Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 745: The barbarian assistant asked if you were afraid ...

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The heavy snow fell and the window was white.

Yu Luosheng is in the south and rarely sees snow. Snow is rare in a city like Shanghai. But in the United States, you have to spit when you look at snow.

There is a stove in the room, and Da Luo still has nothing to do with ice cream. The ice cream in the United States is cheap and delicious. If Zhang Aijing even controls the diet of the players, Da Luo is determined to die in the ice cream heap.

The training time is usually in the afternoon and dinner in the evening, and Yu Luosheng finds people looking for double rows everywhere.

There are not many people in the national team and Yu Luosheng double row.People in the lm team generally strictly adhere to this policy of not aligning with Yu Luosheng. When the national team first integrated, King Yan Luo, Bai Feng, laugh Forget, Emperor Song, they are too simple, and they feel that they can steadily follow the big **** Yu Luosheng. After being beaten by Yu Luosheng's neuropathy, they almost lost the stage, and they finally understood why. Yu Luosheng's own teammates did not play double row with him.

Double row with this goods, it's great that he can take you off the stage, as far as sharing ... hehe

Therefore, those who dare to row with Yu Luosheng now have a shallow dream like Yu Luosheng who has never cared about their own segmentation.

It seems that these two people are together, and with such an indifferent mentality, they can often be invincible, continue to score, and are extremely brave, so you have to understand the world of neuropathy.

"Go, step on the North American server, I can help you get the platinum segment for your number." Yu Luosheng shouted at Xia Yuli in the courtyard.

Xia Yuli didn't seem to hear it, sitting in the yard, the whole person looked like a lifeless ice sculpture.

Yu Luosheng walked over and swept in front of Xia Yuli with his hand.

"Being a man, the most important thing is to be happy. You're so unhappy all day long. Go, let me go and abuse the Americans, and I feel all right," Yu Luosheng said.

Looking at Xia Yuli's expression of being air, Yu Luosheng was also extremely painful and paralyzed. No one in the team was willing to double-rank with himself. Is his character really so bad?

This will be good. Xia Yuli is here, and Yu Luosheng also feels that this lonely master has a playmate and feels very good, but I don't know why Xia Yuli shows a different kind of Buddha nature from normal people.

"Hey, do you know how difficult it is for me to help your number climb from bronze to platinum? You can't live up to my efforts like this," Yu Luosheng said.

After a while, Xia Yuli looked up and glanced at Yu Luosheng, which said: Can you stop dangling in front of us?

"Pear, don't be outside, cold." At this time, Xia Yingxing in the room shouted softly towards the courtyard.

Xia Yuli still did not respond, still sitting there, like a person who has abandoned the world.

Originally, Yu Luosheng felt that he was a failure, and he was so completely ignored with his excellent personality charm, but after seeing that Xia Yuli did not respond to his own sister's words, Yu Luosheng had some comfort in his heart. She is to everyone.

After a while, Xia Yingxing came out of the house with a thick coat and silently put on Xia Yuli sitting outside the yard.

"Let's go, let's go in." Xia Yingxing said to Yu Luosheng.

Yu Luosheng followed Xia Yingxing into the room.

As soon as she returned to the warm room, Xia Yingxing said, "Sometimes she will do this, whoever talks to her will ignore it. I hope you don't blame me."

"No, no." Yu Luosheng had a little habit.

"That's good. In fact, I'm glad she has a friend like you." Xia Yingxing smiled slightly, and there was some relief in her eyes, more of a kind of sister's worry about her sister.

"I still like to be friends with beauties." Yu Luosheng said jokingly.

Xia Yingxing shook her head, then said, "There were many people who wanted to contact her before, but most of them were only short-lived ..."

Yu Luosheng thought about it, and it seems so, so with her attitude that can completely ignore people, anyone who wants to be friends with her is estimated to be hurt by self-esteem, let alone those men who want to chase him. The confidence of being a man is gone.

"She still likes e-sports and wants to fight with everyone once, otherwise she won't come to the United States by boat, but she doesn't know what the results of the Olympic Organizing Committee will be. With her personality, she is determined to participate in this kind of next time. The competition is a long struggle of thought. "Xia Yingxing sighed.

To play the game, it is always necessary to have a personal companion. Yu Luosheng sits helplessly in his position. It seems that this time he can only fight for the US service.

Alas, the master is so lonely like snow.

After turning on the number, Yu Luosheng glanced at Zhang Aijing, who was busy sorting out Canadian materials in the lobby, and said, "Jing, girl, pour a cup of coffee for the master, add more milk, it's too bitter I can't drink."

Zhang Aijing cursed, but still had to do as Yu Luosheng said. I also blame myself for being inscrutable at that time. Why did I make such a bet with Yu Luosheng? I didn't have any benefit, and I was called to be like a maid.

"Drink you" Zhang Aijing threw the quilt heavily in front of Yu Luosheng, and the hot coffee in it almost splashed on Yu Luosheng's beloved keyboard, Tian Ge, which scared Yu Luosheng's trembling.

Yu Luosheng didn't care about Zhang Aijing's attitude either. He tasted it beautifully and was ready to put on his equipment and go to the battlefield.

Just after qualifying, when a fragrant wind suddenly fluttered, he saw a figure falling into the snow sitting next to him.

Yu Luosheng hesitated for a while. Xia Yuli, you are really a ghost. You were still in the courtyard, thinking about the mysteries of life and cosmos mentioned in the nature of Buddhism. Why did you come back here in a blink of an eye?

"Together?" Yu Luosheng asked tentatively.

This is a woman who cannot think about common sense, so Yu Luosheng can't believe that she just sits down to rank with herself. Maybe she will turn on the computer to play mine clearance.

"Um." Xia Yuli spoke with her nose.

Yu Luosheng was so pleased that he quickly turned off the line.

North America is no better than domestic players. Basically, you can find your opponents instantly, and you enter the han election a little slower.

"Come on, warm your hands." Yu Luosheng handed her cup to her, seeing that her little hands were frozen pale, and there was some pity in her heart.

Thinking about life in the big winter, why bother, being a man ... forget it, it can't be black anymore.

Xia Yuli was also welcome, holding the hot cup in her hand, which really made her hands much more comfortable.

Xia Yuli quickly logged in to the account that Yu Luosheng had practiced for her, and added her friends.

"Okay, we have two swords together. We must punch the North American Hall of Fame and kick the European Kings." Yu Luosheng called out a slogan.

Xia Yuli did not react much as before.

In the past, I had been talking with Qian Mengda in terms of both text and signal communication, and the tacit understanding was still very high.

Now Qian Meng is sitting next to her, and she doesn't even need to open her voice.Although Qian Meng basically does not speak, the momentum of Dark Athena is always lingering. I don't believe anyone in this North American server can stop them from entering the strongest king group in North America. Forefront

In the first game, Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng were unfortunately on the 4th and 5th floors.

Yu Luosheng is also very straightforward. He is on the 4th floor and 5th floor. He is very good at basic English.

"The one who hates the bag down the road most, the bag down will lose." At this time, a guy with an id of Rabbrado said.

Speaking of which, isn't Labrador a breed of dog, this kind of dog is also very good ...

Yu Luosheng wondered, how can he qualify in the U.S. and China's national conditions, and likes to despise the double row?

The double-row package is easily despised, and there is a reason for that. When the double row hit the road, they suddenly snatched the two positions in the team. In fact, many of the team were estimated to have hit the road. They were forcibly driven to another road and could not really bring the rhythm of the whole game.

The double-row bottom lane doesn't necessarily play well, even if it is played well, it will eventually collapse because the rhythm of the whole game is in the hands of others.

Therefore, the double-row package is actually a very unscientific method of scoring.Most people will choose the double-row midfielder rhythm. More stable is a jungler. An former is responsible for ensuring that the rhythm of the game will not fall into the hands of the enemy. The latter ensures a reliable output later in the game.

Yu Luosheng also thought that when he arrived in the United States, the problems under the Shuangfei package would not exist. It turned out to be as unscientific.

"Rest assured, we can handle it." Yu Luosheng typed a line of English and gave the Labrador a little more confidence.

There is no way for Labrador, but he also resists this arranged position. After all, Labrador himself is an ad player, and he will at most ensure that he does not pit.

Entering the selection, Qian Meng is also a daring artist, and shot and chose an Izerel who is now particularly weak in the League of Legends.

This hero's status is not as good as before, and he has completely changed from the fist company's pro-son to the child of Uncle Wang next door after DNA identification. The fighting force can not bear to look straight.

Not to mention that the early stage is not a new darling Lu Xi'an's opponent at all, let's say that in the later stage, it is not the same level as the ad seven such as a cannon and a mouse. It is because this hero has been continuously truncated, and it cannot keep up with this era.

Yu Luosheng is not ordinary, and he chose a weak king who is not as strong as the assistant.

With the help of the barbaric king, I ask you if you are afraid of North America? ?

"The barbarian is playing a helping role? Oh, you are so courageous," Labrador said again.

Although the people in North America have a higher game quality and a more entertaining mentality, there are also some eager to divide the dogs.Labrador is obviously a person who points upwards.I saw Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng take a combination of the King of the Barbarian I just want to seconds ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Playing these two goods is simply revenge on society.

Opposite is an ad Obama. How did your kid play with him?

Opposite is a Pansen assistant, the damage is extremely high, you choose a barbaric king to play the assistant, isn't this funny? What is it doing?

"Rest assured, we can cope" Yu Luosheng copied the sentence just now.

"Yes, you should already be used to coping with being abused by the enemy. Fortunately, I'm unlucky. When you meet the two of you, don't hang too much, I try to take the rhythm." Labrador has no other way, as l He had no choice but to order.

(Ill month l, do you know what day it is ... Little Singles Day? Nerves, who cares about this, your monthly pass on lll month l is here again, we ca n’t smash our own who is fighting with Signboard, so be sure to keep the top of the monthly ticket list, **** guys, vote monthly, be a man, the most important thing is to vote monthly, you have the right to remain silent, but you must give us a few monthly votes to fight. Are you hungry? Ah, why do n’t you go and vote for a few monthly tickets for the battle? The most important thing for the whole family is to pay monthly tickets.

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