Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 674: Tactical leak!

"A bit of a crash." Yu Luosheng said.

"Yeah, this lunatic is very able to drive the team, what countermeasures should we take next?" King Guanji had no idea for a while.

With the madman's current equipment, as long as he has a teleport, and then a wave like the previous one, he will win how to fight this group, after all, his damage is really terrible.

Even if there is a smile, there is also a transmission. Now how can 5 not win the opposite side, this time it is no longer a technical problem.The tauren are in a state where they can be one enemy and two, and it is more appropriate to continue to go backwards. The opportunity to make up for the poor economy slowly.

"Smile and forget, you continue to drag the bull's head on the road, don't let him swim away. King Guan You, you start to swim in the middle and lower road, cooperate with Xie Lianda and Zhou Yan to conduct a small-scale team battle, let Bai Feng and the opposite One-on-one, look for opportunities, don't avoid group battles with bullheads. "Yu Luosheng said.

Taurus has become a p-class being. During this time, no one can kill him, and no one can stop his destruction.

If this bull's head is played by an ordinary player in Japan, Yu Luosheng has many ways to suppress this well-developed bull's head, but the person who controls the bull's head is a fanatic, and it should be a Chinese player. The strongest player in the history of ordering, if it is aimed at him, the likely result will be a global crash.

In this case, the best way is to isolate tactics

What is isolation tactics? ?

Isolation, as the name suggests, isolates a hero, as Yu Luosheng just said, as long as a cow's head appears, everyone treats the cow's head as a super infectious pathogen. The farther you can hide, the better. The infected smile forgot to hold him back

As long as the super pathogen of Tau Tau has been dragged by the old tree on the road, no matter how many times he has killed and forgotten, it is only that Tau Tau's personal economic grade is well developed and will not affect the entire Summoner Canyon.

One person's economy can influence the overall situation, but it cannot affect the entire team. As long as the single order is isolated, the four team battles of mid-single, wild, and ad assisted, and expand the entire team's economy through Xie Lianda's excellent development. Advantage, at that time, everyone should not be so afraid of the well-developed bull head when they are equipped.

Isolation tactics were implemented, with Xie Lianda as the head, and everyone began to wander.

The wild areas in Japan are not as tightly guarded as imagined.Yu Luosheng can clearly remember their ridiculous eye position distribution.If there is no gap in economy and grade, their eye position distribution has long been regarded by Zhou Yanhe. Xie Lianda and ambush killed the chaos.

Isolation tactics were used well, and Xie Lianda and Zhou Yan quickly killed the assistant female Tan who came to interject with a wonderful ambush.

As soon as the opponent's personnel were reduced, Xie Lianda, Zhou Yan, King Ji Guan, and Bai Feng quickly hugged the group and forcibly pushed down the opposite defensive tower to make up for the team's economy.

"Stupid, how can you go there and interject yourself" Yuan Chuanyi scolded a little impatiently.

The auxiliary woman was unafraid to refute.

"They seem to have found a little initiative." Yamamoto said.

"After all, the Chinese national team is a strong team. With some of their skills, you are too tender. Even the subtle ambush without me would not help." The madman said.

The madman does not have much praise for the strength of the Japanese national team. For the Korean team, how can it not be possible to make such a mistake of being caught when the economy is so much ahead. This is an advantage. Here is the biggest taboo of being leveled by others.

"They are now using isolation tactics to isolate our order on the road, and then use the robbery and widow to grab the order as a breakthrough to turn the situation around, so we unknowingly chased the overall economy over us while we were still invincible "Muliying said.

"You really don't know this Chinese national team." The lunatic said to Muri Ying with a bit of irony.

Muliying ignored him. Now that he can say the intention of the Chinese national team, it means that he has a solution. He continues to command: "Our theater is placed in the upper and middle areas as much as possible. This will ensure that The madmen came over, and the lower line could be ignored for the time being. We organized a wave of offensives to see if they were defending or not. "

The crowd nodded, and the war zone immediately changed and was forced to the road.

After the battle zone is on the road, the quarantine zone is directly broken. This situation makes the Chinese national team players feel a little hesitant at once.

"Grass, Little Japan's consciousness is so sharp ???" Coach Huang Kang could not help but curse.

Isolation tactics are one of Li Tuchuan's classic tactics, and they can often bring the disadvantage back quickly when the enemy has not responded.

Originally, the Chinese national team just used this tactic to taste a little sweetness, and they were immediately found the way to crack ...

"No reason, who is the united front over Little Japan?" Zhang Aijing questioned.

"A coach who had barely been an e-sports player in Europe. I don't remember the name, but I certainly didn't know and crack the isolation tactics at once." Huang Kang said.

"Little Japan played ..." Shen Xueyu was anxious.

"Do you want to say that Little Japan is playing like we can target us everywhere?" Zhang Aijing looked at Shen Xueyu and said in a serious voice.

The crowd nodded almost invariably.

Yes, Little Japan played weirdly, and everything seemed to be ready for them. That kind of aim was to understand the routine and tactics of the Chinese national team, and they could even make many quick and correct decisions.

Their level of play and personal strength are clearly behind many players of the Chinese national team, but they are always suppressed and restrained by some inexplicable thing, plus the existence of a crazy man who has a headache ...

"This game is about to lose." For a long time, Li Tuchuan finally sighed and said with anxiety.

The breaking of the isolation tactics means that the Japanese national team understands that all their team battles must be played around the bull head. With this concept, it is impossible for the Chinese national team to find opportunities.

Can't blame the players for not performing well in this game, but can only say that the game's luck is too bad and weird. On the one hand, the p-class madmen got two heads in the early stage, on the other hand, all the tactics were seen through.

Xie Lianda's performance in this game is quite outstanding, but unfortunately it cannot be restored.

"Captain, I'm sorry ..." Xie Lianda uttered a word of shame slowly from the team's headset.

At the same time, a large screen lit up on the three-sided projector

Chinese national team, regiment

It was so dazzling and disappointing for all Chinese people.

In the live channel, negative comments were swept away.

Obviously, China should develop better than Japan. Why did it behave so inferior in the national war?

What great expectations everyone has for the Chinese national team to wipe out Japan, tens of millions of people are watching, and the results show you this scene.

This mood is like seeing Chinese football. The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment and the worst.

"I didn't take the rhythm of the whole team." Xie Lianda said shamefully.

As a deputy captain, all you need to do is find a breakthrough when the team is in trouble and turn the situation around.

Xie Lianda has been working very hard, and when he entered the battlefield to kill the opponent in seconds, he was smashed away by a brutal bullhead.

The robbery didn't drop people, it was almost a waste, and it was also a crucial wave. The entire Chinese national team was killed directly ...

Waves of dragons, waves of highlands.

The economic gap has once again widened.

Then, the invincible ox's head went directly to Daqiang and went to the second highland. Everyone desperately killed four, but one ox was alive.

"I can't blame you. The Japanese team is weird. There is something nasty in it." Yu Luosheng said.

"We didn't perform well ..." Bai Feng said with guilt.

Even the small and large Japanese national teams will lose. They really don't know how to play.

At this time, the madman's bull's head is still alive, his ad damage is very high, and the speed of demolition is extremely fast.

The whole Summoner Canyon has only one living person, and this stage is only for madmen.

The zealot controlled the bull's head, with a crushing smile on his face.

When the two-way defense tower was removed, and the crystal base was dismantled, when a drop of blood was left on the base, the madman deliberately danced to Xie Lianda, who had just been resurrected in the whole spring.

Xie Lianda rushed out of the spring in anger and went straight to him.

The lunatic turned back with a taunt, smashing the crystal base directly

The audience cheered, and all the Japanese players applauded the enthusiasm and arrogance of the fanatics.

At least in their view of Japan, they have completed the impossible victory, which is most gratifying

There was jubilation on the court, but there was silence in the team voice.

No one can accept this failure. In the face of such a small Japanese country, they can lose, and there is a feeling of being severely beaten.

"It's not that you didn't perform well. I have already seen the strength of the Japanese team clearly from the perspective of the onlookers. They are very strong. They are right. The only thing that can barely equal your strength is the middle singles and ad junglers. Not at a level, you will lose, not your problem, but a very important factor-"Yu Luosheng slowly said.

Everyone didn't speak, just listening to the end of Yu Luosheng.

"Our tactics leaked."

Finally, Yu Luosheng uttered this sentence ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Whether it was Xiaowang, Zhou Yan, King Guan, Xie Lianda or Bai Feng, they all thought they had made a fatal mistake in this, It's technology, it's consciousness, it's philosophy, it's mentality ... they listen.

What didn't make them think about it was that Yu Luosheng summed it up for them: the tactics leaked

"Tactical leaks, it's unlikely, Coach Li Tuchuan has been very strict in this aspect from the beginning ..." Xiao Wang said.

"But then again, I think the game was really weird. The ambush at the L level was too strange." Zhou Yan expressed his opinion.

"You are in it and may not have seen more details. But after looking at the overall situation, I am very sure that our tactics have been leaked." Yu Luosheng said seriously.

There was no trace of jokes in his words.

Tactical leak

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