Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 677: Heart is iron, Yu Luosheng!

Originally Japanese? ?

For a while everyone's eyes fell on Li Tuchuan and Xia Yingxing.

If Qiu Minghui's nationality is Japan, how can he enter the Olympic team of the Chinese e-sports team? ?

A living Japanese spy sneaked into the Chinese national team and spent nearly two months with the players. During the two months, he understood the training of the players, the habits of the players, and even the personality of the players. It is clear that all the tactics rehearsed and all the routines practiced were learned by this guy

No wonder the Japanese team in the first-class group will have such a subtle ambush, because Qiu Minghui is 100% sure that the Chinese team chose a mouse here and will choose to change lines when facing Obama.

All the puzzles were solved, but this angry result made the players feel a great insult.

In the past two months, everyone regards Qiu Minghui as a brother, knowing that he is young and inexperienced, everyone is enthusiastic to teach him the skills of pressing the bottom of the box, hoping that he can quickly grow up to become the future of Chinese e-sports. The thought is that he has been deceiving, deceiving all the tactics, and deceiving everyone's skills and experience. Such betrayal makes people feel a severe pain behind their back, and it is difficult to breathe.

Yamaoka's letter seemed to understand the original from the dispute, and looked at Motokawa Iwa with a questioning look.

Motokawa Kazuo was obviously scared of Yamaoka Hiroshi, whispering, "Isn't this to make our level faster?"

"Muliying, don't use this attitude to the teachers who have taught you, apologize to them, apologize for your departure, and apologize for the losses you have caused to them." Yamaokamoto looked at Qiu Minghui very seriously.

Dai Lan quickly translated what Yamaokamoto said.

"Apologize ?? What's the use of an apology for this kind of thing?" Lin Dong sneered.

Yamaokamoto Shin didn't care what Lin Dong said, and said, "This kind of thing, you have nothing else but to get a real apology from a man. People who betray their friends need to cut their belly, but if it is for the sake of Country, then such people deserve my respect. "

Qiu Minghui looked at Yamaokamoto with a grateful expression.At first he thought that Yamaokamoto would be very disappointed in him. He did not expect that he was willing to come out to speak for himself. With the words of Yamaokamoto, Qiu Minghui felt that he had done all this. It's all worth it

Qiu Minghui broke away from Zhou Yan's big hand and took a few steps back, facing the Chinese national team.

"Coach Li, you have been disappointed. You are a respectable coach, but I want to serve my country." Qiu Minghui bowed deeply toward Li Tuchuan.

It was Li Tuchuan who introduced him to the Chinese e-sports team. Li Tuchuan actually valued him far more than Yuan Chuanyi and these people regarded him. If he could, he would also like to be in the Chinese national team. Effectiveness, here are a group of friends who really treat themselves sincerely, but ... something is like this.

This is no longer a so-called video game, but a war of killings that involves personal glory and national glory. Those who achieve great things must abandon the love of their children, let alone care about being cast aside.

Qiu Minghui's first person to apologize was naturally Li Tuchuan, who lived up to his expectations.

And his second person to apologize was Yu Luosheng.

"Captain Yu Luosheng, you are my most admired e-sports player. In the battle between the league and vt, you taught me what an e-sports knight is. You are the most noble spirit of knights in e-sports ..." Qiu Minghui Facing Yu Luosheng, he said from the heart.

In the battle of the finals, Yu Luosheng used his strength and spirit to touch too many people who had a passion for e-sports, including Qiu Minghui in Japan.

It was at that time that Qiu Minghui decided to go to China and practice himself in China, but he did not expect that he would soon become a victim of national honor. If there is no national border, he hopes to make himself a product of strength and quality like Yu Luosheng. Sexual gaming giant.

Qiu Minghui put his hands close to his legs and slowly bent towards Yu Luosheng.

It can be seen that Qiu Minghui apologized for his betrayal, because in the past two months, Yu Luosheng spared no effort to teach him how to play an ad. Qiu Minghui's strength has improved very quickly in the past two months. fast

Yu Luosheng stood there without saying a word from beginning to end.

The moment Zhou Yan lifted Muliying's hat, Yu Luosheng's heart was really cold, it was so cold

A person who thinks he might be able to replace himself is actually a Japanese spy, and even more chilling is that he uses what everyone teaches him to destroy everyone's beliefs.

This betrayal was too heavy to breathe

Looking at Qiu Minghui who slowly bent down, Yu Luosheng exhaled a long breath, and suddenly held down Qiu Minghui who continued to bend down with his hands, without letting him continue to bend the bow.

Qiu Minghui was so happy in his heart that he hurriedly raised his head. Could it be said that the captain can understand his own difficulties? ?

"When you are on the line, you have a small action that you may not have found yourself. That is to use the key to cancel the target that cannot be attacked. This is a very delicate operation to avoid misalignment ..." Yu Luosheng's strength Very big, forcibly held down Qiu Minghui's bent apology.

Qiu Minghui stunned, he does have this habit, and he is not sure he has used it in the game just now

Could it be said that Yu Luosheng knew that he had betrayed himself during the game? ? ?

"Since you have watched the league finals, you should know what kind of philosophy I follow ..." Yu Luosheng continued.

Qiu Minghui looked at the firm-looking Yu Luosheng, but did not dare to say a word to interrupt him.

What philosophy does it follow? ?

Qiu Minghui also wants to know, because the philosophy followed by such a world's top powerhouse must be the greatest.

"In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is the most ridiculous"

"I don't accept your apology"

"Let's apologize to your people tomorrow, because you will let the entire Japanese players see the despair of e-sports," Yu Luosheng said heartily.

Yu Luosheng did not stay here anymore, even if he was not originally a Japanese who chose to betray, no one could stop it. What kind of abuse, anger, and use would this betrayer have, accept this **** reality, and then severely The betrayer who thought he would be the winner

Yes, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is ridiculous, but in the face of victory, nothing is worth mentioning

Yu Luosheng chose to leave no longer entangled, and the others did not have any intention to pursue it.

The tragedy of betrayers in the team was the most heartbreaking, and they lost a game and made people want to cry.

No one can see that during the training, Yu Luosheng really regarded Qiu Minghui as a disciple who can take over his own, and was unwilling to impart a variety of unique skills to him with reservations. Luo Sheng was more angry and disheartened.

But as always, he was calm and tenacious.He never considered such gains and losses at the most critical time.He swallowed the grievances and betrayals that were unacceptable to ordinary people, and used the proudest attitude to fight.

Such a person must have a huge heart

On the way back, buildings rushed past the window of the bus.

When the players came, they were full of confidence and laughter. When they returned, an inexplicable heavy shroud everyone's heads. No one could laugh anymore.

They are just a group of very grass-roots and big-rooted boys who have not entered the upper class or become dragons and phoenixes. How could they think that someone would betray and betray such a nationality for the competition.

Usually, the betrayal of friends is heartbreaking, not to mention the humiliation of national border interests.

But at least now everyone understands that they are really no longer a small game competition. Their victory and defeat has affected the honor of an industry and a country. The things they carry are heavy and heavy, and they cannot tolerate a little mistake. You can't tolerate a little joke, or even personal emotions.

The battlefield without gun smoke, bribery, injustice, and betrayal have all gone through, and there is nothing more for the group of really naive boys to wait for them, no one can predict.

What I can do is to make myself stronger, especially a strong and unrestrained heart, otherwise I will not be able to survive in this cruel battlefield.

"I'm sorry to everyone, I brought him into the team without fully examining the background of a player. As a deputy head coach, I was really incompetent ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Finally, Li Tuchuan let out a low voice The sound of making people want to cry broke the silence in the car.

"Coach Li, this should be my problem. Before the Chinese e-sports team did not officially enter the Olympic finals, the players were still not considered Olympic players. Even the rules and system of the Olympic reserve players also had loopholes in their nationality. Let everyone Suffering such a loss ... "Xia Yingxing voice with guilt and apology

Xia Yingxing thinks this must be his own problem.

Changing to other competitive events, this kind of thing is impossible. All teams, even reserve members, must register and inspect with the General Administration of Sports before they can enter the team after applying.

However, because of the emerging projects, all preparations are completely inadequate, so they have been left out by the people of Japan.If you have a tougher attitude at the meetings of the General Administration, you can win the same treatment for players as other competitive events. Players including the bench belong to national athletes, and this kind of thing will never happen.

It is a mistake in your own processing, and you should take the greatest responsibility for the passage of a large amount of information ()

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