Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 438: Want to kill your father?

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Advantages, we must remember to buy an eye, this point Yu Luosheng very strict requirements when training them.

Simply put, once you have enough money to buy equipment, Yu Luosheng will not allow the team members to return to the city as they are. Instead, they should pay an additional 100 yuan and a real money to go home.

Vision is victory. When each of the five members of the lm team has a real eye, and assists and junglers can be scanned, the field of vision suppression in the wild area will become very scary.

We can see your people's every move and your vision is dim

"Hhpp refreshed." Zhou Yan said.

Controlling hhpp is the key to rolling snowball battles, which greatly affects the development of the two middle singles.

Now Wu Sen's reinforcements have reached 0 and the clockwork demons on the opposite side only have 150 reinforcements. This is still the case when the opposite side's middle-order technology is sufficiently hard, and it is replaced by some ordinary points in the country. It is about seventy or eighty behind.

Fifty swords are also a money that bursts a magic wand, it is naturally impossible to play a lower role in the team battle than the clockwork demon.

"Lan may not have had time to take it." Lin Dong said.

At this time, Lin Dong, Wu Sen, and Zhou Yan were in the red hhpp position of the opponent. They could win the red hhpp, but the blue hhpp would be a little slower. The other party ’s clockwork spirits and blind monks have been seen in the field of vision. , Ad hovering in that position.

"It may not be so, you must come over immediately after taking the red." Yu Luosheng said.

He said, Yu Luosheng had already walked directly towards the blue hhpp position of the other party.

"Brother, you have to be caught alone." Lin Dong reminded Yu Luosheng.

I'm fine, you move faster.

Yu Luosheng continued to move towards the opponent's blue hhpp area. At this time, the other three were already playing hhpp. Obviously, he wanted to get the key blue for the clockwork.

"Morgana broke into the opponent's blue hupp area by herself. Is he trying to harass the other person to take the blue hup, but he is very clever. He put the hhp back and pulled it a bit. Morgana should ... Oh, Morgana went directly to Rushing in the crowd, this ... Is this a card ??? "The commentary Morun looked puzzled.

At this time, everyone saw Yu Luosheng's Moganna rushing directly into the blue hhpp alone, not to grab the blue at all, but to look like a killer

A dark light of dark magic flew out, and the imprisoned ball flew against the ground toward the opponent's clockwork demon. The clockwork demon found Moganna and initially planned to consume it with the magic ball, but when he found Mo When Ganna directly activated the forty percent acceleration effect of the Ascension Charm when she rushed towards the three of them, Zhongdan was in a tight heart and hurriedly signaled her teammates to retreat.

Nightmare, clockwork, and Jin Kesi all hurried to the left, and blue hhpp didn't dare to ask.

噢 "Oh my God, the three of them actually retired, don't they know that the other party only rushed over to one Moganna?" South Korean commentary Jin Da growled suddenly.


Wu Zhongdan, jungler, and three heroes so cowardly, were all scared away by the assistant Mogana, and the blue hhpp was also released directly. Is this too speechless?

St's persuasion caused a huge disappointment in the audience. They really couldn't understand why this Moganna would not be killed when she was thrown into the net. It was only a matter of seconds to kill an auxiliary.

好 "Well, there is no vision at all ..." South Korean commentary Jin Da finally understood it for a long time.

It turned out that the vision of the lm team was eliminated by the true-eye routine of the lm team. When they took the blue hhpp, they had no vision at all.

Originally, a Moganna came over like that, the three of them were not too vain, and there was nothing to be afraid of to assist Moganna, but when this Moganna directly turned on the acceleration talisman of acceleration, the fierce **** rushed towards them ...

That posture and momentum is almost like 10,000 people behind it. Of course, if you want stability, you don't dare to stay a little bit, because in this case, the team with the lm team will lose.

Then the three chose to retreat. When they found that only one Mo Ganna was in the prestige of the army, the other large army really came, so their blue hhpp was lost again.

"Operation, the captain of our team is really daring, and it is really time to win an Oscar gold medal. I was frightened by the acceleration of a soaring talisman," said the Chinese side Bao Jun and Qi Qiao. Said with a smile.

职业 In professional competitions, everyone is in a state of high tension, especially at this time, basically neither side dares to make any mistakes, otherwise the situation will immediately reverse.

However, Yu Luosheng took advantage of the other party's psychology and used his fearless posture to retreat the enemy.

This move can be said to make the hearts of the Chinese people feel a dark heart. I am afraid that the only person who dares to do so at the World Series against the powerful Korean team is Yu Luosheng, who is bold in art.

After the blue hhpp was taken again, the most important thing was that after being played by the Chinese, Park Yisheng's entire face was too green.

How did I feel that there was someone behind him? The acceleration effect of the Ascension Talisman did not spread to the surroundings. It was clear that there was a chance to kill him.

蓝 The blue hhpp, lm was directly given to Yu Luosheng.

To be honest, even Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, Da Luo, and Wu Sen had to admire this guy who is acting with his life. Dad Lan didn't tell him that it wasn't quite right.

Don't look at Yu Luosheng as an assistant. Now he has ascended the luxury equipment of amulets, sticks, rocks, and French shoes, and then builds some team economy. Central Asia can go out. At that time, this Moganna will no longer be It is just an auxiliary, and the combat effectiveness is equally terrifying.

After searching the area for a while, the economy expanded to as much as 6,000, and Xiaolong will have to refresh again in a minute or two. The team economy will soon reach 7,000. At that time, the lm team had enough confidence to fight the team.

"I pushed the line down, you hold the group." Yu Luosheng said to his teammates.

Luo Daluo has pushed the line of soldiers on the road at this time. At this time, holding the regiment is the most wise choice.

However, Yu Luosheng had already made a good vision in Xiaolong's position in advance. Basically, he dared to come across and was trapped by an ambush on his own, and he was bound to die.

I was also very cautious on the opposite side. It is estimated that Xiaolong planned to give up. Let ’s see that there are still more than 50 seconds. The line of the lower lane can also be pushed over to break the tower on the opposite lane.

The line on the road has been pushed past, and the opponent will definitely send someone to defend it.The lm team will again hold the team in the middle. When Yu Luosheng pushes the line on the road to the opponent's tower, all the players will immediately switch to the road. It can be easily done. Take the other defense tower, then take the dragon at that time, the team economy will be directly ahead of eight thousand.

A team of 8,000 yuan means that the team of lm is ahead of the opponent by a storm or a useless stick, which is very impressive.

Transform the battlefield flexibly, take advantage of the opponent's supplementary line to defend the offensive push, but the lm team's master tactics.

With almost no verbal communication, Da Luo consciously walked deep into the opponent's wild area, and then got stuck at the position where the opponent's high ground wall led to the down road. First, he stuck the position where the other party would support from this road. .

With such a card position, the other three members of the lm team quickly moved down the road. When the position of the defensive tower on the down road was reached, Yu Luosheng basically pushed the line over.

Every link of the lm team was deployed, so when Yu Luosheng told them to hold a group on the middle road, everyone had already consciously pushed the middle road line forward and then stopped.

Moganna's push line speed is actually very fast, especially Yu Luosheng also gave out a strong stick.

The Yan Bing line pushed forward. Yu Luosheng didn't care too much about the grass near the stone man ...

However, when the person he found did not see a few on the map, he suddenly realized what

At the moment when the stone was near the "one" grass in the wild area, Yu Luosheng quickly provided himself with a shield.

At the same time that the shield appeared, a doom pendulum suddenly emerged from the small grass, trying to force Yu Luosheng to fight back.

I really have an ambush

The ambush people are An Luoxuan's hammer stone and Park Yisheng's Jin Kesi

This ambush did make Yu Luosheng a little unexpected. Apparently, they knew that they would push the line over, and they waited here specifically to kill themselves.

"Oh, amazing hand speed, but that's the shield you've given yourself without vision," Moron of the United States yelled.

The Korean audience on the court was also a boo.The audience saw the full view. When Yu Luosheng's Mo Ganna approached the grass, everyone thought that Yu Luosheng was dead. Who knew this Chinese player? Hand speed so fast

"What's the use of a shield, I still have to die." Park Yisheng gritted his teeth and turned on the laser gun mode. Mo Ganna, who was chasing Yu Luosheng, was a crazy point. Www.novelmtl.com How much, especially ap assists like Moganna, if you move quickly, you can kill them when the other party does not support them

Luan Luoxuan was frightened, and she seemed extremely decisive. She directly ignited Yu Luosheng, and then fully opened her skills. She wanted to quickly destroy Yu Luosheng's magic shield.

Morgana's magic shield has a maximum damage limit.When the shield is defeated by magic skills, its immune control effect is also removed.An Luoxuan's idea is very clear.Big moves and hooks are all played. On Yu Luosheng's body, Yu Luosheng's magic shield was broken.

Pu Park Yisheng already had resentment against Yu Luosheng's Moganna. After a slow-down bomb hit Yu Luosheng, he attacked Yu Luosheng for a while.

"Want to kill your father?" Yu Luosheng smiled coldly.

Operation is not ambiguous at all.Facing the attack of Jin Kesi and Hammerstone, Yu Luosheng directly launched a big move.

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