Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 444: 1 hit others 1 group!


Too much joy rushed into everyone's mind, and even they were unresponsive for a while

With the quarterfinals, China has finally entered the quarter-finals

多少 How many people are watching for several seasons and several seasons, and every time I see that the Chinese team has left the race for the world's strongest early, they must be disappointed.

现在 Now, the team they are praying for live up to expectations and are truly entering the ranks of the world's best teams

I'm afraid this kind of exhilarating is hard to be reflected in ordinary players, after all, the domestic understanding of e-sports is not deep. But those who are really in the e-sports circle, they know more about the significance of this quarterfinals.

The local government team worked hard for a full three years. In the second year, they were only one step away from the qualifying team. The sky team also impacted the world tournament twice, and finally came back. The team of Qiyi entered the world tournament and struggled. Unfortunately, the result was still same.

One or two sessions, watching teams from other countries show their national competitive strength in the world's top eight tournaments. Do domestic e-sports players never think about it, when will their country be able to compete with these world powers? The team is standing on the same stage, not to mention that they can beat them, as long as they can play against them, it is enough to make them proud.

Now, this e-sports dream has finally come true

Who said that our Chinese e-sports were weak?

Who said that the team lm will lose in the group stage?

Who said that Captain Yu could not save the world, and it was just a humble role in the world?

Those who do nothing all day long and love to smash domestic e-sports players. Those who admire Yangmei have always known a lot of predictions about how the Chinese team is not as good as others' professional emperors. People with a questioning tone ... After this game, they all have to close their beaks

如何 lm team's strength and psychological quality, no one needs to do too much evaluation, they can use their strength to explain everything, prove that they are the strongest team in China and belong to one of the world's strongest teams

"I know, I know, he won't let us down, it's great, it's great

As a member of the old e-sports, Xun Lianda can really use tears to describe her eyes.

How many people know how many failures have been encountered in domestic e-sports, and how many times in the arena have left only one back, their generation has never given up to revitalize China's e-sports, but it has failed again and again. Let them know how brutal the competition is.

Sometimes, their generation of e-sports, Warcraft, Starcraft, p, ta, etc. participate in events and see other countries improve the e-sports system, they will use the legend of the wing team to comfort themselves, because the wing team was Defeating numerous world-leading teams under the most difficult conditions and the most imperfect system has proved to the entire world how high China's talent in the field of e-sports.

Now, they have once again created their gaming legend

This gives Xie Lianda, who has witnessed too many failures, a feeling of old tears

At this time, Xie Lianda has no distinction between the Beijing team and the lm team.They play Chinese esports, and China esports is an eternal whole.The five members of the lm team are worth all players and all esports players. To respect

还是 "Still they won't disappoint ... but good."

At Qindifu training base, King Qin Guang was sitting in front of the computer, his eyes flashing with emotion and complexity.

He retired on this year's lpl, but will someone who dedicated all his youth to e-sports really forget this glory?

多 The person who wants to raise the e-sports banner is himself.

Although his heart was sour and sour, he still wanted to give the thumbs up to the lm team and Yu Luosheng.

What he didn't do, he did; what the land government team couldn't do, they did

Coach Huang Kang looked at six people in the local government team sitting in front of the computer.

King Qin Guang, King Yan Luo, King Chu Jiang, King Song, King Guan and King Cui. Huang Kang can understand their mood now.

They worked hard and never relaxed.

They persist and never give up.

They and the team that won the top eight of China's e-sports were established in the same era.The team was brilliant in the past, and now it is about to create glory again on the world stage. In addition to mutual encouragement, I am afraid more are still An indescribable grief.

Perhaps in terms of performance, their land government team is inferior to them, or in terms of strength, their land government team is not as good as them, but the desire to fight for the top eight in the world will definitely be stronger than the lm team, and the glory they want is settled in their hearts too Many years, many years, even to the point of decay ...

"I know what you are thinking ... But don't you feel proud?" Coach Huang Kang said to the six men.

恩 "Well, we have the lm team in our country, they are really proud, they did it." Emperor Song ordered

"No, I am proud to mean you, do n’t forget, the higher they stand, the stronger your true strength is, because only you and them are equal in the country, you are not weaker than them, and With the strength to enter the quarterfinals, what you lack is one thing, you know? "Coach Huang Kang said very seriously.

Twenty-six people are watching Coach Huang Kang.

Yes, the higher the lm team stands, doesn't it prove that their strength is also higher in the world?

Normally play training games, their local government team can even rely on the experience of the old road to completely suppress the madness of the lm team, in the country I am afraid that no team can do it.


"What you lack is sufficient self-confidence. You have shouldered too much and settled for too long, causing you to unconsciously put yourself under excessive pressure every time you are on the world stage, and this pressure suppresses your own integrity And temper. This year without us, and next year, next year without us, and the following year, why be afraid and let go of the courage, there will be your seat on the world's best team. "

Coach Huang Kang used this time to give a hard lesson to all members of the local government team.

The emergence of the lm team made the prefecture team helpless and rejoicing. Helplessness was Sheng Shengyu He Shengliang. Fortunately, having them as a pioneer role model can motivate their prefecture team, so that they will never stand still.

"These guys are good. They haven't embarrassed us in Chinese sports at all. They just slammed their victory this time and made a loud slap to the Koreans. The establishment of this e-sports association will raise my hands in favor of the elderly." Hahaha laughed at the table.

Nothing happens today. The old director turned on his computer and watched the e-sports game.

Next to the old director, there was a young man, Luo Qingjin, who was starring at Aohua Star. He was full of excitement and explained to the old director.

In fact, l is not so difficult to understand. Think of the purple side and the blue side as the two armies against each other, and then treat the heroes as generals. It is easy to understand what they are doing when confrontation is regarded as war.

The old director is in a good mood at this moment.

He ca n’t understand the horses, the skills of the horses, the heroes of the horses, but one thing he knows very well is that this group of e-sports guys gave them a long face in China

道 Apologize in public media?

Pingsha made them Chinese players, pingsha

小 That kid should really dare to apologize. When he returns, his old man must not peel him hard, and he has no dignity.

Of course, the old director did not think at all that the kid not only did not apologize, but made such a move.

When I saw that scene, the old director almost didn't pat the table and scolded: His mother's good

This boy, this appetite for my old man must be so crazy in the overall glory and disgrace

对 "Right, Ronaldinho, you just said what this young man's identity is, and I don't know why there are such outstanding people in e-sports in our country." The old director asked.

Now the old director is very interested in Yu Luosheng. This kid is so crazy that he is okay. The most important thing is that his old director feels dark.

Football ca n’t play in Asia, basketball is just the same, ping pong ball and badminton are as crushed as ever. There are no interesting and interesting games these days. This emerging e-sports seems to be very good. This kind of hard work, this mode of challenging the world and full of hope, is worth looking forward to.

Otherwise, one day, drink tea and chat with the director of the Radio, Film and Television Bureau, and the radio station directors. By the way, discuss and let the sports channel broadcast the next eight battles? ?

"Oh, this player later retired and only returned in recent years. In fact, at the time of the Asian Indoor Games, player Xie Lianda intentionally vacated his position to let him participate in our China competition. Unfortunately, for some reasons, he did not participate. Otherwise, with his skills, he can win a lot of trophies for us. There are three or four items in e-sports, and this guy was a triathlon champion before. To put it plainly, sending him out can abuse the three or four e-sports in South Korea. Group ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Luo Qingjin said.

"Hey there? Why didn't you say it earlier" said the old director with a beard.

"This ..." Luo Qingjin euphemistically explained the original reason.

"How can this be done, what documents are not documents, I will meet them tomorrow to train them, it is too ridiculous" said the old director.

有 There is such a good young man in China, how can it be buried

And the old director liked Luo Qingjin's sentence: Send him out alone to directly abuse three or four e-sports groups in South Korea

Ha ha ha, domineering, old people like this domineering, just like the original table tennis in China

(No, it was threatened like yesterday, and Dajia did n’t even vote for recommendation. I really stopped changing it, I really stopped changing it again, again, this is by no means an exercise)

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