Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 685: One V two, show kill 2 people!

Yuanchuan Yihe responded very quickly, and he put a shield on himself when Xie Lianda started.

Yuanchuan Yihe is wearing a shield.When he is controlled, his shield is also turned on.The magic ball shield and the summoner's skill shield are superimposed together, and the clockwork demon offsets many of Xie Lianda's skills Damage, Xie Lianda has such a large set of skills, the clockwork demon has even about a third of his blood.

Seeing that he was unable to kill the clockwork, Yu Luosheng pressed the second paragraph q decisively and turned into a life-threatening ghost toward the body of the clockwork demon.

The Doom Pendulum and Soul Prison, the two skills are turned on together, making it impossible for the clockwork demon to flash away

It seems that Yuanchuan Yihe did not intend to escape, and with a magic ball on his head, he directly opened a big move to force Yu Luosheng and Xie Lianda to roll under the tower, causing extremely high damage.

Xie Lianda resisted the tower. Xie Lianda flashed a bit more slowly in order to deal one more damage and was caught in the vortex of the clockwork demon's magic ball.

Seeing that his blood was not high, Xie Lianda quickly flashed out of the tower ...

"Wow tearing"

Suddenly, a praying mantis jumped out, Xie Lianda bumped into the praying mantis of apricot Yamamoto, and her head was taken away by a paw of Yamamoto apricot.

"I'm here" roared Emperor Song.

"Don't worry about me, the clockwork is not dead," Xie Lianda said.

Yu Luosheng has already trapped the clockwork with his skills, but the clockwork still has a flash in his hands. The Emperor Song must add some damage to the clockwork, as for the praying mantis need not worry about him. Before reaching level ll, the mantis' harvesting ability is not strong.

The Emperor Song was also decisive, and the raptor crashed into the tower.

Yuan Chuanyi flashed in a panic and avoided the Emperor Song's Raptors.

The Emperor Song was well-prepared.Even before he landed, he saw that he jumped up.The big move framed Yuanchuan Yihe, and he used the damage of the big move to take it away.

Yuanchuan Yihe was also helpless. The other side's endless skills were buckled over. His operation was as good as his consciousness was no use. He was dead up in the end. I hope the praying mantis can win the other side.

Yamamoto Apricot was a little excited. The other side was hitting the tower, and the blade was a residual blood.

Because Hammerstone ate a whole set of skills of clockwork demon, it is also a residual blood after coming out of the tower.Yamamoto apricot knows that Yu Luosheng has flashed in order to kill Bron, so he saw the bloodstone hammerstone follow He rushed over like he was crazy, and he did not hesitate to use the flash to kill Yu Luosheng's life.

"As for me, I do n’t have any skills, I will pay all the flashes, and really look at me." Yu Luosheng was also wondering.

The injury was calculated with some minor errors.

But I have to say that Yuanchuan Yihe dealt with it very well this time. When Yu Luosheng and Xie Lianda did not launch an offensive, they opened two shields, which shielded him from too much damage. If he is a little hesitant, basically no skill can be released, even if the summoner's skills are not available, he is killed immediately ...

Yuan Chuan Yihe's beautiful consciousness put Yu Luosheng and Xie Lianda into a big dilemma. Both of them were disabled after leaving the tower. Finally, they were killed by a mantis.

It is true that Yu Luosheng felt that the praying mantis of the other party did not need to hand in the flash to kill himself, but he did it for stability.

After the double kill of the praying mantis, the blood volume was still very abundant, and the jungler and the jungle mantis remained in the entire middle of the battle zone.

When the two were in desperate struggle, a blue whirlwind was in turmoil. A few seconds later, Ritz, who had forgotten to laugh, fell from the sky.

Cooperating with the prince's injury, Xiao Wang and Song Emperor quickly solved the mantis of Yamamoto Apricot ...

However, the plot is not as smooth as expected, because the madman's sword girl has also been killed

The madman's blade will, Irelia, did not bring teleportation. He rushed to the middle battlefield with his support consciousness.

After Emperor Song killed the praying mantis, he still wanted to experience the soldiers in the middle of the road. As a result, he was moved by the sword sister to the soldiers in front of him.

"Crazies are here, madmen are here"

The scene was a climax.

At this time, the madman's sword girl showed amazing combat power and destructive power.After taking over the head of the Emperor Song Emperor, he used the refreshed residual soldier to immediately approach Ritz again ...

The lunatic smiled coldly and directly ignited Riz, who laughed, and the long blade on his hand cut across the body of Xiaowang for a while.

Xiao forget to see the situation is not good, hurried to escape with flash.

Who knows that the madman still keeps the cd, a q flying sprints once again close to Ritz, who forgot to laugh

"Good guy, q can be used in a magical way." Yu Luosheng was soaking in the spring while watching the war, his heart was surprised.

This madman's use of Sword Girl's skills is really peaking

The essence of the sword sister hero is the use of flying sprint.Its characteristic is that if you use this skill to kill enemy units, the skill will be refreshed and half of the skill's blue amount will be returned.

This skill allows the blade will-Irelia hero to have multiple stages of displacement in the late stage, because at that time often a sprint skill can kill a ranged creep.

The operation of the madman just now is extremely dazzling.He first used the blood soldiers around a prince to approach the emperor of the Song Emperor, and used the vomiting and the big strokes to destroy the Emperor of the Song emperor, and finally used the last. Take the Emperor Song's head.

Because of being killed by q's unit, Madman Sword Girl refreshed again.

At this time, the madman appeared an operation that Yu Luosheng was somewhat admired by.He controlled his big move and attacked a small soldier not far away from him, turning the small soldier into residual blood.

After the soldier's blood was left, the madman immediately used the sprint, and immediately returned to Riz, who had forgotten, after killing the prince.

Lazi, who has forgotten to laugh, has no big tricks, and because of the ignited reason, it is a bit difficult to win the sword girl.

What makes the laughter even more desperate is that she managed to hold the sword sister, and when she could use her skills to fly her kite, the madman still has the breakthrough

The lunatic rushed directly to Ritz's face, gave a dizzy, opened the remaining few steps, and forced the laughter directly.

Big wave

The mantis double-killed, Ryze double-killed.The Chinese national team lost too much in this wave. Four people rushed to the tower and were killed, and the madmen harvested the battlefield.

"Is it a little impulsive?" In the spring, Emperor Song looked weakly at the teammates who were soaking in the spring.

"A bit."

"Well, a little."

Xie Lianda, Xiao Wang and Yu Luosheng all agreed.

This time, the tower kill was very unsuccessful. On the one hand, it was Yuanchuan Yihe's extraordinary play, on the other hand, it was a waste of everyone's skills.

Fortunately, the opponent's condition is not good, and he should not dare to push the tower with the dragon. The overall impact is not too great.

"Oops, I have to kneel down the road." Suddenly the emperor Song sang.

Four people have been soaked in the spring, the only one that survives is the ad

However, when everyone turned their perspectives, they found that the policewoman was besieged by the other two.

Yu Luosheng, an assistant, ran to the middle of the road and ended up with a wave of small groups. Sadly, Qianmeng was caught by the opponent for a chance now because he was single against the two, and seemed to be dying.

"No, it's going to be destroyed?"

Emperor Song crying and mourning

The joke is getting bigger. There is nothing wrong with the four people in the middle. They do n’t lose the dragon or the tower. Everyone can fight back.

But if he also died on the way down, just five people would gather in the spring and be killed directly by the regiment.

Genima is about 7 minutes. It will affect morale if it is destroyed.

Emperor Song had closed his eyes and did not look at him, thinking in his heart that the impulse was the devil.

Xie Lianda was so unhappy that she was killed once by the Little Japan Group in 7 minutes.

Besides, the policemen in Qianmeng's situation were in a very dangerous situation. She was hung up by the other's Bloom and slowed down by Lu Xi'an and Bloom.

Qian Meng fled all the way, and escaped back to the tower.In the end, Qiu Minghui used the flash to hit the final basic attack. Stacking four layers triggered Bloom's passive stun skill.

With the opportunity to kill, Qiu Minghui and the earring men were extremely jealous, and all skills were smashed into shallow dreams.

Qianmeng Policewoman's pace is slightly messy, and she fights and retreats ...

Qiu Minghui handled it very cleverly, and deliberately backed himself up to let Bron take the damage of the defense tower. After Bron entered the tower, he himself entered the defense tower and played.

Qianmeng saw Bron into the tower, and decisively set a shelf above Bron's feet.


After 5 seconds, Bloom stepped on this shelf and was mad by the defense tower.

Qiu Minghui was dark for a while. Was this idiot blind? He didn't see a shelf when he exited the defense tower? ? ?

This 5 second imprisonment is about Bron's life.The damage of the defensive tower was particularly high in the early stage. When the earring man wanted to escape, Qian Meng immediately gave a net of caliber, slowed down to Bron, and let Bron Carried the tower's damage once more ...

Bloom did not flash, and it was also used to attack the policewoman just now. He was eventually killed by the defense tower, and his head fell on Qianmeng.

"Nice, yes, changed an auxiliary"

"It's okay, get another assistant, but still need it."

Bloom was dead, but Lucian could take the policewoman's head.

Sure enough, Lu Xi'an continued to press in, and the policewoman was able to take away the police attack ...

Qiu Minghui seemed very cautious, using passiveness to turn on the double gun effect.

When in danger, shallow dreams use healing under the tower

Qianmeng is very clever. She deliberately boiled the treatment after the body was ignited, so that the treatment effect would not be halved.

This treatment made her return a lot of blood, but Qiu Minghui's face was difficult to see ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ His calculation is that the treatment under ignition can return up to 100 blood, and use the double gun effect again. One more general attack can take this policewoman away.

Who knows that this policewoman's treatment has never been used, and it has been ignited until it ignites and disappears. This return of blood makes the policewoman have a combat power all at once.

Emperor Song, Xiao Wang, Xie Lianda, and Yu Luosheng basically closed their eyes. In this wave, they played too frustrated, and even accidentally let the team be destroyed ...

It is also enough to be decent, and everyone is soaking in the spring, so they follow the pace of the large army.

However, the tragic voice did not appear slowly, and just when the four were extremely puzzled, a gorgeous reading came down the road.


Double kill

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