Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 751: Battle of scolding, Li Tuchuan!

The scene is very large.

This scale is already comparable to baseball and nha football events.

It took more than an hour to start the game. The on-site seating has reached half, and the crowds looked very spectacular.

Who would believe this was an e-sports game a few years ago? ?

The main screen flickered suddenly, and a screen popped out. It turned out that the pre-match interview was released in the New York Arena.

"Isn't that gold medal coach Li Tuchuan?" Sitting in the venue, Msley recognized the famous coach in North America at a glance.

"The little black face next to him is a bit familiar." The teenager's crotch sitting next to Msley was surprised at this time.

"He is wearing the Chinese national team uniform."

This kid, isn't that the wild mermaid brought by Yiqin at the time, how could he appear on the interview screen of the New York Arena?

"I am very pleased to be able to invite our gold medal coach and our world champion Master Pluto. Do you still like this city when you come to New York this time?" The interviewer said gracefully.

"This is a city where people don't want to go. Of course, if I didn't see the disgusting video five minutes ago, I would give a higher evaluation." Li Tuchuan replied.

The interviewer screamed for a while, but showed nothing on his face.

He doesn't want this interview to be a scolding battle between the Chinese national team and the two Canadian coaches.

"What did the interviewer call the black-faced Chinese kid just now?" The white bamboo pole suddenly stood up, staring at the main screen.

The same teenager's crotch is almost a scary urine pants

Hades ... Hades? ? ?

That league's world champion, slaughtered vt's pervert with night hunter Wayne? ? ?

The people in Mousley's shop were sitting together. At this time, a basket of chins fell to the ground, one by one.

It was snowing, and Yiqin was brought to the barbecue party that day and was actually the Chinese Pluto

Although the Chinese look alike in their North American eyes, everyone at the party clearly remembered the appearance of the black-faced Chinese boy, and the interview on the main screen was naturally recognizable at a glance.

However, they never thought that the Chinese kid who appeared in their party that day was infamous ... Oh no, it should be the famous world champion Yu Luosheng, which is a basic one with Adams

The white man with bamboo pole, the crotch of young boy, and the man with rock shawl are all dumbfounded.

"I ... I'm with the Pluto team, I've been with the Pluto team, wow ha ha ha" The crotch of the young man suddenly jumped like crazy, and jumped with joy.

At first this stubborn boy didn't quite agree with Yu Luosheng, but after knowing that he is a super e-sports god, the whole person is upset

In this game, he can go back to his school and blow to his classmates and friends for a long time

"Well, I knew I would talk to him more."

"Qin is too cunning to tell us."

Msley smiled bitterly.

The selection of his Musli shop is very strict, but Nima is not too close to Pluto, you report your name, Musli is willing to go out and carry people in, this is for him Msley's shop adds another bragging capital

In my Msley's shop, world-class e-sports players are regular customers. Adams was drunk here. Pluto Yu Luosheng loved to eat my barbecue.

Anyway, Msley figured it out. After playing this Canadian game, he must trick Yu Luosheng into his own shop, and then leave a few photos on the wall to prove that Pluto has been there.

"How do I feel that coach Li looks very angry." At this time the white bamboo pole said.

After being shocked, everyone soon followed the interview.

It can be seen that Li Tuchuan was angry.

I want to come too, being ridiculed by a coach in Canada who does n’t know which mountain stream is unscrupulous, it is an individual who has a temper

"When some stupid pigs can't get up in their own wells, they expect to use their mouth to degrade others, making others look as fat, stupid, and low as him." Li Tuchuan's polite sword pointed at the Canadian bald Coach George.

Although Yu Luosheng on the side did not understand Li Tuchuan's fluent English, he believed that Li Tuchuan must curse again. American dramas and Hollywood blockbusters were not read in vain, did not understand vocabulary, but could understand the tone.

The interviewer is already embarrassed. Is this interview going to continue? It will become a curse for Li Tuchuan's talk show.

"Coach Li is so cute, I think Coach George is going to be furious off the court." Mslihaha laughed.

Which e-sports player in North America does not know Li Tuchuan?

The well-known pr team coach, North American coach, he said that he was second, and no one dared to stand up and say that he was the boss, even the current US national team coach Mike did not dare.

At this time, Li Tuchuan did not politely call coach George George Canada a stupid and fat dead pig in a live interview, which is enough to reflect Li Tuchuan's influence in North America. The organizer did not dare to force it. This interview was concluded, and the interviewer did not dare to stop him from cursing.The audience at the scene was even more jubilant, and more people supported Li Tuchuan.

North America also has great characteristics, that is, who strongly supports who

The status of coach Bald George in Canada is simply not comparable to Li Tuchuan. He dared to say that in a background interview. Li Tuchuan dared to scold him in a live interview. Let me know where the competition association is, see who the world e-sports association is for.

"Huh, it's a shameless person. What good is the kung fu on the mouth, the team strength is not as good as us." Coach George Canada was so angry.

His ridicule is a video. It can be seen by people who watch e-sports consultations on the site, but Li Tuchuan's live broadcast is as long as it is on the scene, as long as the people around the world who watch the live broadcast can see it, everyone is there Curious, is gold medal coach Li Tuchuan swollen today, scolding again and again, which fool offended him?

This is also what makes Coach George's bald the worst.

"Coach you do this is actually very good. Before that, not many people knew your George's name. Now everyone in the world knows you, although it may be added with a stupid pig, George ..." Haha said with a laugh.

"Waffle, I didn't use him to make a name for himself. What I said was just the truth. Hmm, there will be an interview with the winner after the victory. At that time I will let him know that he is talking fast and has the right to speak. "The winner is always the winner," said coach George Bald.

After the match, there was an interview with the winner. Worldwide live broadcast, George will wait for this winner to interview and stab Li Tuchuan severely.

What's the use of your strong ability to lead, a group of veterans and veterans, where is our Canadian opponent

"Coach Li, I think your players have indeed been questioned a lot, so if you face a strong enemy of Canada this time, do you have enough chances to win and have enough confidence in your players?" Interview People hurriedly shifted the topic to this.

This sentence finally let the screeching calm down, and obviously this is the last question.

The camera gave Li Tuchuan a special show ...

In the lounge, through the transparent glass compartment, the atmosphere of the Chinese national team players who have become extremely depressed is also watching the big screen and watching the prominent Li Tu

The atmosphere in the lounge was indeed depressing.

The problem that everyone has been evading has finally been encountered in this competition, and it is coming

Have they forgotten to laugh, Wang Yan Luo, Bai Feng, and Zhou Yan? ?

Not only have they seen it, but they have seen it many, many times.

Before Yu Luosheng, they supported China's LPL. Unfortunately, they have not even entered the quarterfinals. No matter how strong and famous Yu Luosheng is, he cannot always represent the overall level of e-sports in China. In such a country confrontation, all the world-class, world-class, and world-class players are combined into a team abroad. After the integration, the Chinese national team looks very, very thin, and it has a completely unworthy feeling.

China won the world championship in the league, but the Chinese national team is not strong. The top five of the official rankings are not included. Whether or not they can enter the Olympic final depends on luck and luck.

This depression has long been lingering on King Yan Luo, Bai Feng, Xiao Wang and others. The things that they are most afraid of hitting their faces in this way make them a little confused, and they don't even dare to raise their chests.

Coach George Canada is cheap, but he is telling the truth, the naked truth

Therefore, when Li Tuchuan tried his best to maintain their national team players without the world title in this interview live broadcast, they were more of a guilt. If they lost Canada this time, Li Tuchuan These words are equivalent to slapping himself. The problem is that the probability of losing Canada this time is very high.

"I have confidence in my players. I am 100% confident. I also warn all those who view our Chinese national team players with their stupid eyes. When we stand on the glory of the Olympics, we will set your stupidity like a crowd. China ’s naked body has no body, "Li Tuchuan said fiercely ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Okay, thanks to coach Li for his generous words, I wish the Chinese national team a good result" The interviewer nodded and closed this time Interview.

Li Tuchuan's last words lingered in the ears of the Chinese national team, which made people feel warm.

But the same people also sneer and disdain in the dark: It ’s as if your Chinese national team can really make it to the Olympic finals. Today we in Canada let you taste the defeat of the two games.

(Give a monthly pass, leave your fragrance to use our hands to fulfill our dream of a great battle? Is the game of the game where "Fighting" is a crab in the novel, a fighter in the upset, but we are proud of it Be smart, strive for the top spot on the monthly ticket list, and let the general public know how powerful the otaku game fans are. Just like e-sports is more traditional than traditional sports, you will have to talk like this: Your basketball school team is very powerful? The eighth level is very chic? Laozi's diamond frame. Everyone must believe that the charm of e-sports will make you yourself full of charm. To tell the truth, now that you show off something in your class and colleagues, it is better to show off your diamond frame.

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