Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 972: Do you say he will enter the Olympics?

Zhang Aiye panicked. She looked at the elder sister Zhang Aiyu next to her and complained that she didn't say Li Yun had gone back? ?

Other people's faces were extremely stiff. They did not expect that these words would be heard by Li Yun. The fear of chewing the tongue behind them was that they were discovered by the parties. [词 书 阁] [词 书 阁]

"Zhang Aiye, leave me as far as you go in the future, I will never welcome you like a chew woman or **** in my life," Li Yun hissed in anger.

Such a second sister, don't bother, Li Yun will never see this person again

Zhang Aiye was also a little dumb at first, but after all, she was a stubborn woman who chewed the tongue for a long time, and her eyes turned into words.

In front of so many relatives, how could she be scolded by a dog by Li Yun? ?

"I mean a bit heavy, but am I wrong? In the face of everyone, you dare to say that these are fake. Your son's first so-called transfer was not because of a game console. Running away from home? Now, your son is in college, does the school admit that he is a student there? "Zhang Aiye sneered back.

"Second sister, don't talk about it." The elder sister Zhang Aiyu stared at Zhang Aiye.

"I still ran into trouble with my family. Obviously there was an ugly incident in my own house. If it is not possible, everyone will help you to hide it. Yes, your wild girl picked up is very promising, but in the end it is just another wife's wife, but Your son's Feng Shui has been defeated by your son. "Zhang Aiye was out of chapter, and Li Yun, who had been speaking for many years, could not even speak.

Zhang Aiye was dissatisfied with Yu Jing and Li Yun's family long ago. The wife said that our university had a college student, or a key university, and then pointed at Zhang Aiye's son Xu Guangsheng and scolded him. He said that he didn't have to study hard, and he was idle.

Zhang Aiye heard his wife say this, and his heart was uncomfortable. After learning that Li Yun's son was far from the same thing, he was so happy that he had such a big article in it.

Look at how the dead wife still mentioned this. My son is idle, but he has never been hospitalized with his parents, and has never left home. He plays a game machine all the time as if he lost his soul.

"Okay, okay, stop talking" Zhang Aiyu took Zhang Aiye and forcibly dragged her away.

"I ... I won't kill your cheap mouth." Li Yun was completely irrational. Nothing more vicious than that could be said. Li Yun felt like the sky was falling. The only thing in my mind now is thinking The thing is to quickly pick up the glass scum just before pouring it into this woman's mouth

Brother-in-law, Wang Jun, drove down and just heard the scolding scolding, hurried down ...

"Sister Yun, don't do stupid things, hurry up and put things down." Wang Jun was really jealous and found out that Li Yun picked up something and immediately stopped her.

Fortunately, Li Yun is kind in nature, and there are not many glass scum splashing. Wang Jun is full of strength, holding her wrist and holding her.

"You have a dog biting someone. Why didn't you find this potential before?" Li Aiye found that Li Yun was a little crazy, and she wanted to work hard with herself, even more embarrassing.

"Aiyu, you hold your sister." Wang Jun hurriedly said to Zhang Aiyu.

Older sister Zhang Aiyu ran over and hugged Li Yun who was going crazy.

Wang Wangjun strode to Li Aiye.

"Brother-in-law, you have seen a lot of the world, you comment, I said these words ..." Zhang Aiye watched the most authoritative Wang Jun in the family come over, so he wanted to find a savior.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came out, and it seemed to be particularly tingling in this cold season

Zhang Aiye was a little silly with this slap, and those eyes stared at Wang Jun with anger.

Xu Ning, the second brother-in-law next to him, saw that his wife was slap in the face and was also stunned. Just when she wanted to go forward, she was stunned by Wang Jun, and her second brother-in-law Xu Ning softened.

Neither of them is a family member, economic strength, or physical strength.

"Take care of your stinky mouth, it's really causing trouble ..." Wang Jun has a big face.

The long-tongued woman like Zhang Aiye would no longer be able to use her poisonous mouth in the presence of a former soldier like Wang Jun, afraid to say half a word.

"Take care of your woman, are there still few offenders, is it really necessary to let everyone break off your relationship with you to know how stupid you are?" Wang Jun told Xu Ning

The big fat pier Xu Ning had nothing to say, and could only hold Zhang Aiye.

"Go, get in your own car." Wang Jun said.

Xu Ning hurriedly helped Zhang Aiye to the car.

As soon as I got into the car, I heard Zhang Aiye let out her temper to Xu Ning, who was fat and fat: "You're a waste, I was slapped, and you didn't dare to put a fart."

"Big brother-in-law hit."

"What's wrong with your elder brother-in-law, what's wrong with your elder brother-in-law, he can't do it for you, you are so afraid of him." Zhang Aiye continued.

"Stop talking."

"You ... Li Yun dare to scold me, you dare to say that I am not. If it is not something, it is not something. I said what happened to his son, I will say"

"Aunt Grandma, just don't say it?"

Wang Wangjun took Li Aiye and his wife away and asked her sister Li Aiyu to send Li Yun home.

"What's wrong, what happened?" Yu actually walked to the door and asked Li Yun, bewildered.

爱 Li Aiyu didn't dare to say more, and hurried away after explaining one sentence.

She is also a bit wrong about this. She should not let Li Aiye talk like that. She believes that Li Yun is also very angry with her now and dare not stay long.

Yu Yu hurriedly lifted Li Yun into the house, but saw that Li Yun had some small blood on his hands, and there were many small wounds on it.

"I fell down? I will wash the wound for you," Yu Jing said.

Soaked her hands in hot water, the pain of the wound of pinching glass **** on the palm gradually made her awake. Thinking of what Li Aiye said just now, she felt that a knife was stabbing into her heart socket, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, you talk?" Yu actually asked.

芸 Li Yun came back and said something about what happened just now.

After Yu Yu was so angry, she almost rushed down and wanted to slap Li Aiye's **** again.

Got something, ran here to chew the tongue, and a shrew of no culture and no education, really thought that no one could cure her?

"Her family's land was expropriated by the government, and they would give them a lot of money. The couple became so lazy and became rich suddenly, they started to look down on people and dared to say anything." Li Yun was so angry that she wanted to cry.

"Well, this kind of luck to survive, sooner or later will lose home." Yu actually said disdainfully.

Life is really **** sometimes.

芸 Both Li Yun and Yu Jing are diligent and diligent, and they barely raise their two children for education in their lifetime. The savings are basically spent, but they do n’t have much money at all.

夫妻 Li Aiye and Xu Ning are typically delicious and lazy. They eat empty mountains. As a result, the government collects the wasteland that is almost worthless. Both of them immediately get rich and live better than them.

芸 Li Yun never said who was not, but now he sincerely curses them.

"You went to Shanghai University last time and talked to Dean Fang. Xiao Sheng, was he really removed from the school?" Li Yun thought of something, and said with a worried face.

The older generation always thinks that university is the most important thing, and the wife in the family also values ​​the degree. Yu Luosheng is indeed the only one of the cousins ​​and sisters who has passed the key university.

"In the beginning, I thought. Later, Dean Fang said that they would not fire anyone, as if the school side still supported him to play that stuff. What's wrong with this world and what can it do with that thing. "Yu Jing said.

After talking with Dean Fang, Yu found that Yu Luosheng was still studying, and he was not as repulsive as before.

Dean Li Fang also said that he would definitely give him a graduation certificate and a degree certificate, even if he hadn't passed the exam, Yu actually didn't understand what the school thought now.

"That's good ... go back to my house in the New Year, I must ask my mother to talk about it, it's so hateful, how can I have such an elder sister Li Yun." Li Yun said.

"I don't care about that kind of shrew," Yu Jing said.

"By the way, I heard that e-sports is an Olympic event, Xiao Sheng seems to be playing the Olympic qualifiers now, you said ... Will he also become an Olympic player?" Li Yun's eyes flashed with hope.

Relatives and neighbors don't know about e-sports, they all say that it is a common occurrence to poison young people's game consoles, but after understanding during this time, Yu Jing and Li Yun have some new understanding of e-sports ...

In fact, they really hope that their children can achieve results. If e-sports is really the most popular competitive item nowadays, as young people say, it is amazing.

"Don't daydream, that little thing can enter the Olympics?" Yu actually shook his head.

Yu Yu's progress is affirmative. E-sports is a game after all. Even if the world admits it, Yu still thinks that this is not possible.

"I will just say that." Li Yun said.

In fact, Li Yun really hopes that everything can be said by those people. E-sports enters the Olympics and fantasizes whether their children will also appear on the Olympics.

If that's the case, when you watch TV, you will see Yu Luosheng, who will give the people in her family a thorough subversion, and will also be the most savage fan of Li Aiye.

In this breath, no one can really swallow it.

"Lao Yu, do you say we are going to save some more money ... I heard that e-sports players are easy to retire. He estimates that he will play for a few more years. Fortunately, his diploma is still in hand and he will retire. If we were serious about finding a job, it was estimated that there was not much money in the job. He was important to get married and buy a house. If he could get married, I would inevitably be looked down upon by his family. "Li Yun returned to the previous worry.

"We need to worry about this kind of thing, no matter what he does," Yu said disdainfully.

"How can you not worry, there are a few young people who can make their own money to marry a wife and buy a house, don't they all rely on home?" Li Yun said.

"Okay, let's talk about things in the future. Now I'm blindly worried about whether this bunny will come back. It's hard to say whether he will come back. I don't know if he won't let him in, so you worry about this?" www.novelmtl.com ~ Yu actually helped Li Yun apply her medicine and sat back on the sofa.

I sat for a while, thinking about it, the TV naturally could not watch it. On the one hand, what Li Aiye said really made people smoke, on the other hand ...

Finally, Yu actually picked up Nokia and dialed a number in the factory:

"Hey, Lao Mu, my pension money is still with you ... Oh, no, no, you don't have to pay it for me first, and I will not bother you if I come, and I will also come later Turn in ... why, you worry more, you worry more. "

(Accidentally writing a monthly ticket is a bit slow)

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