Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 948: May be a liar

Time flies quickly. When the Spring Festival begins, it is also when the members of the national team face Russia.

On the eve of the game, everyone was basically calling home. After all, the embarrassing New Year's Eve, under normal circumstances, should eat New Year's Eve at home. The New Year's Eve is estimated to be different, but one thing is certain, Everyone from the children will definitely be able to eat their favorite food on the day of the New Year's Eve.

"Rest, I'll go for a walk." Tired of standing, Qian Meng stood up and stretched slowly.

Yu Luosheng glanced secretly, thinking to himself, Qianmeng's figure is also very good, mainly because the skin is really good, and I don't know how to maintain it ... Unfortunately, I wore so much in winter that I couldn't see anything .

Yu Luosheng has been mixing in e-sports for so long.He has always played with and partnered with a group of diggers. Have you ever thought that a younger sister Xia will fall from the sky, not to mention the strong technology, but also to have a good eye. Which professional player? Can you have such treatment? ?

"I also want to be breathable, let's yell together." Yu Luosheng also stood up.

The people in the house were talking to people in the house. There must be a lot of things to say in the thirties, but Yu Luosheng and Xia Yuli hadn't called much.

Yu Luosheng didn't have to hit the house, anyway, he hadn't gone back for two years anyway.

Xia Yuli didn't know what the situation was, and Yu Luosheng was also curious about what the parents of Xia's family are, what a big villa.

It's still snowing in New York, and it's cold outside.

Lao Du said that northerners are more resistant to cold than southerners, but Yu Luosheng disagreed.

Every household in the north has heating. When it is winter to hide in the house to eat ice cream, there is no pressure at all.

If you go out, you will usually wear thick, tight and tight clothes.You will be able to unload your arms as soon as you reach your destination.The most important thing is that in this era, who really walks out of the house without a subway or bus , Rental?

So the north is frozen, and apart from some specific workers, there really isn't much to fight the cold.

And the south, around zero, then it's too cold

The air in the south is humid. The coldness cannot be solved by wearing more clothes. It will definitely get into the bone marrow.

Even if it is cold outside, there is no heating in the room. If it rains, the air will be more humid, just like falling in ice water.

It ’s enough to sleep on the north floor. Can you sleep on the south floor?

Before, Yu Luosheng had been thinking simply that he couldn't stand the south and 3 degrees on the south side, a few degrees below zero on the north side, and a dozen degrees below zero.

Facts have proved that I was too simple, read less and was cheated.

空气 The air in New York is not too humid. It is acceptable to wear more clothes in the cold.

Xun Xue had already stopped, and Xia Yuli was wearing thick fluffy snow boots and wearing a white cap that day Luo Yusheng went to the dock to pick her up, which matched the color of the city now.

Yu Luosheng is simple, Qiuku down jacket, no explanation

The tacit understanding needs to be cultivated. In life, Yu Luosheng accompanies Xia Yuli to breathe out of the air, so as to avoid hearing the warm greetings from the house and affecting his mood.

Yu Luosheng's heart is not made of ice.

"You need to pay more attention to your body ..." Xia Yuli walked in front of her, her voice rarely changed from usual, with a warm greeting and sweet taste.

洛 Yu Luosheng stunned for a while, this should be the first time that Xia Yuli said something to herself, and she was suddenly full of joy.

"I'm very good." Yu Luosheng said with a smile, just about to talk a few more words, but found that Xia Yuli did not seem to ignore him at all, but still talking while walking ...

Yu Luosheng took a serious look and found that Xia Yuli was wearing a Bluetooth headset in his ear, and her expression on her face was rigid.

I accidentally made myself affectionate, mom.

Well, she came out to call.

洛 Yu Luosheng smiled bitterly, it is impossible to go back, just walk around here.

Yu Luosheng chose a road by himself, the snow on the roadside was cleared, and it was relatively smooth to walk. There is no concept of a big year and thirty in the foreign countries. Why should those Americans living nearby ... ...

The linden tree is completely dead. In the south, the trees are full and the mountains are green.

Snow is rarely seen in the winter in the south.If there is a little sleet in the ticket in the sky, students will not be novel. One by one, they will stick out the window to pick it up. The only sleet that Yu Luosheng has the impression of is his own. Once out of the picture.

It was so cold that day that I didn't even have time to wear my coat. There was wetness on my cheeks and my frozen face was cracking. I finally bought a train ticket and left.

The moment he got on the train, he began to regret it.

I still insist.

Yu Luosheng didn't know why he had strong courage and persistence at that time to go down the road, he was obviously just a 15-year-old child

South, Lecheng.

In the old-looking residential building by the Jinxi River, scent bursts out and permeated the cold air.

I walked across the balcony where Yu Luosheng often carried English, and in the hall where there was not enough sunlight, Yu was sitting on the sofa watching his antique 19-inch color TV.

"Mom, phone." Yu Yu shouted.

"Come here." Li Yun wiped her hands with a scarf, and her hands were all flour.

Li Yun ran to the lobby, stared at Yu Jing who didn't hand the phone to himself, glanced at the fact that the number was not displayed, and muttered: "Strange, why is there a number starting with ll?"

"Hello?" Li Yun asked.

"Wahhoo" didn't say anything to the other side, but the sound of breathing was generally heard.

喂 "Hello, who are you?" Li Yun continued to ask.

"Wahhoo" is still silent opposite.

"Hello, who are you? Is there anything wrong with me?" Li Yun was very strange, but the tone was relatively peaceful, after all, in his thirties.

Suddenly, the other side hung up the phone. Li Yun heard nothing but heard that someone was breathing.

Yu, who watched TV aside, took a look at Li Yun and asked, "Who, this will come over?"

"I don't know, I didn't speak," Li Yun said.

"Did you lie to me? I told you that you don't pick up unfamiliar numbers. Don't call me stupidly, now it's all like this ..." Yu Jing said ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Oh. Li Yun responded and put her phone in her pocket.

When I reached the kitchen, Li Yun looked back at Yu Jing who was still watching TV.

I hesitated for a while, but she called back that number.

Soon, a phone call came from the other side of the phone. Li Yun couldn't understand it at all, but apparently she didn't get through.

Li Yun vaguely thought what it was.

Finally, Li Yun wrote down this strange number.

知道 She knew it might be a lie, but she didn't have the heart to miss an opportunity that was intuitive.

(Relocation near the house, I was upset and annoyed, completely insomnia, and I also got stuck, I don't know how to write handwriting. I have been writing this for a whole day in front of a computer today, and it is the most annoying to write a novel There are so many days in each month ... Let's start with a chapter today. If the condition is better tomorrow, I will make up for you. If it is still stuck, there is no way) I640

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