Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 735: Dancing on the blade, one V four ...

"Nigger, forget it, this Yasuo seems to be able to play." The prince said.

The two-on-one was also counter-killed. Looking at Yasona's operation, it was simply not a level. The prince felt that he still didn't want to go to the middle, and found some other road trouble.

"What are you afraid of sending him a few people's heads, are you still afraid of such a win-win situation? Didn't you see two people on the opposite side who gave them off the hook?" Huo Nan said.

What's wrong with your Yasuo operation? Do you still want to win when you meet a teammate who gives you away?

What's more, Huonan himself is also a great god. It is nothing more than being pitted in the bronze group. He has platinum strength anyway, to see what big storms Yasuo can set off.

"It's boring to get off the road, let's push and finish the game, right?" At this time, the policewoman said.

The auxiliary on the lower lane is also being sent. This game really played no meaning at all, it might as well be pushed directly.

"It's okay, let's push." ​​Huonan thought for a while, there was no need to hold his breath with a Yasuo, and it was good to finish the game as soon as possible.

The policewoman and the auxiliary ox head gave up the bottom road and came directly to the middle.

Similarly, the prince came to the middle road together, and all four people gathered there to start the middle road advancement.

"Oops, push in the other side, you haven't played." Xie Lianda gave a stand, signaled that Luo Luosheng should give up the resistance, the operation was also shown, and the people were killed. Let the opposite side push the house directly. It also saves a little time.

Yu Luosheng was also unhappy at this time.

Afraid to be afraid to push in the premature hug on the opposite side. It is impossible for a Yasuo who has not formed yet to really beat so many people on the opposite side, and it is even more unlikely to defend the defense tower.

Yu Luosheng slowly wandered under the defensive tower, but a large wave of soldiers in front of him did not dare to accept it, and could only shrink back up to one q ...

"Yasuo, do you still want to resist, thinking you are a great **** who wants to save the world?" The assistant tauren smiled suddenly.

"Forcibly killed, don't waste time with him," said the policewoman.

"This Yasuo is a bit powerful, please be careful." Said the prince.

"It's very useful, but we are four of them." Niutou said.

By the time he was talking, the muscular Tauren chief had been striding into the tower ...

The Tauren chief approached and approached, pressing Yasuo directly to the dead corner between the tower and the wall.

The Tauren Chief immediately rammed and slammed Yu Luosheng directly on the wall.

The fire men, princes and policewoman all pressed in at once, precisely to kill Yu Luosheng.

Yu Luosheng desperately pressed that if he was continuously controlled by the tauren on the top wall and then crushed by the earth, the gods would not want to save themselves.

Fortunately, the head of the cow was still a little far from the wall. When he walked in front of Yu Luosheng to use the ground to smash, Yu Luosheng hurriedly used the step forward to chop, and his body passed a small soldier flexibly.




After three consecutive steps, Yu Luosheng hid from the enemy's fierce artillery fire and fled from the left to the right.

The defense tower was occupied by 4 people from the other side instantly. The Tauren Chieftain was on top of the tower, and Yu Luosheng moved out of the defense tower at this time. At this time, the fire men and women can attack themselves unscrupulously.

The blood dropped quickly, Yu Luosheng knew that he had nowhere to run, and suddenly a whirlwind swept away from the blade fiercely.

The whirlwind swept through the policewoman and quickly flew back to the defensive tower, hitting the bull head and the prince standing together.

It can be said that Prince Demasia just used to fly Yu Luosheng ... the previous lesson 丨 let him tell himself, do n’t use it easily, it is easy to be avoided by Yasuo

As soon as the flag was plugged out, a whirlwind blew directly into the air.

Yu Luosheng glanced at the bull's head and prince who were flew into the air by the whirlwind and pressed the p key very decisively.

The body disappeared instantly, and the fireman and policemen chased out stupidly. Who knew that Yasuo of Yu Luosheng suddenly flew and returned to the defensive tower.

The sharp blades fluttered, and only the 5th-level prince ran out of blood after eating this big move.

Similarly, the Tauren was slashed by Yasuo in mid-air. You know that he is still wearing a defensive tower. After being controlled by Yu Luosheng's big move in the air, Yasuo's big move's damage and the turret's damage are rapid. Give him seconds

Final cut

After falling to the ground, Yu Luosheng immediately gave the prince another injury from stepping forward and cutting post flash.

The blood-filled prince hit the bottom directly, knowing that the damage was still a little worse, Yu Luosheng didn't hesitate to give a lighter, forcibly dropped the prince directly.

The prince was helpless, but when he went out, he found that he was ignited. In the end, he had to die.

"Yes, it's good to change two." Lin Dong sighed.

"Change the wool, I can't die." Yu Luosheng cursed broadly.

It was said that sooner or later, the firemen and policemen chased after each other, and a skill flew to Yu Luosheng.

Based on Yu Luosheng's current health, he was randomly hit with several skills and must be hung up, but when the skills came, Yu Luosheng pressed the key

Wind wall


A waterfall-like wind wall appeared in front of Yasuo. For a time, the fire man's fire mark, the police's peace messenger and ordinary attacks were all blocked by this wind wall, including their ordinary attacks ...

The two men were obviously reconciled and continued to rush into the defense tower to forcefully kill Yu Luosheng.

Yu Luosheng, a master of art, was bold and did not run away when the other two were about to cross the wind wall, but walked in the opposite direction.

Cut before the tower, step again

Yu Luosheng's operation was extremely smooth. With the help of the approaching fire man's body, he flipped flexibly to the other side of the wind wall.

The policewoman and the fireman managed to cross the wind wall to get a little damage. As a result, Yasuo passed through the wind wall to the other side, so the general attack of the two of them was blocked by the wind wall without any damage. Only the fireman's puppet lighting effect hangs on Yu Luosheng.

The problem is that the burning continued on him, which meant that the fire man was always attacked by the defense tower.

The fire man saw that his blood was not right, and hurried to escape behind the tower ...

As a result, the fire man did not calculate how many times he could stand, and the continuous attacking defensive towers would constantly fold up the damage. When the fire man was about to escape the attack range of the defense tower, he was killed by the defense tower.

"Blowing wave kt11"

Everything happened very quickly, and it happened unexpectedly. As soon as Huo Nan died, Yu Luosheng took a triple kill.

The three kills completely angered the policewoman, and chasing this **** Yasuo was a mess.

Yu Luosheng was also incapable of showing off. He has now come out of the defensive tower. A wave of soldiers came over, which just became the pedal for him to move freely.

Continuously, Yu Luosheng quickly distanced herself from the policewoman and fled towards the river.

The policewoman naturally couldn't catch up, watching Yasuo with only a few drops of blood running away, the policewoman almost wanted to throw her on the ground ...

, 4 people forcibly killing one Yasuo was actually killed by three counterattacks, even if three were killed, they did not kill Yasuo.

This is over

Yu Luosheng fled far away and found a safe place to return to the city.

After wiping the cold sweat, he exhaled.

The show was really thrilling. Fortunately, none of them had reached the U-class except the Fireman, otherwise they must have died.


At this time, his own order made an exclamation on the public screen.

If the three English words "l" are swiped in foreign games, it means that God's operation has appeared, and everyone is horrified and unconscious.

It is also true that the siege under the tower can kill the siege. This is not only a matter of good operation, but also all of his actions must be carefully arranged.

"Give Niutou a head start, let him top the tower, and then immediately use those pedals to run outside the defensive tower. When the two heads of melee and the prince react to me to chase, a whirlwind blows up and uses a big move to return to the defensive tower protection area. The tower is on the head of a bull's head. If you eat this big move, you will die. The prince is full of blood, but it is only level 5. It is no problem to add Yasuo's level and equipment to ignite spikes. "Li Tuchuan has stood up and reshaped while clapping. Yu Luosheng is a wonderful operation and train of thought.

"The big move Yasuo will stay in place. At this time, the fire men and women will definitely give them skills. They will immediately block their skills with the wind wall and waste their important output. When these two men chase the defense tower, On the other side of the wall, the fireman was directly brushed to death while using the soldier line to escape and escape from the pursuit of the police ... "Xie Lianda added.


This operation, this anti-killing idea, this escape route ...

Yu Luosheng really accomplished the task that he refused to complete

Yiqin's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly asked, "Have you started the video software?"

This is a wonderful level of excitement. If it can be recorded, it will be the material of the next video.

"Recorded, how can you forget what I explained?" Yu Luosheng smiled narcissistically.

Yiqin felt that there was something in this guy's words, and his eyes showed some wandering. Fortunately, everyone was praising Yu Luosheng's unsuccessful scene.

"Yu Luosheng, when will Yasuo be honest?" Xie Lianda asked.

National service first Yasuo, Xie Liandana did not let go.

However, from the perspective of Yu Luosheng, Yasuo is even more entertaining. of.

The wind wall is a continuous skill. Most Yasuo players put it badly, and it is more used for one-time skill resistance ...

In fact, the wind wall is a magical skill of Yasuo. It should be regarded as a continuous protection umbrella instead of a block during team battles.

Looking back and forth around the wind wall, you can defeat many enemy skills and achieve true safe output.

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