Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 709: Wrong is wrong, little mermaid fights ...

"Hey, is this newcomer okay?" Asked a man with a turban.

"Who knows, but ah, newcomers are always educated, don't everyone like to watch such things the most?" Said the famous American commentator Piska.

"Qin, did you teach him before you brought him here, because I heard that the toad that said to be in our circle a while ago was about to delete the game, and now the game is about to be deleted. The record of 0/8/4 has no face to mix in the e-sports area of ​​his area. "The headscarf said with a grin.

Manly beard smiled. This is true. Indeed, this circle is where many e-sports players want to enter. Unfortunately, the store manager, Msley, has always been a very demanding person. He accepts newcomers, but this newcomer will soon be drawn in by him. In the blacklist, there is no expression of affection at all.

Everyone in the circle has also adhered to the rules. People who have no strength and no influence on sports will get out. We are a proud group of e-sports people here. We ca n’t tolerate **** in the muddy waters with our superior ability to please!

咦 "Well, that kid is on the blue side ... wow, no, there is Kuro on the red side!" Suddenly the name commentary Piska said.

Everyone looked away, and it turned out that Cullo was sitting on the red side, with an unpleasant smile on his face, and was frowning at everyone watching it, which means: everyone is waiting for a good show, this kid wants to fry I want to blow you up.

"It's a little bit too much. Let a world top eight hit the wild, which is crueler than the professional league. Besides, the strength of the white-haired ghost and the motorcycle is better than some professional players ..." Speaking with eyes.

At this point, Msley had come over with the same grin on his face.

"Musley, does this newcomer have any resentment against you, let Cullo deal with him?" Commented Piska with a smile.

"Of course, he is going to **** my goddess. It is kind to me not to let the artillery fire." Musli said unabashedly, and blinked at Yiqin while talking.

如果 "If so, I think it will be fired!" Said Hu Zhihu.

Iqin nodded, these foreigners are really harsh, let Cullo get rid of it, and let the American Olympic athletes fire on fire ...

Yu Luosheng has been flying for a long time, and the state must not be very good. If the fire is on, Yu Luosheng may really not be able to withstand it.

Uh ...

"Hey, sundial Ben, where do you fight?" Asked the man with a shawl from Yu Luosheng's team.

"Zhongli country, get rid of." Yu Luosheng corrected the words of the man with a shawl.

Yu Luosheng can understand this basic English

"It doesn't matter, our position is basically fixed, you are responsible for playing the jungle, right?" Said the man with the shawl.

"Yes." Yu Luosheng said indifferently. Anyway, he only understood one word, Jungle, which means playing wild. He often played in Hanbok. Yu Luosheng had already learned some international terms, and it was not a problem to communicate directly with his teammates.

"You need to perform well, otherwise you will be kicked out soon," said the tall and thin white bamboo man sitting in the auxiliary position.

The tall and thin bamboo pole man claims to be a player in the Hall of Fame. Lin Dong said before when playing in the US service. The strong Americans have a Hall of Fame. All the people who can enter it are first-rate and high-level players. It should be the king group.

"By the way, I heard that" Xuanwu "will come today. Why didn't you see it?" The white bamboo pole asked about the teenager's small crotch next to him.

"He's on the second floor, saying he doesn't want to have a general understanding with our rookies." Said the small crotch.

"A bit excessive, actually said we are novices." Shaw said shamelessly.

"Yeah, the four mysterious players, he is just the bottom of the line ..."

"Stop it, even if he is going to abuse us in the end."

"This is also true." The white bamboo pole nodded.

话 "Say, there are rumors that Suzaku is also on the World Tour."

"I also heard the news from China and Lieutenant."

Crotch crotch listened to them talking in English, and could not help but have some curiosity: "At the end of the mystery, his strength is already awesome, how strong is the Suzaku in front of him?"

"Strong? How can you use strong to describe him? That's an alien, isn't it? When he was still playing on our server, a few people in the Hall of Fame were not abused by him." The bamboo pole white tone changed.

"It's estimated that this kind of freak can only be calmed by the level of giant god, big demon and Hades."

"Then you say that the four mysterious players will all show up at this Olympic Games?" Asked the little crotch.

"I think it is very likely."

After a few people discussed something, Yu Luosheng didn't understand it, and thought they were discussing strategies and tactics.

Entered the recruiting interface, Yu Luosheng looked at the opposite hero's choice, and he played against rival Kuro. He took an eternal nightmare as a jungler.

Eternal Nightmare-Moteng is a jungler who can carry CARRY well. Playing well is the rhythm of the audience, catching three roads, and the ability to cut into the team and open the team in the late stage is very strong. Kuro played such a hero, so Means he is going to use this game as a personal stage show.

"Help me get a little mermaid, sundial Ben." Shawl hair is responsible for hitting the order, let Yu Luosheng help him choose a little mermaid.

Tong Yu Luosheng generally understood, but still very stubborn: "Old sister-in-law is a native of Zhongli!"

After the shawl grabbed the little mermaid, the shawl was issued on the 4th floor, and also asked Yu Luosheng what to use to deal with the magic.

At this time, the little crotch and the white man with a bamboo pole spoke a long list of English in his ears, which roughly means that the opposite jungler is Cullo. Please pay attention to the back when you fight in the jungle, if you accidentally be exploded.

"Let me grab a robber," Yu Luo said.

Robbing the wild, this is not a teenager in the high score bureau, mainly in the early development and anti-squat, late in the line with a second person, although there is no strong in the singles, but the hero of a set of skills completely hit people, the damage is particularly high, The other party has accidentally misplaced, and it is easy to kill them directly!


He shawl sent Yu Luosheng a robbery.

At this time, the blue side's lineup is roughly determined.

Shangdan is an abyss titan, which is basically the same as the hero of the big tree.

The damage of the Titan Abyss Titan is actually very high. If it is well-developed, it may be possible to kill the crispy skin in a set. At the same time, he is an extreme hero. The disadvantage is that the ability to clear the troops is slow and the line is more difficult.

It was a sap who was responsible for placing the order. Anyway, Yu Luosheng didn't hear him say a word. Most of the white men with bamboo poles, small crotch and shawl were sending orders in the order.

Langzhong Road was just confirmed, it is the little mermaid.

打 野 is Yu Luosheng's calamity

His Majesty's Road is the official match of Obama and Hammerstone.

According to rumors, Lu Zion and Hammer Stone are enemies, because Hammer Stone imprisoned the soul of the wife of the Paladin, Lu Xian, in a dark prison.

However, judging from the state of summoning the two of them in the canyon for a long time, the hidden feelings should be that Lu Xi'an and Hammer Stone have long been in a relationship, Hammer Stone can't stand this unnamed life, so the old Witch Lucia The wife was trapped, and finally lived a happy two-person life with Lucian, and conquered Summoner Canyon together.

Titan, Rob, Little Murloc, Lu Xi'an, Hammer Stone, this lineup clearly shows that it is a second person lineup, the single damage is particularly strong!

The selection time is over and the final adjustment is made.

Countdown 30 seconds, the officials at the campfire are also meditating in their hearts, and the newcomers will have a hard time in 30 seconds.

"Strange, why can't I exchange it?" Suddenly, Yu Luosheng asked a question puzzled.

Symptom mode is adjusted for the last 30 seconds, you can exchange heroes with teammates.

Under normal circumstances, the green arrows for exchange are all on, and I don't understand why it is gray this time.

"Hey, boy, don't you miss the ranking, time is running out, change it quickly." The little crotch is young, but he is very welcome.

箭头 "The arrow is gray, and one of you has no other hero," said the white bamboo pole.

"Damn, I forgot to buy the little mermaid." The man in the shawl suddenly realized something.

"Are you teasing us?"

"No way!!"

Yu Luosheng is full of black lines.

Alas, the little mermaid didn't buy it, and let the old sister-in-law help you to grab the little mermaid first.

In the recruiting mode, teammates can exchange heroes in the last 30 seconds of selection, but only if both sides already have their own heroes.

Everyone is playing on the competition clothes. Before the game, I will give everyone time to buy all-heroes. The shawl man is estimated to save time. I only bought some heroes that everyone may use, and I missed some. At the same time, he used his own. The little mermaid missed.

"What now? Let's do it again?" Said the man with a shawl.

"Recalculate the loss directly. I bet a thousand dollars," the white bamboo pole said.

"The hero hasn't changed, how to fight. Can I be robbed to play in the jungle, Zhongli Guozai played the little fishman mid laner? My mid laner is not bad, but the level of jungler is very scum, not directly lost What a difference. "The shawl man said bitterly.

"I was defeated by you! I don't want to be called a little crotch anymore." The teenager said with dissatisfaction.

I didn't say a word about the single stuffy bottle, like an air.

"Are you going to win?" Yu Luosheng asked in English.

Even though his English is frustrated, several other people can understand it.

The man in the shawl nodded, indicating that Zhong Danjie was also good at him.

"Then you hit the table, my little mermaid hits the wild ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Yu Luosheng said.

After speaking, he has quickly adjusted the rune talent.

If the little fishman hits the wild, the runes must not be carried as in the middle.

喂 "Hey, Zhongli Guozai, don't make trouble, can the little mermaid fight wild, your opponent is Kuro!" The crotch of the little snarled immediately.

Yu Luosheng understood the boy shouting, and said lightly, "Do you have any other way?"

The little crotch shut up immediately.

It is true that he has no other way. The shawl men have a high level of singles, and the jungle level is slag.

"Hit, hit. Anyway, the newcomer is on our side, and the chance of winning is also very small." The white bamboo pole said.

"It can only be so." The shawl man was very speechless. It's better to rob yourself than to kill yourself.

Anyway, the newcomer is going to be knocked out by Kuro no matter what the jungle is. There is no difference. The little fisherman has an E skill to run faster, and maybe he won't die so badly.

(643 !!! 643 !!! Do you know what this number is ????

It's our monthly ticket that was exploded with 643 votes! !! Still blasted by a girl, can you bear it? ? ? Can you bear it! !! Fighting against tens of millions of otaku men, can't we still fight back? ? ? It's a man, hurry up and vote for me. Don't just sit down, girls, urge your men to vote immediately after you cast your vote! ) (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the Creation World website to vote for recommendations, members click, your support is my biggest motivation. )

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