Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 737: Are you Adams?

Remember [中文 网] www. In one second, to provide you with high-speed text first. "Hey, you are a dead man, dare to come out" Yu Luosheng just returned to the middle and saw Huo man pushing the line there.

Yu Luosheng went to the road for such a good half a day, this fire man did not even push out the middle defense tower, and he didn't know what the guy was doing.

Xia Yasuo is the most inexperienced person in chasing people. It is comparable to the later Sword Girl. Do n’t even try to escape as long as there is a soldier line.

The beacon Brand was really stupid, and dared to escape under the tower.

In the face of a well-equipped Yasuo, running alone is useless.

At this time you have to face him directly. No matter how many times he uses K, it doesn't matter. His eyes stare at Yasuo. Even if he comes to you, don't have any panic moves. In this case, you will die. A little dignity.

The Beacon Man made a wrong demonstration, and Cangjie ran randomly, wishing to hide in the protection of the defense tower.

Beacon's skills do give the man the ability to fight under the tower. The problem is that you have to stun others.

The beacon male escaped under the tower, and a flame mark had just condensed on his hand. He was about to forcibly stun Yu Luosheng and then immediately picked up the flames.

"Innocent" Yu Luosheng raised his lips with disdain.

I clenched the scabbard in one hand and the hilt in the other.At the moment when the fire man turned back to release his skills, the sword was as fast as a blast, and that power became a skill that blocked all flying, even if it was a flame

"Fack, is this guy hanging up ???" Huonan was dumbfounded, watching all his skills blocked by the wind wall, so he didn't want to play anymore.

To know the distance between the fire man and the compression of at most one person, such a close-faced distance can not plug a wind wall, how does this compression respond so quickly, and it happens that the wind wall has blocked his skills, consciousness No matter how good it is

Opened, this compression must be an automatic plug-in, so that skills can be released in the strength of almost zero-second response.


10th head

Yu Luosheng was super super **** after killing the fire man, the sound effect sounded special

"How does he know that Huo Nan wants to put skills, based on his feelings?" At this time, Shen Xueyu asked Xie Lianda with a little surprise.

Shen Xueyu really didn't understand why Yu Luosheng was particularly accurate every time the wind wall was just right. It was impossible for a normal person to respond at a close distance. Murphy Yu Luosheng is a freak. The nerve response can reach 0 seconds. the following?

The response speed of normal people is 05 seconds, and the finger operation takes about 05 seconds, which means that the entire process takes 1 second.

Professional players can reach 03 seconds, and fingers follow the operation for 0 seconds. The whole process is about 05 seconds.

The problem is that the fire man's release skill was basically only 003 seconds, but he was able to block it with the wind wall. This reaction speed and hand speed are too fast.

"Captain Yu's response speed and finger speed are among the highest in the world, and generally he can resolve things longer than 03 seconds." Xie Lianda said.

"Fuck, this reaction speed and hand speed, it's time to go to the hair to assist." Shen Xueyu burst into sweat.

The response of 03 seconds is still added to the operation ...

If any sneak attack is longer than 03 seconds, don't try to hit him. This means that like a prince hit from a place he ignored, as long as he has a displacement or flash, he can definitely escape. The stoneman suddenly rushes over and can also hide No wonder Captain Yu's aD 卩

恩 "Well, this limit response in the world should not exceed this number, I mean the field of full e-sports ..." Xie Lianda extended a slap.

Shen Xueyu stretched his chin. Sure enough, e-sports rely on hard work for 7 points and luck for 3 points ... The remaining 90 points depend on talent.

"However, quick response operation is one thing. Actually, Yu Luosheng just didn't show his quick response operation. Many skills release has a precursor." Xie Lianda started the identity of a senior to guide Shen Xueyu.

Shen Xueyu also listened very carefully: "What precursor?"

"Turned back" Xie Lianda said.

"Look back ???" Shen Xueyu was full of fog.

"Well, I ask you, when you are chased by someone, you are running in one direction, and you have control skills in your hands. Do you want to use the control skills to block the enemy's pursuit, do you want to return to the skills? Xie Lianda said.

Shen Xueyu nodded.

"Yes, this is the turning back action. The turning back action is very obvious, so when chasing like Yu Luosheng just now, his hand is placed on the wind wall. As long as the fire man turns his head, it will definitely not be wrong to give the wind wall immediately. The fire man has been scared away, and it is impossible to fool it ... Similarly, this technique is also very tried in many places.When you remember that the enemy still has a key skill in his hand and did not let it go, and you have There are wind walls, flashes, and displacement skills. Then use the stones on the other side without hesitation. Otherwise, you will not be able to react until you see the throwing skills on the opposite side. It is definitely too late. "Xie Lianda said.

Shen Xueyu suddenly realized ...

It seems that there is still much to improve in his career

As Xie Lianda said just now, Yu Luosheng was the wind wall he gave when he saw Huo Nan turning his head.

Yu Luosheng was very impressed with this technique in the league. At the time, he was supporting An Luoxuan like the Korean god. He used Moganna. An Luoxuan saw Yu Luosheng's hammer stone suddenly turn around and put on a shield. At the time, aD people were extremely surprised, to what extent did An Luoxuan's hand fast enough to properly shield aD when hammering the reflex PR.

In fact, An Luoxuan understands that the hero must have a demon when he turns back

He slashed the fireman, and Yu Luosheng had about 0 yuan to account. After finishing a large wave of soldiers in the middle of the road, Yu Luosheng quickly collected the Ono monsters to maximize the money collection.

Finally, while walking around looking for money, Yu Luosheng had enough money.

Yu Luosheng tower went back to the city, and my heart was beautiful.

The electric blade less than 15 minutes plus endless, should always be invincible, right?

It was unfortunate that Yu Luosheng had seen a group of enemies in the middle of the road just halfway back when he returned to the city.

Shang Shan cursed the troll, the prince of the jungle, the policewoman, the assistant tauren, and the fire man who just came back ...

"Pushed among the five ????" Yu Luosheng looked secretly at the five energetic enemies.

The five people on the opposite side couldn't bear it anymore, so they had to hug the group directly.

They don't believe that under the numerous skills of five people, this Yasuo can still slip away.

He was determined, and the five were fierce. When he pressed into the middle tower, he saw Xiao Yasuo returning to the city under the tower.

你 "Look, he was scared away by us." The prince grinned broadly.

五个 Early five people hugged in a group and pushed, not everything was resolved.

Fortunately it is not too late to remedy.

"It's true in the middle, so Yasuo was killed after taking so many heads." Said the cursing troll.

Brandon's face is as black as charcoal, but he doesn't know how to rebut it. He just said: "Don't talk nonsense, push directly. The bull's head should control Yasuo, and you can control him for a second."

"Okay, I will, but I will be the second company. This time he dares to come over and I will hit him. The prince will follow and control him. The fire man will stun him again, and he will kill the young man."

"Would I like to help you stay in the middle, big god?" At this time, the pitiful tree looked weakly and asked.

Yu Luosheng roughly understood, I ca n’t help myself. I am a glorious college student, a male prostitute with 0 points in English for college entrance examination. I ca n’t understand Americans, and I can still understand English words.

Yu Luosheng hit a few, signaled his big tree Yu Yu

Fortunately, this wave is endless, otherwise I really don't know how to face the pressure of the enemy's five people.

In any case, the previous wave of tower 3 was completed with the opposite level being very low, but this time it is not the same.The opposite side has all the big moves and all the equipment is pretty good.If they do n’t directly rush the tower, Slowly use up skills, there is no way to take them by yourself.

Fortunately, there is a big tree, and a big tree that has passed out of time is a big sandbag, which can share a lot of damage.

等等 "Wait for you to entangle the bull's head on the opposite side and cheat out his skills. I will take care of the rest." Yu Luosheng called to Yiqin and asked him to type this string of English for himself.

Yi Qin rolled her eyes and said, "In the future, you will often have to play in the World Championships and also have to be interviewed by the world. It is time to learn your English."

洛 Luo Sheng smiled, learned Mao English, and was tired of studying by himself. After that, he would have more contact with foreigners, and he would be able to talk and talk, and it would be boring to learn.

"OK, great god, take the liberty to ask, are you Adams?" The old Shujing is very obedient now, and his discourse has expressed the worship of Yu Luosheng.

In the view of the old tree spirit, Adams is the only North America that can be so god.

"I'm his father." Yu Luosheng replied lightly, he would still type in his father's English.

"..." Lao Jingjing still seems to believe it, expressing surprise that his father, Adams, also played L, so still.

Ji Yiqin shook his head with a bitter smile. This round is for video material. Is this really appropriate? ?

"A battle between life and death has come, either be turned or become a devil ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Li Tuchuan has come over, wait to see the most critical wave.

In the same way, the others let go of their work and all came together one by one. All of the people in the hall suddenly appeared behind Yu Luosheng's computer, knowing that they were watching Yu Luosheng's upcoming battle of Yasuofeng I don't know what I think is to enjoy the island action movie, otherwise how can there be this posture and pomp

"Old tree sperm, you must bundle the ox head, you can see if you can go against the sky." Yu Luosheng gave his old tree sperm a heavy task.

"I understand, I understand" Lao Shujing vowed, it looks like a taxi driver driving for Agent 2007, and his futile life will shine in this moment.

(I recently discovered that the card can punish the Lich's confusion. It's no wonder that the damage is so late. After all, the skills that can trigger the Lich's confusion are very high in the later stages, such as small fish. The Q words of people have come back. The earliest cards I wrote should have a small hh on this issue. I was really unprofessional. But ... I do n’t bother to change. The most important thing to be a human is to be happy. It is troublesome to change. Unhappy.)

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