Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 957: You ca n’t find North!

X transposition global flow tactics is one of the classic tactics invented by Li Tuchuan and has never been used in the World League. [词 书 阁] [词 书 阁]

This time playing Canada, Li Tuchuan didn't intend to keep too much, first give Canada a taste of the power of the Chinese super guerrilla warfare.

Xunxiao forgets to teleport. As an old tree sperm, its outstanding place is to control the feet, the skin is thick and thick, and the damage is not low.

After Xiaomi fell to the ground, there were no accidental beatings by the other party, but what about it, the old tree spirit that started the big move was meat, a small cannon without any equipment, a U-class hitting Ye Wei, and one without How much blood can the formed clockwork demon kill him? ?

The old tree spirit doesn't care about anyone.The primary goal is the clockwork demon, a thigh bound to keep the clockwork demon, and a set of skills.

At the same time, the trio of Bai Feng, Yu Luosheng, and Zhou Yan scrambled up from the lower river.

Yu Luosheng is extremely brave, and a shield blow knocks them out of the game.

Xiao Xiaowang is responsible for driving away the clockwork demon, and the others are responsible for massaging the other three.

In terms of combat effectiveness, how can the nightmare, Pan Sen, and the airplane trio be more powerful than Feng Nu, Xiao Cannon, and Wei.Yu Luosheng knocked a set of skills, and Bai Feng immediately gave the machine gun and hit the opposite. Ye Yuehanlin hurriedly flashed in the traffic, this guy's response is relatively fast, it is estimated that don't kill in seconds

The Karen Carter twin brothers are covering each other, but when everyone has not yet reached the U-level, the Chinese national team has always enjoyed a great advantage in team battles. They can only fight and retreat, and try to send to AP as much as possible. Demon Rounds.

After Xiaoxiao forgot to drive away the clockwork demon, he suddenly turned around and surrounded him. No matter what, it was just half blood.

It is a pity that Feng Nu and Xiao Can are very smart. They use themselves as human walls to cover Wei's retreat and prevent anyone from keeping up with the output and killing Ye Wei.

"Baifeng, get on him" shouted Yu Luosheng.

Baifeng stunned slightly.

The person who can meet Wei now seems to be only himself.The displacement distance of the aircraft is very long.If you start the jet flight, you will definitely be able to go to the opposite Wei.

I ca n’t counsel

Must quickly downsize the opposite

Bai Feng gritted his teeth, abandoning the so-called conservative idea that AD must keep the displacement skills, and opened the jet type and flew directly in front of Wei.

Wu Wei didn't flash, and with the old tree spirit's big move, he could kill him immediately.

"Bai Feng, you are good, it is the second person, the output on the opposite side can not pose any threat to you," Li Tuchuan shouted with excitement.

Bai Feng looked serious, and received a bomb in the general attack to fight for his injuries.

Finally, Wei's blood was exhausted.Bai Feng saw this guy delusional to use Feiquan to escape, so he didn't even think about it.

I took the lead in playing the opposite jungle, and the Chinese national team soared ...

"I'm U"

Wu Zhouyan said suddenly.

There was a thunderous thunder, and the entire Summoner Canyon was covered by dark clouds. The Canadian team was plunged into darkness, with five fingers out of reach, and there was a sense of fear all around.


Karen Carter's twins were secretly bad, Wei's death gave the enemy experience, and the nightmare at level 5 reached the U level directly.

An extra trick at this time is devastating to Canada

Zhou Yan's focus on playing the jungle was effective, which made him upgrade very quickly. Originally, he sent a wild monster experience to the U level, and the experience provided by Wei ’s death made him reborn at once.

Yan Zhouyan locked the target and flew directly to the opposite Feng Nu.

Everyone did not pay attention to the AD of the small gun because everyone knows that the small gun can not produce much output in the early stage. With everyone's health, it can be carried, and it is the first task to quickly kill the enemy.

She Feng Nu has no displacement skills. She only grasped a flash. If he was left, the wave on the opposite side would completely collapse.

Zhou Zhouyan's nightmare fluttered like a black magic blade slammed into Feng Nu's body, and the fear chain quickly tied to her.

Callen didn't dare to take care of it directly. If he was scared, this life would be directly explained here.

"Retreat, retreat" Lauren Carter said hastily.

This wave they were very disadvantaged. The jungler was dropped for the first time so that the three of them did not even have one in front, let alone the output.

Moreover, most of the people in the other flashes were still pinched in their hands. They were stunned by a flash of a shield from Pan Sen, who was not directly vigilant, or **** by the old tree spirit.

"I'm here" When the situation in Canada was in chaos, Mr. Brown suddenly blew his throat.

家伙 This guy was killed just now, this will be resurrected from the spring.

He held the teleport in the same hand, and the teleportation would be able to fight the opposite wave.

As he descended from the sky, Ryze on the road saw an eye position and descended directly from the sky.There was a **** stance that was about to enter the depths of the enemy.

"We withdraw." Yu Luosheng commanded.

The enemy's single Brown landed, the Chinese national team can no longer fight in love, you must know that Ritz is a state full of blood and blue, and the sudden attack will become very strong.

The big trick of clockwork demons on the other side has not been used yet. If a group of people are caught in the clockwork magic ball and are attacked by the Ritz group, this wave will be hit directly.

Anyway, they are only four people present this time, and King Luo's card is on the way to demolish the tower.

In short, we can't fight anymore, we must retreat.

When retreating, the Chinese national team made a wild man.

Everyone sees Ritz transmitting and retreats very quickly, because everyone takes this aspect into consideration when using this tactic.

The break-in group opened quickly, and the retreat also retreated quickly. Within a few seconds, the aggressive Chinese national team disappeared directly on the map. Why should we go?

Ritz descended from the sky, but did not dare to chase too deeply.After all, the enemy has a lot of point control skills. Panson controls it, old tree spirits are imprisoned, plus aircraft and nightmare are all types of damage output, maybe they are one. People rushed up and had to be opposite the second.

"The Chinese national team runs faster than the rabbit," coach George said uncomfortably.

"We take Xiaolong and see if they dare to grab it." Zhongdan Bener said.

His big idea of ​​clockwork demon has not been used yet, which means that they still have the capital of World War I.

"Take a dragon, shall I die?" Yue Hanlin scolded unhappyly.

They were killed in the wild here. Even if the four of them still have combat power, it is absolutely impossible to drive the dragon directly. Because there is no punishment for them, at this time, the big dragon is sending the nightmare across to flash to grab ...

"My road is going to be pushed too." Brown glanced at the road with a grin.

The card master of the Chinese national team used a big move to support the road once and did not return home at all. He ate alone on the road and there were about three waves of soldiers. He even consumed the defense tower on the road to the point of disability, even if Brown rushed back now On the road, the tower on the road is likely to be demolished.

He Naihe, the card master gray Chang chicken thief, he intentionally left about a quarter of the blood of the defense tower, and then let the defense tower kill the soldiers one by one ...

Brown was killed once. He had lost a wave of soldiers ’experience and money. This time, he was sent to the next lane to support him. He did n’t get a head. The team did n’t dare to fight the dragon. It wasted time and lost three waves of soldiers.

Originally, if the card master pushed him on the road defense tower, then Brown is still more comfortable, he can control the line of defense near his own tower, forcing the opponent on the opposite side to dare not go into the replenishment. Who knows that the card master intentionally Do not push the tower, let those soldiers send the defense tower one by one.

This gave Brown a feeling of bleeding, knowing that he would not transmit support, and he had lost nothing but suffered serious losses.

"Very good, the retreat is decisive." Li Tuchuan praised.

战斗 The Chinese national team made a lot of money in this battle.

Using card tricks to support, before the enemy has a teleport on the road.

Like a baton, a card pours out its combat power and frees the old tree spirit who smiled on the road.

At this time, the enemy will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to fight the dragon. After the card is flying on the road, it is impossible to have the support ability.

I took advantage of the enemy's psychology, and laughed and forgot that the old tree spirit quickly returned to the city to supply equipment, and when the opponent hit the dragon, he teleported to the lower lane and started fighting with the enemy.

The old tree spirit came home to buy equipment, and the level reached U level. His blood was very sufficient and his resistance was very high.

On the other side of Canada, the clockwork demon has not returned home and updated its equipment, and the cannon is also unequipped to support it.The two important positions are in a very weak combat state. An old tree falling from the sky is just a tree falling from the sky.

The fighting power of the sixth-level tree father is actually much higher than the card.King Yan Luo is equivalent to a baton. First, he drops the opposite Ritz to prevent him from having a chance to teleport, and then liberates the laugh and forget, and lets the laugh and forget be transmitted to Xiaolong District as a father In addition, the early combat effectiveness of Pansen and the aircraft combination was strong, and they were caught by surprise.

This is Li Tuchuan's X-Alternative Global Stream Tactics

The card and the tree spirit will be replaced.The card will not return home after the killing is completed, and will be pushed directly on the road.While developing, the enemy will lose the competition on the road ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The old tree spirit takes the battle baton and directly goes to the bottom. An old Treant with great fighting power can play more than a card.

这 And this series of transpositions must be completed within the dozens of seconds of the resurrection of Ryze, and everyone retreats without hesitation when the Ryze of the enemy is resurrected.

Anyway, you are already dead in the jungle, you dare not take it, at most you scared our group of people, but you Riz himself wasted valuable teleportation, and also delayed the time to go back to the road to develop, our cards are on your road The bare tower has been around for a long time. If the tower is a mother, will the card and her child have it?

I want to fight so you ca n’t find North

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