Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 723: Let you die 2 times in 1 minute!

Drinking both bottles of medicine at once, Lufelip was embarrassed.

However, the other side was also beaten a lot by the soldiers, Philip felt that he was not a loss.

The ancient witch spirit Zelas is a hero with a very long skill release distance. Next, Ritz, the short hand, is unlikely to touch him, and he can continuously consume Ritz's health through his skills.

The fact is the same. The biggest shortcoming of Ryze is his short hands. His skills need to be released. Once he is seriously slowed by the enemy, Ryze will continue to be given the kite by the enemy.

Philip used his skillful skills to continuously bombard this short-handed Ritz with magic roar.

Xiao Xiao, come up and hit me, now only I bombard you with magic, you don't even want to touch me.

Philip felt a dark heart, and the ancient witch hit Ryz really well, as long as he stood out of the enemy's reach and set off the gun.

When both sides reached level 5, King Yan Luo glanced at the ancient Wuling's health.

Promoted to Level 5, King Yan Luo's eyes suddenly became focused

He crossed the minion line, striding towards the ancient witch Zelas.

After seeing it, Zelas retreated immediately.

When King Yan Luo could not reach it, he gave up the pursuit, and Philip was cheap enough. When he found that King Yan Luo was no longer catching up, he immediately turned back and threw his skills at King Yan Luo.

The ancient witch spirit is like this. It can always stand in the place where others can't touch and attack, which makes the enemy depressed, especially the short-handed hero such as Ritz.

Philip himself often played Ritz himself.He knew very well that if he encountered the ancient witch who could grasp the distance, he would be completely stunned by the skills of the ancient witch, and it was difficult to use the advantage of the speed of movement to approach it. The ancient witch spirit stunned and threw it away, and the distance was pulled away again immediately.

At this time, Philip added all the egg pain he once suffered to King Yan Luo, and saw that King Luo's blood medicine was completely consumed. Seeing that he could only persuade the soldiers to slowly replenish the soldiers, Philip was in his heart. For a while dark.

Ye really, this King Yan Luo is not Apollo in Europe, Adams in the United States, or Lee Yue-sin in South Korea, coaching them so nervous.

Philip was skilled in controlling the ancient witch spirit.When Ritz gave himself behind, it was time to beat, so Philip didn't hesitate to give a magical roar, a roar with a thunder and lightning effect blasted straight and hit him. Rez's body.

Suddenly, Ritz turned around.

Philip froze for a moment.

Ruiz quickened his pace, and when he released the skill by Philip, he actually got closer.

"Good guy, you deliberately seduced me, do you think I can meet me this way?" Philip sneered.

The dizzy sphere on his hand is still left, which is used when Riz is approaching, which is also a skill that the hero of Zelas needs to master, pinching the dizzy skill in his hand as a life-saving skill.

I saw Ryz approaching, Philip pressed the keyboard decisively and threw the dizzy ball towards Ryz's body. He believed that no one could escape the magic ball at this distance.


Suddenly, Ritz flashed, and his body passed directly through the head-on dizzy ball.

Raise your hand and say a spell


King Yan Luo shot extremely decisively and came up with a set of skill control.

Philip smiled disdainfully, and used the flash like this?

The question is, can you kill me, at most everyone flashes for flashes.


Suddenly, a flag not far away fell from the sky and stuck straight under Philip's feet

Philip was flustered for a while, bad, the opposite was playing wild, it was Emperor Demacia

Philip flashed desperately, trying to avoid the impact of the emperor's dragon.

However, the cooperation between King Yan Luo and the Emperor Song Ye was extremely tacit, and Fu Banyu immediately took the imperial raptor's impact.

The emperor broke out in one set, and Rizzi broke out in a set. The skills of the two people were all set on the opposite single Philip, who directly hit the bottom of his blood.

Panic-stricken, Philip used flash to escape.

Hei Nai, how he flashes is useless. A Ritz with a sprint and a emperor with flashes can't escape death.

Get a blood

The emperor of the Song Dynasty knew that King Yan Luo was going to be **** today, so he deliberately gave the head to King Yan Luo.

King Yan Luo won the first blood, and the level quickly jumped to the first level.

"Damn" Philip was angry.

"You shouldn't flash each other, you're dead all the time," said Victor Nupa.

"You don't come to help me and talk in the wind," Philip was upset.

If it wasn't for the opposite side to come to GANK, Philip believed that he would have killed Ritz a long time ago.

"I will die if you come," Victor-Nuppa said.

The fact is this, the opponent's road and the jungle double 5 level, the combat effectiveness is far better than their combination of Zelas and the widow. If Victor Nuppa appeared on the road just now, it may be that the two heads are sent together.

"I'm not flashing, you will protect me next time," Philip said dissatisfied.

Victor-Nupa nodded, this is very necessary.

In the next wave, Nupa believes that her widow can reach the level. If she has a level, she will have a lot of chances against the two opposites. She uses her big hate to poison the stinger to output the slowing enemy in the front, and Zelas outputs in the back ...

I took away my head and went home, King Yan Luo bought a lunch box to add shoes

靠 "Fuck, so rich, and so violent equipment?" Emperor Song glanced at King Yan Luo's equipment with a glance.

Most Ritz will choose mercury shoes.After all, Ritz can be easily kite if the legs are controlled. If the mercury shoes have less control, Ritz can come and go freely.

Suddenly wearing shoes, Ritz's combat power will immediately improve by a grade. Usually, King Yan Luo should choose the accessories of the staff of time and the Goddess Tears spell to develop slowly on the road. In this game, King Luo's outfit is completely unreasonable and directly piles up damage equipment. I did n’t buy any equipment

King Yan Luo didn't say much and went straight to the line.

The line of soldiers was very beneficial to him. It happened to be his side. Zelas, who had no flashes, did not dare move too much, and was only able to release his skills to clear the soldiers.

When I saw Zelas on the line, King Yan Luo was so angry that he sprinted without a word.

Jerez's big move has an acceleration effect. Combined with the essence of the 45th talent, Jerez's initial speed is much higher than Zelas.

Philip did not make shoes, and Ritz has already worn shoes, and the speed is 45 points higher.

At this time, the sprint started, and Yan Luo's King Ruiz moved very fast, and three or two steps appeared directly in front of Philip.

Philip was really frightened.He was standing at the very center of the road. When Ritz rushed up, he ran backwards. Who knows that the line of the road is so short, he was caught before he ran under the tower Ritz, who moves extremely horribly, catches one.

扔 Throw out overload, immediately open a big spell to **** blood, and reduce all skill CDs by one second


减 Decrease D by one second

At the early stage of the maximum damage damage, Zairuiz immediately accelerated his pace and walked directly to the edge of the enemy's defense tower, close to Filipura.

Philip was terrified and hurried to use the dizzy ball.

Yan Luo King walked in leisurely court, a chic pendulum was in position, and Philip's dizzy ball was easily released.

The ultra-short overload of the CD has been turned around, and King Luo Luo directly gave Philip a Q-super match.

After the super-compliance, the movement of the hand changes again

Spell Surge

All skills CD is reduced by 1 second


连 This set of combos is Ritz's signboard, and Yan Luo Wang Ritz, who has French shoes, has soared this set of combo damage skills to a bigger one, and he has directly turned Philip into residual blood.

Philip was so scared that he crawled up and down and ran away under the tower.

The question is, where can Rez run away at this speed?

The King Yan Luo was also aggressive, and he rushed to the tower in minutes, chasing Philip and then attacking the upper general.

Philip escaped under the defensive tower, and King Luo Luo finally waited for the end of the last overload CD.

Raising one's hand, the overloaded energy appeared in the shape of a ball and flew towards Philip's Zelas. Phillips had at most 100 health left. This overloaded damage just took him away.


Every minute, he climbed up and chased into the defense tower, so that the Australian audience and the Chinese audience at the scene could not help but take a breath.

This is too cruel

I have said that Ryze was weak in the early stage, but like the king of Luo Luo, he sprinted directly from the defense tower and chased someone else's defense tower in the first seven minutes, and Zelas had no room for resistance.

Philip is stupid

I said a good control distance, in the presence of Ritz, who is moving at a fast speed, anything to keep the distance is nonsense.

Also, where is this guy's horrible self-confidence?

Victor Nuppa, a jungler in Australia, is playing monsters on the side, looking at the orders under his tragic death tower, and I don't know what to say ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yah, the old company hasn't even reached the level. If you are killed alone, you can help you squat. You have to steal the blue HHPP.

Philip was really resurrected from the spring, and he just picked up a few soldiers, and lay back in the spring again, his brain was still "how did he die" "how did he die"

"Calculate you fierce" Emperor Song thumbed up to King Yan Luo.

Sure enough, one out of one outfit was intended, and developmental equipment such as the goddess tears were abandoned. With the help of sprinting, Ritz, who was wearing shoes directly, was a destroyer that moved at super fast speed. Unstoppable

Hey, too, Zellas on the opposite side was very deadly, but the devil's code was not the first holy grail ...

的 The magic resistance provided by the Little Holy Grail in the early stage is very important. If he had a small Holy Grail just now, he would not be destroyed by Ritz's set of so much blood. Escaping back to the defense tower is probably a kind of fire that can barely replace Ritz

(The late night people roar quietly: monthly pass) I

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