Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Enigma death! !!


Where I went was a headache for Yu Luosheng. The number one on the opposite side was following the soul without a distraction. No matter whether Yu Luosheng brushed soldiers on the upper road or took the line to the lower road, he could always see the first one.

"Yes, someone will pay you to kill me, won't you kill Lin Dong?" Yu Luosheng is really upset

As an assassin, you should go to find the trouble, AD kill, you always run with a Kasatin with displacement skills, can you kill Kassad?

As a hero of Kasadin, as long as you do not deliberately wave and hand over the P skills, no two or three people are basically immortal, not to mention that it is impossible for Yu Luosheng to be killed by force, and there is a shield of Seraph in Central Asia. .

This is how Rao Rao is. No. 1 is like a disease, that is, he follows Yu Luosheng stubbornly, and does not allow him to develop in a stable manner ...

"No. 1 is a bit too tight from time to time," Miracle said.

Some teams and some players have outstanding strength. Letting him go is a scourge regardless of going backwards, so he will adopt some corresponding tactics accordingly.

But the Beijing team's Kassadin against Yu Luosheng is really too targeted ...

Xiaolong has always been taken by the Beijing team. Lm doesn't dare to open a five-member group with them. The economic gap between the Chinese and the singles is too big. The robbery is now rundown, black, whispering, and drinking blood. The robbery is invincible, and the damage of the second person will overflow, and it is not virtual to single out. Anyway, Yu Luosheng does not jump up and consume him, it is completely useless, and he may even be killed alone.

Yu Luosheng is now Central Asia, Seraph, and useless stick. One and a half large pieces are missing. The role of teamfights is far worse than robbing, so now it can only drag on like this.

Fortunately, Da Luo's Mundo is well-equipped, able to carry it, and Zhou Yan is also very meaty. The two of them throw an axe and a kitchen knife. The Beijing team cannot advance at all. Their lineup has no consumption power at all. The killing is too risky. The equipment of Lin Dong, Zhou Yan and Da Luo is better than the other.

Lm has capital consumption here, hit slowly.

They want to take the dragon, Lm won't grab it, anyway, it's been 30 minutes anyway, the economic impact of a dragon is not big.

Fighting once again fell into a deadlock.

数量 The number of flowers has been soaring. Since the three kills, the flowers over Beijing have surpassed ...

There are still some people throwing flowers in Demacia, but they are not as fierce as the opponent.In fact, since Yu Luosheng officially accepted the ring game, this is the first time that people in the Demacia club have seen a team playing with Lm So anxious, even maintained an economic lead.

"One, don't care about Kassadin, we have to advance, otherwise we may not play well in the later stages." The Beijing team's jungler said.

"Well, female Tan and Wei Xian, second their AD to force them to come here." Number one nodded.

It's time to push forward. Kassadin's suppression has been very successful. Now he is trying to force him to develop a team that is not very good. He will play a team to see who has a strong role in the team battle.

The outer towers on both sides have been taken away, and now the Beijing team is going to take the tower in the middle.

The double axe throwing by Monmond and Olaf was very annoying. Before, they had not been able to push it past. This time, the number one in the group participated, no matter how many dozens, they won.

"One, come on, Li Ji brushed 10,000 flowers for you again." Someone in the Noxus Club called out loud.

Is another 20,000

The whole person's eyes brightened. It seems that it is wise to challenge the Lm team this time. After winning this large sum of money, they are all theirs.

The flower ratio is 5 for the Beijing team. At the same time, both teams appeared near the big dragon. It was a crucial wave to play without accident.

人们 When people's attention was focused on this wave, suddenly, the ratio of flowers changed significantly, and the Beijing team 5 instantly became 47.

Now there are almost 10,000 yuan on both sides of the flowers. Thousands of flowers can no longer affect the balance. This momentary change means that a lot of money is injected.

There are female tans, poodles, and Wei. It is really easy for the Noxus Beijing team to open a group in the wild.

This time the Beijing team did a good job of the vision, forcing Lm to have to rush here. The invisible poodle jumped out from the side without any words. He had no real eyes and rushed directly to the war goddess of Lin Dong.

森 Wu Sen reacted quickly to stun the poodle with vertigo, but this way the poodle cut in, and the formation is obviously going to be dragged

Sure enough, the other woman's tan flashed directly to throw a big move, Wei also started the big move at this time, all skills flew towards Lin Dong

When this team of Beijing team is determined to be alone, that person can't survive. Lin Dong has specially added a mercury band to prevent being killed by seconds, but it doesn't work at all ...

森 Wu Sen's weakness was also set on Jie's body.However, Jie's damage was so high that Lin Dong finally barely opened a big move and died directly.

"Oh my god, the crazy protected AD is still killed. This Lm team is going to collapse, but their most important output point." The miracle has been shouted

Same as Yu Luosheng's rhythm at the beginning, Lin Dong was dead no matter how he hid. He saw a bunch of people rushing to his face, and the screen turned gray.

I didn't say anything. This game seemed to lose, and Lin Dong was helpless.

The output of Mundo and Olaf is actually very weak.They all output meat. Once they die, they can only chase Wei Da. Fortunately, the gem of the team's armor, let them three flew up, As soon as Lin Dong died, they chased Wei Sha.

"I protect you, Xiao Ju you export Olaf." After assisting the female Tan skills, she quickly retreated to her side.

Obama's output is naturally the key to beating meat. After the outbreak of a set of skills, the next output must be protected by others, otherwise he will die if he is crushed by Olaf and Mundo.

Xiao Ju nodded his head, maintaining the skillful operation output to open the crazy fighter Olaf.

拉 Olav is chasing Weisha, so he can arrogantly.


Xiao Ju flew right on his head, dreaming of victory, and suddenly a tall figure jumped out beside him, and he stepped on his face in the void.

Before he could react, his screen turned black and white instantly

Xiao Xiaoju was stupid and looked at the screen blankly

"Export, point people, why don't you point" to assist the female Tan to find that they are not point people, suddenly puzzled.

However, when he turned around, he found that he was dead, and what he could see was the mysterious and dangerous atmosphere of a void walker.

died? ? ?

My AD is dead? ?

I also saw Obama just now. Oh, he released Tianma Meteor Fist. Why did he die in the blink of an eye? Is it HHG?

Beijing's number one, playing wild, and ordering have not been found, and they are still chasing others.

I do n’t know how. They found that their output was a bit weak, and they did n’t kill anyone for a long time.

Suddenly, Kassadin jumped out from the side, throwing a set of skills directly on the No. 1 robber's face

"My grass"

No. 1 was frightened and saw that he lost a lot of blood instantly. What was more terrifying was that the unstoppable mad soldier Olaf had rushed over.

No. 1 hurriedly used the shadow to escape across the wall, and Yu Luosheng was not in a hurry to chase after her teammates to chase the female tan.

The maidservant has been stuck by Da Luo's kitchen knife Mundo. Yu Luosheng waited for the next wave of skills. One, suddenly wiped out a large amount of health.

"Give me the head, give me the head" Yu Luosheng shouted at Da Luo.

Da Luo is a human dog. You do n’t shout at him. He dare to steal the human head. Yu Luosheng needs the human head to supplement the law and expand the damage.

Da Luo gave up decisively, and the target turned to the poodle of the other side. The poodle ran fast, and fled if the situation was not right. The poodle with thick skin and flesh would not be able to fight for a while.

"Give them away, take the dragon." Yu Luosheng said.

"Take the dragon ????" Zhou Yan, Wu Sen and Dalong all listened to each other.

I killed the other jungler, what big dragon to take, not to mention Lin Dong's braids on his own side

Take a closer look, the three suddenly found that the opposite AD Obama was dead

"I grass, how did they die" Lin Dong said in surprise.

Wu Zhouyan, Wu Sen, and Da Luo were all stunned ...

How did he die? ?

Everyone at the Noxus Club looked dumbfounded and didn't notice Obama's death at all.

This is also the side of the Demacia Clubhouse, that AD is too weird to die.

Xiao Ju, who controls Obama, doesn't know what to say, because he only feels something flickering on himself, and then he dies ...

His death, less than 05 seconds

Alas, he's almost bloody

Death of the Enchanted

死亡 Death of Absolute Mystery

Regardless of 37, 21, Lm began to take the dragon.

It doesn't matter if there is no output. There is Da Luo's Mundo. The chopper cuts the dragon to the same as the super soldier.

Zhou Zhouyan clicked on the dragon with the mouse, and stared at the dragon's blood regardless of anything.

He will already carry the damage of punishment. As long as the blood volume of the dragon is lower than the damage of punishment, he will press the punishment instantly, not giving the opponent a little chance to grab the dragon.

"Why did Obama die?" Da Luo asked quickly.

Yu Luosheng has no time to answer, because he has already seen Jiao walking around, this guy also wants to steal a personal head or grab a dragon, he must be kicked away

Big Dragon successfully won, Lm side decisively returned to the city to recuperate ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ However, after a long time, no one still figured out exactly how Obama died

视角 OH's perspective was actually near Obama just now. The people in the two clubs and the nearly 300,000 online audience saw an almost **** Obama the moment before.

The camera was so shaken that Obama died in less than a second

Kassadin's set of skills does not take 1 second to play. The question is, how can Kassadin's equipment give the full-blooded Obama directly in 0.5 seconds? ?

This is impossible

Kai Hang?

The question is, is there a plug-in that directly kills heroes in League of Legends?

This game has almost no plug-in. It is barely to be counted as the most commonly used by the monsters, the L-box with big tricks, right?

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