Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Wilderness, Wings of Demasia

"One, what do you think?"

Xie Lianda also had a wrong look, and it took a long time to say: "This hero hits the wild, it is a bit far-fetched. The efficiency of brushing the wild should not be too high. If gank is efficient, there will be a sudden slowdown, a blindness, and a According to the field of vision, it is okay, but the premise is that some teammates have made some preparations, and it is necessary to complete high-efficiency gank red hhpp. In fact, I think Zhao Tinghua might use another jungler who is now very hot. At least stealth can make him easily reach the target. "

"Say ... what kind of hero is this? I haven't seen it before." A guy who looked like a high school student pointed at the picture on the screen and asked stupidly and naively.

"Fuck, where are the elementary students who ran out, don't you know it's an adult place? The wings of Demasia-Quinn don't recognize it?"

"Ah? I haven't even seen this hero."

Everyone has a look of contempt, primary school students are primary school students, quickly go back to memorize the English alphabet, you must remember the 18 heroes of the League of Legends, the difficulty is too high

Zhao Tinghua's choice can be said to make the audience blinded.

Not to mention that you have rarely seen this hero debut in professional leagues.You rarely see even the usual matches and rankings. One of the top ten cold benches

When this hero first came out, it was once called "male bow" in the country, but it was later estimated that this was originally a mother, and she was blind.

This hero ... It seemed that there was no fire even if he came out. He killed a lot of people who bought the hero and was abandoned shortly after.

In fact, this hero is not weak, but it is difficult to position him truly.

As an ad, his ability to fight groups is really too much, and the means of the match period is also a serious problem ...

For some time, this hero appeared on the order, and it was very hh. But that is the old version. Now in this version of the crazy meat, the order of Kainan is difficult to eat, let alone break out and fight with the group. And survivability are not as good as Kenan ’s Wings of Demasia-Quin

That's right, the hero Zhao Tinghua chose was this hero.

A hero who has been identified for a time but has obvious defects.

The problem is, the audience has clearly seen that Zhao Tinghua brought punishment when choosing this hero

If Zhao Tinghua chose to help his teammates, then it's barely accepted. Maybe Guan Langjie has a unique understanding of Quine's ad, or Guan Langjie wants to take advantage of Quine's good outbreak in the early stage and the powerful level of single kill Establishing the advantages of the first minute ...

However, just when all commentators, all audiences, and professional players thought so, Guan Langjie chose his own

Suddenly, a commotion passed from one end of the scene to the other

"What's the matter, Zhao Tinghua is crazy, you want to use this jungle?" Lin Dong said loudly.

"Maybe you lost your mind," Da Luo said.

"I've seen him use this jungler in the ranking ... it's kind of capryr but it's used in the competition ..." Zhou Yan said in a calm voice.

Zhao Tinghua is sure, that is to say he really wants to use this to hit the wild

I'm afraid this is the biggest challenge to the wild game in the league, use an ad hero to play wild

All four of the n team frowned, banning so many heroes, but in the end Zhao Tinghua chose one of them as a jungler ...

I hope he just has no hero to choose from, but he has no choice but to choose this trick.

Only Abbot knows the truth of the matter. He can be sure that Zhao Tinghua has no routine. He chose this hero only because he has no heroes to choose from, and then he chooses whatever he loses. ...

Also, if you know that you must lose in the game, you will also choose a wild field show that you have usually played and barely feel that you can still play. If you lose, you can blame the hero for not playing wild. And not their own technology.

Thinking of this, Abbot couldn't help but admire Zhao Tinghua's cleverness, collected the money, and lost the game in the homeopathy, but it would not affect everyone's judgment on his strength.

Falun did not have any accidents and chose the clockwork demon he was best at.

In this version, the more popular Leopard Girl, Demon Ji, and Lulu are not his favorites. The clockwork demon is Fei Lun's favorite. Of course, if the opponent's jungle is not Zhao Tinghua, Fei Lun may choose team battles. Destroy Machine-Ice Bird

The fist company in the world that can compete with the ice birds in team battles has not yet made it.

Lulu clockwork in the middle.

Crocodile dragon **** the road.

Hit Wild Quinn Panson.

Bottom Nami's Gunhammer Obama.

Compared with the previous version, the compatibility between the new version and the previous version is obviously much less, and it is more about the hero's ability.

Maybe the new version has not been released for a long time, haven't we developed more complete cooperation, so even the obvious routines in the professional league are obviously less.

In the previous pk global stream, April 1 was obviously used less in the competition. After all, those heroes are really not suitable for the new version.

The roster has been completely determined. Zhao Tinghua finally took his Demasian Wing-Quine into this professional league field.

The n team seeks stability. It is naturally impossible to play a first regiment with the sky team. The sky team was born in the blue side (below), and the red hhpp was steadily won.

Like this long-distance jungler, red hhpp is definitely the key to winning, and it is best to be able to win without being harassed.

Quinn was the bright spot on the field, and the director gave the courteous view to Zhao Tinghua.

Many of Quinn ’s heroes have never played in the wild, and we do n’t know how effective his brushing is. When everyone discovered that Quine had a passive passive that was almost double damage, his eyes lit up.

Whether Quine can hit the wild, presumably the efficiency of Kiyo is the biggest problem. Now from the perspective of Quine's passive, Kiyo's speed is not as slow as imagined, plus his teammates helped him play a few more times. under……

The red hhpp was picked up very quickly. Guan Langjie took special care of Zhao Tinghua and used the large lead bullet to destroy the red hhpp mob.

After winning the red, Zhao Tinghua did not choose to touch the mobs next to him, and walked straight towards the blue hhpp.

When playing the blue hhpp, this jungle has reflected his slow jungle efficiency, but no matter what, he still safely removed the double hupp, and by the way, he collected the ghost monster to level 3.

At 3rd level, Zhao Tinghua directly gave up brushing and walked towards the road.

"4" At this time, Chang Kongjie typed a number in the chat window and marked the triangle grass.

This means that the triangular grass has eyes and it only ends in 4 seconds.

In the early professional players, all eye positions will be marked, and the time when the upper eye position disappears will be marked.

"Captain, there are eyes." Changkong Jie saw Zhao Tinghua walking towards the triangle grass, and said with a doubt, he thought that Zhao Tinghua had not seen it.

"I know." Zhao Tinghua replied, still walking towards the eye.

Changkong Jie stunned, but soon he understood Zhao Tinghua's intention, and his face was helpless.

Under the audience, the leader Tan Bocong saw Zhao Tinghua walking towards the enemy's eyes, and he looked like he was squatting there with a smile on his face.

Tan Bocong is somewhat worried. Zhao Tinghua is very unregulated. In case he is disobedient during the game, 50,000 yuan will be lost.

Sure enough, no matter how uncontrollable a person's personality is, it's all about the issue of money.

"Will this be a bit fake, standing on someone else's eyes and squatting on someone else's order?"

"A bit, but it doesn't make much difference," Tan Bocong said.

Come on, come on

Team N hit wild Abbot and licked some lips.

The other party ’s position, the intention of sending is really obvious, how to evaluate? Not a good actor, but very conscious.

Next, as long as you walk by yourself and hit a set of skills, the fragile ones basically have to hang, Pansen's early stage is very strong

After collecting the stone man, Abbot did not deliberately wait for the blood to come back, and walked directly toward the triangular grass.

Abbott glanced at Kuru on the road, can't help but feel funny.

Kuru thought that the other side was going to gank him, but he hid behind the line.

"Kuru, you eat online experience, I killed him." Abbott said to Kuru.

"We doubled him up a bit better," Kuru said.

Abbot shook his head, as if there was no need, but Abbot couldn't tell his teammates that this person had deliberately sent his own head, so he perfunctoryly said: "If you pass, you will know that we will engulf him. He escaped, and you lost your online experience. Once the crocodile arrives 3 to 4 before you, it will be difficult to fight. "

Kuru thought carefully. Also, the online experience can't be lost. The other party saw that they disappeared. It is impossible to be so stupid on the line. Then all they have to do is continue to consume online and crocodile. www.novelmtl.com ~ Zhao Tinghua has been squatting in the triangle grass. In fact, he already knew that the opposite Pan Sen was walking towards himself, but he was not really operating.

With his hands suspended over the mouse and keyboard, his eyes were not even condensed in front of the computer screen.

Changkong Jie glanced at Zhao Tinghua, who was still distracted, and sighed softly. This act was too fake, and it was not good for the match committee to pay attention. In other words, Zhao Tinghua probably wants to let others see that this is a fake match ...

After all, even if the moral quality of a professional player is no longer so good, letting them fake in such a world-class glory event is tantamount to a stab in the heart.

Forget it, quickly send people away, finish the game, take the money and leave

Annoying, what they love to say is their thing, and whatever they like to scold is also with them ...

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