Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Come back?

? Remember [中文 网] www. In one second, provide you with high-speed text first. "The economic gap has reached 8,000, but I think there is still a chance. The Chinese team often makes some fatal mistakes, such as choosing to open a big dragon when it is superior. If I remember correctly, what was the name of the last session? The team of the prefecture is to open the dragon when it is superior. As a result, the dragon is robbed and killed. After being destroyed by a wave, it completely destroys all the advantages of the previous period. Do n’t forget who the assistant is, he is the world. "The person who will catch the enemy's flaws the most," South Korean commentary Kim Da said.

In fact, after Yu Luosheng showed Bu Yisheng and An Luoxuan, Jin Da remained silent for a while, and didn't know what to use to explain this section. In the end, he could only skip the plot very cunningly, and then talked about the overall situation. Concept.

The backwardness of the 8000 economy, coupled with the destruction of important defense towers, is already a great disadvantage. The capital that can still fight the Lm team is their lineup. Their lineup is very good in the team, as long as there is a perfect Cooperation, there is no chance of turning over

After a little time passed, the side of st has been obviously a little impatient. They have always wanted to find an opportunity to open a group, but unfortunately they can only watch the economy once expanded and slowly approach the unit of ten thousand.

"Everyone comes here, there is an ambush here, and their order will definitely push the soldiers over," An Luoxuan said to his team members.

An Luoxuan, as an assistant who knows how to control vision, is definitely one of the best in the world in ambush. In addition, Hammerstone is a hero with a lot of control skills. If Yu Luosheng chose not Moganna's assistance, just now Yu Luosheng's aggressive push line must have been buried there.

This time, An Luoxuan once again affirmed that the opponent's last single Mendo would forcibly push the line to the upland, so An Luoxuan forcibly gathered 4 teammates to wait in the grass on the edge of the map on the road.

After about ten seconds, Mundo appeared on the road, as An Luoxuan expected.

What happened unexpectedly was that the policewoman was also there to help Mundo push the line of soldiers on the road.

"You can kill the policewoman first" Li Yin's eyes lighted and she said excitedly.

These two are walking step by step towards their ambush site.If they can really kill the policewoman and Mundo, they can directly drive the dragon and pull the economy back.

Never lose chance

Luo Anxuan knows very well that this is their most likely opportunity to come back.

He stared at the two men who were pushing the line. The two men apparently did not notice any of them, and were approaching here.

The policewoman seemed to be a little aware of it. The man leaned a little to the grass, and it was obvious that he would put a shelf in the grass.

At this moment, An Luoxuan's eyes were frozen, and he pressed the key decisively.

的 The soul hook that runs through the human soul suddenly flew out of the grass and flew straight towards Lin Dong's policewoman.

The policewoman did not have any precautions. When she saw the hook flying out, she hurriedly pressed it to retreat. Unfortunately, the hook has reached his position and dragged him into the grass.

"Pretty, drop him" Li Yin and Park Yisheng called at almost the same time.

An Luoxuan never disappoints his teammates at the most critical time.This hook can be said to pass by Mondo, who is in front of him.If it is Mondo in the hook, then they may not be very good. As meaty as a dog

The other three people rushed out of the grass with excitement, their fists and feet were added, and their skills were thrown wildly.In less than 1 second, Lin Dong's policewoman was directly killed by a spike.

As soon as the policewoman died, all of his skills were directed to Da Luo's Mundo.

罗 Da Luo's heart was not good, and he started a big move, but the slowdown of Hammer Stone was quite disgusting. The big move and the doom pendulum made Da Luo's Mondo almost impossible.

After the time of more than 3 seconds, An Luoxuan's hammer stone was once again hooked, Da Luo's Mundo finally managed to run a distance, and when he was about to escape, he was born again by An Luoxuan's hammer stone. Dragged back

Twice the magic hook makes the Korean scene boil

Their group of Koreans can be said to have watched this game very embarrassed. Finally, a brilliant scene appeared, and the mood was of course the same as flying.

Don't want to escape

Hammerstone's full-level hook skill cD only has a second time, plus the auxiliary equipment that reduces cD, the QD time of a Q is actually only a little more than 8 seconds, and the hammerstone's hook will immediately reduce 3 seconds after hitting the target CD time, plus the hook itself lasts about seconds ...

As long as the hook does not fail, it is basically a hook control for 3 seconds

After Da Luo was dragged back by An Luoxuan's hammer stone hook, he was immediately beaten by four people. Fortunately, these four people were physically injured. Da Luo who started the big move was really like a dog. It still remained at about half, and was constantly returning to the city by virtue of the big move.

The big move has an acceleration effect.Darro turned on the blue shield to slow down everyone in the opponent. Then he turned on the mad dog mode to escape. However, another hook flew out and dragged Daluo back to him again.

The third time, An Luoxuan's Hammer Stone hit the target three times, and did not give him a chance to escape at all.

For a while, the applause thundered in the venue.The world's first assistant was the world's first assistant. There were no false hairs, and they were very difficult to reach the extreme distance. It ’s really easy to get crazy when you encounter this kind of assistance that knows how to hook the back row and knows infinite control.

"Damn, I can't get out of it" Da Luo cursed, seeing his blood drop madly.

The other party has given him two ignitions, and it can be said that he has not given a little way to live. After nearly 10 seconds of beating, Da Luo was finally killed.

"Go, can't fight." Da Luo shook his head when he saw that his teammates had already supported him.

"It's too careless of us, let's retreat first. If we are killed by the regiment, our advantage will be lost, and Nightmare's big tricks are still there." Lin Dong said.

Is indeed a powerful team that has been squeezed into such a situation and can even find the flaws of the Lm team.

Lost two members, Lm must now retreat, and if there is no accident, the other party will directly drive the dragon

The policewoman is the output of the entire team. Mundo is also the most important meat tank. These two people died in a row, and the entire team basically had little fighting power.




The group of Koreans at the venue was crazy and started shouting their names.

In such a bad situation, I even played such a beautiful ambush. If I win the big dragon, it is likely to enter the rhythm of the turn.

The players just saw this, so they cheered up the team members crazy.

气氛 The atmosphere of the stadium suddenly became hot from the previous depression, and the five people rushed towards the dragon at this time. This dragon is determined to win

剩下 The remaining three members of the Lm team can only linger around there at this time, and for a while they don't know what to do.

The other side is a complete set of five people. If you prevent the other side from taking the big dragon, the other side will fight against you, and Nightmare starts a big trick to kill them. It is estimated that three of them will be left.

If you don't stop, this big dragon will return. For the next five minutes, the Lm team will not dare to open a group with the other party easily. Through these five minutes, the economic gap can be reduced to five. Within a thousand.

In this time, the team economy of 5,000 is not too important. Their team battle system is stronger than Lm. Coupled with a beautiful wave of momentum, winning is only a matter of time.

首 Seoul, South Korea is cheering and roaring, players in various regions of the country are watching the game, as members of the Lm team clenched their teeth.

This ambush is really deadly for the Lm team. There are only three people left. In the end, is it to stabilize the dragon to the other party, or is it a boobo, trying to grab this dragon has become the Lm team. An extremely difficult decision.

我 "I rob, you harass a bit away, beware of the nightmare's big move, be careful of An Luoxuan's hook." Zhou Yan, who was whispered, said.

The most test of whether the jungler is strong is the competition of the dragon. The opportunity for punishment is just a few tenths of a second. Fast and slow are destined to win or lose a game. At this time, the jungler needs to withstand tremendous pressure. huge.

Yu Luosheng nodded and said: "Wu Sen, you are harassing from the front, Zhou Yan, you jump from the canyon to grab the dragon. Remember, you must wait until the dragon's blood is about 3000, and then approach. "

森 Wu Sen nodded, he understood Yu Luosheng's intention.

The opponent's eternal nightmare has a big move. If the blood of the dragon is about 3,000, the nightmare is likely to fly directly to Wu Sen. Once the nightmare leaves the big dragon canyon, Zhou Yan will be very Big chance to grab this big dragon.

To put it plainly, Wu Sen is now a bait. At present, only aP can roll up the legs to attract the other's attention.

The dragon's blood dropped very fast. The five people in South Korea seem to have no intention to ignore the Lm team. They need the fastest speed to win the dragon.

记住 "Remember, when there are about 3,000 blood left, we stop immediately and drop the blind monk who jumped down from the other side, you know?" An Luoxuan said to the team members very seriously.

They naturally have a way to deal with the grab of the dragon, that is, the dragon suddenly stops when the blood of the dragon is low.

The opponent's jungle damage is limited.They will basically jump down at about 32,000 Dragon Blood. At this time, even if his skills are fully transferred, the Dragon still has more than 1,000 HP left. The fire directly killed the jumped jungler, and then properly took down this dragon. He Leiwei ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Most importantly, after taking the dragon, the other person was missing , Five of them can directly break each other's high ground, which completes the real comeback

Big Dragon's HP keeps dropping:






At this moment, people on both sides are holding their breath.

(Student's Day, students from all over the world, happy holidays, today, my uncle will not be ranked, so as not to disappoint you, hey hey, a new month, everyone has a monthly ticket, and everyone is happy to vote again. When you get a monthly pass, then you will get great satisfaction. You can cherish it every month, you must cherish it. Nima cherish it)

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