Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 747: Reduce offensive flow, nausea assist!

"Rely on you" Yu Luosheng hid in the distance. Although he still had a lot of anger on his body, he did not turn his anger into his own blood.

The reason is simple, he never added

The Savage King's health can be restored, and the higher the rage value, the higher the health. Generally speaking, this skill will be added to the third level of the barbaric king to ensure that the barbaric king still has life after the online battle.

So why didn't Yu Luosheng add this to ensure that he had a recovery of blood when he was out of the battlefield?

The reason is simple, he added a second point at level 3-contempt

The scorn of the barbaric king is a skill that can be easily overlooked.At this time, someone will say, no, the barbaric king slows down, everyone has a chick on his head, and then everyone can't move, very disgusting, why? Will ignore

The barbaric king is really disgusting, he suddenly killed from the side, throwing a chick on your head, and then your movement speed will become abnormally slow, and then you will see barbara in front of you. Then you have to hang up.

In fact, in addition to the slowing effect of the chicken, the barbarian has another ability-reducing attack power.

When the enemy flees away from the barbaric king, the barbaric king's contempt skills will slow down the enemy, making it difficult for the enemy to escape the barbaric sword.

When the enemy is facing the barbaric king, the barbaric contempt skill will reduce the enemy's attack power

The level will directly reduce the attack power of 35 points opposite.

Although Lu Xi'an and Pan Sen mainly rely on skills to eat, their skills also rely on the attack power bonus. When everyone had less than 100 attack power in the early stage, what was the direct reduction of 35 attack power? What is the concept? ?

100 minus 35 becomes, the point of attack is equivalent to a mid-single mage with a Dolan sword, plus Yu Luosheng's blue shield outfit, reducing 8 points of damage from the hero, so Pansen and Lu Xi Hit the barbarian to work hard

Therefore, it is not at all how high the armor of the hero of the barbarian is, but their attack power is reduced, and the reduction is very, very serious.

Lu Xi'an and Pan Sen, who were trapped in the drum, could not have expected it.If the auxiliary barbarian was the Lord, there would be no solution to the fight ...

"Fight with him, I'm almost ready." Yu Luosheng said to Qian Meng.

Lu Xi'an's blood is still relatively full, and Qian Meng's blood is almost the same as his. Lu Xi'an hesitated to flash up to kill Yu Luosheng and failed. Now he has fallen into the most direct attack range of Qian Meng Isere.

In fact, if the skills of Ezerel were not always blocked by the soldiers, his small outbreak would be quite high.

Lu Xi'an was not afraid at all.He turned against Qianmeng's Iserel, and he was about to get better, so that he could not only deal high damage, but also refresh the cd quickly. Judging from his calculations, he was absolutely You can kill this Iserel.

Qian Meng didn't counsel at all.Using the passive stack that has been stacked on the 5th floor, she stood opposite Lu Xi'an. Finally, Lu Xi'an was fine again. The amount quickly dropped to about 35%.

Lu Xi'an smiled coldly and shot a double-gun effect, reducing the cd time of 4 seconds of cold pursuit.

Soon, he could solve this little Iserel.

The skills are just right, Lu Xian was not in a hurry to use the cold pursuit, he knew that the other party had a flash in his hand, and kept running after the other party to escape.


In the distance, the blood-thirsty King did not come over, but threw a strange thing over from afar.

This funny ratio, do you want to slow down yourself, you have no intention of running at all, it is useless to throw this, and it will not lose blood.

One shot, another shot, another shot

Strange, Lu Xi'an suddenly found that the effect of ordering people was greatly reduced. The effect that could be caused by the two previous shots took three shots himself ...

"" A secretary shot Lu Xi'an firmly and hit him, but Lu Xi'an's health dropped a lot, and there was only one box left.

Lu Xi'an was frightened, and hurriedly used cold pursuit, trying to take this Iserel directly with the outbreak of the two guns.

However, the two guns flew out, and that Izerel was not dead.I saw that Izereal had a very fast attack and another basic attack, but this basic attack had almost the same effect as his double gun. Took away Lucian's life

"Pretty." Yu Luosheng laughed, and almost patted his dirty hands on Xia Yuli's small and round shoulders.

Qianmeng could not see the emotions on his face, and silently brought the soldiers over.

However, it was really thrilling just now. In the usual way, Lu Xi'an's injury was enough to kill her directly. It was Yu Luosheng who threw a chicken in the distance and reduced Lu Xi'an's 35 attack power. Such Lu Xi'an is equivalent to Naked equipment and naked rune talents go out, and the damage can't be beaten at all ...

"Look, I said there is a set of down lanes." The down lanes double kill, and the teammates on the lane spoke immediately.

Lamblado hitting the middle is estimated to be preconceived. I feel that this double kill is mostly not good from the other side, and did not immediately change the view on these two pits, but said coldly: in the end, it will still be beaten Explosive

Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng pushed the line and went back to update their equipment.

As an auxiliary, the auxiliary equipment is always going to come out, this time Yu Luosheng directly bought the eye stone, to support his own blood while ensuring that the down road will not be caught by the opposite.

Qianmeng is now very well equipped.If you put your skills together, you won't lose to Lu Xi'an. I'm afraid I'm afraid to come to the opposite jungle to squat

After buying the eye stone, Yu Luosheng ran to the middle of the river at his own speed and inserted an eye. This eye position can prevent the enemy from invading his wild area and then gank around.

Later, Yu Luosheng put another eye in the river under Xiaolong, directly leaving the opposite jungle to have no possibility of gank. Finally, he put another eye in the grass next to him, and it was necessary to make the opposite jungle completely despair.

Everything was as expected by Yu Luosheng. After taking the double kill on the lower lane, the opposite jungle really appeared. After shaking for half a circle, there was no result, and he returned to the jungle.

Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng were not in a hurry, and slowly recruited soldiers. They controlled the line first and then found a chance to fight.

The fighting power of this hero is the most directly related to anger. When he finds a chance, Yu Luosheng will chop a few soldiers to keep his anger at a certain amount.

Not surprisingly, when Yu Luosheng didn't add 5th grade, Yu Luosheng had 3 levels ...

"Begging" Yu Luosheng suddenly showed the details of my arrogant side leak. When I saw Pan Sen consuming a third of his blood by shooting with shallow dreams, he directly and fiercely killed him.

This time Yu Luosheng's goal is no longer Pan Sen, it is a knife to Lu Xi'an

Without the crit, the damage was a little bad.

The pile was full of anger, and Lu Xi'an, the most ferocious down the road, put Pansen into such a way that your younger Izerell added a tease to King Barbarian to endure this? ?

Pan Sen immediately turned around, it was a p triplet, and the spear flew away.

"Second grandson," Panson exasperated.

What horrors erupted between the two, all of their skills were suddenly thrown away on Yu Luosheng's face.

Yu Luosheng ate the full set directly this time, but his blood volume only dropped uu, instead it was normal, and any auxiliary had to be dropped by Pan Sengal Lu Zian's full damage.

Yu Luosheng is extremely brave, catching Pan Sen is a slash

One size

Violent, violent to me

Playing the barbarian king, the **** is the same size as the gambling.

Violent and violent, is also an unconscious tease of any barbarian player, including Yu Luosheng.

The sword is very competitive.The first time he hit Lu Zian, there was no crit. This second time, Panson was particularly cool.The crit instantly caused Panson's health to fall below half.

Storm me again

Yu Luosheng took another shot, the crit looked refreshing

Qian Meng with headphones on the side really wanted to isolate Yu Luosheng's voice, but why did she do it next time, how can you hear Yu Luosheng's "violent violence"

Pan Sen didn't have much blood, and shallow dreams didn't hesitate. All the injuries were hit precisely on Pan Sen's body, and Pan Sen was taken away directly.

At this time Lu Zian and Pan Sen were completely crazy.

What happened to Nima? Their damage has somehow become very, very low. What if the **** little crispy barbarian had died a thousand times under normal circumstances?

How could Yu Luosheng tell him that every time you apply your skills, you will give a contempt.

Level 3 contempt, reducing enemy attack power by up to 50

What is 50? ?

A storm sword can only add 45 attack power, can Lu Xi'an have two Dolan swords on hand, and the total added attack power is only 14, which is scorned by Yu Luosheng, and his attack power is reduced by 50. Return directly to level 1

Pan Sen is also, the damage is not enough to attack ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Pan Sen is a skill-based eater. After being reduced by 50 attack power, it may not be able to have a devastating effect on his skill damage. It is a multi-blue shield and eyestone outfit.The multi-blue shield reduces 8 damage.The eyestone supports the health. It is impossible to seconds him.

Big wave

Lu Xi'an and Pan Sen are basically going crazy. Their bottom-line combination has repeatedly tried and beat the opposite side in minutes. Today, the weak and ineffective Iserel and the Barbara exploded? ?

The most painful thing is that they don't know why this barbaric king is so meaty. This armor is obviously more than 50

What's wrong with this game? ? ? ()

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