone. The two of you hurry up and accept the hhp on the opposite side." Li Tuchuan smiled and comforted both.

No matter how noisy Da Luo and Yu Luosheng are about the issue of head ownership, Li Tuchuan was completely relieved after the wave.

These two guys are indeed world champion teammates. Yu Luosheng was very calm when his teammates were basically killed. They turned into water dogs and fled all the way up.

Yu Luosheng's performance ability is particularly strong. He can actually open a sufficient distance from the enemy through his skills. However, in order to enable the enemy to hook up, he deliberately slowed down his skills by half a beat, and at the same time let it go slightly ...

The three enemies were obviously killing red eyes. Coupled with the principle that the killing book must die, they chased after the situation, but Da Luo who was walking down was ambush in the grass, waiting for Yu Luosheng, the Oscar actor to seduce all the enemies. Come here ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Then, go all the way and pay as you go

Lu Daluo made a contribution this time, and the situation of losing his helmet and armor was instantly reversed, and he became the deadly death of Russia's three tyrants.

The blood volume reached the bottom, then the slow-moving tentacle Yu Luosheng touched out of the grass after the battle, and the killing book reached 13 levels ...

I presumably lying on the ground Apollo saw this extremely low-quality Yu Luosheng equipment to a higher level, and vomited a pound or two of fox blood.

Numbness, is Faqiang almost catching up with him?

Hurry, there is a 100 vote difference between the monthly ticket and the second place. Everyone will give some effort to see if the monthly ticket is not important for the monthly vote, please trouble everyone)

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