Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 707: Not welcome rookie

After walking around the lake, the two returned to the car.

"Where?" Yu Luosheng glanced at Yiqin, who started the engine, and asked.

"Messley's shop in Queens," Iqin said.

Talking, Yiqin stepped on the accelerator, and the red Audi struck a beam of light in the thin frosty night, whistling through the empty street.

It's almost ll, and the streets of New York are not as congested as during the day. At this time, if there is a good car speeding in the open urban context, it is the most exciting speed enjoyment.

Yiqin likes to come to this candy house near the small lake because, on the one hand, it is because you can eat Chinese food here, and on the other hand, because you can do whatever you want on these roads at night, you don't need the speed and elegantness of the drag racing party. However, you can enjoy the indulgence and quickness that you cannot indulge in the daytime. If there is a convertible in the summer, it is even more indescribable.

Yiqin's eyes are focused, but his slender arms are extremely skilled in steering the steering wheel, changing gears, clutching, short brakes, sharp turns, throwing away ...

This series of operations is nothing less than Yu Luosheng's one-second limit when playing Dark Heads. He can see that Yu Luosheng is dazzled, and the whole person is caught in a "life-saving" In state

Fuck, even if Li Meiqi opened Maserati so fast in the city, okay? ?

Yu Luosheng rarely used a car when he was a child. It belongs to the situation where the high-capacity Nima cannot vomit by car. After playing professional e-sports, most of these cars are disabled by small charters and buses. Occasionally, Li Meiqi ’s luxury car is also in This is an area in Shanghai where you can't accelerate to 70 yards or more.

Like Yiqin, three times, five times, two divisions over a hundred yards, and then the throttle is not released, is it really life-threatening?

With each turn, Yu Luosheng's body was almost thrown out. When his face deformed, he wondered if he had accidentally offended this woman, and she wanted to share it with herself.

Anyway, how about waiting until I finish the Olympics? ? ?

I thought that Yiqin was a gentle, considerate and generous royal sister. Being with her is full of surprise, temptation, and excitement. Who knows that stepping on a horse is still in danger of life?

How to say, this wild fan that makes people feel a little bit unfortunate makes Yu Luosheng's small heart really beat.

"Well, why are you so pale? It won't be too tiring for a long flight, or you won't go tonight?" After getting out of the car, Yiqin asked Yu Luosheng very naturally.

"Sir Queen, have you been racing in the streets? Have you considered my feelings, such as those who rarely take a car?" Yu Luosheng held up the door and rebuked.

"Ah? Sorry, I think you're quite excited."

Are you a blind monk, are you blind, my excitement? ? ? ?

"I'm breathing." Yu Luosheng stood side by side, blowing the cool breeze.

Yiqin finally recovered his tenderness and thoughtfulness, took out a small bottle of water from his bag, and apologized innocently.

After a short break, Yu Luosheng felt that he was coming back. Yiqin was full of mischievous smiles, and he took Yu Luosheng to the shop called Mousli.

Mousli's shop is not a shop, it is more like a self-entertaining home. He has a large courtyard, and the grass cutting at the entrance turned out to be my big galen, which really explained what is called Cao Conglun. The hiding bushes are weakly bursting, and the fusion with the bushes is the way of Galen.


Yiqin walked into this dimly lit courtyard and greeted a tall white man who was greeted there.

The white man suddenly showed a gentleman's smile when he saw Iqin, and greeted him with a warm hug.

Yu Luosheng glanced at the white man, and secretly fucked.

Paralysis, the old people have not hugged her like this, this white Yankee who has not seen it takes advantage to say hello, it seems that the next time you see the girl paper is not implicit, go up and hug one, saying that it is an American greeting.

"?" About a meter of white-faced man asked.

Yiqin shook his head and said, ""

Yu Luosheng was not blind. He naturally understood the first sentence of the white-faced man, but did not know what Yiqin said after shaking his head.

"Yu Luosheng, this is Mulis. This is his special home. He likes to make friends with e-sports. Everyone will always come here to party." Yiqin introduced.

Then she introduced to the male English named Msley: "This is my friend, Yu, he is a real master, and you will fall in love with him shortly."

"Really? I think it's hard for me to like him. I never have a good opinion of competing with me for my cherished person," said Msley Ruorou.

"You worry more," Yiqin said.

"I don't think you've ever brought a male companion before," Msley pierced.

"When there are exceptions, he comes from afar."

"Special cases are special, especially attention, and attention is like ..." Msley said relentlessly.

Yiqin rolled his eyes and was too lazy to be here with this guy.

Although Msley showed jealousy, he still took the proper hospitality, and enthusiastically invited Yu Luosheng to enter.

"Does he understand English?" Msley asked Yiqin, tilting his head.

It ’s easy to see if you do n’t understand English, because this young man smiles silly to any of his words, including some impromptu welcome segments.This jerky and smirk is very common in many Asians temporarily living in the United States .

"Well, I will translate for him." Yiqin said, then gave Yu Luosheng a look of disdain, "English must not have passed the fourth level, huh, bad boy who didn't study well."

"The basic terms are still understandable, but unfortunately this guy's tongue turns too fast, and he still needs to rap, and it feels like speaking English dialects." Yu Luosheng said.

"Well, he said that it was non-standard and accented," Yiqin agreed.

Msley walked in front. He didn't turn around and walked and said: "Beautiful harp, you should know the rules here, we welcome friends to bring friends, but if he is an e-sports blind, or elementary school student, Don't blame us for being indifferent. "

"He is a master." Yiqin smiled, and then secretly blinked with Yu Luosheng. This sentence was not translated to Yu Luosheng.

"I know how good your Chinese people are. There aren't a few people on my site who claim to be masters. You don't need to give a young youth to support the scene." Msley said.

"Our Chinese are sometimes humble," Yiqin said.

Msley doesn't care. An Asian student who has never seen him looks like a guy. Where can he go? Know that many of the people gathered here at Msley's shop are more powerful than ordinary pros. Gambling talents, let alone say, like Adams, Kot, artillery from time to time to sit here, although only AD guns come today, one of the members of the U.S. Olympic team is enough to show that he is a personal e-sports shop How powerful the influence is.

Msley was about to invite the three in, and suddenly a whistle came from the door.

A head came out of a bright car window, a man with blue hair, greeted Msley far away, but he just saw Yi Qin, dressed in a **** dress, and his eyes suddenly turned on.

V, which is relatively large in size, stayed aside, in sharp contrast to Yiqin's red Audi.

A total of three men came down from the car. The blue-headed hip-hop man came up and patted Mrsley's shoulder. "Hey, I brought them over."

Msley glanced at the two men behind the blue-headed hip-hop man, both of whom were dressed in hip-hop street style, one with a ponytail and one with a bald head in a black jacket.

"Sorry, I only invite you, blue-headed." Suddenly Msley's tone became cold, without a glance at the ponytail man and the bald man in the jacket.

"It doesn't matter, they're all friends." The blue-headed muttered.

"Go and play elsewhere." Msley waved his hand, his expression, his words have made it clear that you are always welcome.

"Musley, everyone is a friend ..." Qingtou said.

At this point, the ponytail man and the bald man behind the blue head had already shown dissatisfaction.

We are here to play for you, but we are not welcome yet?

"This is not a homeless shelter." Msley said coldly.

"Musley, it's a little bit too much of you to do this. They are my friends. Is it a problem for me to bring them here?"

"You, I welcome, but I don't welcome these two rookies and pseudo-sports fans. Let your friends get off," Msley said politely.

The bald man and the braided man's faces are all blue. The two of them are diamond-level players, and they are said to be rookies, which is too much.

"You have a seed, Musley"

"Go" Msley snapped.

The three scolded as they walked, and turned on the horns, expressing their dissatisfaction.

However, it can be seen that these three people are very taboo and do not dare to make trouble.

After the three were directly driven away, Msli slowly recovered his hospitality expression. He glanced at Yiqin and Yu Luosheng and explained with a smile: "I'm sorry, I showed you an ugly attitude of cleaning up garbage in front of you. ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Musley, you are really a weirdo. You never treat customers like this in our country. Friends of friends are friends. "Yiqin said.

Yu Luosheng also saw the sturdyness of this Msley. Under normal circumstances, the party should be as many people as possible, the better, this Msley is better, and the person was directly driven away, and he did not give the blue-faced noodle at all.

"Here are the rules here. Only people welcome in this circle are welcome," Msley said.

"Well, then I take my friend ..." Yiqin said.

"We are here to welcome newcomers, but I don't guarantee that he will be kicked out by me like the wave of people just now." Musli said seriously.

The N 刂 royal family played really good Nima, hurriedly sent a chapter, and then watched the game. I beat the royal family to win, who do you like? )

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