Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Aura on the field!

"Captain kpr must haven't thought of this story. In other words, this Yuetaqiang kill seems to be the latest line-up of South Korea's top teams. After all, the anti-stress road can't eat much economy on the road, it is better to do it in the wild or in the road Something happened. After killing people and hitting the tower, when he returned to the line, a wave of soldiers line came over. "Commentary Morun said.

At this time, the two Korean commentators also called out, proudly saying: "It seems that this Chinese team often watches ogn to apply what they have learned. This is a very good performance, but their routine is OK against clowns. If you face me, you must have shot yourself in the foot. "

"It's very good to be able to use it so well."

"Boss, why do you suddenly want to fight like this? In this way, there is no place for you to develop in the next lane. The line of soldiers will go directly to the tower position of the other side. It is impossible for you to push others to the tower position. He gave dumplings to the jungle, "Da Luo asked.

Da Luo was in a good condition. The defensive tower on the road was pushed, but he controlled the line of soldiers in his own position, and the other party basically did not dare to come over to suppress his development.

"Strong killing is still not perfect ..." At this time, Yu Luosheng fell into meditation.

Lin Dong and Da Luo, who were aside, saw Yu Luosheng and thought about the new tactics, and suddenly they looked at the keyboard with their chins.

Brother Brother, we are still in the game. How about you wait until you win and then think about it? ? ?

Only if the tactics are used can we know whether he is applicable. Originally, Yu Luosheng felt that the Korean tactics of siege by 4 people would affect the level and economy of the road, and at the same time, the level of the ad smashing field was destroyed, and the only thing was defense Economic and little dragon of the tower.

随着 With the new version, the economy of the defense tower and the dragon are not as rich as before, so if the expensive version of the previous version is similar to the evolutionary version of the first-level grass bush five-man squatting and blood really makes sense.

But what if the last single tape had to be transmitted?

If they are on the purple side, they will take the initiative to change the line with the other side. Will the result be the same as the current situation?

A lot of questions suddenly burst into Yu Luosheng's mind, and more attempts were constantly being made in Yu Luosheng's mind.

"Resolve this game with speed, and if there is no accident, we have a stronger line changing play," Yu Luosheng said to everyone suddenly.

Tong Daluo, Zhou Yan, Wu Sen, and Lin Dong all glanced at Yu Luosheng and found that Yu Luosheng's face was serious, knowing that he must have higher inspiration in tactics, and nodded one after another.

The three of Da Luo are Yu Luosheng's old teammates. Remember that when they played the ta world tournament, Yu Luosheng also constantly improved himself and the entire team during the game. From the perspective of Yu Luosheng, this After the game, it may be a small transformation of their team, because whenever Yu Luosheng's expression in the game means that he really has a major discovery

Da Luo's Dragon Girl returned to the road to develop, the defensive tower on the road has been pushed away, and the line of defense is just coming to Da Luo's side. Even if Da Luo's level is low on this long line, it can still be The extremely stable development will slowly make up for the economic loss in the early stage.

Yu Luosheng, Zhou Yan, and Lin Dong demolished the lower tower and took Xiaolong together.

The team kept a lead of about 2,000 or so. After going back to supply, Lin Dong's policewoman and Yu Luosheng's card master went straight to the middle.

Not explain

In the case of a tower master such as a card master and a policewoman, it is meaningless to fight against you online. Anyway, they have already pushed the tower down, and once the line is cleared, they will go to the middle. Trio push together

The policewoman's attack distance was very long, and it was easy to wear off the health of the tower. The card master draws a blue card, which caused extremely high damage to the tower. Repeatedly twice, the clown team ’s middle road tower was directly broken.

The clown team's play is really not rigorous enough, and obviously they don't know how to change the line.

Under the condition that the road defense tower has been demolished, they even let their ad develop there.

Da Luo controlled the line to his own side. Tommis had to find money to fight, and he had to go through the ruined defense tower. At this time, a simple encroachment made Tommis's place to escape.

After killing ad big Rome, he pushed the soldiers' line to the other side's tower.

PrCaptain kpr and his assistant will immediately guard ...

Unfortunately, this is another trap set by the lm team.I know that you will have someone to eat this big wave of money, so all five of us have already taken out here.

Zhou Yan and Yu Luosheng's cards blocked around the tower.Lin Dong, Zhou Yan, and Wu Sen pushed forward in front of them.I saw that the lm team directly encircled the road with five people this time, and the captain of kpr was successive

There is still no end. It is not enough for the four people to cross the tower and kill them once. This time, the five people will cross the tower to kill them. Will you not kill without the defense tower of others?

Three times the strong killing under the tower caused Captain Kpr to break down a bit.Instead, he usually ranked and the Captain Kpr would ask for a push to avoid further humiliation.

I did n’t say a few words at breakfast, did n’t I?

The lm team pushed very fast, and the clown team did not seem to have any mood. You can tell from the looseness of the tower guard.

局 This round ended very quickly. Domestic players have not had time to experience the coquettishness of Yu Luosheng's card masters. As a result, the game ended without a doubt.

"What do you think?" An Luoxuan looked at the team members and said.

The speed push method is used by the Korean side first, but I don't know why An Luoxuan always thinks that the speed push system of the lm team is a bit strange ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ The clown team is too bad, it is purely to give points to others. If you think about it, it is estimated that they did not want to qualify in the game. Let them lead the team to take them around in our country. "Li Yin said

"You didn't think that even if the clown team's technology is bad, the lm team's pushing speed is a bit too fast and very organized. From breaking the enemy's bottom tower to the offensive mid lane defense tower to five people quickly The hunting on the road broke the tower, the execution order was extremely high. "An Luoxuan said.

Although they won the last match, An Luoxuan always had a weirdness beyond words. It seems that their execution order is very low. Obviously, they can do the five-man support and cooperation with other teams, but they are not so determined when facing them ...

"An Luoxuan, do you think they are hiding their strength, right? I think you have to worry about it, after all, they are a new team. It is very difficult to have such a record. When facing such a strong team, we will definitely It's very restrained, it's normal for a weak team like the clown team to be more aggressive. "Li Yin said.

"I hope so," An Luoxuan said.

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