Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 682: Gold partner!

"Policewoman? Muliying, they really deserve you, just to prevent you from getting this hero, you even robbed the policewoman." Motokawa said with a smile.

The Chinese national team has been in chaos. Although the policewoman has always been a darling in professional competitions, it will eventually sink into the world with some of the better ads.

According to the information on their side, there should be no one who can beat the policewoman. What's more interesting is that in order to prevent Muliying from getting the policewoman, they grabbed it. Is this really effective?

Being familiar with a hero means being familiar with all the ways of playing a hero, and knowing how to restrain

The corner of Qiu Minghui's mouth also floated, and it is really an honor to allow the Chinese national team to take themselves so seriously.

"Let me take Lu Xian." Qiu Minghui said.

After Lu Xi'an was revised, his attack range was very short, but because of his fast double-gun refresh of e skills, this is still an option.In the early stage, he has a very strong combat power and explosion. If he plays well, he can damage the policewoman in the early stages. Heroes are well suppressed.

One thing that needs to be determined is that Lu Xi'an must dare to fight the policewoman, sprinting up and playing a set of sprints during his replenishment, and continue to exchange blood, then the problem of the policewoman's long distance attack will no longer pose a threat

If you find an opportunity, fight it, you must not counsel

"Since you use a policewoman, I'll take a hammerstone." Yu Luosheng said.

After much deliberation, the policewoman with hammerstone is a very good combination.In order to respect the emergence of shallow dreams, Yu Luosheng chose a most mainstream auxiliary

Yu Luosheng's choice is estimated to make the audience across the country drop another glasses

What about good non-mainstream assistance?

Why did you choose Hammerstone? ?

Everyone is spitting Hammerstone, watching Captain Yu's game is nothing more than the novelty and refreshment of a professional league in a special hero. Why did Captain Yu take Hammerstone?

Hammerstone is the hammerstone, presumably the captain's hammerstone will always be different.

The Chinese national team's lineup is completely determined:

Laugh on the list, Wanderer Mage Ritz

Xing Lianda, Shadow of the Blade, Tyrone

Emperor of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Demacia

Assistant Yu Luosheng, Warden of Hammerstone

absp; This lineup is probably the oldest style of play.It seems that after experiencing the fast-paced era of push, displacement, and grabbing in the previous season, this version is gradually inclined to prolong the game time, and it is often necessary to use the late stage. Really stand still.

Ruiz, Blade, Prince, Hammerstone, Policewoman, this lineup of the Chinese team is full of the atmosphere of the previous era. The lineup is stable, biased to fight groups, support is slow, transfer is slow ...

Looking at the lineup of the Japanese national team, the selection of the Japanese national team is also very particular.

On the road, the madman took out the blade will-Irelia, his choice was somewhat unexpected.

The constant change of the version has made the chances of Brother and Sister of Blades playing a lot more. In this game, both male and female swords appeared.

The female sword is a hero that needs to be bred in the early stage. If you get a human head in the mid-term, it will completely transform, and transform directly into a saint from an ordinary soldier.

Motokawa Ichikawa, Demon

In the previous game, Yuanchuan Yihe used a demon spirit. In this game, Yuanchuan Yihe didn't plan to change. In fact, he really got what he could. In the last game, Xie Lianda was single-handed.

Hit Norimoto Yamamoto, Thunder Roar

A bear, a hero who can be so desperate that he has no meat. Apricot Yamamoto didn't think about it this time. He directly took his most stable wild game. A pit can be a hero who can become a bear.

Assisted, Japan chose the new hero Bloom.

Bloom, the heart of Ferrer-Zod, a man who claims to replace Brother Hammer, was built to help.

"Blond matches Lu Zian, you have to be careful 10,000 down the road." Xie Lianda said slightly worried.

Bloom and Luzian are now the official players in the League of Legends.

Similar to the blind monk of Asoga, the poodle plus a demon ...

Bloom has an extremely powerful passive skill.His basic attacks and abilities will brand the enemy with a brand. When the enemy has this brand, each brand is superimposed with a brand. After the brand has accumulated 4 marks, the enemy Stuns and deals magic damage

Lu Xi'an's passive is a double gun, which means that when Bloom attacks the enemy, Lu Xi'an gives the previous skill to slap the enemy to the third floor in an instant, and then clicks casually to touch Bloom's dizzy passive ...

This bottom-line combination is extremely violent. Even if the strength is lower than others, if you dare to fight a little, you can easily knock the enemy down.

The Japanese national team came out with such a combination and made it clear that they had practiced it. In contrast, the combined combat power of the policewoman and Hammerstone would be much weaker, and no obvious mistakes could occur, even for meat like Hammerstone. If the assist is passively touched by the enemy, it will be the same.

"The strongest combination of heroes in the bottom lane, took the policewoman, but it was worth the money to get the combination on the opposite side." Emperor Song said with a grin.

Hammerstone and policewoman's injuries were relatively low. The Emperor Song was thinking that even if he reached the bottom, he could not beat Lu Xi'an and Bron.

"It's okay, you can help the Emperor Song. The Japanese team's playing strength is not at the same level as you." Yu Luosheng said.

Want this policewoman to be Lin Dong, and Yu Luosheng to be imaginary opposite Lu Zian Gabloon. Now the people around him are shallow dreams.

The candidates are determined by both sides, locked, and finally adjusted

Enter the game

At the scene, the Japanese people cheered enthusiastically. They could also enjoy a game where their country turned over the powerful country. It was a delicious weekend.

"For you, I gave up all my hammers, don't let me down," Yu Luosheng said in a team voice.

Qian Meng did not answer.

Yu Luosheng did use hammer stone as a mainstream aid very little, but Qian Meng understands that it is not that he will not use it, but that his hammer stone has already reached its peak.

In other words, every other Luo Luosheng will say his rune talent before each start, so that his teammates can have an assessment of their combat effectiveness.

Today, sitting next to me is Qian Meng, who knows 100% of the talented runes she brings.

Red Mark: Attack Power

Yellow band: 9 armors not explained

Blue: 4 magic resistances, 5 bsp; Obama and Bloom are mainly Obama's physical damage. Blue magic resistance is not significant, plus the opponent ’s jungle is a praying mantis ...


94 points bsp; 21 is what, naturally needless to say

Basically it's all for meat.

After the talent in the middle comes out at 21:00, your hero is absolutely not good enough.

Great Essence, Armor

Such a hammer stone, in addition to being a bit low in magic resistance, has a strong ability to fight on the line.

Attack talent grows and the mark of attack, Yu Luosheng's attack power will reach about 6 points when going out, combined with the passive effect of the Hammerstone e skill, each basic attack comes with magic damage, and the attack power of going out is about 5 A basic attack will hurt more

This kind of hammerstone can be used as one in the early stage, and put the enemy to death.

Qian Meng closed her eyes and knew that Yu Luosheng was going to face the opposite.

So his talent runes silently interspersed with things.

There are advantages and disadvantages to wearing belts. The disadvantage is that it is more difficult to make up the knife. The advantage is that it hurts people.

Qianmeng understood that Yu Luosheng was fighting with anger, and he wanted to make good military training with those shameless little Japanese?

Foolish dream

So the attack power she showed at this time was only 6, which was obviously lower for one ... but the effect on the enemy was not ordinary.

The two sides started very normally. The Japanese national team and the Chinese national team took great care of the bottom lane. The junglers were all opened in the first half of the field.

I have said many times that whoever reaches the 2nd level is the father, and the jungler starts in the first half, and the combination of the bottoms can be online earlier.

The two sides are very tit-for-tat. At the beginning, Yu Luosheng stood on the line with a shield.

It is necessary to mention here that Hammerstone is a long-range hero. It will not be able to touch the effects of the Holy Shield's real damage on the soldiers. However, if the soldiers are killed by ordinary attacks, they can also enjoy themselves and their teammates to enjoy% of blood.

As soon as he was on the line, Yu Luosheng saw that Bloom was moving forward, apparently using half of a blood melee soldier to use the auxiliary melee armor.

Yu Luosheng was also very polite.The sickle chain on his hand was thrown out, and it was a draw on the strong man of Bron.

Little things that make you not learn well, let you be spies, traitors ... Oh, no, treacherous ... It seems not right.

This time hitting Bron's body, a red damage and a blue damage, Bron lost some health.

This is not over yet, Qian Meng lifted his gun and gave a bullet to Bald Bloom

The combined attacks of the two directly killed Bloom's blood.

Bloom took a moment to stun, and hurried back ...

"Come back to Dad," Yu Luosheng cursed.

Someone is really rushing, level 1 has no intention to give people a life, a flexible reflex e uses the doom pendulum's forced displacement to sweep back the Bloom that he wants to go.

The doom pendulum actually needs skills, and players need to grasp the distance and timing very well.Yu Luosheng apparently played a magical chain. When Bron thought he was in a good position, he was pulled back by a force and beat back. Got a position.

"Excessive" Japan's auxiliary Bloom scolded in anger, turning back to a bite of winter

A biting ice cold flew out of Bron's shield and flew into Yu Luosheng at a close distance ...

Yu Luosheng was actually ready for a long time. When he used the e skill, he immediately shifted in parallel, using a right-angled dance to handsomely let go of Bron's almost face-attaching skills ...


Yu Luosheng smiled coldly and hid from me, then you had a hard time ...

Qianmeng deserves to be Yu Luosheng's golden partner. Yu Luosheng is fighting against Bloom with wisdom. He has already attacked Bloom twice and added a musket.

Bloom's bloodline dropped to half directly, and he fled into the desert and fled ~ www.novelmtl.com ~, only to start the game, and was directly destroyed by a bottle and a half of medicine. This auxiliary in Japan is about to cry ...

Qiu Minghui frowned, assisting himself coldly: "Your opponent is Pluto, please be careful everywhere"

Yu Luosheng is Yu Luosheng, and he caught his own inexperienced auxiliary mistake before he started.

(I'm asking for a monthly pass ~~ Uncle with a monthly pass will be even more adorable)

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