Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Xia Yuli? Shallow dream?

OK, pay attention to sleep.

Xia Yuli ignored Yu Luosheng. She took the headphones with her, and placed the small computer table next to the bed.

"Stop playing computer when you are sick," Yu Luosheng said.

Xia Yuli didn't know if he didn't hear it with headphones, or he didn't bother to care about Luo Luosheng at all and took care of her affairs by himself.

Yu Luosheng felt that he had been ignored, and he felt his nose strangely.

Isn't he handsome enough, not warm enough, why didn't he touch this girl at all? It is very difficult to find a few warm men who are as handsome and capable as themselves in this society.

Yu was sitting there, and bored Yu Luosheng glanced at another desktop computer in the room.

This computer is quite high. In Yu Luosheng's professional eyes, it is estimated that the external devices alone are tens of thousands, not to mention those ultra-high game configurations that normal computer stores do not sell.

Yu Luosheng had nothing else to do, but now it's not easy to leave, so he turned on this computer, hoping that there was a download in it to play a few disks to pass the time.

Press the power button, the desktop has jumped out in less than 4 seconds ...

"Uh ..." Yu Luosheng looked at the computer screen for a moment, bewildered.

What kind of user interface is Nima?

After moving the mouse, he finally found his position, and then accidentally pressed a key before finally seeing the League of Legends icon.

It's not wrong to click this icon.Yu Luosheng didn't manage the completely incomprehensible things on the interface and entered the League of Legends login interface ...

"Wipe, why are they all British?"

The interface jumped out, and Yu Luosheng was speechless.

Is this Nima in the British interface beautiful?

Yu Luosheng glanced back at Xia Yuli. The woman was a little fierce, and she was actually playing in the United States.

At this time, Xia Yuli, who was watching a movie, realized that Yu Luosheng was using her computer. She frowned first ...

She didn't like to touch people's things, but when she saw Yu Luosheng logged into the League of Legends interface, she stopped talking.

"How many games? Boring is boring." Yu Luosheng turned back and smiled brightly at Xia Yuli.

He believes that his confident and sunny smile will definitely melt Xia Yuli's frosty face.

Sure enough, Xia Yuli shook her head directly.

"Then I made it myself, I don't have a US service, use your ... just right, automatically log in." Yu Luosheng said.

Enter the game interface, the interface of the US service and the national service is not much different, just those buttons.

Yu Luosheng opened the summoner's personal information and wanted to see what grade Xia Yuli was. Since she could tell herself to someone with a special use like a cannon, her strength would definitely not be weak.


Suddenly, Yu Luosheng heard the sound of the power supply beating.

The screen in front of me jumped black strangely, but Yu Luosheng moved the mouse vigorously but had no effect.

How is this going? ?

Yu Luosheng's brain was confused for a while, why is this screen inexplicably blank, although the sound of the power beating was heard, but the host's light is still on ...

Also, how did that id name look so familiar just now.

Xia Yuli, sitting on the bed playing with a notebook, raised his eyelids and glanced at the blank screen of Yu Luosheng's computer.

Yu Luosheng looked at her, and smiled bitterly, "Your computer with such a high configuration will also have a black screen?"

Xia Yuli did not answer. She quickly turned off the control interface, and secretly said: She is really confused today. How can you use this computer with his own guy, and almost forgot that the account was automatically logged in, but it was timely. Turn off the computer.

"It's broken," Xia Yuli replied casually.

"Depressed, boring without a computer, you don't say a word." Yu Luosheng said.

"Go back, I'm fine." Xia Yuli said.

"Then stay here, how to wait for your sister to get off work."

Yu Luosheng helped a chair to sit on the balcony. Here the view is good, you can see the beautiful environment of Fudan University.

A gust of wind passed, and Yu Luosheng was a little bit cold, so I hurriedly put away my egg painful melancholy b temperament and rolled back to the room ...

Upon entering the house, Yu Luosheng saw a small porcelain bowl in front of the computer desk he had just used, and there were some medicine-like things left on the porcelain bowl.

"It seems that she takes medicine every day." Yu Luosheng sighed.

Suddenly, Yu Luosheng settled in place.

At this moment, there was a flash of light in his mind, just like the teenager Bao Qingtian said when Zhou Jie was about to solve the case. He seemed to have caught something, but it just slipped out of his mind ...

"Drink medicine, soup ..." Yu Luosheng muttered to himself.

Looks like ... It looks like someone often drinks soup.

Who is this person and should be familiar with himself, but he does not seem to be the person around him.

Shallow dream

Suddenly the name came to Yu Luosheng's mind.

It was shallow dreams, and it was him.

There were several times when the first-ranking group Qianmeng stood still under the tower while playing qualifying. Yu Luosheng specifically asked her what he said, and he said he was drinking soup.

I once asked him himself what the soup was and he said it was soup medicine

The team, including Li Tuchuan and others, always felt that Qiu Minghui would be a shallow dream. In fact, Yu Luosheng didn't think so.

No one in this world should be more familiar with shallow dreams than his own. Some of his operating habits, his style of play, and style can be clearly identified by a glance at Yu Luosheng.

Qiu Minghui's policewoman strength is very close to shallow dreams, but after all, it is not him.

That being said, Qianmeng has another person.

Yu Luosheng was very puzzled before. Since Xia Yingxing has already controlled the id of the strongest king in the full service, she even knows that Qianmeng is a domestic player.

Isn't this super competition such as the Olympic Games able to impress this hidden master, or is it that there is something hidden about this amateur super player? ?

"The id just now, right, the id just now"

When a lot of questions came to mind, Yu Luosheng thought of an extremely important clue.

When I was looking at Xia Yuli's account just now, the id above was a channeling hero: ""

I always know the meaning of the meaning of dreams.

Huh? ?

At this moment, Yu Luosheng can't wait to read more books on his own, and can immediately know the meaning of this key word.

Dream word, right

No matter what, be sure to check it out.

Take out the phone, Yu Luosheng quickly entered the word into the phone, and turned to Baidu for translation

"Light, floating, pale ..."

Yes ... it's her

"I'm my sister."

"Ameng is your brother?"

Xia Yingxing shook her head

"She is a genius, and as long as she is interested, she will be the best."

"She also likes eSports."

"A computer with such a high profile will also have a black screen?"

"It's broken."

Yu Luosheng was upset in his heart, and some could not believe looking at the cold beauty lying on the edge of the bed through the window.

At this time, Yu Luosheng rang in South Korea. When he was drowsy, Xia Yingxing told himself a very important message, which was related to Qianmeng.

I also asked her if Qian Meng was her brother?

At that time, Xia Yingxing shook her head, and Yu Luosheng felt that he had heard it wrong ...

In fact, I heard right

"Qianmeng is not Xia Yingxing's brother, because Qianmeng is her sister"

She is a computer genius who is even more terrifying than Lin Dong. It is no surprise that the white hacker who had arrested a major cybercrime at the beginning was her. In addition to being a master hacker, she is also a top e-sports player ... ...

Recalling that Xia Ning has repeated this point several times in a row.Yu Luosheng really wanted to give himself a slap.

In the end, the general evidence is the English name you just saw, and the literal translation is shallow dreams.

As for the computer screen to suddenly turn black, it must be made by Xia Yuli.

She is a more powerful computer expert than Lin Dong. It is easy to remotely shut down her computer. She must be aware that her account is automatically logged in, and her identity is exposed.


Yu Luosheng didn't dare to turn his head, but could only look at the woman with frost on his face ...

In fact, many times Da Luo and Lin Dong had some doubts about Qian Meng's gender.

She speaks, and the hero she uses is almost female, and she never speaks, plus the calmness of Dazhi Jinmon.

These appearances make Qianmeng look like a woman ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ But this is always a boring delusion and joke. Woman of such horror.

Preconceived, making Xia Yuli appear in front of himself, and at the same time exposed a lot of flaws, Yu Luosheng still did not feel a little, until the English id I accidentally saw just now

Once a breakthrough appeared, all the clues connected all pointed to one person, this person was Xia Yuli, who was in the same room as himself with a woman with the same wisdom and demon as the shallow dream, with a calm and calm attribute.

She is Xia Yingxing's sister, and she is working for the government, so she will know the status of e-sports, which can explain why when she was confused, she guided her to the General Administration of Sports to find a breakthrough.

She was frail and sick, closed at home, and had been in contact with computers all year round.

She has an iq beyond ordinary people. She must have other relaxation outside of studying computer technology. This relaxation is undoubtedly e-sports.

Her second sister Xia Ning has told herself countless times that Xia Yuli is a shallow dream

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