Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 742: Next opponent, Canada

"Playing in Canada ... this is a battle of life and death" Li Tuchuan frowned.

Coach Mike, where did he play? Somehow he lost to Russia, so that now the Chinese side is coming to the United States with energy and energy, but they have not beaten them at all.

"Fortunately, we have determined that the theater is in New York, USA. Otherwise, if we ran back to Russia to play, the funds would be wasted, and the players would be exhausted." Zhang Aijing said.

A part of the funding for the Chinese e-sports team on the World Tour is provided by the state, but the state cannot reimburse so much money for an emerging project, let alone, countries like them fly around, dozens of them No. The person is an extremely high expenditure.

Therefore, one of the main sources of funding for everyone is the sponsors of major electronic products, such as Samsung, Lenovo, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dell, Asus, Logitech, Shuangfeiyan, etc.They have attached great importance to e-sports in order to seize the market In addition to the national emblem on the uniforms of major national teams, these commercial giants can be seen to some extent.

Of course, the World Tour itself is also sponsored by these big companies to a certain extent. Such a huge e-sports duel is unprecedented. Even traditional projects rarely have such super competitions.

China's national e-sports team has not yet been completely included in the ranks of the Olympic athletes.This is not actually any kind of discrimination, but this model will be more beneficial to the e-sports team itself.Semi-hosted e-sports The national team can only cooperate with those big sponsors.On the one hand, the players can not help the country for free for such a long time.On the other hand, the country cannot make too much money for a project to make such a large team in the world. Fly around.

The e-sports national team is frankly self-employed and well-clothed. In this era of e-sports enthusiasm, more and more people want to invest in e-sports.

The Chinese national team is a potential stock, with more than 10 million followers in each game.

In addition to the nh 刂 World Cup which can reach this level, what other projects can occupy such a number?

Of course, it is one thing for big companies to give money to the players, and flying around to waste money is another matter. Fortunately, the Chinese national team has made preparations and won Australia. It was in the battlefield in New York, USA. If the next war zone became Russia by accident, everyone would have to fly to Moscow, the money went away, and the jet lag Nimabai fell.

"How is Canada's victory points now?" Li Tuchuan asked.

Zhang Aijing is now the emperor of data, almost returning in seconds: "Loss to the United States two games, lose to the United Kingdom one game, the other victory."

"They should have predicted that they would lose to the two Korea innings, right?" Li Tuchuan said.

"This should be affirmative. Almost all the teams in their countries will lose to the United States and South Korea in their budgets, as well as ourselves. Is your previous plan not to give all your strength to the US Angels, and mainly test? Zhang Aijing said.

Everyone knows that the strength of the US Angel Army is really strong, and the Chinese national team's odds of winning at most are only 10%. However, with the joining of the US Angel Army in the jungle, the last 10% of it disappeared.

As a well-known gold coach in the United States, Li Tuchuan knows better than anyone the gap between the Chinese national team and the US national team.

Let's put it this way, if China ’s top pillar is Yu Luosheng in the auxiliary position, then the entire team in the United States will have five Yu Luosheng. Anyway, they come to New York to beat them, and everyone is ready to lose.

Unfortunately, the United States staggered the Chinese national team.

"They feel that they can be promoted to the Olympic finals. It doesn't matter much to lose two games properly on this World Tour." Coach Huang Kang said.

"Also, we can not play the presidential lineup in Australia, and the United States has played too much. We have won second seats in Russia. It seems that there are substitutes. We just look down on Russia."

Li Tuchuan is very clear that the difference between the strength of the second team and the chairman of the Chinese team is not too big.The difference is estimated to be in Yu Luosheng.It is normal for playing Australia without Yu Luosheng to appear.There are so many countries in the world They all stared at Yu Luosheng, the person who won the world championship in the league. Ten thousand tactics were waiting for Yu Luosheng.

Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan are all very clear. As long as the Chinese national team is suppressed by their support, the rest will be resolved.

"There are a total of u places in the Olympic finals. South Korea and the United States have secured two places. Four places remain. Russia, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan are all our strongest competitors ..." Zhang Aijing said.

The Chinese national team in other countries will not be afraid, after all, those countries' e-sports industry is not particularly developed. But Russia, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan are all at the top of e-sports, and the United States has the world's top and world-class gods. Li Tuchuan did not expect to be able to beat South Korea and the United States, but he Must lose two of these five competitors to successfully get tickets to the Olympic finals

If the strongest first echelon is the United States and South Korea, then the second e-sports echelon is China, Russia, Canada, France, Britain, Taiwan, Japan, Sweden.

The Chinese national team lost to the Japanese team in a game. Russia, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and Sweden have not yet played against each other.

As for the third echelon of the Netherlands, India, Brazil, Italy, Denmark, India, and Australia, the Chinese nation will not include them in the opponents competing for the Olympic finals. It is impossible to compete with China.

The main analysis target of Zhang Aijing, Li Tuchuan and Huang Kang is the country of the second echelon.

Among the second echelon, Canada's strength is among the best. If all the countries that want to enter the Olympic finals automatically exclude South Korea and the United States, then Canada should be one of the strongest enemies of the Chinese national team in the World Tour. One.

"We have a better chance of beating France and Russia. It is really troublesome to fight Canada. I hope that Russia will lose Canada. In that case, our opponent will become Russia." Zhang Aijing said.

Countries in the second echelon do not want to play against Canada. Canada's bottom line is too fierce. It is okay to barely get a game from their hands. If both games are on their knees, the hope of entering the Olympic finals will become even slimmer.

"Well, we lose in the game that we lost to Little Japan. If we don't lose to Japan, we will lose both games in Canada. Our hopes for the Olympic finals are pretty high ..." Coach Huang Kang sighed.

"Be prepared to fight against Canada. It seems that the US Angels will only play in the Olympic finals." Li Tuchuan said.

"Well, I will sort out the information of all Canadians and the videos played by their players as soon as possible." Zhang Aijing nodded.

Temporary changes, Zhang Aijing estimated that these days have to retreat, Coach Li Tuchuan and Huang Kang must be locked in a small room and read countless films.

"Yu Luosheng, have you played against the twins?" Li Tuchuan asked.

Yu Luosheng shook his head.

The twins naturally refer to Karen Carter. The two North American strongest bots in the league who performed extremely well. Unfortunately, these two guys were sanctioned by Li Tuchuan and Adams, otherwise their success will be higher.

Li Tuchuan knows the twins very well, but now his arms are not the same as before.

"You also know that the strength of the pr team and the x team is not much different. I need to spend a lot of time designing Karen Carter. The protagonist of this design must also be Adams. If Adams takes an assassin hero, he can barely sanction with his operation. With the twins of Karen Carter ... but, the strongest assassin on our side is Xie Lianda, whose control is not as strong as Adams, so I can't design to target Karen Carter as before. "Li Tuchuan is very Seriously.

When Li Tuchuan took over the pr team himself, it was clear: Adams is indeed the world's first assassin. With the comprehensive protection of Karen and the perfect understanding of the twins, he can still complete the extremely difficult assassination ... No single player can win Carter's genius.

Although there is a world third assassin, Xie Lianda, in the Chinese national team, it is difficult to assassinate perfectly like Adams. Xie Lianda lacks the same kind of glory and awesomeness as Adams.

The gap is straightforward. Adams can assassinate any ad in the world, whether it is the first ad in Korea, the king of Russia, or the Canadian genius Carter.It is even more valuable that Adams can often come out of the battlefield alive, and then another round will erupt. The key output ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ As the third assassin in the world, Xie Lianda also has the ability to assassinate the top.However, Xie Lianda is more interchangeable with the other party, and even the mentality is unstable.If there is a mistake in operation, it will appear. Assassination failed ...

Once the assassination fails, the teamfights will basically be defeated. A wave of teamfights will lay down the outcome.

Li Tuchuan did sanction Karen Carter's twins more than once, but it was Adams' premise.

Without Adams, Li Tuchuan also took Karen Carter's tacit understanding, which is almost beyond the human bottom line combination.

"Only for the line, the chance of winning is up to 30%. The chances of winning a team are lower. The tacit understanding of the twins is too high, it is just telepathy." Yu Luosheng said.

In the league, Yu Luosheng was already extremely shocked by the super team's bottom-line combination. Because of the general structure of the wooden bridge in the league, he was unable to play against them. Now he met on the World Tour and made Yu Luosheng feel A burst of excitement and upset ()

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