Undefeatable – League of Legends

Vol 2 Chapter 208: The sons of the stars can also be big!


After Xia Xia Lu was pushed, Xiaolong's vision was easily controlled by the enemy.

Look at the strength of a team, in fact, you can know from the perspective of control. The strength of the ilhn team in which Fanta and Feige are located is basically not a big problem in personal alignment.

Unfortunately, their rhythm is still too bad, and they do not know how to use the advantages that have been established to expand. This will give the enemy too much breathing and development time, and even accidentally start a mistaken team battle.

This time, the fight for red hhpp triggered the murder.

The opponent's jungler tried to control Zhou Yan's red hhpp, but this guy broke in without enough vision. Of course, the old-fashioned Zhou Yan can easily see what the other party would like to do in this time. Wu Sen, already in the middle, squatted at the red hhpp.

The enemy's support speed is not slow.As soon as the wild area starts to fight, their bottom lane and middle lane come to rescue

In this case, Lin Dong had to give up the development to the wild area.

I gave Xiaoya a signal, and Lin Dong hurried to the wild area.

Zhou Zhouyan's old tree was very brave.One person rushed to the front to create an output environment for Lin Dong and Wu Sen. At this time, the other side's aircraft was quite generous, and it came directly from the other side of the wall.

"Fuck, Dad will be afraid of you?" Lin Dong will not hide, and he and Wei Enyu have a son next to him. If he does n’t help, he will add some blood.

The plane's equipment was really good. A set of outbreaks killed Lin Dong's half of his blood. Xiao Ya took a bite of Lin Dong in time to relax.

The equipment gap is too big, such a fight must be Lin Dong, but Lin Dong is not afraid, because he knows Xiaoya has a big move

The blood volume dropped rapidly, and Lin Dong suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Xiaoya, big move

Wu Xiaoya was still there, using silence and attacking the plane with a look of helplessness.

Lin Dongdong watched as his blood bottomed out, his heart tightened ...

Big sister, are you af +?

Finally, Xiaoya remembered that her big move was already in place, and hurriedly pressed her own p key.

However, at the moment when pr 卩 was pressed, the old Zhou Laoshu who was standing in front of him was hung up, and Lin Dong did not accidentally take away his head with a well-equipped aircraft, and the bomber Wu Sen hiding behind the output was Full of blood

Suddenly, the entire lobby of the clubhouse was silent, and the guests who drank and drank cold drinks looked silly one by one.

I have seen Qin Nuo Kongda, and I have seen Anne Kungda.

辅助 This auxiliary classmate, are you the rescuer sent across from me?

After the dead Zhou Yan and Lin Dong's screen turned black and white, they looked at each other silently ...

Really, too naive, they saw that the green dot on the left head of the sons of the stars is bright, so they subconsciously counted the blood of the sons of the stars to increase their blood, and then used this blood to escape. Who would have thought that Xiaoyamei's paper was enlarged when he two died.

Youmei paper, have you seen the skills of the children of the stars? It is a group blood addition, not a group resurrection.

Biao Dabo

Howling Wave

Wu Sen was so happy. At first, he took off the opponent ’s jungler head, and then took off the plane. Then a big blast killed the assistant on the opposite side.

Wu Sen's bomber was really insignificant and disgusting. When Zhou Yan created good output conditions for him, he had a blue hhpp and threw tons of bombs, which made the people in the Ilhn team jump.

"Fuck, let you cut the bombers, what are you doing?" Feng Da said angrily.

I got a plane, and it was changed for 3, 4 for 3, and 3 for killing. This was a big loss for them.

"This jungler and mid laner are a bit powerful." Feige said.

It was Feige who was on the line with Wu Sen. His clockwork demon was almost driven crazy by Wu Sen's bombers, and the economy was severely suppressed.Now it's better.The bombers took three kills. You can hang up when you are online.

"Not only is it a bit powerful ..." Da Ye said bitterly.

The prince should be stronger than the old tree in the wild area, but I don't know how. Every time he meets in the wild area, he is beaten into a dog, no matter where he goes, this old tree can definitely arrive in 5 seconds. Every time I play back ...

"It's a terrible egg, didn't you see that I was going through the bottom lane? Did you give me some serious, 10,000 yuan don't want it, right?" Feng Da said.

"Dago, the economy is actually okay ..."

"It's a ball, you didn't see me killing him just like killing a dog"

Yu Luosheng was happily playing in the ranking of Hanbok, the relationship between the points, the opponent they are now ranked is not very strong, and easily clear the customs.

This time, Yu Luosheng and Qian Meng did not completely lay off the road, give their teammates a casual position, and then the two of them got what to fight.

After playing a round, Yu Luosheng glanced at Lin Dong next to him and said casually, "Why not finish?"

"Damn, you're sorry to say, you show me off lv3" Lin Dong cursed very uncomfortably.

Tong Yu Luosheng looked at Lin Dong's screen and roughly glanced at it. Forget it, in economic terms, it should be two or three thousand ahead.

Most of the economic advantages are reflected in Xialu and Xiaolong. If this is the case, the economic advantages are reflected in the orders and middle orders.

Not bad, there is a big meat top in front, there are mid-singles with continuous output and explosive output such as the bomber, even if Lin Dong's equipment can't keep up, it is not impossible to play, as long as Wu Sen and Lin Dong pay attention to the position If it is not controlled, the group can still fight.

"The opposite side is almost holding a group, their lineup is not consumed, and the defensive battle is still very good. If Xiaolong's vision is controlled, Xiaolong should give it, lest he catch a mistake and finish it directly." Yu Luosheng said .

There is no control on 这 l side. Except for the aircraft on the other side, the control of everyone else is a bit scary. As long as the back row is caught, the regiment loses directly, which is really special and elegant.

不过 "However, with the prince's presence, they will basically force the group ..." Yu Luosheng said slowly.

As soon as the chanting voice fell, the evacuated prince suddenly flashed back, and Erlian directly provoked the sons of the stars and Wu Sen's old tree.

"Fuck, so violent" Lin Dong cursed.

I flashed up for the second company. You have moved at least a thousand yards. It is good to open the group, but can your teammates keep up?

The harp girl, clockwork, and crocodile have rushed up.You can see that the clockwork puts the defensive ball on the prince's head.

After winding up a big move and strangling, Qin Nv will definitely follow up with a big move, which can control at least three

Sure enough, the prince jumped big, and it was exactly the bomber who went to Wu Sen and Lin Dong.

Lin Dongdong's response was very fast. When the prince's big move fell apart, he opened it directly. The clockwork demon on the opposite side couldn't consider too much at this time. It was also good to be a bomber.

Zhou Zhouyan's old tree and Da Luo's Dragon Girl were not furnishings. The prince forced a group like this, and the enemy naturally rushed up.

Da Luo saw the timing and made a big move directly, and rushed to the other three people in one breath, except that the second pr crocodile rushed in to Wu Sen.

周 And Zhou Yan's skills are released very well.Under normal circumstances, the old tree will directly ban the opponent's ad to cause the enemy's ad to block the output of the enemy's ad, but Zhou Yan does not do so, and the person he imprisoned is the violin girl.

The prince forced a group, clocked up to take a big move, and the violin girl took another big move. This round of control is really life-threatening. Once Wu Sen and Lin Dong are controlled, the game is lost, so the key point is not the opponent's. ad can't let the girl perform well

An imprisonment, hugged Qin Nu, and she wanted to flash to keep up with her teammates. As a result, she was so hugged, and coupled with the dragon girl's flutter, she was unable to keep up with the control skills, but suffered. A lot of damage to the opponent op refers to the damage caused by range skills)

The dragon girl's big move burns damage, the big move scrapes, the old tree's big move and a set of skills, and the bomber comes down from the sky.

The harp girl threw a big move towards the old tree in a panic, and then hid behind because his blood was already gone.

There is no such thing as a poor assistant.I rushed into the pile of people and thought I would finish it with a big move. As a result, I didn't do anything in a hurry because of the low resistance and health, and I didn't pay attention to the enemy's skills. Big move, soy sauce is thoroughly left in the rest of the time.

The question is, will the old tree care about a big move control? You can beat the thick skin

On the other side, the trapped Wu Sen was not panic. After the clockwork set of skills was completed, a trap bomb was placed in place, and he blew himself back very smartly, bringing the less than one-third of his health to the rear.

This blood volume was still sipped by the sons of the stars. Wu Sen knew that the clockwork was not very harmful. In addition, Xiaoya rarely gave her a sip, but fortunately, she didn't pay it. After the next explosion, she turned to The prince who is out of touch with his teammates throws a set of skills

哪 Where can a wild monster resistance go, for a bomber with 补 150 reinforcements, this prince cannot carry it at all

After a few seconds, the prince was seconded. Wu Sen glanced at Lin Dong who was chased by the crocodile and hurriedly threw a slow-down bomb on the ground to relieve Lin Dong's pressure.

Lin Dong's equipment is really bad, and even the crocodile that is not very developed is not moved a little, and Wu Sen hit a set of skills in the past. The crocodile was directly half-blooded. The horrible damage made the crocodile crying without tears. The dragon girl who started to break the line after u level is already very abnormal, this bomber is even more upright

After a while, the crocodile finally couldn't withstand the horrible harm and was slaughtered with the bomber.

After solving the crocodile, the two super meat front rows of Dragon Girl and Lao Shu immediately pulled back and merged with their own back rows.

At this time, there are only two people in the Ilhn team.Zhou Yan's old tree intentionally left a clockwork to run away after meeting with his teammates.

The output of Lin Dong and the bomber followed immediately, and took away the son of Xiaoya's stars before the mainspring.

了 The piano girl and the plane are left, and I dare not export them anymore. Even if the old tree's blood is gone, they only have to run ...

So, a wave of the prince's first team finally ended with 3, and the ln team died with an auxiliary, and the Ilhn team died with three generals ...

Needless to say, after the next ln killing people, we still need to take a big dragon

I was baffled ... ilhn team did not return to God for a long time, and the guests in the hall were puzzled ...

Mingming has such a big gap, he is clearly leading the economy. How did this wave lose?

If it is not the son of the stars, this actor deliberately gave a person a head, even a rhythm of 0 for 3 ~ www.novelmtl.com ~

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