Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 664: Sugar-coated shells

Four days later, the national war propaganda went out long ago. First of all, any game of the Chinese national team has undoubtedly received a lot of attention. As much as any country's e-sports enthusiasts will watch it. Champion

Second, the national war between Japan and China is a great concern.

China has always had an inherent hatred for Japan. For example, the anti-Japanese war film is a subject that will never get tired of some domestic TV drama directors.It also has various types of torture and killing. Bows and arrows against machine guns, no matter how cool you look at them, you don't need logic at all.

The Chinese people ’s national hatred for Japan has never needed logic, and the Chinese have turned it up.

This kind of psychology floods the whole country and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Similarly, the Japanese nation actually has national jealousy towards China. They feel that a smart and self-improving nation like them should not live on a disaster-stricken island.The land is their real land. Resources, coupled with territorial disputes between World War II and those that still exist today.

In Japan, the same dreams of various movies that invade the world are transmitted, and the Internet is not passing the banner of not being Japanese.

This time in the e-sports national war with China, the news broke out just like the Japanese Internet users, causing an unprecedented wave of support.

The two countries with the most contradictions are playing against each other, and the two countries with large populations are at the same time. I am afraid that the attention of such a game will explode the Football Federation and the Basketball Federation.

The Tokyo government of Japan took the opportunity to publicize their current e-sports business circle, which is far more powerful than paying high advertising fees in any media and any network.

It is no exaggeration to say that this game is enough to support this business circle

After being looked at by Oro Rita, everyone finally arrived at his place of residence.

"Damn, I don't want to fight anymore, these little Japanese dogs are too treacherous." Da Luo was very upset when he knew about Japan's intentions this time.

"Can you not fight, now we can only recognize the plant, how much others have done for this game, investment in a business district, the Japanese government has such courage ..." Lin Dong shook his head helplessly.

"Well, don't be dissatisfied. Japan can use our resources once, but it can't use us a second time. But our Chinese e-sports team is still there, our results are in, so it has always been the most concerned in the world. At the forefront, when a World Invitational Tournament will be held, we can basically support the commercial districts of several cities. The initiative is still with us, as long as our strength is there. "Li Tuchuan appeased everyone.

"Coach Li is right, our government is also constantly learning and making progress. As long as everyone maintains this combat effectiveness, this use of Japan is only a short-term drink to quench thirst." Xia Yingxing said.

After listening to these words, the mood slowly calmed down again.

"Actually, they may not be successful if they want to use us for a free advertisement." When everyone was quiet, Yu Luosheng slowly said.

"How can we say that it is impossible for us to ask their government for advertising fees, it is unlikely, they will not pay us." Huang Xiaoying said.

"Since Japan ’s propaganda for this rice field e-sports business circle is based on the game. Yes, this game will bring them huge attention and settle in, but if their national team makes them very disappointed by their Japanese nationals, ??? "said Yu Luosheng.

"So how do they disappoint the Japanese people? Is it possible that Japan will also play a rogue like South Korea unplug the network?" Asked Da Luo, a clumsy brain.

When Da Luo asked, Li Tuchuan and Xie Lianda had already opened their eyes.

"Torture, torture to death, how to look so miserable is how tortured so that they have no mood to shop, tortured so that they can't eat anything, tortured their couples arguing, quarreling and breaking up" Yu Luosheng answered

It is a good idea to use national warfare to attract popularity, but it may also stink this place.For example, the team in your own country has been abused into dogs. Will they come here again for the second time? ?

"Papapa" Li Tuchuan directly applauded at this time.

Yu Luosheng, Yu Luosheng, I really don't know how to praise you, Nima is too cheap

This cheap trick made everyone all sighed heavily.

Everyone who comes to Japan comes with a national mission. How can they make Japanese uncomfortable?

Who knows that the Japanese used it as soon as they arrived at the Inada E-sports Hall, and I don't want to worry about it.

And Yu Luosheng's words suddenly awakened everyone.

Yeah, aren't they particularly hard at propaganda?

They also advertised hugely, and their slaps became louder.

Li Tuchuan also said that Japan is one of the best sandbags and the best lineup of the first lineup.

If the Chinese e-sports team sends out the chief lineup, will Japan still have to die? ?

"Yes, trample them to death, abuse them, and dare to take us for free advertisements, let them know the consequences of not paying advertising fees," the Emperor Song cried.

"Even if they pay advertising fees, they have to step on the dead," Xie Lianda said coldly.

Xie Lianda's hatred for Japan is not a day or two.

"Haha, I can't wait to get on the stage. The truth is to see Oda's expression at that time, old-fashioned and cunning things," Da Luo said.

On the first day, Oro Rita and several other members of the Korean E-sports Association came here specially to invite all members of the national team to have a meal.

Everyone originally planned to go back to training after dinner early. Who knows that these Japanese have a special enthusiasm, and they have to arrange some programs for everyone, but they can only watch the scheduled programs if they are indifferent. The show was not bad. It was a performance of the e-sports cheerleaders. They wore that kind of super short hot pants and kicked their long legs there, letting the group of otakus drool.

In the early morning of the next day, Oda Richiro was waiting in the hall early, saying that he was going to take everyone to visit the rice field stadium that they had completed but had not cut the ribbon.

The rice field arena is particularly large, and it has a fight with the Seoul mouse arena in South Korea. It is noon once or twice.

At noon, Oro Rita had meals for everyone to arrange.The car drove to the urban area. Oda Riro and a receptionist called Motokawa Kobaya took everyone to a very hearty Japanese meal. There was a lot of drinks. Drink Everyone was a little dazed all afternoon.

Supper Motokawa came here early in the morning and said it was Japanese seafood.

The seafood dishes are very good, making Da Luo, Zhou Yan, Xiao Wang and these big stomach kings addicted.

"Well, when we went to Seoul to play the game, why weren't those Korean sticks so enthusiastic? These Japanese people hate to be hated, but they know how to treat guests, full meals, daily one-stop service arrangements, that Xiao Zao also explained that the sky can take us to walk to several famous tourist attractions in Tokyo, and they are all-inclusive ... "Da Luo said that he was full of wine and enough food.

Emperor Song is picking his teeth, not to mention that Japanese cuisine is really delicious. He has never eaten such cool seafood.

Several other people were in a good mood, and this treatment was indeed unexpected.

"Coach Li, why are you frowning, can you not eat well?" Da Luo patted Li Tuchuan on the shoulder.

"Eat well and treated well, but ..."

"Well, but what, I feel they know that we will deal with them fiercely, and now they buy us hard, the problem is, this kind of hospitality wants to buy us, is it too naive?" Da Luo said.

"They are not buying us." Xie Lianda interrupted Da Luo Anyi's words.

"What do you think?" Li Tuchuan looked at Xie Lianda.

"They did it on purpose. I have inquired about competitions from other countries here before. I have never heard of such a whole arrangement, eating, playing, and programming." Xie Lianda said.

"Then what is the reason for this, they shouldn't think much of us, can it be that they respect the strong?" Huang Xiaoying asked.

"No, I think they are a bit sick to do this," Xie Lianda said.

"How do you say that, they obviously gave us a very good reception, and the living conditions are particularly good." Da Luo said.

The place to live is not only good, but there is a service sign written in Chinese in the room. It is implicit but in a language that men understand. You do n’t want to sleep alone tonight, just dial the number in the room.

It will be restrained in China, and it is easy to be arrogant in Japan. Everyone spends their adolescence on movies. When will there be such a chance of real contact, so I don't know how many people did not resist this temptation these two nights.

"Yes, everything is fine. The arrangements for these two days are impeccable, but don't you think they deliberately arranged our schedule full?" Xie Lianda said calmly.


"Dare to ask, how much time did we really sit down and train in these two days?" Finally, Xie Lianda said the key points.

Li Tuchuan nodded immediately.

Everyone else was stunned, their faces were stunned

For the reason of going abroad, everyone thinks that training is not a day or two, so the training requirements may not be as strict as before. Li Tuchuan and Huang Kang also took into account these receptions arranged by others in Japan, which is not easy to evade.

However, e-sports are very much in need of temporary fire protection.

Those who play the rankings know that if they don't fight for one day, their hands will slow down, if they don't fight for three days, their strength will decline, and if they don't fight for January, diamonds will become **** ...

The strong must keep feeling every day, even if she is a non-professional genius such as Qianmeng, she will find time to play a dozen every day, not to mention other professional players who are not as good as Qianmeng.

"Sugar-coated shells, they are killing our fighting spirit," Xie Lianda hummed.

It has been two days. In the past two days, everyone had almost no time to train. Xie Lianda had a little dissatisfaction in his heart. It was only after Li Tuchuan expressed that he finally spit out and broke everyone's hardship.

The problem is, now is not the time for everyone to enjoy

In the remaining two days, I have to invest in training anyway, even if Japan is not as threatening as South Korea and the United States, but there are many things to capsize in the gutter.

Xie Lianda said something that made everyone in the room cold

Yeah, I have n’t trained for two days. How much slower is my consciousness and how slow is my hand speed? ? ?

So insidious little Japan, almost ordered

"This is my mistake. Tomorrow I will not resolutely push out all their arrangements. Everyone please concentrate on training." Li Tuchuan said apologetically to everyone ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Everyone is ashamed.

"Now I finally understand that Athena is about to appoint you as the deputy captain. It's very good, Xie Lianda." Coach Huang Kang patted Xie Lianda's shoulders heavily.

"I came here just to defeat Japan fiercely, and I didn't think of anything else." Xie Lianda said with a fist.

(Please vote every day, then I wo n’t ask for it today, I do n’t ask, but it does n’t mean that everyone can not vote, hehehehehe) ()

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