Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 245: Don't you know I'm short of money ...


With a scream, Yu Luosheng's screen turned gray again.

Weixian appeared, followed by Q and then took the big move. This Nima's displacement of nearly two thousand yards, he watched him chasing from the river grass to the middle of the two towers in the middle road. Useless, keep up with the output, dead

Yu Luosheng is dead.The only thing that is worth consoling is that Zhou Yan's Olaf was killed from the side at this time, blocking Wei's escape path and chasing Wei to death. Yes, when someone else killed someone, P went back to exchange the position with Da Zhao's shadow, took a few steps, and dashed out of the tower.

"Is there an assist?" Zhou Yan glanced at Yu Luosheng, who looked terrible, and asked Yu Luosheng weakly.

Yu Luosheng doesn't want to talk anymore

Gautam Kassadin, Voidwalker. Taking the enemy's first level in the army is like searching for things. After killing people, you will leave the blood without touching the body. When did you fall to rely on a mix of assists to find that little comfort?

"This game can't be played. The Beijing team is too targeted at the fighting eagles. There are various big moves to kill and tower to kill. There is no way to deal with the enemy's routine. There are already big moves. Kasadin, another AP ... "

"It's miserable." Xiao Duoduo said weakly.

A group of people in the hall nodded inconsistently.The opponent's set of roads is really incomprehensible.If the wild monk here is blind, it is okay to squat under the tower, and the enemy can fight back as soon as the enemy rushes.However, there is no protection ability. Berserker Olaf.

Zhou Yan has already protected Yu Luosheng's development nearby, but still can only watch Yu Luosheng be killed

Kassadin has not developed, and the role of playing group is really very limited. It seems that today the captain of the game is destined to hang out.

Of course, we can't blame him for his technical failure. In the case of being targeted by others like this, he has the heart of the spring water. How can he continue to go out to buy troops like Captain Yu who has the courage to buy equipment.

Over the Nook Ass Club, No. 1 had a dimple of confidence on his face.

It's useless to hit the middle order, it's useless for anyone to fight with him, he will definitely hit.

His calamity is now a record, 0 make-up swords, rundown, cruel, whisper, whoever is pregnant.

Let's take a look at Kassadin's record, 0 make-ups, and the level has fallen by two levels. Seriously, you can go on-hook.

I was killed in this way, and the tears of the goddess Kassadin could not be wiped out. When Central Asia came out, his damage would be negligible ...

"Hold the group, their hunting ability was too strong earlier." Da Luo said.

恩 "Well, their lower tower was immediately pushed away by us." Lin Dong said.

"I changed the thread to develop." Yu Luosheng said.

In the usual qualifying bureau, Kassadin will take the support route after the sixth level, the effect is very significant.

However, in the professional player's battle, the effect of your mid-walk is not so obvious. As long as you disappear on the map, the team that others have cooperated with for a long time will definitely remind you, and will also follow up together to support

Yu Luosheng chose not to swim at this time.The result of this may be to support where the road collapses. The only way is to change the line and develop, let Lin Dong and Wu Sen come to the middle, and go to the bottom. To develop.

Your Majesty's line is long, as long as you help your vision widen, and don't let the opposite Jie Hewei appear within one thousand yards of them at the same time, it is still difficult for them to kill themselves.

I was in the middle, because I was always under the tower because of the defensive tower. The problem defensive tower could be ignored by the two heroes ... In short, if there is a tower, it would die even worse.

In the hall of Demacia, everyone praised Yu Luosheng's calmness and calmness gradually from the beginning.

Can you not be mentally okay, the last time I was killed by such a big move, this time I was killed by a tower, what is the deep hatred between the Beijing team and Yu Luosheng?

Can't afford to mess with me, can't I hide? Yu Luosheng moved to the bottom lane.

In his presence, I would rather face each other with two opponents rather than see an enemy sharpened with a knife waiting to slaughter himself and squatting without thinking about himself.

When I reached the bottom, there were two waves of soldiers coming towards me.

When inferior, many people used to see a wave of soldiers, and then immediately cleared them in one breath, as if the money was collected early in their hearts to be solid.

In fact, it is very unwise to do this. There is a big wave of soldiers coming in at a disadvantage. Do not use swarm skills to swipe away at one go. It will only push the soldiers forward and wait for you to be killed.

Yu Luosheng made good use of this surge of troops to control them in front of the tower, to prevent them from entering the defense tower, and not to leave them too far away from the defense tower, and then a Q and Q reinforcements, stacked The tears of the goddess can also ensure your own life safety.You must know that this game of League of Legends is not fast for you to clear your troops, and a new wave of soldiers will come quickly. .

Xu comfortably received two waves of soldiers, Yu Luosheng's level returned slightly, and the tears of the goddess folded to about 500.

The tears of the goddess should be full before the minutes, and the effect will definitely be smaller and smaller. Looking at the time, Yu Luosheng probably calculated it. In about minutes and minutes, the tears of her goddess should be able to be full. 750 The money in Central Asia is almost enough to fight with the archangel's staff, so you can join the group and collect yourselves.

Zhou Yan's equipment is very good.He won't say anything.He spends most of his time brushing monsters and losing meat.

Let's not mention Da Luo's Mundo. There are more than 170 reinforcements per minute. When the sun is in the air and the spirit of despair is up, Da Luo's order will be invincible.

Zhe Lindong's down road obviously suppressed the development of the opposite side, leading the equipment by half a large piece.

AD 刂 pays attention to the stability of the hand and the level of the knife, because it is very unrealistic to get a head in the early stage of the game. Their financial source must be the reinforcement. The three-piece set must be played before P minutes, otherwise the output cannot keep up.

罗 In this game, Da Luo, Zhou Yan, and Lin Dong were all well equipped. The four of them held a group defense and did not take the initiative to open a group.

Yu Luosheng is on his own, not pushing the line ...

五 The five people on the opposite side held the team to push in the middle. Their lineup was capable of playing the team in seconds. However, there was no consumption ability. Forcibly entering the tower to open the group was not easy.

他们 When they found that they could not push in, the No. 1 robber gave up the middle push and went straight to the lower lane to harass Yu Luosheng's Kassadin.

"Fuck, it's endless." Yu Luosheng saw the No. 1 robber appear in the lower lane, and angrily cursed.

It is unrealistic to try to kill Yu Luosheng. Wu Sen made a lot of eyes this time, that is to protect the dragon and protect Yu Luosheng who is developing in the lower lane.

Lm team here is a combat policy-drag

The opponent ’s robbery was too high. Go out and fight with them. After fighting, Lm side must reduce staffing, and Yu Luosheng ’s Kassadin equipment is not good enough to jump to the second person.

Yu Luosheng's thinking is also very clear.There is no three-piece set of archangels, Central Asia, and hats. He will not go to the battle. That will only cause the illusion of team TR when he is in the team. In fact, Yu Luosheng, who is backward in equipment, can only be considered half. Heroes.

"I am out of Central Asia and the Archangel, I pretend to go down the road to continue development, you find an opportunity to fight with them in the middle road." Yu Luosheng said to Wu Sen in the middle road.

Lin Dongdong used the goddess of war. The hero's strength lies in his great ability to open and retreat with horror, plus a movement speed of 60%. The momentum of four people running is enough to directly overwhelm the enemy.

Tong Lindong nodded, and Yu Luosheng was facing robberies. In fact, Kassadin's support speed is much faster than the robbers. They played here first. Yu Luosheng's Kassadin rushed here. Basically, it could achieve the effect of endgame harvesting. Reap, that's up to you

This wave is very critical for the Lm team. As soon as the hero Kasaddin has collected a few heads, he will quickly rise. Whether this game can break the deadlock that you have pushed me to this time depends on Yu Luosheng. In the later seconds, Kassadin showed that this wave was the best for Kassadin Harvest.

有 A long time ago, Lm didn't take the initiative to fight. Their lineup is more about the power after the formation, whether it is Kasatin, Mundo or Madman Olaf.

On Zhongzhong Road, Lm's side and the Beijing team have already been on Zhongzhong Road.

Lin Dong looked at the timing, and winked with Wu Sen.

The big move opened instantly. Wu Sen's gem knight immediately flew like a fly, and rushed towards the crowd with a big hammer.

Fainting is irrelevant. What you want is to keep the enemy.

The mad soldier Olaf's axe flew out, Mundo's life-saving kitchen knife swept, and Wheel Mom's frisbee swept through. This pass skill smashed through, and the top female Tan was directly smashed by a third of her blood.

的 The female opposite said that the situation was not good, and she threw back her big moves.The other people in the Beijing team also had a time to fight back.The skills flew and the scene was chaotic. It was impossible to see who was who.

At this time, Yu Luosheng started a big move in the void, and dared to go to the middle of the road like crazy ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ Human head, we must get human head

The middle of the game was crushed so badly that Yu Luosheng never thought he was invincible. It often happened that he was abused and turned into a dog, but he really couldn't lose.

It is not for what club represents the name of the first L club in China, nor is it not to fail the problems of those supporters, but when Yu Luosheng sat in his position, boss Lei raised his eyebrows and whispered Tell yourself: the revenue of those flowers is given to the winning team as a percentage

Meowing a microphone, how much money this group of tyrants smashed Yu Luosheng, but he saw it with his own eyes, and there was also a large sum of money in the Noxus clubhouse. There are also 40,000 flowers that were smashed with money.

No.1, you are crazy, you are the first, you are the best at PANK, what name do you want to take, the money for this game today ... hehe

I wonder if I'm short of money

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