Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 963: Baron, life is hanging!

Hitting the dragon is an important output. Without the plane, it is very dangerous to take the dragon. After all, the outbreak of Riz also caused a lot of damage to everyone, and the blood is not full. The three died for Xiu and suffered even greater losses.

"Well, it was kept by Canada again, it was 30 minutes immediately." Huang Kang sighed.

"The twins are really good. They didn't choose to support them. They chose to kill Baifeng strong, so our team could have done it all at once, but the chain fell off." Zhang Aijing said.

Everyone was in distress.

"Sister Mengmeng, what should Baifeng do in the situation just now? Support is not, neither is it not support." Shen Xueyu asked with an open mind.

Qian Meng has put down her impurities and is watching the game seriously.

"She shouldn't run away, at least you can replace the cannon if you fight," Qianmeng replied.

Shen Xueyu froze ...

In that case, everyone should run away. The opposite wind girl came up to keep someone strong, and the cannon jumped and killed. Can't you run and beat these two people?

However, Shen Xueyu thought carefully.

It seems as if the dream is said, Bai Feng should not run, but should fight with the twins.

The outbreak of the aircraft is much higher than the small gun.The small gun gave all the displacement. It was directly jumped under the attack of the aircraft.The wind girl should not be weak. In this case, the white wind directly hit back, before the small gun fell. Cannons, the most unfortunate is to replace the cannon.

If luck is better, there are two crit, maybe the cannon and Fengnv will be killed by Baifeng

Shen Xueyu sighed for a while, Bai Feng did not make the most calm judgment.

However, it is not possible to say who the game is. The vast majority of people must run when facing aggressive men such as airplanes and wind girls. Few people can maintain complete calmness.

"Time is being dragged backwards, the equipment of the cannon is getting better and better, and the combat effectiveness of the aircraft is slowly declining ..." Lin Dong shook his head.

The Chinese national team has an advantage, but this advantage cannot be turned into a victory. Originally, this wave was very promising to break the way with the dragon, and the winning ticket is in the hands.

However, the twin brothers are as powerful as monsters. They are in desperate circumstances, and Shengsheng drags the time back. It is impossible to break the situation again next time.

The fighting power of the cannon continued to rise with time, and the Ritz equipment was slowly taking shape. The damage of the clockwork spirit also increased with the hero's own attributes.

The enemy rises, I fall, and if I drag on for another minute, my advantage will be lost by one more point. The situation is really not optimistic.

Bai Feng blame himself very much. He only hated himself when he was in the spring. Why not fight with the cannon.

If he fights with the cannon, he will definitely be able to replace the cannon, so that the big dragon is stable, and the game with the big dragon is basically won.

The winning game was cut off because of such an uneasy judgment, and the situation was repeatedly dragged back.

It can be seen that everyone's emotions are gradually tense with the passage of time. Thirty minutes are coming. Everyone cannot find a breakthrough from the Canadian defense.

Canada is also disgusting.They stay on the high ground. In their view, as long as the high ground is still there, they will have the capital to fight the Chinese team, not to mention their national team has the strongest bottom lane combination to play the Karen Carter twins. After 30 minutes everything is what they say

The worse news is that despite Canada's overall economic backwardness, Carter's equipment is actually very good.

There are four heads in his hand, and there are nearly 300 reinforcements. No accident, the fourth large piece of equipment will be ready soon.

If a small gun has an electric blade, endless, whisper, and drinking blood in about 30 minutes, his output will be explosive, plus his range exceeds the policewoman, the output environment is not good, unless the Chinese national team is here King Yan Luo had a magical spike, otherwise it would be difficult to kill the small gun with a high output.

In addition, their assistance is still a wind girl.The Chinese national team has a lot of global flows.But if a brain is flying towards the face of the cannon, it will be blown away by the wind **** the one hand, and a large clockwork demon on the other. Full control, absolutely no gain

The big problem with this lineup is that if the boat does not advance against the water, it will retreat. The Chinese national team did not get a key forward point. As the enemy's water flow is getting stronger and there is no battle on either side, the water flow will affect the Chinese national team. Constant back impact.

Bai Feng realized that he really made a big mistake, and this game suddenly fell into the downhill stage.

And there is really not much better way for Yu Luosheng.The choice of heroes makes him very limited. In addition, he is also a pure auxiliary equipment. All hope is only able to now Pinned on stealing the dragon.

Now, the only solution to this chronic death is to steal the dragon.

Taking advantage of the Chinese national team's ability to fly strongly, it suddenly took off the dragon and used it to break the opponent's highland crystal.

"This time the three of us went on sale, Xiao Wang and Bai Feng, the two of you hit the dragon first." Yu Luosheng said.

Bai Feng and Xiao nodded.

The Chinese national team first eliminated the enemy's eye position in the dragon position.

Obviously, Canada is afraid of catching China's global flow, and no one dares to easily sway in the wild, including someone who needs to be protected behind his eyes.

With the current equipment of King Yan Luo, it is no problem to open a big move and drop the wind girl.

When Yu Luosheng Pan Sen, Zhou Yanmengyu, and King Yan Luo's card, the three pretended to advance on the road and pressed the line of soldiers under the enemy's highland defense tower, Xiao forget and Bai Feng had already started to fight the dragon.

"They have eyes" Soon, Yu Luosheng noticed the strangeness of the Canadian people.

When you take the dragon, you can clearly see if the dragon has an eye position by watching the enemy's movement. When Bai Feng and Xiao forget to hit the dragon, everyone in Canada rushed out of the highland defense tower.

"Hit directly, regardless of them." Yu Luosheng said with gritted teeth.

Whether this big dragon can be obtained will become the key to the victory and defeat of the game.

Xiao Wang and Bai Feng are both full of skills and beat the dragon.

At the same time, Yu Luosheng and the card that had been advancing on the road saw the other party kill the opponent from the middle of the road to the Dalong Canyon, and also very decisively opened the big move, flying directly inside the Dalong Canyon.

Now, it depends on whether the Chinese national team resolved the dragon first, or whether all members of Canada arrived first.

Like Zhou Yan, he dared toward the Dragon Canyon here at a rapid speed.

Nightmare's big trick can only fly enemy heroes, so he must run over.

Fortunately, he bought a 5-speed shoe and the acceleration effect of the Nightmare Trail.When he was behind the Dalong Canyon, Zhou Yan was very reluctant to flash directly from the canyon.

For a time, five members of the Chinese national team attacked the Baron, and the Baron's health was still about 50%.

At this time, all members of Canada have reached the position of the red hhpp. They have the wind girl's acceleration passive, there is an acceleration ball of the clockwork demon, and the group moves at an unusually fast speed.It took only a few seconds for Canada's People have arrived

"Oops, it's too late. If you want to replace it with any other ad, this dragon should have won it long ago, but it's an airplane," Coach Huang Kang said tremblingly.

The aircraft is a hero that is exported by skills.In addition, the outfit is generally three whispers.The fastest way to hit the dragon is the vn cannon, policewoman and other crit, attack speed and real damage. The aircraft obviously belongs to the slowest of all the hitting dragons.

Finally, about 15% of the Baron's blood is left. This blood is almost the most exciting moment in countless professional leagues, because the ownership of the dragon will determine which side of the two sides will win.

At that second, above the Big Dragon Canyon, a full-length rune enchanted Ritz suddenly flashed, and the electric load in his hand suddenly turned into the most violent energy, flying towards five people of the Chinese national team, and the Chinese national team quickly Scattered from the Great Dragon Canyon.

Zhou Yan did not retreat, he knew the key to the dragon.

He took all of Ritz's damage and calculated the amount of health he could cause.


Zhou Yan pressed punishment early, he believes this time is just right

With a bang, the audience suddenly boiled, and everyone wanted to know where the baron belonged.

Finally, people can see clearly that the purple demon halo is lingering on the five members of the Chinese national team.

"Don't panic, they have a bad formation and beat them up"

Canada's top order Brown shouted at the players.

At this time, everyone in Canada can be regarded as riding a tiger.At the same time, they believe that this wave of teams has the same hope of winning even if the enemy takes the baron hhpp. Just now Brown ’s full set of skills caused all the damage to the Chinese national team. The jungle is now only a third of the blood left.

Lauren Carter is really a daring artist. As a cannon, he suddenly jumped up and jumped to the edge of the Dalong Canyon ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yu Luosheng and King Yan Luo actually wanted to control the first time Live a small gun for Lauren Carter, but don't want this guy to jump to such a wretched corner.

At this point, the explosive output of the four-piece set of cannons was fully reflected, and continuous crit hit on Zhou Yan's nightmare.Only one-third of the remaining blood Zhou Yan was quickly beaten to death. When it was a small cannon, it was forcibly taken away by a big move of the small cannon.

This blast killed Zhou Yan directly

King Yan Luo couldn't bear it at this time, and he quickly drawn a yellow card, a small cannon that flashed and controlled Lauren Karen. Lauren Karen seemed to have been prepared and quickly jumped out of the dragon with the refreshed arrow jumping skills. The canyon fell into a lonely grass in the river.

The forgotten old tree spirit was just about to go up for a bundle. Who knew that Lauren Karen's Wind Girl was also there? Shield, healing, and big tricks were all open, so I saw that the cannon was originally half-blooded by a yellow card. Come back again, the combat power is as good as ever

The wind girl's big wind gives the cannon a safest wind bay. No one can touch Lauren Carter's cannon for a while.

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