Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 955: You come and go

Karen Carter was feeling at this moment.

Sure enough, the match with the World Championship-level auxiliary match with the previous match was two concepts.Pluto Yu Luosheng caused them a strong impact at the beginning of the battle. If Carter's response was slightly slower, it will definitely be Stunned by a holy shield of Pan Sen, followed by a set of damage from the plane and Pan Sen, the wind girl's L-level shield was not enough to withstand much damage. Maybe accidentally, the L-level will be directly hit back. Home

"Pluto is really powerful. In the past, Caren Carter has rarely seen them lose in the early stage. Even if they use the weakest heroes in the early stage, they will always handle the details well." Off the field, the group of Musley Store High-end esports players immediately commented.

As a substitute jungler of the US national team, Cullo certainly has a say. He believes that the game between the masters is not only technical, but also psychological suppression.

Yu Luosheng's Pan Sen's first skill added a few thoughts and successfully counted the opposite Karen, so that Karen's windy girl had a shield in vain but could not let them double up to the level quickly, so that the Chinese national team immediately immediately The down lane combination grabbed the level.

At this level, Panson and the plane could be very presumptuous. The two men went directly to the front of the line, and the Karen Carter twin brothers did not dare to come up for reinforcements, only to wait for the line to advance slowly.

To be honest, in North America, you have never seen Karen Carter suffer from such losses in the early days.

"It's okay, but missing a few soldiers has little effect." The Canadian bald coach George took a look at the situation in the lower lane and behaved calmly.

Karen Carter didn't panic at this time because she was suppressed earlier, but her eyes were full of fighting light.

This is the real master showdown. The heart beats unconsciously, and the gap is reflected in the breath.

Auxiliary Karen glanced at his younger brother Carter. The two did not need to communicate with each other at all, not even the signal.

Brother Carter understands that Karen intends to fight back when he is promoted to the ranks, and cannot be suppressed by the opposite.

Slowly wait for the soldier to die, and suddenly Carter goes forward, and he is crazy for Yu Luosheng's Pan Sen

Karen Carter

After the two guys are at the same level as the Chinese national team, they don't seem to be at all enthusiastic. They have to fight with Yu Luosheng and Bai Fenggang in the end.

Yu Luosheng first used his passive to block the damage of a basic attack of the cannon.

The combined combat effectiveness of the aircraft and Pan Sen is stronger than the small gun Fengnv at the level. Yu Luosheng gave Bai Feng a signal to signal that he could fight hard.

Yu Luosheng held the shield in his hand. As long as this small cannon dared to touch himself, Yu Luosheng must ask him to taste the spartan shield's powerful blow and knock you into Venus.

"Whirring whirring"

Suddenly, behind the cannon, there was a coil of air around there, and the air flow was about to move.

It's the wind of the wind girl

"Karen is a bit slippery," Yu Luosheng said to himself.

Seeing this blast of air, Yu Luosheng knew that he could not jump up and shoot the cannon's head with Divine Shield.

Jumping over by myself, you will be immediately blown by the wind girl's wind. At this time, both the wind girl and the cannon can besiege his Pansen. According to the damage of the blood volume, he basically falls more by himself.

Of course, there is a more disgusting situation, that is, the moment when he takes off, Karen's wind girl immediately activates the whirlwind, the whirlwind blows in front of himself, it is easy to wind himself flying in midair and directly hit Broken his Aegis stun ability. In this case, he will be beaten up by two people in the opposite direction, and one bottle of medicine will be destroyed.

Yu Luosheng was very cunning and did not jump up. He believed that from the angle of the wind put by Karen, 70 might blow his skills.

"Eat and eat my spear sweep" Yu Luosheng turned back and paste the spear directly on the face of the cannon. The fan-shaped spear can hit both the cannon and the wind girl.

"He's not up, blow him up," Carter said at a glance at Yu Luosheng's blood-consuming and cheap tricks.

Karen is activated again


The whirlwind flew past and quickly flew towards Pan Sen, who was using the sweeping spear in place.

Yu Luosheng, a master of art, was bold, and when the wind was about to float in front of him, he suddenly used the shield to pounce on the soldier at the side of his body.

Pan Sen jumped and shield hit the soldiers. This flexible jump just avoided the whirlwind that came in front of him, and was chic, so that the audience in New York could not help but give out a sigh.

Just show

Using the skills to hide, the spear swept over the face of the cannon, and the two were equivalent to a wave of blood exchange. It was time for the assistant Panson to avoid the whirlwind of the opponent's counterattack and jump back to the safe area.

How to make blood for auxiliary exchange?

"This guy, why even a very simple Pan Sen can play so many tricks." Bai Feng, who was cleaning up the line, couldn't help but sigh.

Other people's auxiliary Pan Sen was either rigid, and there was a feeling of hurting the enemy by one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred. Yu Luosheng's Pan Sen seemed to be particularly alive. The use of skills was very particular, which directly broke the idea of ​​counterattack by the opposite level.

However, it is estimated that most people would not dare to make such a show. They can still make such a delicate judgment in the face of wind.

After Karen Carter's twins were shown by Yu Luosheng, they also looked at each other.

Pluto is indeed a swaying **** as the rumor says.

Of course, his swing is obviously useful, he directly deceived the two skills of Feng Nu, and he returned unharmed himself. Fortunately, the aircraft did not take this opportunity to rush up to fight against them, otherwise they would face each other this time. You have to suffer again.

"Should I go up and play a set just now?" Bai Feng, who was safe and secure, asked.

"Well, but it doesn't matter. Your soldiers are all collected. When you go up and hit the set, they will hit the shield of Feng Nu, and the damage caused is also limited. It is not as good as a few more soldiers." Yu Luosheng said.

"Strike at level 3, I have all the skills and I am better at playing." Bai Feng said.

In order to ensure the speed of clearing the line and the direct combat effectiveness, Bai Feng did not add displacement skills at the second point. Now he has a qf bomber and a stun gun, which seems a bit clunky, and cannot directly burst into the faces of the two people opposite.

Yu Luosheng also said that, level 3 can be beaten.

Tier 3 is the time when Pansenga ’s aircraft is at its highest combat effectiveness.

"Ready." Yu Luosheng glanced at his own experience bar.

It's still the same routine. Use skills to clear out two or three soldiers at a time, and hit the other side by surprise when upgrading.

The Baifeng line was very well mastered. It did not make the line too close to the opponent's defense tower, but it guaranteed that the two would have more experience than the opposite.


Yu Luosheng learns flying spear skills in seconds. When he was about to make a shot, suddenly the eyes of the river saw the enemy Da Yewei burst into a sudden.

"Retreat, retreat, they are playing wild." Yu Luosheng quickly stopped.

Bai Feng's anger suddenly disappeared.

This wave obviously couldn't be beaten. Zhou Yan was blaming the speed and the other side Wei swayed in the lower lane, shocking Yu Luosheng and Bai Feng.

"They are really cunning, knowing that we are going to fight at level 3, and they actually called Da Ye to deliberately step on our eyes." Yu Luosheng cursed.

Canadian players are very smart and experienced.

As in the current situation, with the toughness of Pansen and the aircraft at level 3, he said that he would have to stun the cannon and the wind girl, as long as he dared to come up to fill the army.

As a result, in this section, the opposite jungler came over and showed a head.

They didn't come down the road to gank, they just showed their heads, which means: I'm near here, you two should better not mess around, or I'll kill them.

A cat who meowed, if Zhou Yan was nearby, Yu Luosheng's violent temper would go straight up. Who is afraid of anyone?

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan chose a semi-developed wild nightmare. Everything is brush-based. Yu Luosheng can only endure this wave.

This endurance really gave Karen Carter's twin brothers some respite. The two men slowly pushed the soldiers over. Instead, Yu Luosheng's assistant Pan Sen did not have a proper mobile phone meeting.

"The back grass has no eyes. Will they be squatting us?" Bai Feng said.

The river is eye-catching, and Wei is not able to walk around the wild area to walk through the triangular grass, so his only gank route is to come directly from the line and hide in the edge grass directly in the shadow area.

This is the time when Bai Feng and Yu Luosheng have no eyes. If they are squatted, the trouble will be big.

"Whether he comes or not, the big deal is flash, we must fight with them at level 3." Yu Luosheng is a hardcore

Yu Luosheng began to press in, betting that Carter was unwilling to give up the gun car

There are more than 40 artillery vehicles. If Carter's cannon needs to make up for this artillery vehicle, then he must eat a grandson.

Sure enough, Carter didn't give up, Yu Luosheng's extremely fast set, knocked out Carter's cannon ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Karen responded quickly, and immediately added a shield to the cannon to offset Drop part of Yu Luosheng Pansen's injury.

Bai Feng saw Yu Luosheng control the cannon, and flew into the cannon's face without a word.


Suddenly, a whirlwind swept over head-on, and Baifeng's plane flew in half, and it was blown up immediately. The whole person stopped in mid-air ...

"Damn, he was interrupted." Bai Feng was startled, and his displacement skills were interrupted directly by the opposite Feng Nu.

Pan Sen's dizzy time was already short. If he didn't keep up with the output for the first time, the cannon would jump off immediately.

Sure enough, Yu Luosheng didn't sweep the spear a few times, and the cannon jumped behind him, avoiding the strong waves of Yu Luosheng and Bai Feng.

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